Stonenchizel ago

Well let's see how we are welcomed,or will they try & silence the truth seekers here also?

PeTRasLikeTetris ago


UncleSnake ago

No, just a hundred people calling everyone a nigger in every single post....much better!

CindyLu008 ago

Newbies here don’t understand how Voat works, gonna take a little time. No one can downvote til you get 100 points (‘upvote/likes/replies’). Still figuring it out. Good to see SB2 Trump 9/11 message decoded.

dodntint6169 ago

I don't know how Tucker Carlson did that interview just now without pulling a Jim Everett and jumping across the table. Wow!!

anonpamphlet ago

Nice to see no Jews over moderating here. It will be great once the deepstate jewcabal is rounded up and sent to the GITMO Camps POTUS built and Q is always talking about.

jbs0und ago

No shills might incorrect, but there is a little more freedom here.

Hcktheplanet ago

No posting... at least for a while until I get my street cred up LOL

s0ftpaddle ago

I still think they are going to come here. Which sucks, because I have a few valuable things I wanted to drop here via pastebin. I'll wait and see how this plays out. But Im glad this outlet exists. Thanks VOAT for giving us a home!

CarolinaQ ago

Post it. Patriots will read it.

TyrannyinTX ago

New platform, breath of fresh air! Reddit restrictions don't exist here!

NonJuan ago

Just stay focused. This place is temporary just like everything else online. It will do.. for now.

silic0n ago

I look around and I see this: [Deleted] ???

IlluminatiKing ago

For now...Once the shills catch wind they will start attacking here too.

IronicMetaphors ago

I made it! Upvote everybody for posts!


Oh brave new world, with such wonders in it.

Tyyke ago

Only a matter of time before they make bots for this website

94Slacker ago

Funny, how quickly this sub picked up participants in 24 hours. GA took 5-7 weeks to gain 4500 subscribers. [They] cannot stop us NOW! WWG1WGA

Workingsteel ago

I see shitty mods.


I see division. Makes me sad. there is already an established /v/greatawakening subverse and now power hungry modertors from reddit, or possibly anyone who registered their names has made a competing subverse. Feels bad man. we are supposed to WWG1WGA, the first time we moved, someone decide to DIVIDE US.



How dare the creators of this new sub divide us.

Freakinstein ago

I had a thought watching trump talk about the 17 presidential candidates. Q = 17. What do you guys think?

Oveass ago

I do see a bunch of censorship loving mods

Unclefuzzydix ago

Unclefuzzydix ago

Upvote me plz

TNQuilter18 ago

its nice and calm for now.

NZPatriot ago

I've already had 4 "hate messages" sent to me - didn't expect that!

flyratfly ago

Really glad to see this sub, the toxicity did not help our cause at all imo.

HaloIsLife ago

voat is not shill free. just informing y'all, so you're not shocked when it starts here too.

kneo24 ago

It doesn't matter since the mod team is full on ban hammering anyone and everyone for stupid and pathetic reasons. Reddit prides itself as being a safe space, where that sort of activity is welcome. So what instead happens is that you bring that level of censorship to Voat, a place that values free speech above all else.

There is quite simply no need for the amount of moderators this place has, for starters. The fact is, you can have your safe space and allow free speech to its fullest extent. You don't need to worry about every instance of someone calling you a nigger, faggot, shill, kike, or any other slur. I understand banning verified shills or people who are genuinely causing legitimate problems to keep your community running smoothly, but banning people for "racism", or "being mean", or genuinely questioning the leadership is not the way to handle things.

Many of you will filter out of your safe space and use the rest of the Voat. You will be ridiculed if you bring that stuff outside of your safe space. You will not be welcomed, and rightly so, you will be told, "you have to go back" if you keep acting like giant turds. As of right now, it's very clear that your banning, and censorship over Reddit didn't teach you anything. As of right now, it's clear you actually think those practices are okay generally speaking, as you're more or less engaging in the same practices. It's hypocritical. To that, I say, shame on you all for supporting it.


Lol that is such bullshit

gladly ago

@9-11 is a shill. Don't believe me, and don't believe him. Do your own research.

gladly ago

9-11 is a shill.

Whatsamannar ago

I can’t believe all the upvotes this page is getting in such a short time. There is some serious problems over at plebbit. This isn’t s conspiracy anymore.

VetGoat84 ago

Just power hungry, delete happy reddit mods censoring you.

thelogicalgirl ago

It's great! Can I get some upvoats please? Newbie here from Reddit!

Aranyani ago

It's like green pastures laid out before us! Loving the lack of downvotes on here, thank the Lord for VOAT!

Optional-Reading ago

Over the target!

BadMonk ago

If I'm reading all the comments correctly, this is a limited safe haven. It's only a matter of time before the attacks begin here too. So this will be Round Two at some point in the future. That is ... if I'm understanding things right.

ProceedPlanBravo ago

We will see if free speech does indeed exist

FindingTruth ago

Wow, front page is on Fire! And we are just starting! WWG1WGA

Enok-Stroth ago

We shall see.

SoiHunter ago

Back in the Saddle again! Feels like I'm dancing in a field of lilies no downvotes for miles and...oh what was that dang i can see the Shills coming off in the distance Batten Down the Hatches Boys!

Onetruthafteranother ago

It's suspiciously too quiet, maybe im a pessimist - i feel they will come :p

Iconofawakening ago

Home sweet HOME

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

How are you supposed to make bots to downvote everything if downvoting's locked behind a score wall? Can't say I necessarily agree with the requirement to post, but I definitely appreciate that barrier to lower the scores.

AnotherGuccifer ago

I love the fresh smell of freedom.

IAmJohnBarron ago

Have been here since they got rid of pizzagate over on reddit, this is a blessing in disguise being migrated, hang in there patriots

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

There are plenty of shills in voat

ElmerFudd ago

I would gladly upvoat you Tuesday, for an upvoat today.

pilgrimboy14 ago

I'm having trouble downvoting despite having CCP. No idea what is going on here. But the lack of TuMOR shills is nice.

Svetlana ago

Those paid nit wits will slither over once we get our numbers back up. But nice to not have to dodge them for a while! As a side note, don’t forget to keep lurking or participating (depending on your own way) on the Chans.

blizzard13 ago

Drain the swamp quietly

DannoPa ago

ah, its good to be back. WWG1WGA

HomeSweetHome ago

They told us not to look. We dug deeper. They called us stupid. We dug up more of their lies. They called us a LARP. But, they are now in a panic. They Tried to silence us. But, we won't be silenced. We grow. Day by day the truth is coming out. WWG1WGA!

Patriots, I'm proud and honored to be here making history with all of you.

We shine lights in dark places. Thank you all and thank you Q!

carrter ago

Awesome response!

HomeSweetHome ago

Thank you, patriot!

LaeliaPurpurata ago

Thank you, HomeSweetHome. That's the reason we are here. To learn from each other and share. Confused about all the politics going on within the Q communities. I'm only here to support our cause. WWG1WGA/ Glad to be here.

HomeSweetHome ago

I'm glad to be in good company. Let's learn and share.

AreWeThereYet ago

HomeSweetHome ago

It doesn't surprise me. Sheesh. Sessions says he's looking into it. ...and they should be scared! They've got Q and us hot on their tails.

Indigo5D ago

Breath of fresh air for sure

Kneadedtherapy ago

Loving this!

whatsupnoobs ago

It’s so refreshing.

Shatolson18 ago

It is refreshing isn't it!

WakeUpDJ ago

Just sleep with one eye open until you can be sure that nothing is wrong.

Cz4ever ago

In order to down vote according to Voat rules you need to have at least 100 points. This is good as it shields us for the drop in shills.

yougettogotogitmo ago

No, that’s just according to your mods rules, not voat. You’re still trapped by their censorship but now you believe you’re free. It’s fucking tragic.

LostandFound ago

Unless your subscribed to this sub its hidden by default. Remove the ccp minimum score and all of voat will help you, we love this shit.

Your mods as it currently appears are ringfencing you here where no one else can see you.


If what you say is true then they ARE comp'd. wtf...why else would they hide the truth we were so proud to show the world on _eddit? Our own protection? Where have I heard that before...

TexasDeplorable1134 ago

Wow, 2000 more from the last time I logged on. FANTASTIC!

mm_on_the_wall ago

Hate the be a negative Nancy, but the reality is no one can downvote yet. I’m sure it’s coming.

SneakyWino ago

I want to see the real numbers! Although I don't know if VOAT can handle that many coming on all at once.

aboxofbooks ago

feels good in here. Like a mug of hot coffee and a cozy sweater on a chilly fall morning.

JSlautt ago

We can't even downvote a comment that's rude and uncalled for until we get our votes. :/ Learning the ropes.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

THERE ARE SHILLS EVERYWHERE THIS SUB IS LIKELY SHILL RUN GO TO v/GreatAwakening This sub was only up for 20 hours.... were previous sub owners given the hat tip?

ouspensky ago

Hey Reddit was blocked in China back in August. Just woke up one morning and it was gone. I was so pissed off. I am sorry reddit kicked us off, but I am happy that I can finally connect with this awesome community again! and special thanks to Neon Revolt, he was my only link to Q research (8chan is also blocked here) during the dry spell I saved all my research on Owl/Y symbolism and its connection to ancient near east child sacrifice cults. I will repost when I get my 10 comment karma Patriots Fight!!

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Well to be fair there are definitely shills on voat. Generally easy to spot though.

TheMatrix ago

Careful. There are many shills here. Have been since the start of voat. You will spot them on your own easy enough.

Cheetah1964 ago

I noticed that. Sweet.

BostonCharlie7474 ago

Hello — er, I mean Go fuck yourself, faggot? I’m brand spanking new. Not positive, but I’m both a nigger and a faggot, I think. WWG1WGA


I know right! lmao

setTRUTHfree ago

It feels great to be free!

GolfinGirl ago

Finally, no censorship! Hopefully, with God’s grace and DJT and Q, the future will be censorship free!!

yougettogotogitmo ago

You brought your censors with you, are you for real?


An upvoat for optimism!

SatanPodesta ago

If it weren't so pathetic, I might be inclined to laugh.

SatanPodesta ago

Humans are truly deluded apes.

Jay_J ago

so is this the place? Am I in the right place?

larryhuston ago

No. v/GreatAwakening has no censor fag mods.

Jay_J ago

Thank you for your reply

larryhuston ago

NP, get out of this faggoty echo chamber.

neutron95 ago

Unfortunately, they'll just DDoS us into oblivion when we reach any serious following here.

grandpa_9 ago

More Patriots will find this place ... but so will the shills. We will WIN.

SummerRain92516 ago

Hey everyone! I am still in need of a couple upvotes. If you could help me out I would so much appreciate it! Thanks! WWG1WGA


I need up votes. WWG1WGA. Flush the turds clogging the drain and dry up the swamp!!

larryhuston ago Read this and give the mods hell.

TonyVilla89 ago

Reddit Rejects are VOAT's Bread n Butter. They can't afford to let the shills push us off this platform.

Unless of course they pay the Website owners to do it. I imagine they don't make much from this website, so a big pay-out would be enticing to them.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Putt doesn't make shit from voat and in fact the site is struggling financially. Donate.

Clinker ago

I believe that they actually lose money. The more traffic the more they lose. So I don't expect much of a welcome.

deleteme123 ago

Capitalism :)

Canrlaw92 ago

Libs are such hypocrites. They call conservatives Nazis, but libs are the ones trying to infringe on our freedom of speech.

DameDeplorable ago

No shills...for now. You know they will come like a swarm of locusts.
Until then, we do our thing. WWG1WGA

Free2Speak ago

Go to Twitter and let reddit know they failed and that it is anti-speech. Forget free speech, it’s just speech. Free should be automatic. Let them know we US Citizens have to use a Colombian domain to speak freely. Remind them about their “possible” complicity in the Stonetear HRc server coverup. Don’t accuse them of complicity though. I’m going to email the President and let him know what I think about having to use a Colombian domain hosted site.

Luellaloveheart ago

That is a positive!

sodpoodlebb ago

I feel like we're better protected here. Not being able to down vote until so many user points is a great bot filter. Plus, I don't think our true numbers will be censored here as they were on Reddit.

data57 ago

It does feel much freer here! I'm just trying to get better at navigating my way around!

therisingsun ago

This is my new home.

AngelofDeath ago

Watch for the provocateurs. They were doing it on Reddit. They come in, post things against the rules, and then immediately report the post.

LakeGirlie ago

Read an article tonight that said MediMatters was doing that exactly.

LisaBrauer ago

I just love circle jerking with my fellow patriots! 😊

larryhuston ago

As it does you no good, here.

Comassion ago

One thing that wasn't possible on Reddit was disabling the downvote button, can that be done on voat?

larryhuston ago

it already is on this sub.

USCG_Vet ago

burden has been lifted...

NorwegianQ ago

Looks like the "oldtimers" on Voat are not so happy getting all us people from Reddit on "their" board. Expect a lot of trolling and insults from them. Thanks for the warm welcoming..

emperorbma ago

Veteran Voaters want to make sure we're committed to free speech not freeze peach.

Clinker ago

I don't think free speech is the goal here. I apologize for the cringy term, but it is more like a safe space for Q followers that are interested in discussing Q stuff with other Q folk, not constantly arguing with Q haters.



IGiveZeroFucks ago

I don't think free speech is the goal here

That's the whole point of voat.

Clinker ago

I've had quite a few back and forths with goats today and I think I get it.

A hoard of refugees show up in a boat. They immediately ignore all the locals and setup their own refugee village and make it a no-go zone with Sharia Law. The refugees can't understand why some of the locals are upset. After all, why should they care what goes on in the Refugee village? Meanwhile, the refugees are all on bandwidth welfare, using up resources that used to belong to the locals.

rumoret ago

I love the no go zone/ Sharia analogy.

yougettogotogitmo ago

This, exactly. I agree with this mindset 100%. Its fascinating coming from a bunch of Trump supporters that want to build a wall. Reddit was broken, that's why we came here. Please, from a fellow reddit refugee and someone who doesn't have any stake in voat (new user today), please stop trying to turn voat into reddit, its been less than 2 days and your ruining what should be an awesome fucking opportunity for the great awakening.

Clinker ago

Nothing's ruined. Goats are butthurt about the actions of 13 people out 70,000. Everybody will migrate to v/GreatAwakening because they'll want fake internet points. All will be fine.

Clinker ago

Do you think that will be a problem? Because these are the same mods that the Reddit subreddit had, and they ran it as a cheerleading sub, which I liked very much. Honestly, the forum can't operate otherwise, because there is a huge number of people who would do nothing but be disruptive.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Nobody is going to stop you guys from locking yourselves away into a circle jerk echo chamber. But once your mod team gets infiltrated (and it will) you're going to have a hard time actually discussing things. See TD for a classic example.

Clinker ago

Why would v/theawakening be more susceptible to mods being infiltrated than v/GreatAwakening? Not trying to argue - I'd like your opinion.

Are there any success stories of a banned Reddit group coming to Voat and everybody getting along?


Zero Fucks is saying v/theawakening is already comp'd. It's the v/greatawakening that are in an uproar because they want total no censor or for the sub. They are not willing to participate with 8 fake mods and infils that have already lost a sub. Me, I'm hoping the more effective to the cause sub wins.

emperorbma ago

Just FYI, already they ridicule this subverse for deleting posts... There's some definite culture clash on the horizon I think.

Clinker ago

Yes, and I think they have a point. We appear and start using their server resources and behave in a manner inconsistent with their vision. We are like unwanted refugees.

LisaBrauer ago

I've already broken rules, been down voted, etc. Apparently just being on NeonRevolt's welcome area was a "bad thing". (It mentioned upvotes - oooooo!) So, just being there and saying hello to incoming patriots was bad. I was cracking up. Some of the old timers have forgotten how confusing it is when you first jjoin a platform. Anyhow, know what I like? I could tell them off and joke around with no worry. We will get used to this new place. So great to see so many patriots here!

Mumbleberry ago

All I see here is a shit ton of completely useless circle jerking

Captainfancypants ago

I barely made any peep on Reddit, a comment here or there, but was down voted massively and then the shills would hop onto my other commends (in non-related subs) and downvote those all to hell.

thisistotallynotme ago

Basically, what you're going to be left with here is @Tallest_Skil giving you one downvoat on each thread, but only if you really piss him off.

Seriously, the trolls on this site are severely amateurish. None of them are paid shills, but they all accuse each other of being paid shills.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for spam.

thisistotallynotme ago

Yeah, this guy.

Why don't you tell the class what you think about Q, Perpetual -5 Points Man?

Svetlana ago

Oh it was a bot generated take down. I sure hope Sessions goes after them or I wish we could get a class action suit against them.

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

Yea. no downvoats - no shills.

Apparently it also means us newly arrived redfags don't gain any points here either. (see

SoiHunter ago

I don't care i don't downvote very often anyhow. As long as i can learn I'm good.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

go to /v/greatawakening mods for this subverse are faggots

@girlwonder @high-valyrian @RonaldSwansong @Doom1776 @BleachyMcServerwiper @YippeeQ_A @Snap_Shot_in_Time @Andrewcpu @DrogeAnon @BreadTwists @mistahbang

you're all fucking faggots. you don't need to have a million fucking mods on voat. a mod's ONLY job on voat is deleted spam. you stupid. fucking. faggots.

Xyz4u ago

What’s your point? There is a battle cry right now: fuck up the deep state and most of us have no other concerns at moment.

RexKramer ago

Sheesh downvoating hard ehh, heres the logs, they are already deleting posts that dont agree with. Shoul name the channel v/Q_SafeSpace ...

SiegeInAStorm ago

Keep the restrictions in place and get on the Q auth. Voat only. That way down votes cannot shill. Anyone who disagrees is enemy

Clinker ago

T_D on Reddit is not a free-speech subreddit where anybody is welcome to say anything they like about President Trump. It is a cheerleading sub. Anything anti-Trump is removed by the mods. And that makes it a fun place for Trump Supporters. GreatAwakening was similar except it was a cheerleading sub for Q followers. It was also a bit more strictly moderated, and stuff that was just fun stuff that was only vaguely related to Q got removed.

kalestew ago

That is totally the appeal.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

And here we have another censorship apolologist dipshit. Sorry sweetie but worthwhile communities don't need a bunch of faggot mods deleting everything. TD mods delete a hell of a lot more than just anti-Trump posts. That community has been so sanitized and castrated that it has become worthless as a rally point for the MAGA movement.

NelleBeane ago

Agreed. And wtf is this 10 comment daily quota bullshit?

SoiHunter ago

But they got good Memes

IGiveZeroFucks ago

The only good memes they have are stolen from pol, you stupid faggot.

Clinker ago

I just want to discuss Q things with other people that like Q. I don't want argue with people who are only here to disrupt and ridicule us. There are obviously organizations with lots of experience in disruption and infinite resources who would do everything in their power to make it miserable to participate.

Mister_Anderson ago

damn, that sucks, the shills got here before i did.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

go to /v/greatawakening it's an established subverse without power hungry mods

there's no reason for you reddit faggots to make you own place except for the ability to instill a million fucking faggot ass mods

DGreenberg ago

Gee, I wonder why wanted Mods we trust 😂

Lupinstorm ago

The reason is because many of us actually like having them around and enjoy having them moderate FOR us. If you want your untouched edgyboy comments, enjoy the pre-existing one, your language doesn't make for a good commendation for what I'm looking for tho, I'm subbed to both, but I much prefer this one cause I trust the mods to give me a focused picture without abuse.

CTCZ ago

I subscribed to both, since there could be good valuable discussions in either location and I'm new here and I don't know shit from shinola.

Mad_Spoon ago

Terence McKenna, is that you? lol

kalestew ago

This is the mantra I'm subscribing to.

Muntanolva ago

The Reddit mods were banning people in both /r/GA and /r/T_GA for saying things they disagreed with, it's no surprise they still want that control over here.

numberonepal ago

They'll be here soon enough. Enjoy this quiet time.

SkippyThane ago

The shills are coming... I can smell the stench

Mumbleberry ago

Perhaps you should bathe then.

bb22 ago

Perhaps you should go back to Reddit faggot.

Mad_Spoon ago

Mod list:


high-valyrian - Owner added 17 hours ago by girlwonder

RonaldSwansong - Owner added 16 hours ago by girlwonder * A mod of GA had this name, and was outed as a plant/infiltration vector for shutting down research posts

Doon1776 - Moderator added 15 hours ago by high-valyrian

BlachyMcServerwiper - Moderator added 15 hours ago by high-valyrian

YippeeQ_A - Moderator added 15 hours ago by high-valyrian

Snap_Shot_in_Time - Moderator added 14 hours ago by high-valyrian

Andrewcpu - Moderator added 11.9 hours ago by high-valyrian

DrogeAnon - Moderator added 10 hours ago by high-valyrian

BreadTwists - Moderator added 9.3 hours ago by high-valyrian

mistahbang - Moderator added 9.2 hours ago by high-valyrian

This activity suggests a comped sub, and the names of several are the same ones that have given us trouble in the past.

My analysis is that this sub will run smoothly for about a month before it starts having quality posts deleted. This will be followed by a mass shill infiltration for about another month, then it will be shut down completely.

The cycle continues...

thisistotallynotme ago

Thankfully, it'll be trivial to start a new subverse when this one gets compromised.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Jesus Christ the sub doesn't need more than one or two mods, if any.

MisplacedMan ago

Then we just make another subverse. (subvoat?)

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

/v/greatawakening already exists. you faggots don't need your own mirror sub so you can have 800 power hungry mods

this isn't reddit you fucking faggots

everlastingphelps ago

Watch the modlogs. They can't remove anything without a trail, and if they start, start raising hell in v/protectvoat

k1ace ago

Give it time

Awakened5778 ago

Agree... they are probably already here... getting upvotes on another thread... they will come, and we will be ready...

JayKe305 ago

Fresh air. Now we can do our reasearch & share information without the shills downvoting.

CaptainChurch ago

Everything in v/TheAwakening is AI bot curated

modsRa55holeN1GG3rs ago

check the mod logs to see how free you are.

Tb0n3 ago

And maybe one day you'll come to realize Q was just some anon and you read so far between the lines you came out in China.

QAnonIsAwesome ago

Amen brother.

jonnyquest ago

For the time being. Something tells me it won't be long.. The most pathetic thing about the left -- is that without us, they truly have no purpose. I'm sure they're one day of feeling good since 2016 is almost if not already over ... the brigade probably isn't far behind....

bb22 ago

You reddit faggots are already making this place gay as fuck just from banning people for saying words you don’t like. Go back to fucking Reddit you kikes.

udropgunisaNIGGER ago

Everyone is so friendly here.

Cheetah1964 ago

They had gotten totally wild in the last week at Reddit Great Awakening.

Gayblackproud ago

My goal is to provide deep insight through short and easy to read and understand articles.mmmmm.......mmmmmmmmm

Contained in this article is what I believe to be some of the most condemning evidence in existence regarding the Jewish dominance of America.

So precisely what is “the Shemitah”?

In the Bible, the people of Israel were commanded to let the land lie fallow every seven years. There would be no sowing and no reaping, and this is something that God took very seriously. In fact, the failure to observe these Sabbath years was one of the main reasons cited in the Scriptures for why the Jewish people were exiled to Babylon in 586 BC.

On the last day of the Shemitah year, the people of Israel were instructed to perform a releasing of debts. We find the following inDeuteronomy chapter 15…

At the end of every seven years you shall grant a relinquishing of debts. This is the manner of the relinquishing: Every creditor that has loaned anything to his neighbor shall relinquish it. He shall not exact it of his neighbor, or of his brother, because it is called the Lord’s relinquishment.

This happened at the end of every seven years on Elul 29 – the day right before Rosh Hashanah on the Biblical calendar.

So what does this have to do with us today?

Well, if you go back to the last day of the Shemitah year in 2001, you will find that there was an absolutely horrifying stock market crash.

On September 17th, 2001 (which was Elul 29 on the Jewish calendar), we witnessed the greatest one day stock market crash in U.S. history up to that time. The Dow fell an astounding 684 points, and it was a record that held for precisely seven years until the end of the next Shemitah year.

It turns out that September 29th, 2008 corresponded with Elul 29 on the Jewish calendar – the precise day when the Bible calls for a releasing of debts.

The World Trade Centre was conceived in the Shmita of 1945, begun in the Shmita of 1966, was dedicated in the Shmita of 1973 and destroyed in the Shmita of 2001. This was a warning from God to come back to Him but the leaders of America quoted Isaiah 9:10 in defiance. "...Who say in pride and arrogance of heart: The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stones." When ancient Israel uttered these prideful words God brought judgment upon the land and that which was built up was wiped away. The new tower raised up from Ground Zero has a 40,000 pound "hewn" foundation stone. So, at the climax of the 2001 Shmita came two falls; a colossal collapse in Wall Street and the most physical collapse in American history as the two towers came crashing down to earth. Shmita years are behind the rise and fall of America. If the rise of a tower foreshadowed the rise of America, what does the fall of a tower foreshadow?

Let's take a look at the incredibly accurate timing of the Shmita Year as it impacts modern history in the realm of finances, economies and empires:

1901-1902 Shmita Year - 46% U.S. Stock market value wiped out.

1916-1917 Shmita Year - 40% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman Empires collapsed. Britain, the world's greatest empire was almost bankrupt. The beginning of American to rise to world power. All during this one Shmita year.

1930-1931 Shmita Year - 86% U.S stock market value wiped out in the worst financial crisis in modern history.

1937-1938 Shmita Year - 50% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Global recession.

1944-1945 Shmita Year - End of German Reich and Britain's hold on territories. Establishment of America as the world's super power.

1965-1966 Shmita Year - 23% stock market value wiped out.

1972-1973 Shmita Year - 48% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Global recession. U.S. Voted to kill its unborn children (Abortion legalized). U.S. lost its first war - Vietnam...

1979-1980 Shmita Year - U.S. and global recession.

1986-1987 Shmita Year - 33% U.S. Stock market value wiped out.

1993-1994 Shmita Year - Bond market crash.

2000-2001 Shmita Year - 37% U.S. stock market value wiped out. 9/11 and Global recession.

2007-2008 Shmita Year - 50% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Global recession.

2014-2015 Shmita Year - ??

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

nobody can downvote you here because this subverse is made by idiots

go to /v/greatawakening mods for this subverse are faggots

@girlwonder @high-valyrian @RonaldSwansong @Doom1776 @BleachyMcServerwiper @YippeeQ_A @Snap_Shot_in_Time @Andrewcpu @DrogeAnon @BreadTwists @mistahbang

you're all fucking faggots. you don't need to have a million fucking mods on voat. a mod's ONLY job on voat is deleted spam. you stupid. fucking. faggots.

Lupinstorm ago

Our ex-reddit mods are great. That's why we followed them here instead of the already existing one. If you want that one, go ahead, I trust the mods and prefer having them around.

thisistotallynotme ago

Upvoated for truth. Comments here are far more constructive, and less in-fighty.

Lupinstorm ago

I'd upvoat back, but I hit my 24h upvoat limit which is tied to your comment contribution points apparently.

PatriotsUnite2018 ago

You mean there is limits on this to upvote how many allowed 👁

Lupinstorm ago

Yeah, looks like until you have some higher "comment contribution score" you're voats (not just upvoats it turns out) are limited to 100 voats per 24hrs.

davidtheamerican ago

you mad bro? why? do you love the cabal? are you part of the deep state? then dont hate or fear. trolls will be trolls

kalestew ago

Why not both?

Azriel1 ago

honestly dont see a bad side to this... Ronald Swansong has an awesome moustache..

Bigglesworth45 ago

Same shit last time when T_D bent the knee, come to Voat make new subsets of subsets that already exist. Sigh... niggers everywhere.

DropGun ago


Use slurs like this again and you're gone. This is not the chans. Dial it down.

bb22 ago

It’s actually worse than the chans here and “niggerfaggot” is literally our motto you carpetbagging kike. Fuck off back to reddit with your boomer tier faggotry or go suck each others’ dicks somewhere else NIGGER.

Bigglesworth45 ago

Fuck off back to reddit. I heard they made a new subverse for little pussies. Fucking 18 hour new fag. Get some backbone or get the fuck out.


BigZee ago


Reddit1984 ago

Quit LARPing as some uncensored internet nomad tough guy. No one thinks you're intimidating.

All of us here love free speech. Say all the racial slurs you want, just understand It's not solving any problems.

Obviously this crowd is going to bring some out of touch boomers/gen x'ers and people used to mass censorship. No reason to harass them.

fuckingmockies ago

Fuck you, you stupid nigger. You're on Voat, now. Your kikish "no racism and no anti-Semitism" shit doesn't apply here.

Nutkase ago

Fuck off nigger, this isn't reddit. Your only job is to delete spam you power hungry faggot. Go back to your censored shithole that you came from.

thisistotallynotme ago

Upvoated for truth.

DropGun ago

This isn't reddit. But this is Sparta. PREPARE.

Mumbleberry ago

For what? Watch you idiots self destruct?

SkyeVeritas ago

So, if you don’t agree with what’s being said, why hang around and say derogatory things?

trackmeplease ago

cause voat

larryhuston ago

Got a problem with the 1st amendment, snowflake?

Creg ago

Do u vant to lick me buthole

SkyeVeritas ago

Not me and I'm as far from a snowflake as one can be. Thanks for playing.

larryhuston ago

Lying sack of nigger shit.

SkyeVeritas ago

Whatever........have a great day anyway.

FidelNaidoo ago

Let's enjoy it while it lasts.

SuicideWeekend ago

Voat is shill proof. They can not downvote us because they lack the points needed. We are safe here.

Svetlana ago

I agree.