Abdulwadood401 ago

How about cleaning out your own house first, António? There should be no place for misinformation at the UN.

OscarGold ago

Flat Earth map folks right here.

moosethenoose ago


Is there a Wikipedia change tracker that logs changes outside of their platform?

moosethenoose ago

Read '1984' again and again.

Printed books are disappearing.

The 'memory hole' is becoming very real.

George Orwell was prophetic in his creation of that book. It's spooky.

moveout ago

Thats right. The UN should not be allowed on the internet

Imperialxs ago

United Nations. Same kind of people that would laugh at Jesus and would kill him because he spoke the truth. Trust these in charge and become true slaves.

Tlarbb ago

Only problem with that is that governments are the most egregious purveyors of misinformation. U.S. Democrats are the No. 1 offender.

Carpools ago

If you translate this from communist to English, it means we need to censor all sources of truth.

breadandbunny ago

There is misinformation on social media platforms, period. Whether it's coming from the right or the left. There are no unbiased sources. Some just report facts more accurately while maintaining their slant, and others don't.

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IncognitoVoatGuy ago

There needs to be no place for censorship on social media platforms

2017Fallout ago

The pause part could seriously backfire.

Remmina ago

In an interesting ploy to get their article shared by being back-linked in the comment section of everything posted henceforth.

Intrixina ago

So remove all the leftist fuckwittery and kikery, then.

DanielR ago

Translation: The goyim know shut it down !

Bill_Williamson ago

We've left the WHO, now do the UN.

Of course one world government cunts want no opposition to their bullshit. One religion, one bank blah blah fucking KILL THEM ALL.

phoenix883 ago

In the past, people who wanted to discuss or talk about or enjoy X went to a place, a website or participated in some form about X.

Today, half the youth and people without family, without stable relationships, without work, spend all their free time to prevent X.

They don't spend their lives doing something they love or achieving a goal for them. They spend most of their lives preventing others from doing something.

Cancel culture is in fact "hate culture".

Look at how quickly people get hateful comments on their profiles, channels and pages now. They have "haters", people who are subscribers, sometimes even paying for it, doing nothing but waiting for new content they can hate.

That's what society has become.

prairie ago

"no place for misinformation on social media platforms"

...and WE, the UN, should be the ones to dictate what is considered misinformation. Never mind even the CDC/WHO flip-flopping about whether masks are good or bad, social distancing, etc. And never mind things where there is no clear answer, just ambiguity and lack of data.

SlyerSoul ago

Ban all holohoax references and ill believe them

boekanier ago

No, the misinformation must come from the (((mass media))).

AgentSakura ago

Oy vey shut it down

We need to control the narrative

stray502 ago

Oh so is the United Nations then going to be leaving media so we dont have to listen to their lies.

guru35 ago

This misinformation cause trouble for many people

Mustard_Monkey ago

Unless it's President Trump then you can call him zognald, jew lover, kike lover, and REEEEE about him all you like. Free speech you know.

uvulectomy ago

There needs to be "no place for the United Nations."

RustyFender1 ago

Fuck the U, N,

VeryToughMan ago

How is absolute truth determined? Does anyone ask that?

Sheeitpost ago

As defined by the UN which has an unofficial goal of making the United States a socialist nation as many of its members are subverted by KGB socialist propaganda by Western university (Source: Yuri Bezmenov) and don't even know it, and if they do, they are in denial.


Only authorized disinformation is allowed.

cohanseybob ago

The UN has no authority or directive to be involved in internet affairs. They are a non-binding nonpartisan middleman in agreements between nations. They don't make laws or enforce them. They are out of bounds and out of control.

slwsnowman40 ago

They need to go back to that roll - a forum to file complaints and grievances against other nations to prevent wars.

cohanseybob ago

That would be their purpose in life.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Wait a minute. The UN was useful?

slwsnowman40 ago

Allegedly. Historians would have us believe it was how the Cuban Missile Crisis was ended.

mybeardismymanifesto ago

Back near the founding of the UN it released a 'universal declaration of human rights,' something that Eleanor Roosevelt helped develop, which is largely a continuation of the rights protected in the US Constitution. It has a section that I will repeat below. The hypocrisy of the organization is laid bare when contrasting the statement in the linked article with the UN's supposed principles.

Article 19.


Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


prairie ago

It's all in the definitions. Misinformation isn't information. Things we disagree with aren't opinion and expression, they are hate speech and terrorism.

vaehk ago

Let's hope for the best

MadCatTimberWolf ago

Well, that leaves out the UN from contributing any information.

CryptoBard ago

Let people read everything under the sun and make up their own mind.

Roughpatch ago

UN decides? WTH?

rebel_1812 ago

Woah. An organization made up of an entrenched oligarchy is against free speech? Color me surprised.

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Backfromthedesert ago

Yes, let’s create restrictions on the freedom of speech to combat wrongspeak

AlexProkhorenkoLives ago

If you want to know who really controls things and where the real power lies, look to who you can not criticise.

Blood-is-Nature ago

How much misinformation is in that UN logo?

noob_tube ago

You mean an image of a flat earth?

Blood-is-Nature ago

No; about them NOT using an image of the heliocentric model (or them using the fascio symbolism to represent a "wall" around it; or their use of blue and white). Flat Earth is the idol that creates the conflict that distracts from their lies about the heliocentric model. You cannot proclaim what is without getting access to what they are withholding from us (if at all). They use "Flat Earth" to sell another contract of belief that divides us into a conflict of believers vs non-believer, which keeps everyone's mind from their lies.

Don't proclaim what is; create order by pointing out what isn't. Don't fall for the contradictions they use to keep the conflict going.

alacrity167 ago

so is the earth round or not?

Blood-is-Nature ago

This question is how they control us, because believers like you "want" to know; want something to believe in, but none of us "needs" to know it. Everything they present about the heliocentric model are lies, but everything more than what they lie about are nothing but our assumptions (not a truth; therefore also lies).

Do the math; use the gadgets; disprove their lies; study the counter arguments...at one point you will convince yourself to believe what it must be, but that will just put you into yet another conflict of belief with those who do not believe you. This world is run by liars and deceivers; which are ruthlessly preying upon a host (us) who selfishly hold beliefs. That is the existential threat we as a species NEED to solve; not what shape this world is or anything else.

See it this way...imagine you get access to a high enough vantage point to convince yourself that the earth is indeed flat. You would then have information you believe to be truth, but when you proclaim it to the world at large; each conscious human has the freedom of choice to ignore or not believe it, so what value does any information have if those conscious life-forms who are able to comprehend and create out of it are too selfish to handle it?

Furthermore; if you have that information, you will notice that you then hold power over everyone that doesn't have it, which means a deadly temptation will try to lure you towards death, which is once again selfishness. Once you realize that most don't want to believe what others are telling them, you will use the power for your own benefit and so the corruption of power continues.

shillaccount3344 ago

Good response blood-is-nature.

Pretty clear he's trying to bait you into a useless argument. I've actually had people

throw up that I discussed flat earth before to devalue my opinion.

I've discussed evolution, flat earth, religion, politics.. all at some point or another.

I'm not an expert on any of them but I can hold my own and it's meh whatever sometimes.

Blood-is-Nature ago

I've actually had people throw up that I discussed flat earth before to devalue my opinion.

Because for them it is not about how the word is shaped, but that whatever belief they hold was being contradicted. The contract of beleif under the laws of nature will always create a conflict, between those that believe and those that do not, and those conflicts are always about the act of holding a belief, and the act of calling a belief out.

The topic of those beliefs, and if they're perceived right or wrong does not matter to the outcome of the conflict, because holding a belief is against the laws of nature, so both parties involved in the conflict are arguing about something that represents a lie towards reality (nature), so the outcome will always be a negative.

The reason as to why we hold beliefs is the temptation of selfishness, which created a weakness in our species that was then exploited by a parasite through lies and deceptions aimed at the selfish act of holding beliefs, and it is them who keep belief based conflicts going by offering contradictions to both sides (right and wrong) to keep the consciousness in the state of reasoning about lies; instead of acting in reality.

"Flat Earth" in this example represents an idol that only works if you believe or not believe in it, which means the idol hides a contract of belief offered by a (((3rd party))) who seeks to create division through conflict. That's why the so called jewish msm is presenting and regurgitating rhetorical idols (coronavirus, systemic racism, blm etc.) to offer us something to believe in, and it doesn't matter into which one we bite or against which one we argue, because the resulting conflict is always about the contract of belief underneath the presented bullshit, and it is our own utter selfishness that makes us hold assumptions as beliefs within our mind; thereby self restricting our comprehension of a reality based on constant forward motion.

Survival during motion requires balance aka adaptation to ever changing circumstances, while holding a belief represents the selfish act of ignoring motion aka stagnation. The parasites understand this and are using the laws of nature against us, by corrupting our comprehension with lies and deceptions, which they carefully do by offering contracts of belief so that the actual self destruction will be acted out by ourselves and our selfish false beliefs.

The talmud is the doctrine to teach two crucial aspects of controlling mankind to its followers: 1) killing by indirect means to avoid "karmic" justice under the laws of nature, and 2) utilizing contradiction to prevent reason from turning into action. That's what we need to learn asap to survive, because it shows us our weakness of selfishness.

I've discussed evolution, flat earth, religion, politics.. all at some point or another.

The "discussing" aspect is how they control us, because we selfishly run in circles of reasoning about lies, which represents inaction (selfish ignorance) towards an energy based reality. this inaction gives those who understand it the opportunity to harvest all the unused energy surrounding us for their own benefits, which (power) they then use to misdirect our leftover energy into working towards our all detriment as well.

I'm not an expert on any of them

That's because those that offered it to you represent the authority that vet your education by letting you pay for "good goy" certificates. You're are being deceived to follow the rules of others (the laws of men) and they decide how valuable they let you feel about your progress.

Now take a mental step back and realize that the source of knowledge they educate you from is nature, which offers everything free for all, so it is in their best interest to distract you from the source (the laws of nature) so that you become dependent on them (the laws of men).

Religions were the tool that established this as a means for mass population control, by using our weakness of selfishness to deceive us to give our authority over self to wards an unquestionable authority (deities), which established idol usage, that allowed anyone to control believers "in the name of" the unquestionable authority, which was further corrupted by exchanging the unquestionable authority with whatever the believers want to believe in. This is for example why we today step into a bus and put blind faith in the false authority of the bus-driver, just because he sits behind the wheel and wears some kind of identification.

Or take a street-sweeper for example...anyone could grab a broom and clean the sidewalk, but everyone accepts the false authority of those who wear the orange vests and carrying the broom. This is all based on idolatry. Believer are selfishly isolated into a reality they base on their beliefs, and the non-believer are associated in conflict to the same false reality. Meanwhile the parasites just keep pouring in the idols to keep the lie going and the believers believing by feeding selfishness with temptations.

I can hold my own and it's meh whatever sometimes

That is because you put less restrictions on your comprehension of reality, which allows you to speak from your mind; instead of following the protocol (the terms and conditions) of the contracts of beliefs; offered by the parasites. Yet you will still run into conflicts, because everything you say will contradict the believers perceived reality, and their corrupt survial instinct will see this as a threat and make them leash out for protection. And by observing how fanatically they protect the most absurd beliefs, you can learn that it has nothing at all to do with the contents of their beliefs, they just cling onto those topics to not confront their own selfishness at the bottom of it. Meanwhile the parasites booster their selfish driven egos by confirming their beliefs no matter what, while at the same time offering you more ammunition against those beliefs so that you keep the conflict going that controls you both.

What each of us needs to do is to isolate the contract of beleif in everything offered to us, and then discard everything presented on top of the contract (terms and conditions) as self destructive lies, and go from there. We also each need to work on taking down each of our own beliefs, which are all self imposed restrictions that prevent us from comprehending what nature is trying to teach us, and lastly we each need to relearn how to use adaptation instead of beliefs to survive, which requires the comprehension of the laws of nature, which inconveniently refers to self determination, which is therefore something each of us has to deal with on his own, because if you're a selfish believer; everything offered to you will be perceived as the beleif of others, but you need to comprehend that nature is the only one (all) that offers everything, and that we all are contractually obliged to, hence self discernment being the issue here.

alacrity167 ago

what is the shape of the earth?

Blood-is-Nature ago

Whatever YOU want it to be, because you falsely believe you need to know it, and guess (((who))) will never stop selling you what you want so that you can ignore what you need? If the shape of this world is of great concern to you, then act and find out by yourself.

what is

Only nature defines what is; while all of us can only ever assume what it might be.

alacrity167 ago

i literally am having this go over my head. how i envisioned this convo was:

me: what shape is earth?

you: its actually a square lol

me: oh wow source?

you: <link>

fuckin weirdo

Blood-is-Nature ago


That's a contradiction in terms. You ask other humans for the "source" of the world they live on. The world is the source.

alacrity167 ago

teach me the concept and i will examine it just as I would if id come upon it independently of you

Blood-is-Nature ago

YOU are the only one who has the sole authority over YOUR actions, if you believe what I teach you then you agreed to a contract of belief under the laws of nature, which represents YOU selfishly ignoring YOUR authority over your actions, while giving me the authority through blind faith. I would then be the false authority you worship for my beliefs; assumptions; lies, and you justify this by believing I tell the truth.

How could a parasite not prey upon such a massive weakness?

vastrightwing ago

"There needs to be no place for alternative narratives on social media platforms."

antiliberalsociety ago

The UN is a scheme to get us to gently move into communism and give up our sovereignty to a world communist state.


ChiComs ago


Science videos on African DNA will be illegal, just like criticizing Muslims Muhammad's 6 year old sex slave wife "Aisha"


yergi ago

Yea, because that worked so well during the Corona virus outbreak with YouTube banning all of the CORRECT people who were in convention to the WHO.

Call_Of_Goat ago


These people are in our way

brandnewset ago

They are stepping up their censhoship game. Winning!

nigger_faggot0 ago

Great meme

calcy454 ago

"our information"

ReAwakened ago

Only important question: Who gets to decide what is misinformation?

CadeConnelly13 ago

Also important question: What penalties will be enforced for saying wrongthink misinformation?

Do dissenters get to create their own platforms or will we have to hide on Tor and underground newspapers.

ReAwakened ago

Underground communications seems to always be where it ends up. That's why I'm thinking HAM radio, or pirate radio.

UnitedOwl10 ago

BatteryIncluded, Koncorde and JustARandommer.

selpai ago

The ministry of thruth, natutally.

skullfuku ago

cue the "hava nagila"

Bill_Williamson ago

Some fag from Reddit :D :D :D Promotion after years of being sodomized by jews and for free. He's their soyman. In all seriousness though, it would be a committee. A rubber stamp one. Appointment to which, would be the idiot sons and daughters of high level satanists.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Oh no need to worry about any of that. Just leave it to some unelected terrorist retards to not fuck everything into the dirt.

Thereunto ago

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Pointyball ago

They don't call out lies for a reason.

Misskylie42 ago

They do obviously

DeliberatelyNosier ago

Who gets to decide what is misinformation?

Your mom.

"Drugs are fun"? Misinformation.

"The neighbor girl thinks I'm hot"? Misinformation.

"Getting good grades is the key to a happy life"? Absolutely 100% true.

truth2025 ago

I made this post awhile back, relevant for UN.

Most interesting part is the UN video at bottom, skip to minute 2:00


if you count the fields, it's 33, masonic sign

another masonic sign, hidden hand

You can find many people and presidents in history did that sign

Fauci flashes the sign:


UN shows their "Forces of Peace" (ironically they hold weapons, not flowers)

skip to minute 2:00 in video


A must watch UN propaganda video

CaptnObvius ago

in a true "free market of ideas" the public controls it, the truth defends itself

in a communist society, it is controlled by a few that keep the truth hidden and buried.

SubhumanFailure ago

In a true "free market of ideas" the idea of private property should be diminished

CaptnObvius ago

I'm not anti-Semitic, I just don't want them living on my planet. They need to meet the same fate as polio and smallpox.

neg ago

But in a free market truth does not always win, because many truths are harder to accept than the lies. The churches are supposed to teach those hard truths but we castrated them.

rebel_1812 ago

The jews.

kammmmak ago


sunshine702 ago

Harry the Bastard ex Prince does that hand tuck jacket thing all the time too.

What a douchebag

ReAwakened ago

It's always the jews. Always.

gazillions ago

That's it. We need to get some pictures of the UN staff fucking dogs and flood the internet with them.

Constant bombardment and they can say it's misinformation an take them down all the time, but the news uses that method. The emotional picture is out there and it doesn't come back.

They have to go. Parasites that need ended. They help create refugees for corporate human trafficking. They're responsible for South Africa. They're responsible for closing psychiatric hospitals. They helped create the bombing of Bosnia and siding with muslims constantly against us.

They intend to demolish islam and turn their women into sluts and drug users too.

They're killers and users of humans.

Misskylie42 ago

Demolishing Islam is bad?

MossadInc ago

Secular arabs in the west is worse than religious arabs in the middle east.

Brotherhoodlum ago

The fastest way to be accused of sharing misinformation on COVID19 is to share information gleaned from either the WHO or the CDC. They have released so much contradictory information and made so many glaringly obvious mistakes that one only needs to use these two sites to red pill normies into realising how ridiculous this is.

lanre ago

"Masks are totally ineffective, don't even bother!"

One month later...

"Everyone MUST wear a mask or we'll all die!"

lostinapes ago

The first statement was horse shit and they said it because they needed real ppe masks for themselves. Now they need people to go back to work and to do that they need them to feel safe so they tell people these tshirt masks will protect them. To these faggots the truth is whatever they need it to be whenever they need it to be.

slwsnowman40 ago

SCBA is the only way to be 100% protected while wearing a mask/respirator. P100 filter respirators stop 99.9% of particles 0.3 microns and bigger while the virus is 0.1 micron.

The best way I've found to get them to realize the moronicness of the mask mandates is to show/use real world sizes. Imagine the virus is the size of a basketball, the gaps in most masks are 3 times larger than that. And that's for N95 and P100, the paper masks probably have larger gaps, and the t-shirt coverings aren't stopping anything not on a droplet/phlegm.

lostinapes ago

thats true but the majority of the viral load int he air will be attached to larger particles of saliva and mucus mist so in an area with a light viral load like a grocery store a mask can help a lot. It takes getting a dose of some minimal amount of virus to get infected. p95 probably wont help you in a hospital but for casual stuff in only light crowds of people its a hell of a lot better than nothing or a tshirt which really stops almost nothing.

slwsnowman40 ago

You are always shedding even if you aren't coughing/sneezing though. Something that destroys the mask directives is you still have to be around someone that is sick about 15 minutes, and I haven't seen where that's changed during all of this. There's no real way of not getting it, mask or not, short of just locking everyone in their homes for 2 weeks.

Jimmie Johnson's (the race car driver) wife caught it and they thought it was just allergies as that's how it presented in her. They have young kids so I'm sure they were taking the appropriate precautions.

lanre ago

Exactly. I was telling people the first was bullshit and they were just like "Well who are you, the CDC? Do you know better than the WHO?" Imbeciles.

Maroonsaint ago

Obviously them. You better send your dick pics to me before you cant