carnold03 ago

Yea, it's called reconditioning therapy. It's a double edged sword, you can employ it to recover a damaged mind, but you can also use it to damage a mind.

BrokenVoat ago

There are plenty of hormon affecting chemicals around us. It is likely one reason there are many trannies.

SendMeYourTitties ago

As a psychiatric professional - no. Actual gender dysphoria is not treatable with antipsychotics. Was recently working on a case - guy had tried antipsychotics, antidepressants, as well as years of blasting testosterone in order to fix it. Didn’t help. We don’t really have a pharmaceutical therapy for the issue right now. Of course, there are a lot of different things that may cause it and some are treatable, but right now some are not. Though before anyone names me as a kike, I do NOT support transitioning or surgery.

contingency_cat ago

Supporting people's gender dysphoria is like telling a schizophrenic "I know, I heard it too."

People need counselling not patronizing.

anabolicengineer ago

I think it has more to do with the eugenicist who are in control. It works in their favor to get psychotic people who they would deem generically inferior specimens to self sterilize at a young age it. In the past eugenicist groups used forced sterilizations programs but something that overt would not pass under today's optics check.

Faua ago

What is the motive? Encourage it? Reduce the amount of men?

Maybe they are already doing those things and want to point to increase in transgenderism as a personal choice/acceptance instead of people looking for real reasons why our men have been feminized?

Hammernale ago

Gender Dysphoria Disorder was removed from the DSM in 2013.

Gender Dysphoria will be added into the new DSM-5.

beefartist ago

Isn't it a similar issue to people who have amputation compulsions/fantasies or "really feel" like they should be paralyzed?

Carpools ago

No one has sincerely considered communism, and endorsed it. There are only the slavers who understand it, and infect the weak with it, and the weak who are programmed with it, but who don't think. This is why communication and logic don't work with them.

Communism gets losers to unite, pretend they're actually not losers, and then kill & destroy anything that might suggest the truth. There are mentally ill all over the place who have fell for this trick.

When you see people appealing to weakness, fear, hatred, envy, etc... neurosis.. they're either slavers, or their useful idiots, attempting to recruit losers to become part of the zombie hoard that will consume brains, and destroy everything.

On "the left", they usually call themselves "communist" (although don't admit to it when lying, and trying to recruit from not-the-left). On the right, they're called "fascists", "nazis", or some sort of group "supremacists", but the bottom line is, they're weak, dumb, people, who fell for the collectivism tactic, and allow their fear and hatred to overwhelm their ability to live by their principles.


Freedom is for the brave. This is why the slavers appeal to everything else. They divide & conquer stupid people, in hopes they will conquer or eliminate the smart people.

poly ago

Gender dysphoria: totally not a mental illness

Trans phobia: totally a legit mental illness

aileron_ron ago

I've always said gay people is a mental disorder.

tourgen ago

The new state of "psychological research and established doctrine":

Masculinity is a disorder worthy of putting you on a red-flag no-gun list.

Testosterone in men is evil and must be counteracted with sterilizing hormone treatment for young men.

In women, testosterone is a virtue. In fact, all masculine traits in women are a virtue, not just the primary male hormone.

In older men, testosterone-deficiency is a virtue and any complaint or action by the man to seek treatment should be crushed and ridiculed.

Young men that do not sit still, obey all irrational commands without question, and who do not pray at the alter of Equality shall be ruthlessly punished and medicated to make them act more like women.

Day of the rope when?

Women not voting, never ever, when?

Helena73 ago

Almost all these trannies are men. Most faggots are men. More men are sluts than women. Men are almost the sole users of porn. The billionaire globalist club is almost all male. Stop blaming everything on women.

Ihateyuppies ago

Shut up and make me a sandwich, bitch.

Helena73 ago

Why would I do that?

Ihateyuppies ago

Bc you have a cunt. No more back talk.

Helena73 ago

Its a safe bet you’re my inferior, so no. You can serve me, faggot. How bout that?

Ihateyuppies ago

Look at you, you sound like such a strong

Independent single mother.

Helena73 ago

Go make your wife a sammich. Or is it mom? Run along now.

Ihateyuppies ago

Lmk when you want it. I'll be here.

beefartist ago

CBC was glorifying "non binary" teens and when asked about why so many autistic kids were tranny their response was "Because kids with autism are so brave and have a better moral compass so they don't fall in line with those disgusting binary sheep"

Iluvtheconstitution ago

If you actually look at any legit medical studies, there is nothing to suggest trans and homosexuals are anything but mental disorders. The argument in the medical community is that it’s the stigma attached to these lifestyles that causes the mental disorders. Unfortunately this is almost impossible to disprove, even though it’s incorrect.

WhoWasSethRich ago

There are at least 30+ strategies (((they))) are implementing to reduce the quality and quantity of people on this planet, this being one of them.

Whentwurf ago

The deep state is the career bureaucrats at the state department and intelligence agencies. This malarky is just jews and liberals. Stop using "deep state" the way idiots use "the illuminati".

Teutonic-Pride ago

The prophecy claims: "The sick will outnumber the healthy and then point at them and say: "You are not normal, you are not sick!"" And if that's not what's happening in the 21st century, then I don't know, what is.

GutterTrash ago

but don't worry, everyone! They made sure to include gaming a mental disorder

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Sorry sweaty, but that medical science has been DEBUNKED!

con77 ago


POTUShasnoballs ago

Kikes convert others to their religion by degeneracy

nougat_lord ago

Also you can thank porn for this, porn has a way of tricking your brain into thinking you are the woman, and disorienting your brain

Khash36 ago

Wait what? I know how porn is jewish poison that hurts masculinity & weakens our ability to find mates. Also it is almost entirely interracial filth that overtly signifies how the jews would like to genocide us. Also perpetuates the myth about big niggers & humiliates us. But i’ve never heard your opinion & I am interested in knowing more

Helena73 ago

I think the ridiculous amount of lesbian porn that has been produced over the last 30 years has something to do with this. I think some guys cant get aroused if there is a male involved in the sex act. Female bodies have been so hypersexualized by porn, men simply associate sexual gratification with being female.

Some trannies are just gays that think maybe they can be women.

Some however, like Bruce Jenner, are confused heterosexuals who have learned to hate their own body, or maybe have become obsessed with female bodies.

26438899? ago

Bruce Jenner was probably in near constant pain from all the training and competition. At that point he couldn’t feel much of anything else so he did the next best thing in his mind. He turned himself into a tranny so that he could provide pleasure to other people and share in their experience. It’s twisted, but when someone can’t see any other way to feel love it makes sense.

Helena73 ago

He stopped training like 35 years ago. He went tranny like 5 years ago.

Why would becoming a woman equate to providing pleasure to other people?

I think part of the appeal for some men is the belief that if you are a woman people will treat you special and shower you with attention and you will feel sexy and attractive and wear cute outfits all day. Maybe that is true of supermodels. For like 10 or 15 years of their life. But in general, the reality of being a woman does not meet the hype. Especially if you are an ugly woman, as most trannies are.

26439466? ago

He was doing his tranny activities for many years before it was announced by the media. High-level training and competition causes lasting pain. Look at the NFL players who have chosen to cut their careers short to ensure that they aren’t suffering as much in their later years.

Sorry to be vulgar but many guys don’t care how ugly you are if you’re willing to let them use your body for their pleasure. Being feminine, like a woman, is appealing to those men and makes it easier to be used by them. I agree about the special feeling but after reality sets in many trannies are probably just happy to be used as a willing set of holes.

Helena73 ago

Putting on a dress as a way to handle chronic pain. Hmmm. Im not feelin that theory guy.

I dont feel the appeal for these men is to give other men pleasure. I think they think when they become female they will be adored by men and have mind blowing orgasms every day. Because that is how porn portrays women.

Of course no men will adore them, they will be freaks, pitied by women but never quite accepted by them. And they will have no orgasms whatsoever. Even less than us normal women, lol.

I had to work with one for awhile. What a nutbag. Ex-military. Of course we all pretended so all not to hurt his feelings. He had the shoulders of a linebacker! Then he did a bunch of crazy shit like bring a gun to work and threaten to kill itself. And then he said he wanted to blow up the building in front of the bosses. Lol. That was it. Imagine a woman doing that shit.

26440514? ago

I like your story. We probably won’t agree on this. But to clarify, trannies are putting on a dress in order to connect with another human being. The pain is one of the things that might be preventing them from experiencing meaningful and fulfilling contact with others.

Helena73 ago

You havn’t quite sold me but fair enough.

So now explain FtMs.

26441399? ago

Haha oh boy. Penis envy is real. Society can be utterly cruel to the tomboy type. Hormones and the pains of womanhood can be especially unforgiving and can cause some to think and do strange things.
They will never have a prostate. If they really wanted to try to feel like men that should be their holy grail.

Helena73 ago

Having a prostate should be their holy grail? Why?

Whats the big secret? Other than you’ll never pee again normally after 55?

Actually Im not sure I want to know. Does this have something to do with fingers up assholes?

26441959? ago

It’s involved in the male orgasm and its maladies cause pain that is beyond words.

Helena73 ago

I mean I knew that much. I just wondered why it should be the touchtone of maleness for girl trannies.

My dad cant go more than 2 or 3 hours without complaining about his. He just had to have some biopsy where they drilled it with about a dozen needles. Zero envy for that shit. As a kid, it always struck me as something that would be relentlessly annoying to have dangling off you. I think literal penis envy is quite rare.

26442931? ago

It’s a uniquely male experience. That’s all. I hope it goes well for your dad.

Helena73 ago

Oh yeah, his gleason score was low. He’s gonna live. Thanks for the kind wishes though.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

I think some guys cant get aroused if there is a male involved in the sex act.

Watching a male penis getting sucked and fucked is GAY. Hell, I felt uncomfortable even typing that sentence.

GhostBustedLip ago

I deepfake my own face on to all the pornog actors so I experience no negative effects of pronog consumption.

fight_the_darkness ago

I'm assuming that you deepfake your face onto everyone in the scene, both men and women.

GhostBustedLip ago

Yes men, women and all the other genders

Helena73 ago

Watching porn is abnormal. You shouldn’t be watching other people fuck. That is sad. But watching lesbians fuck daily is seriously damaging to men and boys in sexually formative years. I sense I may be hitting close to home with some of you.

contingency_cat ago

There's no other kind of penis.

wutwutever ago

As a man:

If you focus on the womans body you're ok imo.

If you focus on think of yourself as the woman you're being gay.

If anything the porn is meant to turn women gay because all the men are typically ugly and there's nothing for them to look at

but semi-attractive females usually.

Helena73 ago

I think porn has editted men out of the sex act with lesbian porn. Its not normal to watch lesbians fucking on a regular basis. Its a highly twisted form of sexual gratification. Yet millions of males under 40 have been raised on it.

wutwutever ago

It's also been said it creates a surplus of women who are not being satisfied who then get revenge by opening borders to let other men in.

Helena73 ago

What creates a surplus of women? Manufacturing trannies? Or lesbian porn?

Immigration has been driven by wall street, plain and simple. It wouldn’t happen without the CEOs of american firms pushing it. These are mostly men even now.

I dont really see it as being pushed by women looking for dates. Last I looked we were being overrun by foreign baby-makers. No shortage of female immigrants. Lots of white men, other american men, marrying foreign women.

tourgen ago

What if you only watch women in heals and tight dresses get their cars stuck? What does that say about me?

Super Hot Porn

fight_the_darkness ago

As long as you can still have sex with a woman under normal circumstances without her car being stuck you're probably not a complete degenerate. Still that's some unusual stuff.

DickbiterShekelstein ago

Sounds plausible. Got any links, articles, data, etc on that? Would love to learn more of the psychological damage that porn can do.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Not sure about @nougat_lord's explanation, but since transgenderism seems to be often rooted in a weird sexual fetish, porn that indulges in that fetish might help reinforce the whole thing to the point where it becomes pathological.

nougat_lord ago

weirdly enough it was a post on Voat, ill have to see if i can find it through searchvoat. The general idea is you release endorphins through porn, but the POV of what the endorphins are released to is NOT the act of sex, but the women getting off. So you disasociate porn as a sexual act, and associate as the person getting pleasured.

DickbiterShekelstein ago

Huh, that makes a LOT of sense. Crazy what these videos actually do to your brain...Let me know if you find the post, would love to read more.

owl ago

Now do sissy porn

SearchVoatBot ago

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thebearfromstartrack ago

Trying to make ugly into pretty, degeneracy into virtue, sick into healthy, losing into winning, stupid into smart, lies into truth, evil into good. IT IS EVIL'S WAY.

The liberals call this PROGRESSIVE. Lies are NEVER progressive, they are degenerative.

Jannie ago

Good insight, though the capitals take away from your point and make you look like a liberal. You should take a look at some psychological fallacies and logic study work, as you seem to have a knack for it and it will expand your vocabulary to more adequately express your ideas. Others and myself have some old posts regarding the deeper aspects of logic, if you are interested in voats archives.

itssomatic ago

You'll take the capslock key from our BOOMER deathgrip.

thebearfromstartrack ago

You can block me. I'm autistic. THIS is probably related to THAT. I also went to grad school on full scholarship and have 3 patents. ALSO ACED my Boolean algebra (LOGIC) final, and ALL of the tests during the semester. HOW I post is NOT relevant. HAS NO connection to being a liberal. YOUR logic is SUSPECT because of YOUR comments along those lines. WHAT is YOUR (accredited, certified, professional, educational) background?

Jannie ago

I am not interested in what you call yourself or where you have been. I was only offering information that can already be found in nature. Boolean belief system is not a deeper aspect of logic. Where I have been is not important as only I can walk in my shoes.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I am the king of science, I've been around. Boolean Algebra is the FUNDAMENTALS of logic, so you know LOGIC exists, as opposed to idiots who have NO CLUE what logic IS claiming this or that is logic PURELY because they CLAIM a connection to their reasoning.

What you claim about shoes is illogical. NO connection. What kind of shoes?

Jannie ago

You're being indoctrinated to use numbers to justify loss and fear. The reason they propagandize to you about millions, billions, trillions, about being surrounded by infinite blackness, how this world is millions of years old, how you're trillions in debt; how that which threatens you existence is so small that you can't even see it; is because to hold control of power; they need to make you ignore what you are capable of. You were given the liberty of freedom of choice to use everything this ecosystem has to offer to create within it, and they don't want us to comprehend that we all share the free energy of all. This is a self sustaining closed ecosystem and everything within is infinite for those within, because the outside defines the barriers for an inside. We cannot destroy it from the inside; we can only selfishly ignore the rules of this system, while holding us all back from reaching potential through unity.

The only number that exists is one; which represents all. The denominations you're counting; the math you're using should make you (the one) understand your place within the all, but instead it is being used to distract you from understanding it, because you use it to justify loss and fear.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I use numbers like rocks. I throw them at people and knock them out. I'm aware of the people who CLAIM to have infinity in a nutshell. that nondeterministic issues are in fact deterministic, it's amazing how they get through the day without exploding (Thanks God?).

There are more numbers than one. I know this, but I can also prove (induction) that 1+1=3. There is no way to prove there is only one number (1). No 0? Just true, no false? I mean how stupid would you have to be to base you civilization on just one number (1) and nothing else to figure out or complain about. Girls would be as smart as boys then. CHAOS.

Jannie ago

Nature is motion; motion is change. It segregates differences within to inspire each part to act individually towards the collective goal of self sustenance. It's energy maintaining itself by motivating its individual parts towards creation for maximum potential. It's motion creating momentum; creating functionality within. For example; if you rotate a closed bottle filled with water; you generate a temporary balancing form within. That balance is its own motion; having his own barriers of beginning and end, within the barriers of the motion of the bottle. It segregates differences through motion.

thebearfromstartrack ago

IF you rotate (did this earlier today and NOTICED) a cup (with handle) with ICE water, the ICE (in my case) remained motionless while the cup rotated on the table it was sitting on. I wonder what principle of physics applies.

ONE of natures characteristics is motion JUST because WE are NEVER in the SAME point in the universe TWICE. rotation, orbit sun, orbit galaxy, vector from big bang, sundry side effects. NOBODY can tell me how fast or which vector (from big bang) WE (Earth) are traveling in. You should probably put nametags on your underwear. Something could change on night and it would be hell finding your clothes.

Jannie ago

Nature is the free teacher of all knowledge, and that everyone who gate-keeps knowledge acts out of selfish interests, and to the detriment of all. If someone wants you to comply to a human to receive comprehension about knowledge originating from nature, then you're being offered a contract that gives others control over you.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Yeah all NATURAL (observable) knowledge. NOT ALL KNOWLEDGE. If you add up everything that EVERYBODY knows, it doesn't come to one millionth of one percent of what there is as yet UNKNOWN, and it NEVER will. The rest of what you say if nonsense, except for the CONTROL (via FRAUD) part. I'm a genius. I know.

Jannie ago

Technology is a cycle that ends freedom, because technology demands regulation thereof, which gives power to those who control it to control others, which like all power corrupts. The reason our species cannot handle technology is selfishness. We claim ownership over that which nature offers free for all, despite us being born with nothing, and us dying with nothing, which means that we were offered the liberty to use everything, but not the right to claim anything. If you make a claim on power within energy; you corrupt the balance of all energy, because you selfishly ignore that you are a part of the sum of all things.

Everything you sense; you perceive around you are transmutation of energy into different forms to inspire each other to reach maximum potential within a shared energy. You're once again being deceived by visuals alone to make assumptions about the material reality, which is why you selfishly ignore the energy that combines it all. The constant loss you perceive all around you is teaching you that you can't hold on to anything, and we yet we still selfishly claim ownership over everything. This leads to the corruption of control where ownership leads to leadership; leads to laws; leads to law enforcement; leads to religion; leads to more selfishness, which restarts the cycle..selfishness breeding selfishness.

thebearfromstartrack ago

right of ownership is simply GETTING it to the public. You would NOT be allowed to "own" oil if you just sat on it. ownership is a myth. so why point out all of this flotsam and jetsum as worth mentioning? Your lack of mental discipline (education) coupled with your desire to SEEM intelligent is kind of annoying (including contradictions). ALL of what you say is covered in academia no doubt, FAR more eloquently. YOU are not treading new ground.

GutterTrash ago

Reminds me of that hour long lecture that says children have been hardwired since the age of 4 to inherently side with the "losing" side while demonizing the "winning" side which morphs into full blown Marxism before ultimately communism

thebearfromstartrack ago

Yeah I GET that. you catch TONS of shit for being GOOD in school, especially from niggers. HAve my entire life.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

That is the plot of every (((Hollywood))) movie since the end of the Hayes Code. Animal House and Police Academy immediately comes to mind.

mikenigger ago

This is getting off topic, but I don't think either side is right here, if people weren't so uptight about sex we probably wouldn't have gotten here in the first place, antipsychotics is just treating the symptom.

thebearfromstartrack ago

One thing is the WORLD at large does NOT agree with US views on virtue. I dunno. I just know NO VICTIMS is RIGHT. Consenting adults WITHOUT coercion or leveraging authority or other relationships, DESPITE what the Bible says (I LEARNED THE HARD WAY and repented), I think is a CHOICE, you make, perhaps on your path to LEARNING the TRUTH about sex as a priority in YOUR life.