Deadleftist ago

Jews have sterilized the population, are disarming the population with this false flag have bought up much of the Island, put in a puppet leader and will use the Boeing planes to mass transit the Jewish people from North America and Europe to the second Jewish Homeland.

Deadleftist ago

CBC and the other Jew Media passed this guy off as a former white supremacist, name is Shekels Shekelgrubber.

hobie004 ago

All this to keep a cover up? Crazy. Where is that 737 that never went down? All these false flags are crazy. So did they put everyone on that plane on a bus and bury them except for the few that were in on it? Then claim insurance money? Surely planes have some type of VIN.

iLuvJews ago

Doesn't make it real and there's a reason you couldn't back up what you said or refute anything to begin with.

JackTillman ago

Can someone say we don't want to hurt our tourist revenue .......

iLuvJews ago

lol, presents evidence, you talk trash and can't refute anything being said and somehow the comment agreeing with you (that still can't back up anything or refute anything) gets more upvotes.

Enjoy the minimum wage you guys get paid to leave these weak comments.

HappyMealBullshit ago

If I can control what you're allowed to see, I can control what you're allowed to read. If I can control what you're allowed to read, I can control what you're allowed to say, and if I can control what you're allowed to say, I can essentially control what you're allowed to think. This is a slippery fucking slope Kiwi's. Be afraid.

I-h8-Phage-on-ATS ago

If this is true, folks need to rise up and now to this disgusting tyranny.

thebearfromstartrack ago

What about websites in other nations?

DarthShekel ago

From the article:

"The live stream video of the shootings in Christchurch has been classified by the Chief Censor's Office as objectionable."

Chief Censor's Office.

Let that sink in.... they openly have a government agency that has the sole purpose of hiding the truth.

At least in America, they pretend to be discreet about it.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

I actually quite prefer them to do so publicly and have to publicize what is blocked. If the government is there to enact the will of the people there should be no need for secrecy, as the people have deemed it in their interest to block these things from their children, themselves, etc. There also needs to be a mechanism through which the public can appeal said decisions.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

And just when I was wondering what some faggy millennial who wears a knit cap year round thought about the whole thing. Perfect timing.

Oranges222 ago

Good luck enforcing this on any server or data center not inside your borders.

DaveisLove ago

Plugging their own asses

WakkoWarner ago

Post the kids-safe version, this will make these assholes both boil in rage and also understand that censorship doesn't work and actually only makes things worse.

SouthernSon ago

Love to see of these deceased Muslims cost benefit analysis to New Zealand. How much benefits were given, how much taxes were paid. Also, their METADATA. It should be all reviewed and made public

Wobblegong ago

Don’t forget YouTube showed the beheadings of Americans by ISIS

Jimmycog ago

The video looks contrived, almost staged. How does that happen. It is very telling New Zealand has gone full Stazi about the issue.

WatchRyder ago

Problem Reaction Solution? Or more likely an uber-knee-jerk reaction.

moviefreak ago

Let's make a hoax shooting to implement laws that prevent anyone but jewish pedophiles to own weapons, and then we demand some shekels on top. What a brilliant plan.

CowWithBeef ago

The people of New Zealand need an animated version that's legal to watch and own.

GrandLizard ago

I love how they care more about this video than the western world cares about its citizens. So when their actual citizens are killed over and over by muzzies, the video is fair game to all. Makes me sick. Our societies care more about these religious dipshits than taking care of it’s people. The NZ prime minister wearing the hijab during morning is just icing on the cake. Clown world.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

their citizens have noticed

Commie_Meta ago

The NZ prime minister wearing the hijab during mourning is just icing on the cake.

Good grief, you're not joking. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.

Kalergi ago

If you understand ((their)) mindset, it all makes sense. ((They)) have a Divine directive to enslave us like farm animals; at any cost. Our lives have no value, but ((their)) mission is paramount.

Zealot-goy ago

Staged false flag event.

Incty ago

New Zealand is pacifist, in case you didn’t know.

SouthernSon ago

Except for the true Maori spirited ones. Those are badass

midnightblue1335 ago

Hoo hoo, boy the conspiracies about this being "staged" are a bit much, aren't they? I agree with you, that was absolutely a real shooting, but you can speculate all you want about it being a Mossad operation or some shit.

iLuvJews ago


midnightblue1335 ago

No, not sarcastic. I am saying that the video I saw was an absolutely 100% real shooting.

But you can also speculate about the motives and possible conspiracies, because of some oddities. An example would be Tarran'ts trip to Pakistan 6 months ago. The muslims he hung out with in Pakistan are from a rival sect of the Christchurch mosque. Tarrant says he loved the Pakis he was with. Kind of weird.

I have seen people earnestly saying the video is "fake", as in "that's not a man shooting dozens of people to death, it's all actors with effects". Those people are stupid and wrong.

iLuvJews ago

lol, so you actually watched the video and think it's "100% real" with no blood, low quality, etc. etc.


nogotocongo ago


Cat-hax ago

Almost as if they are afraid this will anger their mud pets

k_digi ago

How’s the old saying go?

‘Infrared light makes the best disinfectant’

Cat-hax ago

I have to admit I have never heard that one before.

ardvarcus ago

The sacred Muslim is getting almost as sacred as the sacred Holocaust.

Charilko ago

Josh from Kiwifarms is an asshole but he’s 100% correct here.

kurtpackage ago

Good for him. There is nothing more that I hate than someone with no fucking balls.

thedayismine ago

banning sem-auto guns and now this, lots of reactionary laws being made over there. Hmmm

Art1cBear ago

Hope tarrant faggots double down in NZ. Fuck the gov.

Art1cBear ago

Wonder how the jew cunt pm of nz has anything but the interest of free white men in mind. Don't let snatches run your country. Total war against ZOG. I'll kill and die for this shit. Expel the jewooso!

MVMeboii ago

Is Telegraph/Mirror going to advertise Christchurch as the newest 'hot' holiday spot for some?

Gorillion ago

Full lockdown on the locals + that non-extradition shit out of nowhere in the new gun-grabber legislation = Cabal Hotspot.

Laserchalk ago

It's kind of a stupid goal to begin with. It's not like you can remove the video from the internet.

Howzat ago

Cui bono, "to whom is it a benefit?"

Politicians and investors are afraid.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

New Zealand is elitist bug man bug out island.

Sillicon Valley bunkers in NZ

knightwarrior41 ago

the bunkers are worthless because NZ is earthquake prone and i am not talking small temblors i am talking 6.5 upwards

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

These millionaire tech geniuses must know something you don't.

knightwarrior41 ago

oh sure i agree but i dont think that nothing can withstand a mega earthquake a la tohoku,japan or even of greater magnitude. but that's just me

Neon_daemon ago

Lol play it on protectors

13972362521 ago

no clue about NZ, but in Russia, the original 16 min video is up an running,uploaded at one of the most popular forums(Yaplakal)

kurtpackage ago

how does this work? you'd only be able to access if you're visiting with a russian ISP?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

NZ can only block it or monitor it internally for NZ people. They have absolutely zero control over any company or website outside their jurisdiction. As long as NZ people can access websites hosted outside of NZ, they can view the video.

Meanwhile, there are probably a million copies saved locally by now.

13972362521 ago

I have non russian ISP and it works.

Dark_Shroud ago

We post it around here non stop. There are several new mirrors on BitChute but I haven't bothered to re-upload there as my mirror works fine. <- This might take a moment to load, the site's bandwidth has been getting slammed.

And of course the Stormer more than willing to help everyone on this:

Voat is in the US as am I, fuck anyone that thinks they can censor me. BitChute is registered in the UK, they have to comply with official notices. These dumb asses do not realize the videos continue to be uploaded simply as a fuck you.

CowWithBeef ago

Bitchute is in the UK? How did they make such a great free speech website in an Islamic country?

A_M_Swallow ago

Britain is only partially Islamic. It is mostly Socialist. Although Muslims are trying to bring in censorship laws.

CowWithBeef ago

Fertility differences alone promise it will be Islamic.

A_M_Swallow ago

Only if the Muslims are in Western countries. In none oil states Arabs have to grow their own food. Starvation is the natural way of limiting human population.

theHubrisOfMan ago

Man they REALLY don’t want white people to get a taste of the power that comes with knowing you’re feared.

midnightblue1335 ago

Interesting insight- could this be why a lot of people seem giddy, high even, from watching the video? I've seen dozens of people remarking this. I thought it might be because "it feels good to see some other group being a victim sometimes" after all the shit White people have had to put up with...

But this idea of putting fear into invaders or unwanted minorities makes a lot of sense. White people are typically seen as "soft", easy prey, super tolerant; but this single shooting plants a seed in the minds of said invaders- "Any White person I see could be a ticking time bomb like him. I'd better clean up my act and show some respect and/or leave."

I don't think that'll be the case, though- Whites were already resented, easy targets before this. This incident finally gave them the boogeyman they wanted, the "lone wolf right winged terrorist" they've been pretending exists so hard, they actually created them. Ironic.

Empire_of_the_mind ago


voatusernamevoat ago

This is a trolling moment, spam videos of other shootings, make them choke on it.

CameraCode ago

While we're at it, spam images and videos on jewed sites like Reddit to rack up a few million dollar fines for them.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

put it in hobbyist /r/ areas were people don't expect or have 24/7 monitoring

RaymondTracer ago

Or even hidden, unmoderated subreddits that haven't been locked yet.

tom47 ago

If I had the aware with all to do the research and find all the archives films and articles on loose beheading or burning or drowning men women and children, and post them on #EVERY SINGEL NZ WEB SITE!!!!!

Kalergi ago

...and a Voat Meme was born.

BlueDrache ago

aware with all


tom47 ago

Wherewithal NOW, what did the misspelled word have to do with overall meaning of the post? Are you looking for a gold star sticker and pat on the back because you can spell? Did you even #COMPREHEND the posting? FYI, the voice printer I find that I must use from time to time, also substatuted LOOSE for those? Now I must rest, as my gums hurt from gripping this typing stylus!! I have no fingers to type with!!!!!!!

BlueDrache ago

Kill yourself. LOL.

tom47 ago

@VOAT.COM I want all the readers to see what an upstanding man you are, I may even repost this on other social platforms, in certain ethnic unclaives and proclaim to them you insulted their people and blasphemed their diety!! THIS TIME, I WILL #NOT ANYONE of your hatefull nature!! Next time you feel the #ITCH sully, or denigrate someone you may wish to not be such a #CREATIN IN YOUR ATTEMPT!! WHO KNOWS, the next disabled person you RIDICULE & DENIGRATE may not hold off!

RevDrStrangelove ago

I like your idea of spamming every other moslem attack video. I was just thinking the same thing.

You need to toughen up buttercup.

BlueDrache ago

It's ... You failure of a human being.

tom47 ago

you were warned RUN!!!

BlueDrache ago

Why should I? You obviously can't.

tom47 ago

Well I suppose but I have run into is a Alexandria ocasio cortez loving socialist communist democrat!

uvulectomy ago

aware with all wherewithal

tom47 ago

AND that has to do with the topic at hand , HOW?

ardvarcus ago

I see this kind of error all the time. Younger people don't have a clue as to what they are saying when they use familiar expressions, so they often get them laughably wrong when they try to write them.

Glipglup ago

I could care less

DavidHogg ago

Hall a cost.

uvulectomy ago

This particular specimen claims to be 72, however. So my money is on "senile old boomer."

0fsgivin ago

most likely not a native english speaker.

uvulectomy ago

50/50 it's either a shill or a senile boomer who has zero clue where he even is half the time.

Cold_Guinea_Pig ago

And you will never be old...

IslamicStatePatriot ago

I dig

ViperCarbz ago

This is why free speech is important, folks. The government and media should not decide what content you're allowed to view. Decide for yourself.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

more important is using it as an example to show that the government is not serving the interests of the people. when such a thing occurs the response needs to be "TEAR DOWN THIS FAGGOT GOVERNMENT."

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

I agree with this, but where do you draw the line for what is equivalent to child porn? You could use the same argument you're using in favor of it. I'm playing devil's advocate.

LightestHour ago

Endorsing free speech means you put speech on the equivalent of the free market. If the people choose child porn over other forms of content, that's a moral issue, not a legislative one.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Sheep need shephards to protect them from the wolves.

90% of people are sheep, meaning even 90% of your family is sheep. "Wolves" love free speech. It leaves the sheep exposed.

Kalergi ago

Now you got me thinking about lamb chops.

tom47 ago

Key wosd was should, and #NO THE GOV. has NO place (#infring_upon) censoring our speech!!

MikkelsenB ago

Ill tell you why. In Europe the libtard logic censores islamic terror attacks, because not censoring it fuels the right wing which is not in favor of the current party. Exactly same logic with New Zealand, they are center-right, so they censor the thing that can fuel left.

That being said, I subjectively think censoring this is good, even though I am anti-islam, shooting muslims is detrimental to right wing. therefore wrong. It wil l** not** encourage more right wingers to "start doing something about the islam problem". Instead, it will increase left voters, convert more the ones on the balance to left instead of right, et cetera, raise their islamic sensibilities. For long term, that means the left parties gets more chance to be elected, which means they will import more muslims, or tolerate more mosques, more islamic "extreme" stuff will happen. So the shooter is actually stupid, he thinks he is getting rid of 50, meanwhile as a consequence New Zealand might gain a lot, not to mention he is in jail now.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Shooting muslim Invaders is self defense. Fuck your optics, you cheek-turning limp dick. The left already openly hates whites and cheers on our genocide, but faggots like you still think they can be reasoned with. They can't.

MikkelsenB ago

if you shoot 50 and that makes a million come back, thats not self defense, thats stupid

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

"If you kill your enemies, they win."

Let the left sympathize all they want. What are they going to do about it?

MikkelsenB ago

you only win if you manage to get rid of all you dumb fuck, trying to get rid of few by shooting some mosques is not gonna work, thats gonna make more come, give up that unrealistic revolution dream of yours

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

What makes you think 10,000 white men couldn't get rid of them all in less than a week? If more come, they get got rid of too. You're not going to get out of this politically. Better to face that fact now.

MikkelsenB ago

thats never gonna happen, and there is a difference between revolutionary and rebel, its success

Lopaond ago

It's a good thing. Nigger bended should be wiped out from face of the earth. Anyone who shares it supports terrorism simple as that.

If you share a CP you're a pedo, if you share terrorism videos that glorify terrorism you're a terrorist

IslamicStatePatriot ago

What? I don't speak schizophrenic I'm afriad.

mediaisfooked ago

I have the file. Someone tell me how to copy the magnet link out of Vuze. I will make sure my computer stays on.

kurtpackage ago

been seeding mine for the last 24hrs.

mediaisfooked ago

Me too bro. Just don't know how to copy the magnet link for others?

mediaisfooked ago

Mine is missing the audio from about 3 minutes till about 6 minutes. Everything else is there.

475677 ago

you might want to check this link out

0fsgivin ago

So is mine...I wonder what is said in those 3 minutes. It's clear audio of him talking is removed that's what happened.

mediaisfooked ago

No idea bro? ..but if I ran things he would get a medal and more ammunition. ;-)

0fsgivin ago

I mean.. I like that he fought back...

Muslims had no problems witg us until is real was founded..

Most "refugees" are brought in by jewish charities...

And dude targeted children... I dunno man.

mediaisfooked ago

Yeah some fucked up shit,

mediaisfooked ago

Is this it? Says hash.
E0511A1A CE47AEE0 0082ADD0 78A60630 B7D3691A

kurtpackage ago

i've got it. tell me how to send it.

RaymondTracer ago

No, that's just the file's unique identifier, you send that to people so they can make sure they downloaded the right file.

I don't use Vuze though so I can't help you with magnet link.

mediaisfooked ago

Thax for trying bro

JustARandomStranger ago

This belongs on /v/meanwhileonreddit

Kim Dotcom needs to release a public statement indicating that Mega has copies of the video. That would be a good temperature reading of how hot Pepe is getting...

voatusernamevoat ago

Mass non compliance is in order.

Grospoliner ago

Only the corrupt fear the truth.

HappyMealBullshit ago

What if the truth of modern times is corruption and censorship? Should we not be afraid?

dias17se ago

The entire nz gov needs to be shot too.

CameraCode ago

I'm sure Brenton I absolutely thrilled about this law. New Zealand is panicking and enforcing a law that will backfire on them. I'm surprised they resorted to this, it's something I would expect of Germany or Sweden, but not NZ. I guess it just goes to show how little control they think they have over their citizens if they fear so much the videos being seen.

HotFarts69 ago

Only the corrupt fear the truth.

MrPim ago

The truth fears no investigation.

iLuvJews ago

"Sunlight makes the best disinfectant."

Video is most likely staged or the powers that be don't want sympathy towards muslims or the shooter.

Those are the 3 most likely scenarios. Possibly a combination of all three.

ex-redd ago

I fucking hate this douche

shrink ago

I agree with much of the things he says (or rather, I should say that he agrees with much of what I think, because that's exactly his intention) but I agree with you. He strikes me as pandering and sometimes just insufferable. Same with that Jeremy guy who's spent months ranting about Kathleen Kennedy and Star Wars; sure, I think he's right about it all, and I agree with it all, but he definitely presents a lot of what he says intentionally as bait (clickbait, kneejerk bait, backlash bait, whatever).

IslamicStatePatriot ago

He's trying to make it same as all of us but he tries to hold on to some dignity while at it. I respect the little hapa.

tokui ago

Tim Pool of OWS.

No thanks.

QuickMafs ago