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Blood-is-Nature ago

How much misinformation is in that UN logo?

noob_tube ago

You mean an image of a flat earth?

Blood-is-Nature ago

No; about them NOT using an image of the heliocentric model (or them using the fascio symbolism to represent a "wall" around it; or their use of blue and white). Flat Earth is the idol that creates the conflict that distracts from their lies about the heliocentric model. You cannot proclaim what is without getting access to what they are withholding from us (if at all). They use "Flat Earth" to sell another contract of belief that divides us into a conflict of believers vs non-believer, which keeps everyone's mind from their lies.

Don't proclaim what is; create order by pointing out what isn't. Don't fall for the contradictions they use to keep the conflict going.

alacrity167 ago

so is the earth round or not?

Blood-is-Nature ago

This question is how they control us, because believers like you "want" to know; want something to believe in, but none of us "needs" to know it. Everything they present about the heliocentric model are lies, but everything more than what they lie about are nothing but our assumptions (not a truth; therefore also lies).

Do the math; use the gadgets; disprove their lies; study the counter one point you will convince yourself to believe what it must be, but that will just put you into yet another conflict of belief with those who do not believe you. This world is run by liars and deceivers; which are ruthlessly preying upon a host (us) who selfishly hold beliefs. That is the existential threat we as a species NEED to solve; not what shape this world is or anything else.

See it this way...imagine you get access to a high enough vantage point to convince yourself that the earth is indeed flat. You would then have information you believe to be truth, but when you proclaim it to the world at large; each conscious human has the freedom of choice to ignore or not believe it, so what value does any information have if those conscious life-forms who are able to comprehend and create out of it are too selfish to handle it?

Furthermore; if you have that information, you will notice that you then hold power over everyone that doesn't have it, which means a deadly temptation will try to lure you towards death, which is once again selfishness. Once you realize that most don't want to believe what others are telling them, you will use the power for your own benefit and so the corruption of power continues.

alacrity167 ago

what is the shape of the earth?

Blood-is-Nature ago

Whatever YOU want it to be, because you falsely believe you need to know it, and guess (((who))) will never stop selling you what you want so that you can ignore what you need? If the shape of this world is of great concern to you, then act and find out by yourself.

what is

Only nature defines what is; while all of us can only ever assume what it might be.

alacrity167 ago

i literally am having this go over my head. how i envisioned this convo was:

me: what shape is earth?

you: its actually a square lol

me: oh wow source?

you: <link>

fuckin weirdo

Blood-is-Nature ago


That's a contradiction in terms. You ask other humans for the "source" of the world they live on. The world is the source.

alacrity167 ago

teach me the concept and i will examine it just as I would if id come upon it independently of you

Blood-is-Nature ago

YOU are the only one who has the sole authority over YOUR actions, if you believe what I teach you then you agreed to a contract of belief under the laws of nature, which represents YOU selfishly ignoring YOUR authority over your actions, while giving me the authority through blind faith. I would then be the false authority you worship for my beliefs; assumptions; lies, and you justify this by believing I tell the truth.

How could a parasite not prey upon such a massive weakness?