guantanamo4traitors ago

Q sent me! :)





srayzie ago

They moved and made their own forum. They are the ones that have the 24 hour live feed on YouTube. I run v/greatawakening. Welcome!

CrowWatcher ago

We will win!

artilleryeyes ago

Went to the updated link. Took about 5 minutes to determine I don't need to waste any time on

wrathfulmomes ago

For what reason(s)?

solanojones95 ago

It's deliberately antagonistic and off-putting. In fact, it's almost identical to the culture of 8-chan. Not a normie-friendly, or Q-friendly place.

wrathfulmomes ago

What I gathered, part of the culture here is to "test" newbies like that and see who actually stays for the "right" reasons. Don't give them money though. There is evidence of Reddit mods colluding for financial donations.

solanojones95 ago

Fuck that shit. If we can't run this sub-verse according to our OWN community's standards, than fuck them all. They don't have to be here if they don't like it. We just want to be left the fuck alone. We're not going to their subverses and telling them how to do shit.

So fuck 'em all. And you too, if you don't understand what I'm saying. The sense of community and comraderie at GA was second-to-none, and we'll simply never have that here if we have to put up with a bunch of fuckers who claim squatter's rights on our community. This is WORSE than Reddit. At least Reddit left us the fuck alone until they deleted the sub.

No, this won't work. Not even a little bit. And 8chan is no better.

What we need is a simple open-source forum like a phpBB board or something for the type of community we had at GA. It's really the only way. This was a nice idea, but apparently nobody had a clue about the turf-war-fagging that goes on here from the site-wide members. Not for us.

wrathfulmomes ago

Firstly, stop seeing it as "us" and "them". Do you not see how Q and Anonymous (as well as Orwell and plenty of other authors) have demonstrated that dividing us is exactly what they want? We don't need to fight the plebs. We need to educate and enlighten them.

Now, if you will, let me try to illustrate something else for you that I have come to know.

What do you know of The Proud Boys? What is their level 2 initiation? You get pummeled until you can name 5 breakfast cereals. "LOL random", right? Actually, it proves that you can undergo any assault and still remain coherent enough to say what needs to be said. You can weather the storm and still disseminate the message.

Examine now this "immune response" of Voat's. Learn from it. What is it teaching? As I've come to understand, it repulses who cannot be redpilled yet, those who aren't able to put up with some namecalling and hurt fee-fees.

So sack the FUCK UP there cupcake and shove your PRIDE right back up your ass where it came from. Join the resistance of WE The People of the world against those who seek to cage, oppress, control, brainwash, usurp, dominate and drain us if not utterly destroy us in the end according to their agendas.

Remain united, and seek to enlighten and unite others instead of playing into the hidden hand's diversionary games.

meek_follower ago

I am new to voat and recognize this place has a completely different vibe. Truth is - I know some of these mods and I know their temperament. Trust works both ways patriot and so far /v/GreatAwakening does not really appear to represent something I am ready to get on board with. I can't help but think other redditfags as this place calls it will have much sympathy for the lack of respect of some belief systems. I am one of those "Useful Idiots" who actually does believe in God - not religion. I support Q for this reason alone. Q moves away from God, I move away from Q. That is how this works. God wins, not Q. This is where I anticipate Q division to unfold here from what little I have seen.

Silverlining ago

You are missing an "s" in your links - they don't work!! Maybe edit? Try this v/PatriotsSoapBox

Escrowguy ago

Upvoat for you. This link works.

Silverlining ago

Obliged, My Lord, obliged. And I return the favour...

wrathfulmomes ago

Mods trustworthy or not?

Also, /v/PatriotSoapBox seems to be gone. Not generic overload/crash errors like Voat was giving the last few hours with the inrush of Redditors. Gone.

MeditationAnon ago

Nice post Patriot and thanks. It is probably not as black and white as some long time Voat residents and 8chan Anons would say with regards to these mods. They are getting it from both sides and are trying to keep the movement looking respectable so to avoid confirming the MSM narrative that we are violent, racist, and crazy.

petevoat ago

GA mods not trustworthy, absolutely.

Question is, did they start this board?

Qluelessnomore ago

But you trust Pamphlet Anon? Sorry, but the mods were great at GA. I was there, I know.

wrathfulmomes ago

mods were great

They routinely and systematically silenced, deleted, and sometimes banned any form of critical thinking that called "proof" into question, despite the fact that Q has always urged everyone to think for themselves.

Counterproofs in particular were NOT tolerated whatsoever. Even reserving judgment was seriously frowned upon.
MANY times comments were deleted for "not supporting the cause", just as GA was deleted for not supporting the cause of the left and MSM.

I was there. I know.

Qluelessnomore ago

Never saw any of that, sorry.

wrathfulmomes ago

I didn't see Pearl Harbor either, sorry. Must not have happened.

Qluelessnomore ago

Oh, were you there at that time?

wrathfulmomes ago

Oh quit already. One person saying "I didn't see anything" is the exact opposite of evidence. It is anecdote, and it's a negative statement. Logically, it's a double black hole of bullshittery.
It fucking happened. It is fucking known, khaleesi.

pivot69 ago

The same #PatriotSoapbox on YouTube that was hosting Jerome Corsi before he split to get funded?

petevoat ago

Corsi got outed by PatriotSoapBox after Q outed him.

pivot69 ago

I have tried to listen to them on Youtube...I just cant stomach Parrots.

pivot69 ago

That's what I thought Pamphlet Anons a big part of Patriotsoapbox and got the youtube channel up. I wonder how long it will take for that to come down?

KaylaD ago

Link didn't work for me either

YeshuaFollower ago

NeonReolt sent me. We will win!

petevoat ago


Captainfancypants ago

The board has been overloaded recently....

CarolinaQ ago

2nd here, not working. Will try again later.

Bluesky356 ago

I believe this board has been made by the mods from r/GA

I tried your link above and it didn’t work. That said, I know this site is experiencing difficulties today so I’ll try again later.

Zoonationalist ago

Didn't work for me either

petevoat ago

I know you don't want to hear this but r/GA was cucked and howinic was paid off.

solanojones95 ago

Don't start this crap on here. Whatever your gripe with the GA mod(s), it has NOTHING to do with why the sub was removed. That was a site-wide decision to remove Q-related groups. GA mods did a remarkable job working 20+-hours/week for free.

petevoat ago

GA 'was' pro Q

GA then 'sold out'

solanojones95 ago

There was nothing wrong with GA. GA wasn't banned because of problems with the sub. It was banned because Reddit are cabal-compromised scum. GA was no less pro-Q the day it was murdered than it was the day it was founded.

Our mods kept hate, off-topic, and shit posts to a bare minimum, and it was an extremely normie-positive and Q-positive, friendly, welcoming, supportive environment for regular people who didn't have hidden agendas, didn't come there to play games, and didn't want to wade through a bunch of crap.

And the message I'm getting here is that our sub-verse isn't really "ours," and that even our MODS are "on probation," and are going to have their chains yanked and not be allowed to moderate as they see fit because of some stupid site-wide "culture" that non-members of our sub-verse want to come here and impose on us.

This is more fucked than Reddit. Fuck all of you and your dogs, sheep and chickens too.

Bluesky356 ago

I believe it. I had subscribed to a bunch of subs. The_GA as well :) I enjoyed GA because of the sheer amount of members meant a lot of new info and ideas being shared. I could walk away for an hour and come back to hundreds of new posts. Of course that had negative aspects as well but for the most part I appreciated the vast amount of content.