Merchant_Menace ago

The virgin swarthyman vs the chad pale rider

SearchVoatBot ago

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UncleDoug ago

In Britain, theHome Office(1999)found that Blacks, who were 2% of the general population,made up 15% of the prison population.

Despite making only 13.5% of the USA (2011-2013) population, niggers are responsible for 52% of all violent crimes.

We have not reached peak nigger yet.

Luis_Sphincta ago

Darker skin people (and 40 mammal species)

You can even add chickens to the list.

TLDR: Buy white eggs instead of brown. Brown skinned chickens (which lay the brown eggs) tend to be more aggressive and get some of their beak cauterized off to keep them from attacking each other.

I know there's more too it than just melanin, but I do like my peeps (sorry) to have it in the back of their mind that all darkies need to be minded.

AgentMeccavolley ago

Isn't having visceral and violent and virile hormones like every man's rational desire though?

VAT ago

Africa is brimming with "Rape Apes"

VAT ago

Also from what I have seen niggers have no more testosterone than us.

Not true.

Incarcerated niggers in prisons do indeed in all papers since the 1950s, have more "free testosterone" than other races. Alse they all have "the warrior gene".

secondary sex characteristics in humans indicates sex hormone levels : penis size, female hips and ass size, breast size : asians have the least secondary sex characterisics, then whites, then spics, and finally niggers.

niggers have the most sex hormone expression, and also go through puberty FIRST, if nourished. asians last.

slvrsrfr ago

Latinos are definitely closer to Asians than whites in terms of secondary sex traits.

Olivefigs ago

I thought everyone knew darker skin is associated with testosterone

Helena73 ago

This is a really good question and I dont know why it was downvoted.

There is the genetic ability to produce eumelanin or pheomelanin — I believe pheomelanin is a precursor to eumelanin, and inhibited ability to convert the pheomelanin to the eumelanin is expressed as red hair. (MC1R red hair variant) This gene is also pleiotropic with respect to freckles if Im not mistaken.

Then there is the amount of transcription of melanin (production) which would be controlled by other genes. Melanocytes in hair follicles and skin might produce alot or a little melanin.

Wikipedia article on Melanocytes:

The difference in skin color between lightly and darkly pigmented individuals is due not to the number (quantity) of melanocytes in their skin, but to the melanocytes' level of activity (quantity and relative amounts of eumelanin and pheomelanin).

So for whatever reason white brunettes and chinks have active melanocytes in our hair follicles but the ones in our skin are pretty inactive in terms of melanin production.

I wonder what the crime stats are for say brown vs blond haired Germans or something. Or red?

A white person from NW Europe could have one MC1R gene copy for black/brown hair and one for red, (resulting in brown/black to reddish brown mix) or 2 blacks or 2 reds. High or low transcription would determine lightness/ darkness of the color (intensity).

So I guess the question/s is/are:

1.) Does being a brunette make you more of a horny psycho than a blond person, on average. (My guess is probably a little)

2.) Does high production of pheomelanin but low or no eumelanin have a similar correlation with behavior and temperment?

Think of the reputation red heads have as “hot heads”, maybe there is something to that.

Also even one copy of MC1R variant generally results in freckling, even in the absence of red hair.

Afterthought: I would love to see the crime stats on those little african albinos in Tanzania that someone is always trying to put in a pot.

DickCaveat ago

Light environment/conditions/exposure has to be factored.

"It turns out the light is the stimulus humans use to proton tunnel, and proton tunneling controls the tyrosinase enzyme that makes ALL pigmented proteins in the body like dopamine, serotonin and melanin."

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/Niggers comment by @Helena73.

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LargePeter ago

Going into their havens (large cities) increases the likelihood of ending your life.

Staying away from feral savages is ALWAYS a good idea. Don’t hire them, don’t befriend them, stay out of their areas.

veteran88 ago

Read the protocols of the learned elders of Zion.

Lying about the races existing is one of their core points.

All scientific journals run by jewish supremacists should be tossed in the trash and replaced by one run by scientists.

Do any of you pro scientists know of one that isn't run or funded by jews?

I'm not even sure if arxive is, I assume not. There is another one for papers they want to suppress, but the enemy spams it with trash to the point of unusability.

Can_of_something ago

“,,,aggressive grooming.”

I never knew you could do that.

llegendary ago

That's because humans are the hybrid descendants of an ancient pig and an ancient chimp species that were close enough to still mate at the time. Blacks have more chimp. Whites have more pig. My gf actually has the small extra nipples.

MuricaPersonified ago

Thanks, OP! Good drop.


It seems there is a genetic privilege/advantage for some, if living in a modern society. A genetic disadvantage by the same, if living in a battle by attrition model.

blumen4alles ago

As within, so without. The darker their appearance is, the darker their minds are. You can judge a book by its cover.

Bushtaco321 ago

Extra, extra read all about it. This just in, niggers are niggers!!!!

Helena73 ago

Where’s @NukeIsrael

Duchozz ago

File cannot be opened, anyone have a mirror?

VAT ago

Its a legitimate PDF in v1.7 format.

The original version 1.7 of the PDF format was released November 2006 and associated with Acrobat and Adobe Reader 8.0. Version 1.7 was published as ISO 32000-1 in July 2008.

But I will reprocess it and rescrub it and repost it again in a link right here, into ANCIENT v1.3 PDF format by printing to a digital printer, capturing the postscript and resaving the output back into a clean PDF using ancient PDF file standards. A lot of hassle. but OK... doing that now...

... DONE: Here is the PDF in ancient v1.3 file format, not 2006 1.7 format :


blumen4alles ago

Way to go the extra mile OP!

Deceneu ago

Excelent work EditorFag.

Downloaded this version as well.

--I don't trust all the futures, all of the time--

Doglegwarrior ago

polar beara a re very violent. funny thing is I think there skin is black the hair is clear!! lol niggers underneath it all

Monarch981 ago

Polar bears are jews then?

selpai ago

Well, I'm glad it was saved anyways.

punchingtrees ago

Yikes it almost looks like they only banned it for being “racist”... how scientific of them

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/ScienceAnon comment.

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Deceneu ago

The study’s authors, John Rushton and Donald Templer, both deceased, ...

... — where Rushton was on faculty — in 2012, the same year as the paper was published and the same year that Rushton died.

Color me surprised.

But muh Medium post critiquing ...

Onward2_Sideways8 ago

BREAKING NEWS!!! Niggers are violent sub human animals.

(Every White Woman in the World) :::gasp::: that's racist.

RogerByam ago

Amazing. This is the only paper one needs to argue with leftists

... if one could effectively argue with leftists.

boekanier ago

Ah, I thought for one moment, but then read your second line, which is to the point

VAT ago

But the publishers RETRACTED it fully and deleted it, calling it "racist White Supremacy science" even though it does not disparage asians! In fact asians have least sex hormones, least crime, and far less secondary sexual characteristics from sex hormones. So the paper was provably not "racist White Supremacy science".

By the way... What the FUCK is "racist White Supremacy science" anyway? Is it a euphemism for "facts hurt feelings of Nigger's low IQ?"

Acerphoon ago

The paper has been retracted but not deleted.

You can still read it, if you have the link:

It is still online. The paper is actually just a small review of some animal and human studies that relate skin color (pigmentation) to outcomes without the woke view on it.
It's not that big of a deal, but with the current SJW madness it's hard for politically incorrect papers to survive, no matter how true.
They better are 1000% correct, or it will get rejected.

VAT ago


Its deleted. PDF is TOTALLY UNREADABLE!!!!!

See? Follow your own erroneous link to PDF and attempt to get the PDF. Try!!!


It is fully shoahed.

Most 2020 copies have giant RED unreadable opaque stamp over it, except illegal copies not from publisher.

RogerByam ago

I’ve been a business manager for many years. A lot of it is about change.

Elites, Jewish or not, can’t see beyond their own noses (no pun intended). If there were pure white communities, we’d be colonising the stars by now.

But, no, they’re happy with their gated mansions, kiddy trafficking and cheap labour. Never mind that all of that was built off a pure white community that only lasted a decade or so.

Let the white communities be pure and everyone benefits.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Someone needs to to send it to all of the wacky blacks who advocate the theory that melanin is a magical substance which is the basis of empathy, compassion, etc.

VAT ago

I love the 100% factual paper's CONCLUSION:

We have found, in both human and non-human animals, that darker pigmentation is associated with higher levels of aggression and sexuality (and in humans with lower IQ). Lighter pigmentation is associated with the slow reproductive strategy (K) including lower birth rates, less infant mortality, less violent crime, less HIV/AIDS, plus higher IQ, higher income, and greater longevity.

The correlations between human pigmentation, aggression, and sexuality (and IQ), is further supported by the anthropological and sociological research on ‘‘pigmentocracies’’ (Lynn & Vanhanen, 2006).

Olivefigs ago

There’s no way the pigmentation permeates through organs, most definitely not brain.

Belrick ago

Well it does

VAT ago


Its a fundamental fact of science and in the tissue LININGS. Its in all humans, but far higher in niggers.

tons of science papers exist.

who told you melanin stops at upper skin layer?

Olivefigs ago

I don’t know what to believe. We have always been told we are all pink inside.

Why would skin pigmentation stop at skin, you ask? Because it’s skin pigmentation

Helena73 ago


Unlike other approaches to explain behavior, life history theory predicts the co-variation of diverse clusters of biological and behavioral traits. Traits need to be harmonized rather than work independently. They work more effectively when organized in a coordinated system, fitting together like the pieces of a puzzle.

Is that saying what I think it’s saying? Is he saying clusters of behavioral traits work better because people with the same traits fit together like a puzzle? Am I misreading that? Cuz guys, that is soooooooooooooo racist.

freedomite ago

not quite, it's saying all the biological traits of say, being a nigger, work better when all the other traits of the animal are also of a nigger. It's basically just describing the set up for outbreeding fatigue, that mixed breeds do worse than either parent due to not being adapted to eithers environment.


Helena73 ago

Oh yes, I see —you’re right, clusters of either r or K type traits in the individual.

Its still very racist though.

VAT ago


Nowadays , Acting White is racist. Science itself is racist. IQ is racist. Math is racist.

Helena73 ago

Look, some types of math should just not be done.

Timur9000 ago


chirogonemd ago

As far as I know (not an evolutionary biologist), life history theory is used to understand behavioral and other adaptive changes between species. That's telling that they are applying it within subgroups of homo sapiens.

Merchant_Menace ago

HBD is basically how I got redpilled.

This map right here:

That and the data/papers to back it up -- basically knocked out one of the main foundational pillars of my old bluepilled world view.

When I found out that different people were different that exposed the fact that academic institutions and even my beloved science professors could lie to me. I would almost certainly be in some phd program right now if not for the chain of events that inevitably followed from that little map right there.

Helena73 ago

If you look at what Watson was saying a couple years ago, it was basically this shit. Not the subspecies stuff specifically but the pleiotropism, fat, horny, happy and tan. This is the stuff that got him cancelled.

chirogonemd ago

I remember being blown away by this. I wanted to say: do you fucking know who you are cancelling? The party of science....(hard sigh).

It's religious territory in science today. Tragic. The irony is that these are the same individuals who want to dwell on how much conservative values are holding science back. B-b-b-but if we just had more fetal stem cells, we'd be immortals!