Brave Payments to Fund Voat - Anyone Know More About This? (
submitted 6.4 years ago by idk
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Rotteuxx 6.4 years ago
@cynabuns @pieceseeker
Cynabuns 6.4 years ago
This is the first I've heard of it. IMHO, if it's not directly from me directly to voat's wallet then I'm suspicious.
prairie 6.4 years ago
Send your bitcoin to fgxa6r9h5z865J162j369816y89s6j90d769d373287 if you want to donate to Voat. Trust me, it will go to Voat. /s
A few years ago I would have trusted some random thing but now I'm very suspicious of anything, even a legitimate-looking site for donating.
LOL on the btc addy!
In case anyone was looking, PuttItOut shared the official Voat one in this post,, copied here for convenience: is Voat's BTC address if you feel called to donate: 3NZvuAk3Csf1UP1KCmzN9dhiXTwvhTgr9k
Don't send because nobody has a private key for it.
Uh oh, that brazillion dollars I just sent you is gonna be stuck for a while huh
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Rotteuxx ago
@cynabuns @pieceseeker
Cynabuns ago
This is the first I've heard of it. IMHO, if it's not directly from me directly to voat's wallet then I'm suspicious.
prairie ago
Send your bitcoin to fgxa6r9h5z865J162j369816y89s6j90d769d373287 if you want to donate to Voat. Trust me, it will go to Voat. /s
A few years ago I would have trusted some random thing but now I'm very suspicious of anything, even a legitimate-looking site for donating.
Cynabuns ago
LOL on the btc addy!
In case anyone was looking, PuttItOut shared the official Voat one in this post,, copied here for convenience:
prairie ago
Don't send because nobody has a private key for it.
Cynabuns ago
Uh oh, that brazillion dollars I just sent you is gonna be stuck for a while huh