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argosciv ago

So basically, you seem to be admitting to attempting to game the voting system and are pissed off to discover that there's something in place to combat such a thing? That sure sounds familiar...

Wonder of wonders, here you are attempting to hide in plain sight in that very same thread linked above:

cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @srayzie @kevdude @PuttItOut

eronburr ago

Ugh you dumb lame piece of shit.
If I were gaming it I wouldn't admit it and post details. I did all of this after posting a suggestion this needs to be done, but needs to be public/semi-anonymous. I did all of this after being told numerous reasons why they wouldn't do what I suggested and learning they lied.

You're either too fucking stupid to see this or you're just another voat admin account shilling to distract people from the point that voat is compromised and has no good intentions.

argosciv ago

You're either too fucking stupid to see this or you're just another voat admin account shilling to distract people from the point that voat is compromised and has no good intentions.


You are transparent as fuck.

Imagine my surprise that you just happen to be around to reply to me within ~17 minutes.

eronburr ago

Imagine my surprise that you just happen to be around to reply to me within ~17 minutes.

I had posts minutes before you commented so no reason to think I wasn't around, shithead.

you got 1 upvote on a weeks old post within minutes.

Enough said. Should have known voat was a shill board when it begged for $6k/mo to keep online.

argosciv ago

I had posts minutes before you commented so no reason to think I wasn't around, shithead.

I wasn't stalking your comment history.

I put a pin in your bullshit days ago. I told you and your ilk not to push me, but, you kept pushing...

you got 1 upvote on a weeks old post within minutes.

Perhaps because I made sure some users were aware of my comment? Dunce.

Enough said. Should have known voat was a shill board when it begged for $6k/mo to keep online.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah man, that totally seals it. You done cracked the case, flawless logic.

^^^ cc: @Vindicator, @Crensch, @kevdude, @srayzie, @PuttItOut