silly_potato ago

Another reason not to use Chrome.

HulkInformation ago

They don't need cookies they built the damn browser they make the rules. They can use internal storage, even deliver essentially anything they want off your computer to their servers.

halinflorida ago

Never trust companies to do what they should in a fair, honest, and just way. They will generally do what they can get away with. If they can get away with sloppy cleanup, they will do a sloppy cleanup. It's always best to do your own cleanup. That of course means that people who don't understand these systems are SOL but, there's an opportunity for someone to offer a new software to d the cleanup and check that the customer's interests are protected.

LetsBeNakedOutside ago

That's what idiots get for using Chrome?

Conspirologist ago

Any good antivirus cleares from all cookies. Not a problem.

snortykat ago

Would someone please recommend me a browser for my mobile besides chrome. My android has chrome by default.

jasonleeg ago

Brave browser is a good one and privacy focused

CarthOSassy ago

Qt: why WHY did you base WebEngine on Chrome?

bourbonexpert ago

I don’t use chrome. Haven’t for years

Handsome_Hands ago

Well that's not good news, but those are some nice finger warmers.

Lookingglass8 ago

Yes, I recently noticed that CC cleaner, when I run it, doesn't log me out of Google anymore. It always used to do that. I knew something wasn't right. I have been using Firefox. But on my tablets and phone I use Firefox Focus. It's a slimmed-down version of Firefox status secure. It basically saves nothing once you exit the browser. But I am noticing some glitches with voice dictation. And it really doesn't give you suggestions on words. But it is super secure. Mozilla's branding is all about security Now. I would also use DuckDuckGo for a search engine. More secure yet is a Tor Browser

space_case ago The author is a commie

BlockMe ago

I never trusted Chrome. Even when it was new and shiny and Firefox had started its decline.

I always thought that Chrome sent some kind of UUID on startup to Google.

GinormousGuy ago

Better yet just delete chrome.

LDIP ago

Don't be evil.. haha right??

Botanist ago

I read the story. Is t satire

It’s wrote by an “Asian” Muslim about not being able to delete data... I Wonder why an Asian Muslim would want to delete data? Is the piece satire?

I only use Edge on the PC. That’s it. Nothing else, and I have nothing to hide or prove.

Saying that though, if I see a site with a CAPTCH or a Sign In with Google option, I try not to have anything to do with it. I haven’t used google, Facebook or any other social media nonsense in years. It’s one of the main reasons I stopped making websites back in the Dreamweaver days.

475677 ago

I only use Edge on the PC. That’s it. Nothing else, and I have nothing to hide or prove.

You also have nothing worth saying so you wouldn't mind being censored or even having your tongue cut out too hey?

Fucking boomer scum. Give your children your shekels and kill yourself.

Botanist ago

You don’t know shit about me. Boomer scum? Seriously see a shrink though.


lbruiser ago

Does this effect chromium too?

ATrumpCard ago

Are chromium/chromium based browsers effected by this or is this just a chrome thing?

B3bomber ago

They should be fine, they're the base code BEFORE google adds shit to their Chrome brand.

insanitea ago

I remember being signed out of everything (google included) last time I cleared mine. It /shouid/ be fine, but don't quote me on that.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

This might not be deliberate, but a result of chrome hitting various google services automatically. You could clear all your cookies and have them actually delete, and then a few seconds later it might do a browser or extension update check, hitting a google URL, which results in cookies getting set. Not that this is necessarily better if true (speculation on my part), because it would mean that google's tracking is built into the browser itself, and it wouldn't need you to ever visit a google website - or even a site that uses a google service or hosted script.

Or depending on how they tested this, they might have had gmail or some other google website open and one of its automatic ajax requests resulted in cookies getting set. If so, they're dumb and don't know how this stuff works.

jasonleeg ago

Iridium Browser is a good privacy orientated browser based on Chrome but with security in mind.

toobaditworks ago

Brave, Waterfox, Epic Browser

NiggadermCQ ago

Cromium have this bug too?

insanitea ago

I remember being signed out of everything (google included) last time I cleared mine. It /shouid/ be fine, but don't quote me on that.

Waters ago

Several years ago, someone (probably Google) invented a cookie that acted like a virus. It would store itself in several locations then is the others were deleted, the piece that was left would put copies back of the ones that were deleted. The only way to delete it (them) was to delete them all without missing one.

prairie ago

Fake Software

Kekalicious ago

I hear Waterfox is a good alternative. It lags up on my laptop from time to time. Firefox extensions will work with it. I will try Brave next. Get some decent cleaner programs. Or decent extensions/addon's to help you not receive cookies. Anti tracking is also important.

TheTrigger ago

I'm just copy+pasting this comment now, since these threads usually get the same thing asked or mentioned repeatedly:

skywalker7777 ago

What do you mean by cleaner programs?

Kekalicious ago I wont vouch for anything on this list but this is the jist of what the programs do. I manually remove stuff from the registry but I was trained for IT so I kinda know what I am doing.

skywalker7777 ago

Yeha I'm training for IT too and we just worship Microsoft there. Windows is bullshit, "cleaners" are bullshit. Only cleaning tool you need is apt clean.

Kekalicious ago

You can't really see what they do. I can check to make sure the temp sludge is indeed gone. Only safe bet is running XP in a pirate machine. Or Linux if your down to the learning curve. Will check out your recommendation though so thanks.

korama1234 ago

I stopped using chrome when I noticed it actually scanned my document files. Switch to Brave!

TheTrigger ago

If you know what you're doing, I'd recommend Waterfox and to set it up like I mentioned in this comment. Brave isn't exactly the best option. The easiest option to get your PC illiterate parents to stop opening viruses, sure. That's about it.

UnknownAlias365 ago

I tried brave and it was buggy as shit. Back to Firefox or waterfox.

skywalker7777 ago

What's so special about Brave? I don't get it. It's just Chromium with preinstalled adblock. Also, false advertising.

albeit ago

Not just blocking ads, you can anonymously support websites you visit, automatically through Brave Payments / Basic Attention Token. If grass-roots funding were to catch on, it could put a serious dent in websites' reliance on ad-revenue and subscriptions.

TheTrigger ago

Brave is just normie-tier and easy for most boomers to understand. No fiddling with extensions and about:config, etc. Just install and run: you get a "good enough" internet condom. If you know what you're doing, you're better served by Waterfox + uMatrix + uBlock + HTTPS Everywhere, and something like Secret Agent, to protect against browser fingerprinting. Absolute control of what goes on in your browser.

jewlie ago

I don't mind Brave. I also have never seen this before lol that's a joke. Brave def takes longer, and the startup even on an ssd isn't the greatest.

herbalism ago

Switched to Brave and its great. Now to get rid of gmail and stop using youtube.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Don't use Google Chrome problem solved.

bluefascist ago

what is an actual replacement though?

I've tried a number of other browsers, and I haven't been finding ones that are even functional with the exception of firefox which I also don't like.

Anyone else having good luck?

Forevermary ago

Brave or ungoogled-chromium

CaptnObvius ago

Iridium, its Chrome code with all the Google BS supposedly removed. Someone else my have more detailed info about it.

IsaacJan ago

...Fucking Waterfox. You faggots don't even try.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Brave Browser is amazeballs.

brewpot ago

Netscape navigator

TheTrigger ago


UnknownAlias365 ago

You haven't looked hard enough then. There's Firefox, waterfox, brave, opera, list goes on and on. Also, don't use Google when you search. Use duckduckgo or

bluefascist ago

firefox got a guy fired for political views, waterfox the last I used it had no future support plan, brave last I used it didn't render video correctly, opera is owned by the chinese, and the problems go on and on...

I've already started to use other search engines, but I still use google when those fail.

UnknownAlias365 ago

I hear you. That's why I use Firefox. It's cucked yes, but it isn't outright radical like Google and works well.

Omnidempotent ago

Opera was sold to the Chinese and ddg is run by a jew

UnknownAlias365 ago

Well, like I said in another comment, no matter what you mention, someone will come along and say "compromised!"

Omnidempotent ago

Just letting you know, friend

UnknownAlias365 ago

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it, but I don't really know of any other alternative. And I'm sure when you mention one, someone at some point will come along and say that is compromised too.

phoenix883 ago

Unstoppable deep state AI tracking machine or hippie programmers bloatware?

Shit sandwich or slightly moldy bread. Easy decision.

People need to stop paying with their dear life to obtain a little convenience. It's not that hard to use a slightly slower browser and not buy an echo listening device and switch on the lights by hand like a peasant.

wesmoc ago

“Switch” on the lights.. wait what? There is a switch on the light which does what exactly? Oh. Turn it on and off. Woahhhhh.. so cool. #mindblown

halinflorida ago

I've said for many years the so-called ad bots have no commercial business model that makes any sense so it means they are most likely back door ways to track people and gather surveillance. It's funny they can't find anything about Hillary but they sure watch the rest of us closely.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Even then I find Firefox Quantum is just as fast as Chrome is. Inb4 "compromised!" Either way, it's way less jewy than Google Chrome. There are of course even better, yet a tad bit slower, options available, like Waterfox, Opera, Brave, so on.

Jigawhojogaboo ago

Vivaldi, brave, chromium

bluefascist ago

vivaldi is new to me, will check it out.

talmoridor-x ago


Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

Incognito browser.

drschwabe ago

Did you try Vivaldi?

pcdude ago

Never had issues with waterfox

bluefascist ago

i thought it was done with updates

thats not going to be good in the long run

TheTrigger ago

Waterfox is forking away from the way Firefox is going to be doing things (basically switching over to being nothing but a Chrome theme). So it will slowly, over-time, lose binary compatibility with any new Firefox stuff, as I understand it. But it will continue to be updated and work just as intended. For the time being, though: it's an almost exact replica of firefox: with all the telemetry, spyware, wrong-think-blocking, bloatware, etc, removed.

pcdude ago

Mine just updated a couple of days ago, so, having heard nothing of that I cannot say one way or the other.

skywalker7777 ago

Waterfox has been around for seven years, and there's a big update coming soon.

bluefascist ago

then I stand corrected. it's probably time to check into these things again and find a winner.

ErrantCognition ago

I just use Edge. I already use Windows so eh. It's not the same turd bag it was two years ago

skywalker7777 ago

It still fucking sucks. You must be a technically imbecile autistic niggerfaggot if you use that piece of shit.

DownRange ago


DasReich ago

I just started using Brave and have been happy with the results thus far. Just recently implemented as the default search engine and have been happy with that as well.

NiggadermCQ ago

I'm using searx for now.

Looking into setting up yacy.

bluefascist ago

i tried it some time ago and found it lacking in major ways.

perhaps its time to give it another go.

I found video rendering was the issue with almost every browser other than chrome and ff

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Waterfox, brave, or Chromium?


Google is forcing the door wide open to be replaced by a unbiased search engine by a more intelligent culture... any brahs with programming skills ready to become the next billionaires?

Mustard_Monkey ago

If Startpage dumps being powered by Google I would use it more. I use Duck Dick Go until someone creates a better search engine.

kalgon ago

It's not really the lack of skills the problem, the linux/open source crowd would have come up with a more than just descent search engine a loooooong time ago if this was only a matter of work hours and skills as it is for user hosted

The real problem, is bandwidth/server cost quite frankly

A google is like, idk, billions of requests a day. I throw that number randomly and... Yeah it was 10,8 billion requests in 2016

Imagine the infrastructure you need to keep up with the demand, it just doesn't come cheap, who's going to pay for that? You'll need to run ads and shit to pay for that correct? Well, pretty much google's business model then, with the same types of hassle/constraints attached with it...

But let's say you solved the hardware related problem, like P2P based search engine or whatever, the problem is gone

Second problem is the sanitization of search results, you're going to have to filter those results because you evidently don't want to deliver the raw results, people would be horrified, every time you search for any given random crap pic you would end up swimming in a sea of pedo and murder porn

There are AI algos for that, but you also have to have humans doing it as a second layer, and you're going to have to pay for those humans, and they'll have to have some level of permission to delete this or that form searches... Which in the case of a P2P based search engine... Starts to be problematic

Schreiber ago

who's going to pay for that?

Uh, some jewish bankers who print money?

TheTrigger ago

Pretty sure that's the dudes running — you can even download and self-run the codebase, if you don't even trust them with your data:

Adminstrater ago

I'm surprised the browser even lets you see the cookies that Chrome shares directly with Google.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

It probably doesn’t...

Adminstrater ago

^ This guy knows what's going on.

prairie ago

So it's like when you ask a company to remove private data of yours, they just make it disappear from your view.

SassySouthernGal ago

Google is not the only culprit in cookie hiding, but there is something you can do about it. Many websites place cookies in a location where they can't be deleted by clearing your browser cache. To get rid of them in Windows, search "folder options". On the "view" tab, click "show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "hide protected operating system files".

Once that is done, you will be able to see the previously un-deletable cookies. Go to the following folder: (your user name) > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > Windows > Cookies. All the files inside are hidden cookies which can track you across websites. Delete them all.

You can then place a shortcut to the folder on your desktop for easy access to clear the cookies on a regular basis. After making the shortcut, go back into "folder options" and uncheck "show hidden files and folders" and recheck "hide protected operating system files".

It still won't guarantee you'll never be tracked, but at least you'll have a little more control.

notallvegans ago

another pro tip: use sandboxie. it wraps your browser in a sandboxed container that gets wiped clean on demand.

B3bomber ago

I use the open source variations like Chromium/ungoogled Chrome... ran from a RAM drive (user profile+cache). Only the actual binary .exe and dependencies are on an actual drive. Command line switches people, use them.

skidmark-steve ago

It's a bug! I swear! (a very convenient one)

vastrightwing ago

A (((bug))).

praxist ago

Delete all things google from your life. Problem solved. Inb4 there are no alternatives to ____: protonmail,, hooktube....

Schreiber ago

It's proven on voat before that protonmail is created by SJW piece of shit.

skywalker7777 ago

Protonmail is a honeypot

Searx uses Google

Hooktube doesn't work anymore

kalgon ago

If protonmail is a "honey pot" then the entire internet is a "honey pot", you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means

Beside the story above was started by a VPN, competitor of protonVPN, don't conveniently forget to mention that

UnknownAlias365 ago

Really, any good alternative you list and autists will spam "COMPROMISED!" Duckduckgo is one of the good alternatives out there, yet people will scream compromised! Same with Same with any, I mean ANY legitimate vpn service. There is no one good alternative you can name without someone screaming "COMPROMISED!"

slwsnowman40 ago

Sooooo back to

bluefascist ago

how about a decent browser. I've tried a bunch and they have all been pretty shitty except firefox which I also don't want to use

brewpot ago

Internet explorer

slwsnowman40 ago

I've moved to waterfox.

I'm going old school and will just move around to several different services every few years.

skywalker7777 ago

Use Waterfox if you like the old firefox UI

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

BitChute, PAID webmail, etc

TheTrigger ago

So set up your own mail server.

B3bomber ago

Many ISPs will block that port on residential connections (this is because spammers, network worms, various malware that email themselves). Changing the port can break shit. Also, they will know the protocol if you try to hide it without an encrypted VPN.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

Harder to protect, and hardly worth the trouble. There are plenty of good email services if you have $10

Wang_Tang ago

as the old saying goes, if it's free, YOU are the product.

RollinDaGrassTyson ago

Hooktube is no longer useful for sanitizing youtube. Use instead.