Good work guys. Triggered the qtards (
submitted 4.5 years ago by HateCumbuckets
TurdLord5000 4.5 years ago
Lol. Look what someone posted in the comments:
I almost believe it.
HateCumbuckets 4.5 years ago
NoTrueScotsman 4.5 years ago
Were you the one that posted that? I assumed it was one of us.
AdiposePride1993 4.5 years ago
Need to sticky this
Yeah I am thankful to all who helped me repost that stupid message was pretty funny.
cyclops1771 4.5 years ago
I like how they made it some secret cabal ordered, planned event in order to forum slide one of their super-insightful posts!
And they spent 40 posts trying to figure out which one of their posts caused the cabal to go into action!
Either that, or @Hatecumbuckets posted that himself into the Qtard world, trolling them.
This the funniest thing I have read in a long time.
It can't possibly be "A bunch of idiots playing the 'Stop Copying Me!' game, it has to be "shills, shills, shills EVERYWHERE!"
The best troll is the one you didn't even mean.
YEs, trolling those who troll themselves is classic!
So, the question is, did we "prime the pump", or did they troll themselves on their own?
TurdLord5000 ago
Lol. Look what someone posted in the comments:
I almost believe it.
HateCumbuckets ago
NoTrueScotsman ago
Were you the one that posted that? I assumed it was one of us.
AdiposePride1993 ago
Need to sticky this
Yeah I am thankful to all who helped me repost that stupid message was pretty funny.
cyclops1771 ago
I like how they made it some secret cabal ordered, planned event in order to forum slide one of their super-insightful posts!
And they spent 40 posts trying to figure out which one of their posts caused the cabal to go into action!
Either that, or @Hatecumbuckets posted that himself into the Qtard world, trolling them.
cyclops1771 ago
This the funniest thing I have read in a long time.
It can't possibly be "A bunch of idiots playing the 'Stop Copying Me!' game, it has to be "shills, shills, shills EVERYWHERE!"
HateCumbuckets ago
The best troll is the one you didn't even mean.
cyclops1771 ago
YEs, trolling those who troll themselves is classic!
So, the question is, did we "prime the pump", or did they troll themselves on their own?