badruns ago


crypticking ago

Duckduckgo is great. But I have a few questions. First is how can we be sure they're not tracking us? And secondly, where did they get that name from?

B3bomber ago

Duck, duck, GOOSE!

I got to play that in grade school only because the teacher knew that game from their childhood. Good luck kiddos! Our fucking culture is nearly wiped out.

RollinDaGrassTyson ago


Dochound ago

I play a game, sometimes, where I search for the same thing on both browsers and see what pops up.

buggermeevenharder ago

firefox --no-remote -P is my friend. Maybe he can help you.

buggermeevenharder ago

I like and isn't horrible, but I think it's from communists. Currently I'm test driving, and it gets good results.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Its great but please just don't keep using that one instance,spread around and use different servers from the github page.

anoncastillo ago

You misspelled

ThisWeirdIndividual ago

Yeah but really suck tho . I mean, hard. To the point of being unusable most of the times.

lbruiser ago

You can set to use Google, Yahoo, and bing as it's search defaults just like ddg.

anoncastillo ago

I didn't downvoat but will get better with time.

Speakfree ago

Ddg is Google. Stop this nonsense. I was shilling for ddg for too long before I found out. Do your research. Pick what makes the most sense for you.

Rawrination ago

DDG is owned by Jews and is somewhat of a trap but they have different results than google.

buggermeevenharder ago

I don't know about that. Do you have more information to offer? Is it because of the jews?

WhiteRonin ago

Where does DDG get their results?

buggermeevenharder ago

I don't honestly know. Is it the jews?

WhiteRonin ago

I have switched to bing for personal usage and keep google for work. I like how google gives me IT/programming answers. I switched to bing because I can pull images that I post here. Google blocks going directly to the source image from search.

WhiteRonin ago

Hmm, it uses multiple sources now. But no google.

But I do remember back when it first was a thing about 6 -7 years ago it was using google api.

Crap what is that word ... that means history has been erased and replaced with a new history.

Wiki says Bing, yahoo (still bing mostly), Yandex

buggermeevenharder ago

Last I knew Yahoo=Bing and Yandex=Communist.

BlueDrache ago

Das Juize!! They taste of Oranges, oy vey!