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nougat_lord ago

Also you can thank porn for this, porn has a way of tricking your brain into thinking you are the woman, and disorienting your brain

Khash36 ago

Wait what? I know how porn is jewish poison that hurts masculinity & weakens our ability to find mates. Also it is almost entirely interracial filth that overtly signifies how the jews would like to genocide us. Also perpetuates the myth about big niggers & humiliates us. But i’ve never heard your opinion & I am interested in knowing more

Helena73 ago

I think the ridiculous amount of lesbian porn that has been produced over the last 30 years has something to do with this. I think some guys cant get aroused if there is a male involved in the sex act. Female bodies have been so hypersexualized by porn, men simply associate sexual gratification with being female.

Some trannies are just gays that think maybe they can be women.

Some however, like Bruce Jenner, are confused heterosexuals who have learned to hate their own body, or maybe have become obsessed with female bodies.

26438899? ago

Bruce Jenner was probably in near constant pain from all the training and competition. At that point he couldn’t feel much of anything else so he did the next best thing in his mind. He turned himself into a tranny so that he could provide pleasure to other people and share in their experience. It’s twisted, but when someone can’t see any other way to feel love it makes sense.

Helena73 ago

He stopped training like 35 years ago. He went tranny like 5 years ago.

Why would becoming a woman equate to providing pleasure to other people?

I think part of the appeal for some men is the belief that if you are a woman people will treat you special and shower you with attention and you will feel sexy and attractive and wear cute outfits all day. Maybe that is true of supermodels. For like 10 or 15 years of their life. But in general, the reality of being a woman does not meet the hype. Especially if you are an ugly woman, as most trannies are.

26439466? ago

He was doing his tranny activities for many years before it was announced by the media. High-level training and competition causes lasting pain. Look at the NFL players who have chosen to cut their careers short to ensure that they aren’t suffering as much in their later years.

Sorry to be vulgar but many guys don’t care how ugly you are if you’re willing to let them use your body for their pleasure. Being feminine, like a woman, is appealing to those men and makes it easier to be used by them. I agree about the special feeling but after reality sets in many trannies are probably just happy to be used as a willing set of holes.

Helena73 ago

Putting on a dress as a way to handle chronic pain. Hmmm. Im not feelin that theory guy.

I dont feel the appeal for these men is to give other men pleasure. I think they think when they become female they will be adored by men and have mind blowing orgasms every day. Because that is how porn portrays women.

Of course no men will adore them, they will be freaks, pitied by women but never quite accepted by them. And they will have no orgasms whatsoever. Even less than us normal women, lol.

I had to work with one for awhile. What a nutbag. Ex-military. Of course we all pretended so all not to hurt his feelings. He had the shoulders of a linebacker! Then he did a bunch of crazy shit like bring a gun to work and threaten to kill itself. And then he said he wanted to blow up the building in front of the bosses. Lol. That was it. Imagine a woman doing that shit.

26440514? ago

I like your story. We probably won’t agree on this. But to clarify, trannies are putting on a dress in order to connect with another human being. The pain is one of the things that might be preventing them from experiencing meaningful and fulfilling contact with others.

Helena73 ago

You havn’t quite sold me but fair enough.

So now explain FtMs.

26441399? ago

Haha oh boy. Penis envy is real. Society can be utterly cruel to the tomboy type. Hormones and the pains of womanhood can be especially unforgiving and can cause some to think and do strange things.
They will never have a prostate. If they really wanted to try to feel like men that should be their holy grail.

Helena73 ago

Having a prostate should be their holy grail? Why?

Whats the big secret? Other than you’ll never pee again normally after 55?

Actually Im not sure I want to know. Does this have something to do with fingers up assholes?

26441959? ago

It’s involved in the male orgasm and its maladies cause pain that is beyond words.

Helena73 ago

I mean I knew that much. I just wondered why it should be the touchtone of maleness for girl trannies.

My dad cant go more than 2 or 3 hours without complaining about his. He just had to have some biopsy where they drilled it with about a dozen needles. Zero envy for that shit. As a kid, it always struck me as something that would be relentlessly annoying to have dangling off you. I think literal penis envy is quite rare.

26442931? ago

It’s a uniquely male experience. That’s all. I hope it goes well for your dad.

Helena73 ago

Oh yeah, his gleason score was low. He’s gonna live. Thanks for the kind wishes though.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

I think some guys cant get aroused if there is a male involved in the sex act.

Watching a male penis getting sucked and fucked is GAY. Hell, I felt uncomfortable even typing that sentence.

GhostBustedLip ago

I deepfake my own face on to all the pornog actors so I experience no negative effects of pronog consumption.

fight_the_darkness ago

I'm assuming that you deepfake your face onto everyone in the scene, both men and women.

GhostBustedLip ago

Yes men, women and all the other genders

Helena73 ago

Watching porn is abnormal. You shouldn’t be watching other people fuck. That is sad. But watching lesbians fuck daily is seriously damaging to men and boys in sexually formative years. I sense I may be hitting close to home with some of you.

contingency_cat ago

There's no other kind of penis.

wutwutever ago

As a man:

If you focus on the womans body you're ok imo.

If you focus on think of yourself as the woman you're being gay.

If anything the porn is meant to turn women gay because all the men are typically ugly and there's nothing for them to look at

but semi-attractive females usually.

Helena73 ago

I think porn has editted men out of the sex act with lesbian porn. Its not normal to watch lesbians fucking on a regular basis. Its a highly twisted form of sexual gratification. Yet millions of males under 40 have been raised on it.

wutwutever ago

It's also been said it creates a surplus of women who are not being satisfied who then get revenge by opening borders to let other men in.

Helena73 ago

What creates a surplus of women? Manufacturing trannies? Or lesbian porn?

Immigration has been driven by wall street, plain and simple. It wouldn’t happen without the CEOs of american firms pushing it. These are mostly men even now.

I dont really see it as being pushed by women looking for dates. Last I looked we were being overrun by foreign baby-makers. No shortage of female immigrants. Lots of white men, other american men, marrying foreign women.

tourgen ago

What if you only watch women in heals and tight dresses get their cars stuck? What does that say about me?

Super Hot Porn

fight_the_darkness ago

As long as you can still have sex with a woman under normal circumstances without her car being stuck you're probably not a complete degenerate. Still that's some unusual stuff.

DickbiterShekelstein ago

Sounds plausible. Got any links, articles, data, etc on that? Would love to learn more of the psychological damage that porn can do.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Not sure about @nougat_lord's explanation, but since transgenderism seems to be often rooted in a weird sexual fetish, porn that indulges in that fetish might help reinforce the whole thing to the point where it becomes pathological.

nougat_lord ago

weirdly enough it was a post on Voat, ill have to see if i can find it through searchvoat. The general idea is you release endorphins through porn, but the POV of what the endorphins are released to is NOT the act of sex, but the women getting off. So you disasociate porn as a sexual act, and associate as the person getting pleasured.

DickbiterShekelstein ago

Huh, that makes a LOT of sense. Crazy what these videos actually do to your brain...Let me know if you find the post, would love to read more.

owl ago

Now do sissy porn

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