Sn0w1 ago

Hey @Guide. My old acc says hi.

I 'member the original pastebin list that spawned v/thecabal. Ol' enough for you? I can go further...

Guide ago


Drunkenst ago

old white people adore nostalgia

Guide ago

okay man you got yourself a friend!

Drunkenst ago

Bette Midler predicted this.

HateCumbuckets ago

Only 80 submissions to sbbh. You weren't here long

Guide ago

that's not correct data

gabara ago

@native, @not_mattvision, help out this old timer

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Who the fuck is this guy?

moodle_pooth ago

I'm here, posting under an alt because I deleted my old account. Don't care if you don't believe me.

Has Putt even showed his face around here in the past half year?

Native ago

Welcome back fag! How's the gardening?

moodle_pooth ago

It's going great! Been out in the yard all day long and it's a high of 70 today so I'm pretty damn excited. Growing lots of crazy shit this year.

How's it going with you?

Native ago

Great man! Planted some potatoes and Garlic this year!

Not going to lie, you where an inspiration! I planted potatoes last year however, i've doubled my output this year and created a garden from hand.

moodle_pooth ago

That's great, man. Glad I could have been of some inspiration. Never stop growing!

Guide ago

who is here? who are you?

apparently it was too difficult to monetize this

the attempt at being so radical you'd attract new age radical advertisers didnt pay off

moodle_pooth ago

I'm middle_path!

cyclops1771 ago

Nice, brother!

How's the landscaping business going? Did you get your own up and running?

moodle_pooth ago

No. Actually accepted a job offer for something pretty different. I was supposed to start over a month ago, so basically just claiming unemployment.

I would love to start my own thing, but I gotta get outta debt first. New job is promising for that.

gabara ago

no u.

Guide ago

oh okay, hello



clamhurt_legbeard ago


Guide ago

oh hello sir

apparently you are the new prioprieater owner or bossman

Native ago

Do you have one testicle? Asking for @clahurt_legbeard he's sensitive about these issues (heh...I mean **cough)

Guide ago

maybe, whos to know

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i own it

and you came during the fattening

thats unimpressive

Guide ago

incorrect not fattening

it was an awakening, pretty much the next age after industrial

had to help ol' atko out poor fellow

clamhurt_legbeard ago

your account age says fattening

WhoFlungPoo1132 ago

I 'member the @she shit show. Am I old enough for you?

Guide ago

you got yourself a beer ol' head

Guide ago

who dat?

amonamoose ago

I'm your huckleberry.

Guide ago

who am i talking to me please?

friendshipistragic ago


Guide ago

gachi here hbu

friendshipistragic ago


amonamoose ago


gabara ago

Fuck off newfag

Guide ago


i build the foundations you are shitting on kid

gabara ago

I'm older than you, so no. I'm the giant space turtle you built your foundation on. I'm Gabara. Nice to meet you. @clamhurt_legbeard, @hatecumbuckets, check out the new guy.

Guide ago

i dont know what words you are saying but i like it

okay so bring me up to speed on the go around here, cheers.

gabara ago

The previous owner of sdbh, it think it was p0ssum, handed it over to @clamhurt_legbeard one day and then fucked off to Phuks forever. Voat died in April 2018 and ever since then it's been like when they serve refreshments after a funeral and everyone hangs around for a while. As the site slowly disintegrates, all the shitposters (aka wanna be Stand Up Comedians) have coalesed into this subverse. sdbh is now the remnants to SBBH, ShitPostLitterBox, BEATLESTROLLARMY, CouncilOfShitposters, etc. SBBH died because Trigglypuff threw a fit when I ghost banned her. SPLB and BTA died when the owners of those two subverses didn't get married. Did I miss anything? So now clammy and @HateCumbuckets are now in charge of the only active non-Qtard subverse left on Voat.

Guide ago

Thank you for that update. Sad to hear about Mick and Empress :( kevdude was alright

wait, israelis own this? now im interested, this could be fun.

gabara ago

Some Israeli cunts called "KAPE".

Macska ago

What didja do the last 3 years off voat? Why come back?

Guide ago

a bit of this and that

not sure if im coming back just wanted to see how things were travelling first

HateCumbuckets ago

Come back

Macska ago

Voat is definitely changed. Like the old days got those who say for the better and others saying it's for the worse. Everyone has complexes and sticks up their butts.

cyclops1771 ago

I have sticks, and complexes up my butt.

Macska ago

Over achiever alert.