Kekmet-Peperoni ago

No you came fucking begging and voat said quite clearly and concisely "WELCOME ABOARD!! - THESE ARE THE RULES". and you went "Thankyou for hospitality but what is this rules you speak of? it surly be the devils withcraft!" Its happened to other reddit refugees too.

Cantilever ago

What are you on about, mate?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

which bit is holding you up, mate?

TonyVilla89 ago

We went over to the GreatAwakening sub and censored you?

No, we created our own sub so that you shitlords could continue to post faggot nigger in peace.

Grow up.

voatusernamevoat ago


I've never seen this used outside of sjws, females, larping, sarcasm.

Cantilever ago

Remember - you’re here because someone censored you because they didn’t like your words and ideas

Don’t bring that cancerous ideology here

eyeswide0pen ago

We don't want ANY part of voat to become censored. Is that so hard to understand? Give an inch and they will ALWAYS take a mile. You should know this coming from plebbit.

TonyVilla89 ago

Well WE want the Q movement to grow. So I guess we're at an impasse.

s0ftpaddle ago

why is everyone a nigger? why cant we just be frens?

Buttercup0724 ago

I think we just have to be niggers until we arent anymore.

isalod_2298 ago

I know it wasn’t intended to be funny, but I laughed so hard reading this in Patrick Star voice. LOL

Cantilever ago

It’s a term of endearment meant to deter snowflakes

voatusernamevoat ago





QuickMafs ago

These mods deserve to have their eyeballs gouged out and rectally fed to them while boiling sewage is poured into the empty sockets.

modsRa55holeN1GG3rs ago

No No they are making Voat great again like they did reddit R mods r best mods

Redneck_Commandos ago

Once burned, twice shy. When almost the entirety of your internet space has been curated for years, either through paid-for manipulation or outright censorship, it can be hard to see straight once that's taken away.

A sizable portion of accounts on all platform are fake, either outright dialogue scripts or more complicated gang bots. It's going to be a change, dealing with real people again.

Wise2TheLies ago

This is weapons-grade salt, if you don't like us newbies then you can screw off back to your sheltered neckbeard space.

Cantilever ago

Kill yourself, you cancer mod-loving cock sucker

You snowflakes can’t handle free speech. Fuck off back to your safe space at reddit

SyntacticReality ago

Manners are not censorship.

But how could you know that?

Someone who thinks that using insults is the only use of free speech is too stupid to know what it's really about.

But don't be afraid, I don't have any problems with insults, because nothing that your little brain could shit out would hit me.

Isn't that exactly what your behavior is about?

high-valyrian ago

It's honestly a sign of low intellect, more than anything else. It's sad. I truly hope they do keep reading our sub.

Cantilever ago

That’s why you fucking cucks got banned from reddit. They felt you didn’t have “manners.”

Don’t you see the fucking irony? Whoever makes the rules on censorship gets to decide what is acceptable speech. You either have free speech or you don’t

SyntacticReality ago

They felt you didn’t have “manners.”

I really don't think that was the reason, even if they say so.

We worked hard to get the ban by stepping on DS's toes.

Of course you can doubt my assessment, but then the question appears what are you doing here in this sub, besides keeping us from working and crying that we want to steal your free speech.

Cantilever ago

Nobody is keeping you from doing shit. You are voluntarily in this thread posting replies and engaging. Jesus fucking Christ you redditfugees are insufferable

eyeswide0pen ago

We are not sitting down having a discussion at dinner. If you want to have a safe space go to your local community college and enroll in a gender studies class. Like many have said before, we say these things to ensure that we still have free speech. You are correct, insults are not the only way to use free speech but it is the most effective. We do not want the SJW faggot brigade policing our thoughts.

SyntacticReality ago

We are not sitting down having a discussion at dinner

Where is the difference?

looking4truth ago

They really dont understand how censorship is bad even though they came here after being kicked out of eddit. Some people just cant be saved.

DownRange ago

Can't make a nigger understand why nobody likes niggers.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Those (((people))) get the gas. Fuck these kike mods and their nigger-IQ slaves. Trust the plan, you dumb fucks!

OptimystiQal ago

Nobody fucking talks like this. It’s one thing to be on 4 Chan and call someone a faggot for saying something stupid, but you just call everyone a nigger faggot not for what they do or say but just to be a inflammatory and mean. Your either a shill here to make us look bad or an asshole. And trust me, once we get our 100 your comments will be downvotes into oblivion and nobody will see them.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'As a long time Voat user I ask my fellow goats to chill with the downvotes.' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @Goathole:

And trust me, once we get our 100 your comments will be downvotes into oblivion and nobody will see them.

This is not a mod, this is one of their users. And there are more than a few JUST LIKE HIM.

This notification (#206) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

Riva ago

Fuck you you fucking nigger faggot. Grow up.

iGotPepperUBringSalt ago

You failed, kikes.

niggerfaggot1987 ago

Lol, niggerfaggot.

Back to reddit plz. You lost me at inflammatory and mean. YOU DONT FUCKING BELONG HERE. LEAVE!

eronburr ago

What if those MSFT racist bots are being turned into q shill-bot supporters?

Dobs60 ago

Be honest with yourselves(some of you) as you proclaim your freedom to say what ever you want, which i uphold that you do, you would gather all those who you dont like what they say and get rid of them. Cant you see your hypocrisy.

If you have a right to say vulgar offencive things, which i reaffirm you do, why dont others have the right to have a diffent way of expression, so long as the demand for all to follow one way of speaking is not invoked It is as if you are saying : you have the right to say anything you want so long as you do it my way or as i have seen "go kill yoourself". Wow thats some freedom. Now i know i will get a lot of the more established goats come crassing in. Thats your right just as it is my right to say what i just did. Thats cool. So you know, i am almost half way to 100. I will be here long after that. Have a nice day

Pronebone45 ago

I think you’re missing the point. As I see it (and I speak for myself & no other goat) the niggerfaggotkikedyke stuff isn’t to be mean, quite the contrary. I see it as breaking the tension & getting the bullshit out of the way.

You rarely (if ever) see the “I’ll fuck you up irl” & dick measuring bullshit that’s seen elsewhere. The insults break the tension. You’re free to speak without the chains of shame holding you back.

RidingWithTheKBoys ago

Theres no need for it. Civil people can exchange ideas without that kind of grabage. Does nothing to advance the convo...

AperionPatriot ago

People can, but the reason that these people are coming to this sub and screaming nigger at the top of their lungs is because that kind of PC mentality quickly leads to censorship, what you can, and cannot say, which this sub upon creation was heavily guilty of. I'm new to voat, but I at least see that. We literally picked up our shit from reddit, came over here, and started shitting the bed with it.

elitch2 ago

What a bunch of faggots, you lot are.

Please kill yourselves.

RidingWithTheKBoys ago

No one likes you

elitch2 ago

Horse Cock!

AperionPatriot ago

Quality post. Take a monopoly money upvote.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

You weak faggots won't make it to 100 ccp. Especially so, since your kike mods made your sub private which in turn makes your ccp non-existent. To be clear, every upvoat you get in this sub counts as ZERO. You stupid fuck. That being said, I care as much about downvoats as I do about dead niggers in Chicongo.

We've been through several waves of you retards and it's always the same. 99% of you return to Edit within a week after your pussies break, and 1% stay here where they aren't sheltered from the harsh realities of life and they end up being valuable goats. You're in the 99%, I guarantee it.

AUSAFVet ago

lol And I do not care about dead niggers anywhere including chicago (bama Territory) Do you give a flying fuck to be able to speak freely? I think you do.. Then we have got to take down the shit that has been going on. No One is safe and protected. Instead of bitching and taking down each other let's go after the one that have been fucking up our world for a long time!

Reddit-is-kill ago

Just a bunch of faggots pissing themselves because some words are scary

jasonco ago

I noticed that the guys at /v/mde integrated really well. Sad to see the guys from /r/GA are having so much trouble with it. Oh well

Reddit-is-kill ago

With every migration there are only 2 options for each migrant 1. they return to reddit 2. they join the horde

Happens every migration without fail.

The reason there are so many bannings is the faggot mods from reddit want to preserve their power and stay in charge so they didn't just integrate into v/GreatAwakening they have to make a new verse where they could continue to pretend to be gods and suck their own dicks all day.

Literally all I think of when I see this verse is a bunch of crybabies that no one likes throwing a temper tantrum and jacking themselves off in a big circle. They need to get over themselves and go to the already established verse.

jasonco ago

I haven't been here for any other reddit migrations, but I have to say I am VERY impressed by how hard voat goats fight for freedom of speech. You guys are unrelenting and it's dozens of you, not just one or two. If every Qoomer fought this hard against censorship, we would be winning this information war and the midterms would be in the bag.

Reddit-is-kill ago

The reason is that this place molds you. It's the hazing ritual that forces only the least offended, most pro-free speech people to stay.

What happens: there are mass migrations of like a thousand or more at a time, then 90-95% of the people that can't handle it leave, the rest become family.

This doesn't keep only hateful people, mind you.

You don't have to hate gays to say faggot. You don't have to hate blacks to say nigger. There are even blacks and gays on this website. The only prerequisite is that you don't get offended like a pussy when someone says a bad word.

This has created a community of people that have the right to say anything, even stupid fucking shit heads like flat-earthers.

The catch, if you have a bad idea, people are going to call you a niggerfaggot.

Democracy in action.

Give this community time, I have no doubt that it will continue to grow until it influences the public. You'll know it's happening when the media starts talking about "a neo-nazi white supremecy site called voat is in the headlines for rallying people to a alt-right rally this weekend" or some bull shit like that.

VisKyns ago

I've always liked communities that were closer to free speech because they are always funnier but from my past experience its almost always paired with things I cant accept like pictures/videos of people dying or anything else like that.

This place seems to be the sweet spot where everything works out. I'm kind of glad the subreddit got banned because I remember telling myself I wouldn't come here because this place was dead.

jasonco ago

after seeing you guys in action these last couple days, my esteem for voat has tripled.