Chipcer ago

will do on and off when I can for free, I'm for free speech but personal think space should focus on the science, the planet, the technology of the stars.... that is No Religion, No Politics, Astrology/Aliens should probably be moved to the UFO subs. You know who I am now, nice to meet you guys will try to bring in some old crew from space talk or newmars, thespacesite if needed.

BobBelcher ago

Hey, /v/spacex mod here. I'd offer to help but since it looks like you were gaming the system to get this sub, I'm not going too.

Owlchemy ago

Agree. I just read thru this and did some research. This guy has one of the few links he's posted with a hundred plus up votes, something that's unheard of in this sub ... plus he has no credibility here at all and is now looking for mods to 'help' him, so apparently has no intention of doing anything but squatting on a popular sub. None of this makes sense. I think I need to find another sub to post my space links ... this stinks to high heaven.

ReadMe ago

I'm interested!

rwbj ago

There is something fishy going on here.

This sub has 0 spam and this user vote manipulated himself to meet the bare minimum requirements for modding this sub before disappearing from voat for weeks until it was foolishly approved. I enjoy this sub and don't really care this sort of moderator stupidity carried on over onto this sub. Evidence:

And other similar posts to get the bare minimum to requirements for claiming a subverse. Also note

He made a series of pointless comments in /v/space on 11/17/2016 from 5:01:39 to 5:15:50 and each received 23-25 upvotes in otherwise dead threads with minimal to no upvoting. And you simply check his posting history to see his account was completely abandoned until just recently when his subverse migration request was approved.

@Voat @Atko @Puttitout

At this point we should probably do away with moderators entirely. I previously requested a transfer precisely to avoid this scenario many months ago, but didn't meet the requirements. The irony.

Owlchemy ago

Absolutely agree! How did someone with no credibility in the sub ... and a new user at that ... get a sub with 34K users assigned to him. Then, immediately ask for help in moderating it, as he apparently has no intention of doing anything but squatting here? After reading thru this thread ... I think I'll post my space stuff elsewhere.

IAmNotGod ago

I would be very interested in moderating this sub. I'm a mod at /v/todayilearned/ & /v/pcgaming