I can't wait to see this. But, knowing the left they'll just give Obama another Nobel Peace Prize anyway for participation. Everyone gets an award. Nothing to see here.
Looks to me that Operation FISA meme's might have worked to show that public interest is high and just may lead to the declassification of those 20 docs sooner, rather than later!
From what we’ve been told, it appears there will be several drops of the hammer over the span of time. Between those periods, I believe that information will be revealed in a controled manner so as to best be able to bring people along in what is about to happen with the next “event”. Part of the “re-educative” process for the masses that have been bluepilled for so long.
I too am anxious for this first phase (DECLAS) to occur and it seems that it will be very shortly. Everything points to it: more and more text messages have been revealed with each subsequent drop more damning than the last, the recent intensity of the MSM media attacks on Q, Judge Kavanaugh’s imminent confirmation and obviously the proximity of the midterms. These are only a few of the events which over the span of the last couple of months seem to be building up in a crescendo to ultimately lead to the “first event”. Take heart fellow Patriots, we’re almost at the crest of the first roller coaster drop and it will be a wild ride! WWG1WGA!!!
There is always some false flag going off but no one can have a false flag when the emergency broadcast is being activated can they no interruption of the president
A good couple of months ago, the speculation was that Hillary was to be cuffed and arrested about Mid-October, before Halloween. That is what the talk was. Nothing definite, but if this is true, crunch time is coming.
As long as Obunga and the clintonics get gitmoed in the end its good.
I suggest live streaming webcam from the #Footnote presidents future cell and for a monthly fee people could subscribe to see hitlery´s cell and her antics in it.
Frustrated patriot that is not getting any thumbs... this platform is rigged like all the rest... trump needs to EO a ban on bias platforms and launch a state run NOW
September is a month to prepare: have food and water plus money and protection.
Three days supply for each family member. An emergency plan for the family members.
Fake news has to go down. Was talking today with an old democrat that voted for Trump. He said he won't ever vote that way again. All because he listens to fake news. Heres the kicker he next made fun of the fake coverage of the hurricane
I'm disappointed that another 9/11 anniversary has gone by without any official debunking of the official "conspiracy theory" of Muslim cave men armed with box-cutters.
Can’t wait to see Barry Setero & John Kerry called out for all their crimes Especially, now! Obama is campaigning in a desperate way to try to get libtards to win! BLUE FLUSH! Red wave RISING!!
1 : to drop large numbers of bombs so as to cause uniform devastation over (a given area)
2 : to bombard repeatedly, widely, or excessively - carpet-bomb the country with advertising
Wow - "Uniform devastation" over the deep state - repeatedly, widely, excessively - "carpet bomb" the nation with a POTUS EMERGENCY ALERT. I'd call that a MOAB!
I was totally going to post this definition , after scrolling thru so many replies with no mention of carpet bombs and the (>>>>MOAB) .. So I see a lot of small things coming, text, e mails etc then after a peppering of carpet bombs then add the mushroom cloud of MOAB. WWG1WGA
Call me doubting Thomas, but I need to see it to believe it. And that would be the arrest of the entire obama administration and all his little minions he has implanted in our government, tried and hanged for TREASON, no reprieve period.
What if the Presidential Alert Text is embedded with some hidden code that deactivates the "brainwash grip" of the Beast System, and suddenly everyone is WOKEN all at once? Kinda like in "The Kingsman"...
Carpet Bombs lead to MOAB (same letters as OBAMA)
Dashes before and after 17 could be morse code. Notice the short dash before 17.
N 17 M or
14 17 13 or
carpet bombs lead to MOAB
text messages will implicate 44 (Obama)
Trump will be able to make nearly ever American look at the evidence with an emergency alert text. Many will ignore it at first but the truth will plant a seed and the cognitive dissonance will grow until they accept the truth or go insane by choosing to continue to try and believe something their mind knows is a lie!
I don't want anyone going insane (there is enough insanity already), but I fear that some people, no matter what, will continue to ignore the truth. I know a couple of highly intelligent people (I'm talking graduate-level degrees in tech fields) who loathe Trump (they think he's a buffoon at a minimum, if not dangerous to freedom and the safety of the world) and think Q is all a LARP/hoax, and who will try to rationalize away any evidence as being "false". "You can make a sound clip to make it sound like Person X says whatever you want, and you won't be able to tell that it's a fake. You can make a video that makes it look like Person X does whatever you want", etc. (Yet they disbelieve that B.O.'s "birth certificate" is a fake!) I think you get the idea. Praying that God will reveal the truth HERE ON EARTH (I don't want to have to wait that long, to see it in heaven, I want it NOW) and that the Good Guys find a way to make even the reluctant believe it.
Cavanagh nomination is on the 20th, so there's that this week, but I doubt that's the MOAB. Maybe we'll have several goodies happen. Time to replenish the chocolate supply (my preference over popcorn).
I think the Trump/Q team is going to prosecute the enemy deep state in public by slow walking info. If they were to lay it all out it would be easy for the enemy to spin and deflect.
I think it's hilarious that they drop enough for them to deny or twist, then they get caught again in their own lies proving they have zero credibility. I think that's what O'Keefe is going to show with his Project Veritas video.
Carpet bagging guesses? Let see... Kavanaugh confirmed, FISA released, McCabe actually indicted, more incriminating texts ? And yes National Emergency Broadcast test--wonder what will happen with that?
The Presidential Alert will be 30 minutes long and straight to all cell phones. Read up on the details. Think about it. What could Trump, or anyone else, say directly to the people in that time frame?
Agreed. No way was that HRC after the moo moo dress she sported just a few weeks ago. That lady was way too thin to be HRC and the cameras never fixed on her for too long. It was obvious.
I think that Funeral was Just a Gathering for the Elite. Showing Their Numbers, that's All. A Bit of Intimidation? All It did was put all the Bad Actors in one Room, minus Bubba Bill, he was Hanging with the Bro's! lol However, The Generals were keeping Track of the Whose Who in DC! ha ha
Yep, and that fuckin' "funeral" was crazy. I couldn't stomach to watch more than a couple minutes but it went on and on and on. You'd think they were burying Christ himself for god's sake. What's worse is that MF No Name planned the whole thing...not much of an ego, huh?
I agree Senate rules need a Quorum(ahh sry no pun intended) in order to vote for confirmation. Can’t happen if majority of Senators are in the Brigg for treason
Agreed. The left will use ANY distraction to delay the vote, even if it means having to eat a few of their own. Vote, then MOAB. In the interim, some carpet bombs to scare the roaches.
Gitmo is Traitor Obummer’s future. Damn Deep State needs to be removed!! Drain the swamp...every last dirty drop.
What about a hunting party for the so-called “elites” ..nasty creatures.
That's exactly what I have thought since day one. They reason they have not released all the texts is because they were planning on taking out Trump Physically by force with an assassination or otherwise. Somethings you just know in your gut...this is one of them.
I believe it is Choreograph to go down as follows: (1) Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation, then (2) the successful test of the President's Emergency Broadcast System on 20 Sep 2018.
There is going to be only 1 shot at this, must make sure everything lined up. Don’t want to rush a step and have 1.public go against, 2. Loop hole don’t forget most are Attorneys even Hussien was supposedly a constitutional attorney (think he slept through most of classes or study got so much wrong) even visiting 57 states. 3. Well u get the idea. Stay the course they’ve had over 40 years to get their evil plan in place. I am willing to be patient to make sure all this evil cancer is dig out of the soul of our great country.
Agreed I should have been more accurate on dates I just meant since ending of ww2 they kicked it into high gear. Thnx for reminding me god bless & please take care
It has to be done with a complete 100% Sure thing that none of these traitors can get away with their many crimes. Also, there will be a state of unrest when the actual she..at hits the fan. The left-tards will implode and will be directed by the fake news.
It will happen!! Believe and pray!!
You are U taking to? Not me, buddy!
Vote RED !! Fight back and you sound like a left-tard with your negative attitude.
Activate yourselves!! VOTE!! Q said they will keep the election from any tampering..
I cannot imagine we patriots allowing ourselves to be thrown back into the "dark ages" by losing this election. We will not lose if we just show up and vote.
I vote every election, usually only have a RINO to vote for but I suck it up because the alternative is just to bad to contemplate. Still hurts but I suck it up.
Also just because you don’t see things publicaly because msm not covering it doesn’t mean it’s not happening I just found an article that seriously surprised me on a ton of guilty pleas and investigations currently ongoing I’ll paste the link have faith please be patient trust the plan. WWG1WGA, God Bless POTUS ,his family, Q and Team, and keep them safe to continue & finish this fight against pure evil.
I know it appears that big drops are timed for November, still this has gone on far too long . What happened to lock her up? If not just let the criminals loose in fly over country and see how long they last there.
My thoughts are that there may be a few arrests like Strozk and Page before Mid-terms, but the big ones like HRC and Hussein won't come until after, maybe even after 2020. While we Q followers are ready mentally, much of the country is not. Shock and disbelief could result in negatives for the Plan. However, once unredacted FISA doc is made public, some arrests must follow. Once 'we the people' know illegal and treasonous acts have occurred, arrests must be made to demonstrate that the AG is trustworthy and serious about upholding the law.
I agree. Everything must be in place and in order for the desired results to be achieved. I'm patiently waiting and enjoying the show for now. It's frustrating seeing the traitors free to do their thing, but atm l 'll trust the plan.
Yes, vote them out. We've got to show up at the polls in massive numbers. Offer rides to neighbors who don't drive or usually vote to get them there to vote. Encourage everyone you know to vote. Send the dems a message that the American people don't appreciate them dishonoring our flag, our veterans, our military, or our President. And their FAILED socialist ideas will not be tolerated in our great Republic.
This is a link to video showing whats been going on at the audit office recently :) very inspiring...loads has been done that we've not been told about :)
I know everyone are losing their patience with arrests not happening but unless you have everything airtight and ready for prosecution then all you efforts can go up in smoke. There is an order to everything they are doing. First they need to catch as many fish in the net as they can before they can filet them.
Yes, the whole Arab Spring was to get their MB buddies in place. Michelle Bachmann tried to warn us about how they were being placed in positions throughout our government, but was silenced and called a xenophobe. And anyone else who expressed concerns was ostracized and called the same.
They are going to have build up to Hilary and Obama, it is going to take the public slowly getting used to the idea that the swamp is actually as bad, or worse than they could possibly imagine. Going after Obama and Hilary until people really understand it would be a fools errand. This deep state is at minimum 40 years in the making, it isn't going to be taken down over night given how programmed most people are.
We think of HRC and Obama as the “big fish” but in reality, they are just pawns to the 13 blood lines. There are many global criminal elites far more powerful.
Think centuries, Patriot. Probably millennia. We are going after the Adversary (who is actually prince of this world). He has been working on this for a very, very long time.
Look into the NESARA act. It already exists, it just needs to be ANNOUNCED PUBLICLY to go into effect. National Economic Security And Reformation Act. Look it up on YouTube vids. They give you the entire history of this act. Also, see YouTube vid. channel: dnajilion7 Titled: Global currency reset destroying luciferian pedophiles. Mind blowing info. I have lots more stuff to share please up vote me so I can spread the news. Thank you.
any recommendations of written sites to visit about this? Did a search but there's a lot of info out there, including misinfo definitely based on results
The left thinks we have an unreasonable amount of hate for HRC. They can understand why and are blind to her or Obama's crap. Just don't want to see it.
Yeah, Obama is still riding high from the Ethics award he just received from the University of Illinois. We probably should let him bask in the glow of his own greatness for awhile.
Yeah---he's very good at that---basking in the glow of his own greatness. I can't wait for him to be outed for the traitor he is. I hope they take all those phony awards away form him---including the shameful Nobel prize that was bestowed on him.
I'm sure your correct. Like all the foundations these politicians start. They aren't interested in charity they are just fronts for money laundering, human trafficking. Who would have believed that the red cross was just another tool for raising money for the cabal. Lies ,lies, lies.
I trust the plan, but I cannot conceive how Q can defeat something that is so pervasive and engulfing that it occupies every gov't and major corporation on earth. I am in awe at the control this cabal exerts and I'm sure we don't know the half of it.
Well it has been in the planning for some time. I think the major hurdle was waking people up and there are still so many asleep and seem to have no desire to wake up. I personally feel that it is a God thing. God works through people and they don't have to be Christians for God to use them. God is not mocked and He is using the Q team and Potus, military, NSA, Patriiots and many others to take down the satan worshipping cabal. There have been many prayers for this awakening. It is a political awakening as well as spiritual. I think Trump recognizes that as well as others. We can't become complacent. We have to keep praying, and staying involved in what ever way we can. The victory is ours but the battle is the Lord's. To God be the glory. Just my opinion.
The power of prayer, the positive thoughts of so many people focused on the same positive outcome seems to create and influence the reality around us. I firmly believe that to be true.
I agree and I think the Q team does as well and that is why they are always speaking so positively and have ask for the prayers of people--especially so in the early posts. Q51,54,69, 103, 104, 105, 107. Going back and reading those first 100 Q posts just brings chills. There was a real battle going on there and not just on the boards but Patriots were getting killed on the field. We should all go back on occasion and read the Q posts from the beginning as a reminder. I find that easiest to do on the Q Clearance Archive. http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/index.php?page=qposts
It will be interesting to see what the investigation of the plane crash reveals that killed that young woman with whom he’s been associated since she was a little girl, whose mother or aunt was an associate of the one who calls himself “James Alefantis”.
Are you talking about the one in Arizona? Mariah Coogan? I looked into at one time and I don't think its the same girl, but that was just my eyes comparing pics of then and now.
It was suspected and I do not know the conclusion, but I looked at the pictures and it doesn't match up to "Maggie" for me. I did find some newer pics of "Maggie" somewhere recent that very much resembled her. Sorry, I didn't keep any of it, I was comfortable with my own conclusion and moved on, but I'm sure if you dig around on 8chan its there somewhere probably.
Ty, I’ll look. Information has flowed very swiftly and every day it’s something new. I’m still interested in the outcome of the investigation. If Q posted it, it must have significance, and the fact that it’s now being investigated makes it someone’s priority. We shall see.
God pulled the veil back for me in May two years ago. I’m trying to remember now when it was that I started following Q. I’m thinking it was the spring of this year...I actually felt hopeful in a country that I suddenly didn’t recognize any more. I believe that we have a reprieve, but it requires action on our part.
It’s a relief to know how many others around the world have awakened to this encroaching evil darkness. I pray very hard for our Commander-in-Chief, the 9 and the 11, truth seekers and speakers, and patriots and saints...and Q, of course...WWG1WGA!!!
Obama also said he had no controversies during his eight years and had one of the most transparent administrations. he thinks he can rewrite history by simply saying it.
Kind of like when he won the Nobel Peace prize without having done a single thing yet to deserve it. All he did was promise hope and got the award and then proceeded to destroy hope for the next 8 years.
The cabal controls everything, so I assume they control the Nobel committee too. They pulled out all the stops to create Black Jesus, and it worked. Now we must pull back the curtain.
That has always bothered me. How the hell did he deserve that? Trump basically got NK to disarm! If anyone deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, it's Trump!🇺🇸WWG1WGA🇺🇸
I still...cannot believe he was given a Nobel Peace prize. FOR DOING NOTHING. Truly incredible.... "Don't count your chickens before they hatch" comes to mind.
I was just reading the essay "Civil Disobedience " by Henry David Thoreau. He went to jail for refusing to pay taxes to a government that promoted slavery. It took another generation for his issue with the government to be solved. The corruption that is being brought to light began many years ago. If it is exposed in our lifetime we should be happy.
Until I start seeing these pos bastards dragged out for perp walks, in handcuffs...I'm remaining cautiously optimistic. I've seen this show before. Clinton and her filth always get away.
I don't disagree, I have a good time with it, but still waiting. We did see no name get justice, but it was handled in private, so that didn't satisfy me any.
Many are losing faith in Trump because nothing has been done to reign in the deep state. Not one arrest, all the culprits except Brennan keep their security clearances. Obama and Hillary and Kerry all regularly in public blasting the president as though they are immune to all law. Seriously what gives? The President IS the head of all law enforcement.
Giving them the rope to hang themselves! Trump could have already declassified He is waiting for the right time. McCaine was put to death Kasich admitted it being interviewed More are coming!
Yeah, I know. I have let my hopes rise in the past and was disappointed. But I know they do not consult with me regarding time to strike, but if they did it would be D-day.
D5 doesn't mean we will be getting their shopping list!
I, too, hunger for that evidence, and anything about the death of Scalia (john brennan) but until then, I have an image that shows part of a single DOJ investigation (1 of 22) that discusses Seth Rich. Enjoy!
Is this the first of its kind? A presidential EA? I imagine this is to prepare us for a direct line of communication, if say, the internets go down? I'll be all real relaxed, sitting on my driveway in a lawn chair drinkin' a beer telling my husband and neighbors about this one time on reddit...
sexylarrytate ago
sb2 statement https://www.reddit.com/user/SerialBrain2/comments/9gdji5/assessing_the_voat_stop_lets_talk_about_the_exodus/?st=jm5ad21y&sh=2329579d
MrDigging17 ago
I can't wait to see this. But, knowing the left they'll just give Obama another Nobel Peace Prize anyway for participation. Everyone gets an award. Nothing to see here.
MRiggs ago
Obama and Hillary crimes are surfacing with the bombs coming I think it will show there connections more ... with Feinstein connection to China
Looks to me that Operation FISA meme's might have worked to show that public interest is high and just may lead to the declassification of those 20 docs sooner, rather than later!
Buster1 ago
cant wait
Buster1 ago
Ponycam ago
With carpet bombs leading to MOAB, it could be release of texts getting more and more incriminating leading up to FISA declas.
Q_Continuum ago
From what we’ve been told, it appears there will be several drops of the hammer over the span of time. Between those periods, I believe that information will be revealed in a controled manner so as to best be able to bring people along in what is about to happen with the next “event”. Part of the “re-educative” process for the masses that have been bluepilled for so long.
I too am anxious for this first phase (DECLAS) to occur and it seems that it will be very shortly. Everything points to it: more and more text messages have been revealed with each subsequent drop more damning than the last, the recent intensity of the MSM media attacks on Q, Judge Kavanaugh’s imminent confirmation and obviously the proximity of the midterms. These are only a few of the events which over the span of the last couple of months seem to be building up in a crescendo to ultimately lead to the “first event”. Take heart fellow Patriots, we’re almost at the crest of the first roller coaster drop and it will be a wild ride! WWG1WGA!!!
jrpark05 ago
It really does seem like the noose is tightening, and also, Manafort implicated Obama and Biden in his plea deal, not Trump.
SuzanneG100 ago
There is always some false flag going off but no one can have a false flag when the emergency broadcast is being activated can they no interruption of the president
Jay_J ago
A good couple of months ago, the speculation was that Hillary was to be cuffed and arrested about Mid-October, before Halloween. That is what the talk was. Nothing definite, but if this is true, crunch time is coming.
SpitFire1592 ago
Ohh that’s gonna be great and I’m hoping on my B’day too 9/17 it’s been a very very active date through out history too. God Bless and be safe
musicmaker1 ago
Who will be the next big one to fall? Wiki Leeks might get into the act if POTUS delays. October surprise? Save the children!
FlyoverCountry ago
I think people are missing something vital in the Q drops about the test of the emergency alert system. The details of how it is to be done.
Starts at 2:18 pm EDT. Straight to people’s cell phones. For 30 minutes. Presidential alert.
How much can be said directly to the people during 30 minutes over cell phones and bypassing the media?
Just be sure to remember to keep your phones charged.
Curious_1_Q ago
This week will be explosive
Dripping of texts >>> carpet bombs
Release everything at once = people get angry then forget about it when nothing happens Waiting had been difficult (necessary)
DECLAS (20) >>> MOAB
More indictments released
Hang on its gonna get bumpy
Don_Tomaso ago
As long as Obunga and the clintonics get gitmoed in the end its good.
I suggest live streaming webcam from the #Footnote presidents future cell and for a monthly fee people could subscribe to see hitlery´s cell and her antics in it.
Perseide ago
Right on!!!!!
E-ster ago
So where are these emails coming from and why coming out now and not before? My suspicion radar is up.
tonkatina ago
Moab is also a city in Utah
Savora67 ago
You must own a olllllllo
Patriot7 ago
I believe carpet bombs will be more stars showing their symbolism. Symbolism will be their downfall
Ukpatriotwarrior ago
Frustrated patriot that is not getting any thumbs... this platform is rigged like all the rest... trump needs to EO a ban on bias platforms and launch a state run NOW
Lord_GA_GA ago
My thought was that Q was indicating that carpet bombs are greater that a moab for our purposes.
I lot of little bombs that do more damage than one big one.
Peck181818 ago
Good things come to those who wait... unless you're deep state... then you're just screwed... we have it all... timing is everything...
rickki6 ago
Hell to the yea !
Runningfree ago
Where we go 1 we go all!
Kenafren ago
September is a month to prepare: have food and water plus money and protection. Three days supply for each family member. An emergency plan for the family members.
QRST7 ago
Fake news has to go down. Was talking today with an old democrat that voted for Trump. He said he won't ever vote that way again. All because he listens to fake news. Heres the kicker he next made fun of the fake coverage of the hurricane
Jesus2day777 ago
I've got my popcorn 🍿 ready, hope it doesn't get stale waiting on the show to start. Enough with the trailers, get on with the show!
stp ago
yea man
rebelfofoz ago
I'm disappointed that another 9/11 anniversary has gone by without any official debunking of the official "conspiracy theory" of Muslim cave men armed with box-cutters.
rebelfofoz ago
Re: They want you divided
Q left out two VERY important methods how we are being divided:
by gender (women being incited against men, MRM vs gynocentrism)
by generation (40+ being marginalised, being modern/cool vs being wise/experienced)
TeresaStaab ago
Can’t wait to see Barry Setero & John Kerry called out for all their crimes Especially, now! Obama is campaigning in a desperate way to try to get libtards to win! BLUE FLUSH! Red wave RISING!!
Ponycam ago
Potus is going to do this to someone. http://gif-finder.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/B-52-Carpet-Bombing.gifGIF Can't wait to see who it is!
data57 ago
Drop the MOAB NOW!!! 😁
IChooseLight ago
Definition of carpet-bomb
1 : to drop large numbers of bombs so as to cause uniform devastation over (a given area) 2 : to bombard repeatedly, widely, or excessively - carpet-bomb the country with advertising
Wow - "Uniform devastation" over the deep state - repeatedly, widely, excessively - "carpet bomb" the nation with a POTUS EMERGENCY ALERT. I'd call that a MOAB!
tjliberty69 ago
I was totally going to post this definition , after scrolling thru so many replies with no mention of carpet bombs and the (>>>>MOAB) .. So I see a lot of small things coming, text, e mails etc then after a peppering of carpet bombs then add the mushroom cloud of MOAB. WWG1WGA
Maubi1 ago
Call me doubting Thomas, but I need to see it to believe it. And that would be the arrest of the entire obama administration and all his little minions he has implanted in our government, tried and hanged for TREASON, no reprieve period.
Ginny1952 ago
WHY does everyone think the presidents message is anything but a test? What do you know that I dont know?
Ukpatriotwarrior ago
Patriot just moved across.. up votes required please so I can join the action 🙏👍
trich1972 ago
Please upvote all comments so we can all participate, thanks
ButtersThatsMe ago
HRC & BO need to be tried and sent to Gittmo 4 treason.
fuckUspezthecuck ago
please just let it happen already
fujison ago
Hoppy54 ago
Obama's lawyer just lawered up. https://www.wnd.com/2018/09/obamas-former-white-house-counsel-lawyers-up/?cat_orig=politics
Truth2Light ago
Isn't it hilariously ironic that the lawyers of the lawyers are lawyering up. You can't make this up, it's habbening!
Runningfree ago
Love it
JenMoonBeagle ago
What if the Presidential Alert Text is embedded with some hidden code that deactivates the "brainwash grip" of the Beast System, and suddenly everyone is WOKEN all at once? Kinda like in "The Kingsman"...
Jcab3842 ago
Ah my first Q drop in nearly 4 days MOAB sounds serious bring it on drain the swamp👍👏👏👏👏
DJB ago
would someone plz clarify this bunch of ppl who say VP is secretly against potus?
fujison ago
eronburr ago
I like to imagine FBI arresting someone on the red carpet.
FogLight_Q ago
Any good leads as to what the MOAB is expected to be?
SolidTap ago
Carpet Bombs lead to MOAB (same letters as OBAMA) Dashes before and after 17 could be morse code. Notice the short dash before 17. N 17 M or 14 17 13 or 14+17+13= 44 carpet bombs lead to MOAB text messages will implicate 44 (Obama)
Pat_Riot ago
Trump will be able to make nearly ever American look at the evidence with an emergency alert text. Many will ignore it at first but the truth will plant a seed and the cognitive dissonance will grow until they accept the truth or go insane by choosing to continue to try and believe something their mind knows is a lie!
geogardener ago
I don't want anyone going insane (there is enough insanity already), but I fear that some people, no matter what, will continue to ignore the truth. I know a couple of highly intelligent people (I'm talking graduate-level degrees in tech fields) who loathe Trump (they think he's a buffoon at a minimum, if not dangerous to freedom and the safety of the world) and think Q is all a LARP/hoax, and who will try to rationalize away any evidence as being "false". "You can make a sound clip to make it sound like Person X says whatever you want, and you won't be able to tell that it's a fake. You can make a video that makes it look like Person X does whatever you want", etc. (Yet they disbelieve that B.O.'s "birth certificate" is a fake!) I think you get the idea. Praying that God will reveal the truth HERE ON EARTH (I don't want to have to wait that long, to see it in heaven, I want it NOW) and that the Good Guys find a way to make even the reluctant believe it.
Astroplaner ago
Bring the Pain!!!
Outcome5 ago
Is this a way to communicate with the population in emergencies other than natural? For instance a hostile interrupting other forms of communication?
quietriot1967 ago
Let's drop flying carpet bombs with cabal heat sense chasers!
time_for_tribunals ago
Presidential alert text message is a great way to skip past the corrupt MSM and deliver crucial messages directly to the people.
just a heads up, you may need to have government alerts turned on under the notification settings on your phone to receive them.
Time4puff ago
It'll be the way to get around Twitter too. I know POTUS is the Twitter master but I've always been concerned with Twitter cutting off his account.
Ungarnhun ago
I thought I read in an post that Q expected that?
IlluminatiKing ago
Interesting. I'm getting a text from the president :D
letortfort ago
Cavanagh nomination is on the 20th, so there's that this week, but I doubt that's the MOAB. Maybe we'll have several goodies happen. Time to replenish the chocolate supply (my preference over popcorn).
Tastemyrainbow ago
I think the Trump/Q team is going to prosecute the enemy deep state in public by slow walking info. If they were to lay it all out it would be easy for the enemy to spin and deflect.
Truth2Light ago
I think it's hilarious that they drop enough for them to deny or twist, then they get caught again in their own lies proving they have zero credibility. I think that's what O'Keefe is going to show with his Project Veritas video.
UnknownStalker ago
Carpet bombs = wide array of bombs that will leave the enemy scrambling > MOAB = one big BOOM
Light'em up Q!
Seesoo ago
Right. They aren't the only ones who know how to use division tactics, and Q does it better!
Awake2Truth ago
Carpet bagging guesses? Let see... Kavanaugh confirmed, FISA released, McCabe actually indicted, more incriminating texts ? And yes National Emergency Broadcast test--wonder what will happen with that?
FlyoverCountry ago
The Presidential Alert will be 30 minutes long and straight to all cell phones. Read up on the details. Think about it. What could Trump, or anyone else, say directly to the people in that time frame?
Awake2Truth ago
TY-I will definitely research more. Wouldn't that be interest to hear a national statement! Highly unlikely, but definitely an opportunity.
Slimpickens1 ago
Why would Huma Abedin even have been at no names funeral? Upvotes for an old cowpoke?
RadioactiveCowboy66 ago
Upvote from an old radioactivecowpoke
Slimpickens1 ago
trich1972 ago
Why do you think??? At a funeral you don’t need a computer to communicate to your comrades.
CerialBrain3 ago
It looked like HRC body double attending funeral. Huma on video pleading L Graham on behalf of HRC (possibly).
Awake2Truth ago
Totally a double--much too young to be Hillary.
1ARights ago
Agreed. No way was that HRC after the moo moo dress she sported just a few weeks ago. That lady was way too thin to be HRC and the cameras never fixed on her for too long. It was obvious.
Savora67 ago
I'm wondering in all the truth that will come to light if the public will be made aware of cloning capabilities?
Lordsendme1019 ago
Hey friend to get the upvoats that matter, you need to make an original post (quality content) and earn your 100 votes that way.
tonkatina ago
How can you need to make an original post to earn 100 points if you need 10 points to make a OP? I am sooo confused?
irishgirlus ago
I think that Funeral was Just a Gathering for the Elite. Showing Their Numbers, that's All. A Bit of Intimidation? All It did was put all the Bad Actors in one Room, minus Bubba Bill, he was Hanging with the Bro's! lol However, The Generals were keeping Track of the Whose Who in DC! ha ha
PawPaw1939 ago
Think guilt by association!
Awake2Truth ago
Supposedly a group of 12 of those attending the funeral also met in a SCIF before or afterwards--so it does seem that it was a gathering.
Truth2Light ago
Interesting, please tell us more. Names?
BadMonk ago
Yep, and that fuckin' "funeral" was crazy. I couldn't stomach to watch more than a couple minutes but it went on and on and on. You'd think they were burying Christ himself for god's sake. What's worse is that MF No Name planned the whole thing...not much of an ego, huh?
survey_girl ago
And Q team had taken out their comms just before, so it was a way for them to all get back in touch with each other!
stmfg ago
I believe the Kavanaugh confirmation vote is Thursday, so the drop could be immediately afterward or on Friday.
SpitFire1592 ago
The vote to come out of committy is scheduled for 20th then will schedule full senate when released to full senate
Trojanbear ago
I kind of doubt it will be Friday- A MOAB would get lost in the weekend- To get optimal coverage, it should be dropped at the beginning of the week.
trich1972 ago
I agree!
Pickzilla ago
Same day as the "test". Hrmmmm.
MrDarkWater ago
And ten days of darkness, then a week from Monday we'll be living in a different world
Cloudkicka ago
We’ve all been waiting for declas day. Here’s hoping.
Jaspony ago
Truth2Light ago
Looking forward to this.
23Psalms ago
Sends out unredacted fisa to every american or a video confession....
PawPaw1939 ago
OH! I like that idea - it never occurred to me! Yahooooo
Ungarnhun ago
That would be really funny.
QAnonIsAwesome ago
I still believe it will be after the Senate confirms Kavanaugh and he is sworn in.
SpitFire1592 ago
I agree Senate rules need a Quorum(ahh sry no pun intended) in order to vote for confirmation. Can’t happen if majority of Senators are in the Brigg for treason
1ARights ago
Agreed. The left will use ANY distraction to delay the vote, even if it means having to eat a few of their own. Vote, then MOAB. In the interim, some carpet bombs to scare the roaches.
CaptnObvius ago
Kavanaugh is as good as confirmed, all they have to do is pull the trigger.
PawPaw1939 ago
Perhaps it will happen on Q day?!
CaptnObvius ago
They have a timeline, all we can do is watch and wait.
trich1972 ago
Im still undecided about Kavanaugh, he has been a deep stater!!!
ButtersThatsMe ago
My cousin said the same thing. WWG1WGA
Highly plausible
JB858 ago
Same here. Key to advancing the plan.
WickedBaker ago
I agree. Too much distraction.
tahitianon ago
CNN is gonna be happy to see an uptick in audience, only to be scared when they realize the reason LOL
1ARights ago
I thought the same thing. Then thought they were going to be pissed. Then hoped their hands were tied and Q forced them to write it. Lol
Ungarnhun ago
Well maybe not, it may be their reporters.
KaputtmacherNL ago
lol, was thinking the same thing. Thinq was a typo but i'll leave it like that.
Bludgie ago
Woohoo!!!! Do it, Don!!!
RidingWithTheKBoys ago
The storm is here. Get ready
socomtom ago
Soon, I hope. Very soon!
Stopmotionhistory ago
Please President Trump throw the Q anons just 1 more bone. Capitalize a letter unnecessarily for us. Or buy me a shot of Vodka, Ball iS in your court.
Neon__Wolf ago
Ddboomer ago
Gitmo is Traitor Obummer’s future. Damn Deep State needs to be removed!! Drain the swamp...every last dirty drop. What about a hunting party for the so-called “elites” ..nasty creatures. WWG1WGA
tonkatina ago
I can barely wait :)
GlendaleBurbank ago
That's exactly what I have thought since day one. They reason they have not released all the texts is because they were planning on taking out Trump Physically by force with an assassination or otherwise. Somethings you just know in your gut...this is one of them.
PawPaw1939 ago
I believe it is Choreograph to go down as follows: (1) Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation, then (2) the successful test of the President's Emergency Broadcast System on 20 Sep 2018.
GlendaleBurbank ago
The emergency broadcast system alert has been moved to Wed. 10/3 FYI
Full_Armour ago
It is time. tired of waiting. Let's get this done.
Abi73 ago
watch https://youtu.be/n9Rc4h2OiF0YouTube as you'll see loads has been done :)
SpitFire1592 ago
There is going to be only 1 shot at this, must make sure everything lined up. Don’t want to rush a step and have 1.public go against, 2. Loop hole don’t forget most are Attorneys even Hussien was supposedly a constitutional attorney (think he slept through most of classes or study got so much wrong) even visiting 57 states. 3. Well u get the idea. Stay the course they’ve had over 40 years to get their evil plan in place. I am willing to be patient to make sure all this evil cancer is dig out of the soul of our great country.
Tmb17q ago
Absolutely agree, but the deep state took over in 1909, So they have had over a 100 years for the plan. We got to be bullet proof. WWG1WGA
SpitFire1592 ago
Agreed I should have been more accurate on dates I just meant since ending of ww2 they kicked it into high gear. Thnx for reminding me god bless & please take care
Bhaktadasa ago
Everyone is tired of waiting.
Ddboomer ago
It has to be done with a complete 100% Sure thing that none of these traitors can get away with their many crimes. Also, there will be a state of unrest when the actual she..at hits the fan. The left-tards will implode and will be directed by the fake news. It will happen!! Believe and pray!!
spaceace66 ago
You complacent mother fuckers are going to give the midterms to the Democrats!!!! Fuck you!!!!
Ddboomer ago
You are U taking to? Not me, buddy! Vote RED !! Fight back and you sound like a left-tard with your negative attitude. Activate yourselves!! VOTE!! Q said they will keep the election from any tampering..
nutopian_anon ago
I cannot imagine we patriots allowing ourselves to be thrown back into the "dark ages" by losing this election. We will not lose if we just show up and vote.
desertratlc ago
I vote every election, usually only have a RINO to vote for but I suck it up because the alternative is just to bad to contemplate. Still hurts but I suck it up.
SpitFire1592 ago
Also just because you don’t see things publicaly because msm not covering it doesn’t mean it’s not happening I just found an article that seriously surprised me on a ton of guilty pleas and investigations currently ongoing I’ll paste the link have faith please be patient trust the plan. WWG1WGA, God Bless POTUS ,his family, Q and Team, and keep them safe to continue & finish this fight against pure evil. https://americandigitalnews.com/2018/08/31/oig-semiannual-audit-results/#.W50_W6QpCaO
common-citizen ago
I know it appears that big drops are timed for November, still this has gone on far too long . What happened to lock her up? If not just let the criminals loose in fly over country and see how long they last there.
Seesoo ago
My thoughts are that there may be a few arrests like Strozk and Page before Mid-terms, but the big ones like HRC and Hussein won't come until after, maybe even after 2020. While we Q followers are ready mentally, much of the country is not. Shock and disbelief could result in negatives for the Plan. However, once unredacted FISA doc is made public, some arrests must follow. Once 'we the people' know illegal and treasonous acts have occurred, arrests must be made to demonstrate that the AG is trustworthy and serious about upholding the law.
Truth2Light ago
I agree. Everything must be in place and in order for the desired results to be achieved. I'm patiently waiting and enjoying the show for now. It's frustrating seeing the traitors free to do their thing, but atm l 'll trust the plan.
Tmb17q ago
IMHO I think we have to wait for the moans till after midterms, if the red wave does not happen, its all for nothing. Vote the dems out in November
Truth2Light ago
Yes, vote them out. We've got to show up at the polls in massive numbers. Offer rides to neighbors who don't drive or usually vote to get them there to vote. Encourage everyone you know to vote. Send the dems a message that the American people don't appreciate them dishonoring our flag, our veterans, our military, or our President. And their FAILED socialist ideas will not be tolerated in our great Republic.
Abi73 ago
This is a link to video showing whats been going on at the audit office recently :) very inspiring...loads has been done that we've not been told about :)
common-citizen ago
I watched a video last night about the audit subject. Maybe there still is hope.
Abi73 ago
Yes I did too! I shared it on gab I also did put a link on a reply to a comment on here as I cant post yet .there is hope :)
trich1972 ago
I know everyone are losing their patience with arrests not happening but unless you have everything airtight and ready for prosecution then all you efforts can go up in smoke. There is an order to everything they are doing. First they need to catch as many fish in the net as they can before they can filet them.
Ukpatriotwarrior ago
How do I get 10 thumbs to get involved... #frustratedpatriot... this site is shadow banning and steering already me thinks
common-citizen ago
I went here and asked for votes as others did to get started. Good luck patriot. https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2715538
Full_Armour ago
I'm in fly over space. Yeah we can take care of this carp if they can't.
TeresaStaab ago
common-citizen ago
I'm in fly over too and I'm with you.
DPM_Green ago
My fear is that key players will be killed off or silenced before the trap has sprung. Remaining hopeful still..
DigOnAndOnAnon ago
Any theories on this "suicide" weekend? Doorknobs or metaphors, I wonder.
TeresaStaab ago
Trust the plan! WWG1WGA!!
common-citizen ago
IMO it's they'll die of old age never being punished.
J-MB1 ago
What or who is MB, it doesn't come to mind. Thanks
PawPaw1939 ago
I believe it stands for Muslim Brotherhood!
Refugee-From-r-GA ago
Muslim Brotherhood
Necro_clown ago
Someone is paying attention in class
Truth2Light ago
Yes, the whole Arab Spring was to get their MB buddies in place. Michelle Bachmann tried to warn us about how they were being placed in positions throughout our government, but was silenced and called a xenophobe. And anyone else who expressed concerns was ostracized and called the same.
patrat102 ago
Don't think the Obama exposure is yet---but it does look like an exciting week ahead. I'm ready to enjoy the show.
Buster1 ago
im ready
RealityIsntReal ago
Enjooooooy the shoooow
desertratlc ago
Like all good investigations, must start at the bottom and work up. Takes time.
bornfree2 ago
it looks like project Veritas is coming out with their video regarding the deep state. Should be interesting. https://twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1040969234233401344
condor819 ago
Ordered one of those multi-popcorn tins with the regular, cheese and caramel flavored!!! :-)
Truth2Light ago
Looking forward to it. Truth will be revealed.
Awake2Truth ago
This should be very interesting!
PhanMan69 ago
I hope he gets some good stuff that can’t be dismissed. Watching the deep state squirm will be entertaining.
M-C-G ago
They are going to have build up to Hilary and Obama, it is going to take the public slowly getting used to the idea that the swamp is actually as bad, or worse than they could possibly imagine. Going after Obama and Hilary until people really understand it would be a fools errand. This deep state is at minimum 40 years in the making, it isn't going to be taken down over night given how programmed most people are.
timmeev ago
We think of HRC and Obama as the “big fish” but in reality, they are just pawns to the 13 blood lines. There are many global criminal elites far more powerful.
Lindorinel ago
Think centuries, Patriot. Probably millennia. We are going after the Adversary (who is actually prince of this world). He has been working on this for a very, very long time.
condor819 ago
Yep...Comey and the 'Low' high level gang of thugs first and then then the 'High' low level thugs next (CH and BO) and then Next ???? WWG1WWGA
trich1972 ago
The Deep State has been at their evil deeds since Woodrow Wilson. They just kept passing the baton🏃🏻♂️🏃♀️
BillMunny ago
It goes back further than that, Reagan tried, and they tried to assassinate him, it was never the same after.
quillsong ago
Look into the NESARA act. It already exists, it just needs to be ANNOUNCED PUBLICLY to go into effect. National Economic Security And Reformation Act. Look it up on YouTube vids. They give you the entire history of this act. Also, see YouTube vid. channel: dnajilion7 Titled: Global currency reset destroying luciferian pedophiles. Mind blowing info. I have lots more stuff to share please up vote me so I can spread the news. Thank you.
Soakingitup123 ago
any recommendations of written sites to visit about this? Did a search but there's a lot of info out there, including misinfo definitely based on results
quillsong ago
About the red carpet event? They kept mentioning 17. Which is Q.
Koisville ago
I think that you are right about this....I am looking forward to seeing that Kerry goes down with treason too!!!!
TexasInfidel ago
1947/48 rings any bells? Its at the very least 70 years for modern times The same spirit was around back in 1776 as well
MrDigging17 ago
The left thinks we have an unreasonable amount of hate for HRC. They can understand why and are blind to her or Obama's crap. Just don't want to see it.
Pat_Riot ago
"They" want you to think in terms of left and right. Let that thinking go.
DPM_Green ago
Yes! - No more Left and Right. United. Togetherness. Good.
tonkatina ago
They way America should be. I cannot even talk politics with my husband.
CaptnObvius ago
Yeah, Obama is still riding high from the Ethics award he just received from the University of Illinois. We probably should let him bask in the glow of his own greatness for awhile.
patrat102 ago
Yeah---he's very good at that---basking in the glow of his own greatness. I can't wait for him to be outed for the traitor he is. I hope they take all those phony awards away form him---including the shameful Nobel prize that was bestowed on him.
CaptnObvius ago
ALL of these awards are cabal controlled infiltration of organizations to sell the greatest con job in history.
patrat102 ago
I'm sure your correct. Like all the foundations these politicians start. They aren't interested in charity they are just fronts for money laundering, human trafficking. Who would have believed that the red cross was just another tool for raising money for the cabal. Lies ,lies, lies.
CaptnObvius ago
I trust the plan, but I cannot conceive how Q can defeat something that is so pervasive and engulfing that it occupies every gov't and major corporation on earth. I am in awe at the control this cabal exerts and I'm sure we don't know the half of it.
patrat102 ago
Well it has been in the planning for some time. I think the major hurdle was waking people up and there are still so many asleep and seem to have no desire to wake up. I personally feel that it is a God thing. God works through people and they don't have to be Christians for God to use them. God is not mocked and He is using the Q team and Potus, military, NSA, Patriiots and many others to take down the satan worshipping cabal. There have been many prayers for this awakening. It is a political awakening as well as spiritual. I think Trump recognizes that as well as others. We can't become complacent. We have to keep praying, and staying involved in what ever way we can. The victory is ours but the battle is the Lord's. To God be the glory. Just my opinion.
CaptnObvius ago
The power of prayer, the positive thoughts of so many people focused on the same positive outcome seems to create and influence the reality around us. I firmly believe that to be true.
patrat102 ago
I agree and I think the Q team does as well and that is why they are always speaking so positively and have ask for the prayers of people--especially so in the early posts. Q51,54,69, 103, 104, 105, 107. Going back and reading those first 100 Q posts just brings chills. There was a real battle going on there and not just on the boards but Patriots were getting killed on the field. We should all go back on occasion and read the Q posts from the beginning as a reminder. I find that easiest to do on the Q Clearance Archive. http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/index.php?page=qposts
Baloneysniffer ago
It will be interesting to see what the investigation of the plane crash reveals that killed that young woman with whom he’s been associated since she was a little girl, whose mother or aunt was an associate of the one who calls himself “James Alefantis”.
CaptnObvius ago
Are you talking about the one in Arizona? Mariah Coogan? I looked into at one time and I don't think its the same girl, but that was just my eyes comparing pics of then and now.
Baloneysniffer ago
Yes. I thought it was suspected she was one and the same. Was she?
CaptnObvius ago
It was suspected and I do not know the conclusion, but I looked at the pictures and it doesn't match up to "Maggie" for me. I did find some newer pics of "Maggie" somewhere recent that very much resembled her. Sorry, I didn't keep any of it, I was comfortable with my own conclusion and moved on, but I'm sure if you dig around on 8chan its there somewhere probably.
Baloneysniffer ago
Ty, I’ll look. Information has flowed very swiftly and every day it’s something new. I’m still interested in the outcome of the investigation. If Q posted it, it must have significance, and the fact that it’s now being investigated makes it someone’s priority. We shall see.
CaptnObvius ago
Hopefully some autist will give it a detailed investigation, I'm not that autist, so I'll just wait and see what others come up with. Maggie Nixon is the girl to investigate. https://www.sgtreport.com/2018/04/where-are-you-maggie-nixon/
Baloneysniffer ago
Me neither...prayer warrior here. Ty for the link
CaptnObvius ago
We're all here to crowdsource information and educate. I learn something every day and I've been following Q since day one. WW1WGA
Baloneysniffer ago
God pulled the veil back for me in May two years ago. I’m trying to remember now when it was that I started following Q. I’m thinking it was the spring of this year...I actually felt hopeful in a country that I suddenly didn’t recognize any more. I believe that we have a reprieve, but it requires action on our part. It’s a relief to know how many others around the world have awakened to this encroaching evil darkness. I pray very hard for our Commander-in-Chief, the 9 and the 11, truth seekers and speakers, and patriots and saints...and Q, of course...WWG1WGA!!!
CaptnObvius ago
Its hope that the entire world hasn't felt in a long time. I understand exactly, we all feel the same thing.
tonkatina ago
Ethics! You have got to be kidding me!
ObamasPinkSock ago
I'll just leave this here...JPG
Trojanbear ago
Obama also said he had no controversies during his eight years and had one of the most transparent administrations. he thinks he can rewrite history by simply saying it.
BillMunny ago
Not a chance, he basked in undue adulation for eight years, I want him and his gay lover Michael behind bars.
MrDigging17 ago
Kind of like when he won the Nobel Peace prize without having done a single thing yet to deserve it. All he did was promise hope and got the award and then proceeded to destroy hope for the next 8 years.
CaptnObvius ago
The cabal controls everything, so I assume they control the Nobel committee too. They pulled out all the stops to create Black Jesus, and it worked. Now we must pull back the curtain.
DigOnAndOnAnon ago
So glad I can freely say yo'bama without my comment being deleted. Not fucking racist, Reddit.
IBannedReddit ago
That has always bothered me. How the hell did he deserve that? Trump basically got NK to disarm! If anyone deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, it's Trump!🇺🇸WWG1WGA🇺🇸
MrDigging17 ago
Yeah he has already done way more for world peace than Obama ever thought about.
DPM_Green ago
I still...cannot believe he was given a Nobel Peace prize. FOR DOING NOTHING. Truly incredible.... "Don't count your chickens before they hatch" comes to mind.
Autisticus ago
I dunno, my dude. It's been an 'exciting week planned' for months now. I'm just gonna let it happen or whatever.
TexasInfidel ago
Thats a no shitter,they are writing a novel for sure
boldaslove ago
I was just reading the essay "Civil Disobedience " by Henry David Thoreau. He went to jail for refusing to pay taxes to a government that promoted slavery. It took another generation for his issue with the government to be solved. The corruption that is being brought to light began many years ago. If it is exposed in our lifetime we should be happy.
RToey ago
It sounds like zero-hour may be upon us soon.
trich1972 ago
Lower level players first... top of the list not until at the least October. Remember September is National Prepardness Month...
CaptnObvius ago
It will happen when it happens, no need in even trying to guess when.
WickedBaker ago
Dare to dream. Been a big week for many weeks now. They are still not in handcuffs.
CaptnObvius ago
No, but a lot of them have worn those orthopedic boots which may or may not be an indication of anything other than coincidence.
Pickzilla ago
Damn ankle injuries are rampant. Especially comical when they magically switch legs. Nyuk nyuk!!
CaptnObvius ago
Shows just how stupid McCain was, couldn't even remember which leg to put the GPS monitor on.
WickedBaker ago
Until I start seeing these pos bastards dragged out for perp walks, in handcuffs...I'm remaining cautiously optimistic. I've seen this show before. Clinton and her filth always get away.
CaptnObvius ago
I don't disagree, I have a good time with it, but still waiting. We did see no name get justice, but it was handled in private, so that didn't satisfy me any.
CerialBrain3 ago
It also seems HRC has been replaced by her body double. Maybe she got what no name got already.
CaptnObvius ago
All I know is that we are watching a movie and nothing is as it seems. I can't wait to find out the truth one day.
TeresaStaab ago
She may be in GITMO as we speak!
Truth2Light ago
That mental image puts a smile on my face. Shackles on her cankles!
WickedBaker ago
Unfortunately, I think that's the way a lot of these will go...if they happen at all. Can't afford to upset the population with ugly truths.
CaptnObvius ago
I'll maintain the hope that we will find out the full story one day.
TeresaStaab ago
No way! The truth MUST come out in order for Trump to lead. The Mockingbirds have to go!
logjam ago
Don't get your hopes up, but yeah, it would be nice.
PrivateJoker ago
If they intend to make an impact before midterms it has to happen soon. I think we'll at least see RR get his walking papers this week.
PawPaw1939 ago
I could not up tick your post enough!
PhanMan69 ago
Having RR escorted out of the building would make my week..
Bhaktadasa ago
Many are losing faith in Trump because nothing has been done to reign in the deep state. Not one arrest, all the culprits except Brennan keep their security clearances. Obama and Hillary and Kerry all regularly in public blasting the president as though they are immune to all law. Seriously what gives? The President IS the head of all law enforcement.
TeresaStaab ago
Giving them the rope to hang themselves! Trump could have already declassified He is waiting for the right time. McCaine was put to death Kasich admitted it being interviewed More are coming!
TeresaStaab ago
It’s all about the timing TRUST THE PLAN!
RToey ago
Yeah, I know. I have let my hopes rise in the past and was disappointed. But I know they do not consult with me regarding time to strike, but if they did it would be D-day.
Feel like I am missing something here with the formatting: SEPT —-17—– [week of]
socomtom ago
Monday is the 17th.
September Q, 2018.
CaptnObvius ago
and on Thursday the 20th we have the National Emergency Broadcast test, so it has got to be an exciting week.
PawPaw1939 ago
Out of popcorn - any recommendations?
CaptnObvius ago
Whisky or wine with some nice cheese and olives. We're deplorables, but we're sophisticated deplorables, unlike those barbaric leftists.
Neon__Wolf ago
DigOnAndOnAnon ago
But of we've learned anything the dash-hyphen construction followed by dash-en dash? should be scrutinized. Morse?
eronburr ago
I think Q is calling for patriots to wear Q gear to the LIVE 70th Emmy Awards - Monday September 17th and red-pill the rest of the world.
FreedomHasWon ago
Wasn't the Emmy's where I think his name was renegade that dumped all the shit about hollyweird stars is supposed to show up in green socks?
eronburr ago
Lazy shill
TheyAreStupid ago
I'm glad you brought that up! Thank You. I had forgotten about it. Don't know if I I can stomach watching them long enough to watch for him though!
QuietButNotBlind ago
Yes. He said he’d be wearing green socks.
QuietButNotBlind ago
Oops, you said that, too. Got excited. Guess we’ll see!
EmpireOfLies ago
Q Week!
derram ago
https://archive.fo/BBdOw :
This has been an automated message.PNG
Qdini ago
Hannity reported on Friday that many new text messages will be released next week. I'm hoping to see the exchange that talks about 187 POTUS.
madmarv ago
D5 doesn't mean we will be getting their shopping list!
I, too, hunger for that evidence, and anything about the death of Scalia (john brennan) but until then, I have an image that shows part of a single DOJ investigation (1 of 22) that discusses Seth Rich. Enjoy!
Trojanbear ago
Thank God for Hannity!
Kilroy_1962 ago
Hannity and his crew sure keep on top of things, Sarah Carter gets some very good info.
bornfree2 ago
I wanted to hear who the reporters are that the FBI leaked to. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/09/mark-meadows-we-have-the-reporters-names-who-strzok-and-page-leaked-to-video/
Ungarnhun ago
This is fantastic news.
R3VO1utionary ago
Q 2171 Image
Bludgie ago
I'm might print out my alert and frame it! I wish it was personalised!
Truth2Light ago
Wouldn't it be great if the last line was just the letter Q? The excitement would be astounding! DOITQ!!!
MrDarkWater ago
This alert will be in history books.
Lordsendme1019 ago
Is this the first of its kind? A presidential EA? I imagine this is to prepare us for a direct line of communication, if say, the internets go down? I'll be all real relaxed, sitting on my driveway in a lawn chair drinkin' a beer telling my husband and neighbors about this one time on reddit...
1ARights ago
It will be glorious. My family is full on liberals, I imagine I'll have to sit down with each of them individually reminding them we were all lied to.