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praxist ago

Delete all things google from your life. Problem solved. Inb4 there are no alternatives to ____: protonmail,, hooktube....

skywalker7777 ago

Protonmail is a honeypot

Searx uses Google

Hooktube doesn't work anymore

kalgon ago

If protonmail is a "honey pot" then the entire internet is a "honey pot", you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means

Beside the story above was started by a VPN, competitor of protonVPN, don't conveniently forget to mention that

UnknownAlias365 ago

Really, any good alternative you list and autists will spam "COMPROMISED!" Duckduckgo is one of the good alternatives out there, yet people will scream compromised! Same with Same with any, I mean ANY legitimate vpn service. There is no one good alternative you can name without someone screaming "COMPROMISED!"

slwsnowman40 ago

Sooooo back to