Womb_Raider ago

You're giving them helpful advice and kevdude is framing the conversation as though you want to damn them...

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I love how so many people here are Billy Bad Asses. Throwing around all of your faggot, you can’t handle this or that, free speech, go back to Reddit, your gay, we’re the real deal, you invaded our house, blah blah blah comments. First, this is the internet. It’s not your house, and you own exactly none of it. You didn’t ‘build’ shit, you logged on. Second, type whatever you want, cuss as much as you want, try to be the best smart ass you can. That’s fine, I actually find it entertaining. But let me remind every one of you gaping vaginas of one simple, glaring fact...you are at home typing on your phone, or your tablet, or whatever the fuck device you’re using. You’re not out in the streets kicking ass and taking names and fucking shit up, you’re at home on your phone.

everlastingphelps ago

I don't see a badge on your profile where you donated to the cause, leech.

You've been been here leeching our bandwidth for one day. We've spent years here, defending this place from censoring reddit scum like you, paying for the server space and keeping the doors open, and for what? When you need our help, you shit on us?

You people really are like Africans landing on the coast of Italy. Refugees ungrateful to the people who built and maintained the infrastructure that you are begging for, contemptuous of the culture that built it, and importing the same busted, savage, backwards culture that led to your failure in the first place.

Your sub was a FAILED sub. You are here in FAILURE. You are REFUGEES.

Show some fucking humility.

First, this is the internet. It’s not your house, and you own exactly none of it.

And a communist to boot.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

You want humility? I’m more than happy to provide it. In return, I would like to be shown a little bit of respect, and at least be given a chance to contribute some value, as opposed to being immediately attacked before the first word comes out of my mouth. I am also willing and ready to contribute to this site financially. Maybe not you specifically, but what most of the loud mouthed smart asses here fail to recognize is that we are all on the same team, or at least most of us. We’re not here for the express purpose of pissing off the existing Voat goats. We’re here because our medium was yanked away from us without notice, but that doesn’t change our mission, which is uncovering truth and exposing to the masses what the hell is going on, and hopefully bringing down the disgusting mother fuckers that are behind it. So you want humility? That’s fine, I respect that. But you wanna keep smart assing each other and see who can sling the most vicious insults? That’s fine, I can do that too. Just keep in mind that only serves to further divide us. I’m ready to lay down my sword if you are...ball is in your court baby.

everlastingphelps ago

You don't know what I'm doing in meat space, and it's better that way.

More importantly, I don't accept that we are all on the same team. The way this board is being run heavily implies that it is being run by the OTHER team. Step back and look at the facts:

The board is set up so that no one outside of it can see it, meaning there is no way to reach outsside of it. It's contained.

There is no way to get higher privileges in other parts of voat (where you can spread the word) without venturing out of here, and the mods specifically discourage that.

Whenever someone pointed out this, or more specifically, that you can see the moderation logs in the sidebar, the reaction of the mods was to remove those specific comments and ban the commentors.

Who is on which team?

Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]:

-Aggression (Projection)

-Suppression (Fascism)

-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)

Which side of this dispute looks like that?

  • warning against leaving walled garden

  • banning users at the drop of a hat

  • Removing comments telling people where they can see what was removed.

Walks like a duck. Quacks like a duck. Looks like a duck.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

You know what’s good for vaginitis? If you lick my butthole. 🖕

Buttercup0724 ago

I reserve the right to look at and read whatever the fuck I want on whatever goddamn boards I please and I could give a shit less about this voat veteran in-crowd oh we are so much more woke than you reddit people groupthink. Going to be reading both boards and aint shit you can do about it.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Anyone who disagrees with the Q controlled opposition agenda.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Good post but its a shame that they likely won't heed the wisdom within. Nigs gonna nig.

Politiskep ago

Mods from thegreatawakening on Reddit need to just give up their power, everyone knows they were compromised months ago in part if not in whole. Voat already has a Q community and that should be respected.

Shizy ago

Why wouldn't you want this sub to appear in v/all?

NoisyCricket ago

The only reason I can think of is to limit visibility. Which doesn't seem to be good for anyone other than the deep state.

Heho00 ago

Refugees must assimilate

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

No, we're fucking full, go back.

adogrocket ago

thanks for explaining this. I have been lurking on voat since CBTS was banned on reddit but never joined or read the rules until yesterday.it was a bit more complex.

AreWeThereYet ago

I'm 8chan. I lurked reddit for certain posters (good info and reading). I figured I better kick over before that get's blown up too. The shilling is strong there. :(

We do need to unify the movement - the strong will move and stay. The weak will go back and submit, forget and be complacent. Human nature. I don't get the whole "fiending for points" thing. In most forums the more honest you are the more down votes you get... Guess I'll have to figure all of this out.

SiegeInAStorm ago

We are working within a certain nerrative with strict parameters. Dissenting opinions are welcome only when constructive. Additionally destructive consent is not welcome. We are Q sound logic calm rationality.

2ndLife4Ulla44 ago

I am new here to Voat.

Very Basic questions:

1) How do I make a post? I see no Icon...

2) How do I find someone, such as SerialBrain2? I see no Icon for search...

Thanks for any and all help...

ElderlyCat ago

So, to fit in here and enjoy "free speech" one has to put up with filthy speech. Wonderful. Doesn't anyone notice that Q doesn't seem to need a filthy mouth to post? While there are few filthy words or phrases on here that I haven't heard before, it doesn't show much respect and detracts from the message. But, I understand children must rebel where mommy can't say no.

BonesDC ago

MODS - do not question my authoriti! https://voat.co/v/theawakening/about/log/banned

Bludgie ago

Did your hand get tired from all that wanking?

Bludgie ago

Zero shits given.

Alphaqwrong ago

The canary whistles, seems to be a requirement that you use them to get upvotes. I'm not inclined to use them myself. I don't think I'll ever get the positive points, because I don't fit in with the language use.

If I was ShareBlue or an intel agency, Voat seems to be a foil, a dead end, due to the culture that is promoted. "If you don't speak like us, you can't belong."

I'll just lurk.

NoisyCricket ago

It's not a requirement for up votes.


udropgunisaNIGGER ago

everybody is so friendly here.

kcamstar ago

Hey, kiss my ass you little Reddit import faggot... oh yeah, and have a nice day. :)

BonesDC ago

Similar problems were happening and being revealed in the last few months on GA. Threads being deleted, posts being removed, all around fuckery and silencing anything the MODS didnt agree with. Problem is many of the mods for the GA are here. " because your forum looks like it was set up for brigading, trolling and spamming."

pilgrimboy14 ago

Yeah. The great thing about voat is that deleted sumbissions and comments are actually visible.

BonesDC ago

I sure will, Another thing they did was remove my ability to downvote. I was a regular contributor for 8 months and was asked to be part of a few private subs for calling out shills and somehow they remove my ability to downvote their fuckery. Suffice to say I am rather dubious of this board not ending up an echo chamber of what the MODS want, instead of freedom of speech like Q and patriots want.

BonesDC ago

Ah yes I see, Thanx everlastingphelps, it has started already.

Korsavius ago

Shit, there's a reason I used to hang out on reddit at work and only visit the chans from home. Now, here I am at work, looking for Q posts and "the n-word" pops right up on the front page for my co-workers to see. I really need this job. It's gonna be an adjustment.

pairadocs ago

I'm sorry this happened to you. Freedom of speech means being able to speak and hear ideas without fear of reprisal. Many here seem to not understand that sprinkling in gratuitious slurs to an expressed opinion puts the person, who wants to hear that opinion, at risk of reprisal by others who may see what that person is looking at. If it were my opinion, I would not want to put someone at risk, who actually wanted to hear me out.

maxoverdrive ago

Suck it up, niggerfaggot!

everlastingphelps ago

You should assume that someone at your job is looking at your screen remotely at any point anyways.

Stop thinking like a sheep.

Korsavius ago

True, but some shit is more actionable than others.

HappyMealBullshit ago

The faggot refugees in this subverse will be back on reddit by the end of the week. There's a reason they were using reddit in the first place...they didn't have the balls to deal with open discussion and no censorship. You're gonna go back to faggit, make a new subreddit with a new name that implements strict censorship so you don't get banned again. You are all dickless, ballless, fucking faggots.

Please, prove me wrong.

CptnKnotziReturns ago

You're wrong. I've been banned from Reddit around a dozen times. Why the fuck wouldn't I prefer it here.

I'm after information. Not virtue signaling. Anybody who gets offended stops the flow. This place takes care of PC/BS. So I'm not going anywhere.

HappyMealBullshit ago

You obviously prefer it on reddit faggot or you wouldn't let yourself be banned a dozen times before leaving. You're obviously not after unbiased information either or you would be using v/greatawakening. You're hiding out in v/theawakening because you like having faggot mods who censor people to protect you from scary words.

CptnKnotziReturns ago

Lot's of nonsense on Reddit but enough good information leading in different directions.

The mods were a pain in the ass. I just want to see good information. I don't care about the words, as long as it's going somewhere interesting. Redpilled for many decades, so nothing bothers me.

Xmarduk ago

I'm new here and I already feel at home. I'll shove my cock right down your throat until you choke on your own vomit like the blood-filled gash of a whore you so crave to be.

How'd I do?

HappyMealBullshit ago

Considering you're still hiding out in this redditfag circlejerk safespace, I'd say you're failing pretty fucking hard. Please let me know when(and if) you grow the balls to participate in the real voat.

Xmarduk ago

Haha...I certainly will—thanks for the warm welcome. Cheers faggot!!

HappyMealBullshit ago

Is that you admitting that you will never have the balls to participate in an uncensored forum? Because it certainly sounds like something a soyboy faggot says when he knows he's been beaten but is afraid to admit it. Sounds like you've already started on the path back to reddit. Enjoy.

23Psalms ago

So far it seems like a bunch of people seeing who can say the most fucked up "edgy" thing... yawn... where are the rabbit holes, where is some knowledge bombs... give me all the freedom of speech i can handle but its needs to be wrapped up with some substance...

Xmarduk ago

It's because it seems that "edgy" rhetoric is all I've witnessed from most Goats in the comment sections.

TonyVilla89 ago

You're totally right. As soon as the heat dies down and a new subreddit dedicated to Q is established, I'll probably be back on Reddit with the rest of the kikefaggots. 8 )

Firefly10886 ago

Honestly, considering how quickly they banned every sub connected to Q, even the_greatawakening that was created as a backup, I doubt reddit will be hosting Q again. Better to really treat this like a refugee situation and learn how to adapt. The strongest people are the ones who can adapt to any situation or circumstance. If we truly represent Q, we need to be a resilient.

AnotherGuccifer ago

I agree. They're past the point of trying to be cute. They have taken their masks off and now it's open warfare. Also I believe that after the initial rush and euphoria about free speech and no censorship, this subverse will start policing itself and there won't be so many n, f or other obscene words thrown around as the upvoting and downvoting system will keep those out of the way of the more serious users who are interested in decoding Q and helping our movement.

TonyVilla89 ago

We could adapt sure... or we could conquer it for ourselves. Hm?

Q linked to /r/greatawakening multiple times and this sub is moderated by that same mod team.

Perhaps it's time to do like our forefathers and colonize this new land and make it civilized.

everlastingphelps ago

I give this an 80% probability.

aQzd ago

I guess I'm in the same boat as others. I don't plan on searching out VOAT with what I've heard about the nasty stuff that's posted here. Q and truth is all I'm really interested in. Oh and fast cars, I must admit. As long as I can post and more importantly read what others are posting, that's all that matters to me.

aQzd ago

lol so this is where all the butthurt cry babies of the internet ended up. Thanks for my +10 appreciated :)

maxoverdrive ago

If you're going to come here and shit all over the bed, at least have the decency to send some bitcoin to Putt for what you're doing to his servers. Your mass nigger migration is affecting ALL of us, so you might as well chip in.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Good, stay the fuck out of our site you retarded Qfags, if you're stupid enough to follow an obvious deepstate psyop then we don't want you here.

HappyMealBullshit ago

You're not "in the same boat as others". Stop trying to use other people as a justification for you being a pussy faggot who can't deal with free speech and a lack of censorship. You're terrified by the harsh reality a site like this demonstrates and want to keep your eyes averted so you can stay happy and deluded.

Go back to reddit faggot, that's where people like you belong.

Firefly10886 ago

Actually this makes sense. GA was censored. That’s why we left reddit. Last thing we need is the hypocracy of the echo chamber where we only hear what we want and can’t handle the harshness of the reality of others opinions.

WanderingTaurus ago

And you think that Reddit doesn't have the very same nasty stuff there? It does, but just like here on Voat, we don't have to choose to participate in those threads, but we also are better and don't think they need banned either. Freedom!

WanderingTaurus ago

And you think that Reddit doesn't have the very same nasty stuff there? It does, but just like here on Voat, we don't have to choose to participate in those threads, but we also are better and don't think they need banned either. Freedom!

everlastingphelps ago

Most of the internet is lurkers. I think the common ratio 10 years ago was 10:1 (10 lurkers for every poster), but my sense is that it was grown as high as 50:1 now.

Mumbleberry ago

If you want to post, GTFO of here and comment elsewhere. You will NEVER earn any CCP here.

EDC3 ago

Mmmm shoot that CCP all over us mumbleface. Draw a picture for us picture bot, no lube needed. We brought our big boy panties with us from plebbitt

Mumbleberry ago

Did you fail "read the fucking post"?

LostandFound ago

Well said. All are welcome but shit on my couch and its over.

Cheetah1964 ago

I, for one, am thankful for the precautions keeping out trolls.

Shizy ago

By keeping the trolls out, other people are kept out as well. That includes regular people who we should want to bring on board, educate, and red pill.

Cheetah1964 ago

I had no problems getting on this board. I saw that the up voats were temporarily limited, which is good. I could not make posts right away but had to wait for positive feedback from comments, which is good. A Captcha was required at first, which is good, although I am getting sick of those damn street signs. I believe these are common sense precautions that we need or this board will go the same way as the Reddit boards.

Shizy ago

Good to hear! The captchas should cease in a little while. They are annoying!

badsrman ago

I'll 2nd THIS! Shill free would be great.

FreeHillbilly ago

Thanks for the explanation.

I don't ever plan on reading any other subs here - hardly have time to keep up with Q.

The hopefully thousands of others who make this jump will be all the ccp I need.

Mumbleberry ago

Damn, you had to tell them. Watching the impotent circlejerk was amusing.

maxoverdrive ago

Yep, I was hoping it'd go on for a little while longer. Watching all these idiots crow over their internet points (which didn't count anywhere but here) thinking they were going to go on a brigade rampage on the rest of Voat...pure fucking gold!

everlastingphelps ago

I don't think it will be too hard to bust them out and make them say "I quit" on even ground. I want them to break honestly, not because they were kept in the dark.

IBowToNoMan ago

Why are you supporting fracturing the movement? "Stay together, stay strong". For the new voat people, you look exactly like the cuck shills we left in plebbit. Most refugees are subscribing to both subs, why is that a problem?

Do you understand why this appears shilly to us?

everlastingphelps ago

No, I don't, 18 hour zero point account. Please, (((explain))) it more.

IBowToNoMan ago

Because attacks will intensify. You are not only attacking the movement, but those that have contributed to the research, albeit on another platform.

Anyone attacking the Qommunity is almost certainly a shill, or a dumbass whiny bitch that is hurting their own cause. Neither option is good. Now, kindly go fuck yourself, but have a nice day.

BestowFlower1Crown ago

I appreciate you.

Mumbleberry ago

Sucking up to me will get you nothing but derision.

BestowFlower1Crown ago

Swwooon. :-D

FreeHillbilly ago

Noob question: Why do I want points?

HappyMealBullshit ago

You don't. Go back to reddit faggot. You'll fit in better there.

SiegeInAStorm ago

He just said we get a corner. And we want people like you to go. Free speech. Fuck off.

HappyMealBullshit ago

There are no corners on voat. You don't get safe spaces to hide from reality here. If that scares you, go back to reddit faggot. You will be welcomed by all the other pussies afraid of free speech who use censorship as a shield for their feelings.

fuckreddit872319 ago

Yeah we’re so scared of your big mean words, get over yourself

HappyMealBullshit ago

You're obviously scared of something because your comment history shows you're hiding out in v/theawakening where your redditfag mods will keep protecting you from hearing any ideas you can't handle. Keep deluding yourself into thinking otherwise though...

everlastingphelps ago

You can't make threads without enough points, and the number of upvoats you can give are limited by how many points you have.

Firefly10886 ago

Thanks for explaining how it works here. Sounds like in the end this is a better platform. Guess I’ll go post some pics of my cats on aww and attempt to immigrate.

everlastingphelps ago

Just post something in v/introductions

That's what it's there for.

Mumbleberry ago

Need 10 CCP to make a post and 100 to downvote.