Goorbekind ago

I do. I store novels, textbooks, dictionaries, movies, instruction manuals with various languages.

hooiwka ago

we need to start buying CD/DVD Discs and protecting the internet we know we can rebuild it after it gets divided

beefartist ago

You're a fucking idiot if you think you can bay data backup on the moon...COME THE FUCK ON!

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

tons of analog here,manuals,first aid,how to ,plant id,on and on, Analog because the lights will go out

Dead-Hand ago

98% of the knowledge of classical civilization was lost either through neglect or outright destruction we can't let that happen again!

CrackerSlant ago

Winners write history

Dead-Hand ago

Books can be stored for long periods of time in dry climates. Perhaps cemetery plots in some very dry area like Austin or Rachel Nevada. Non Acid paper sealed in Coffin in Vault. Perhaps an entire cemetery! Plots should be cheap as hell!

popsikle ago


ExtremeJogging ago

It seems to me that storing massive amounts of important data for the future, while worth doing, is less than half of what needs to be done. If your goal is to have future tech info for future joggers, you need to create a very simple way for them to assimilate and utilize the information. a breakdown of html doesn't help anyone that is banging bones together.

CalibanFresco ago

Store it for who? The only races left won't be able to read even their own languages, let alone ours.

Leveraction ago

That is correct. When i ask people about the civil war, these dumbasses are "slavery" blah, blah. I get a blank stare when i inform them the civil war was NOT about slavery. History has been re-written for 30 years. You can thank the gubbermint schools for this bullshit.

BjornIronside ago

There never was such a thing as the Dark Ages.

It's just a pope from 700ad, fucking with the calendar.

Hellion ago

How are they storing data on the moon?

Merlynn ago

Here's the thing. What's the point of storing knowledge if no one ever learns the most important lesson? Just by looking it up now,knowledge freely available to anyone,you can find out about the massive crimes of the jew. It's all there. I have shown it to people and they still will not accept it. Not even from mainstream sources.

So what's the point of storing it if no one will learn from it? Why even resist the jew if people love being their slaves so much? They don't care. They want their sex and drugs and rock and roll. They don't want to work because the jew taught them work is bad. Work is for chumps! And they believe it.

I'm not saying we should give up. I'm saying we can't save these people. If they can look directly at the truth and refuse it,they are not our people. Don't waste time trying to save them. It's too late. We'll be lucky to save ourselves.

voatbrowsingaccount ago

I've been archiving data and old books for about 10 years now.

I can basically prove beyond reasonable doubt every conspiracy I ramble about using only my own library.


slickleg64 ago

1TB platter hardrives are cheap these days. Ive picked up several for as low as $10 each used. Old 2TB used surveillance drives can be found on ebay for less than $20. Get a sata to usb adaptor and archive everything. You can save a shitload of PDF's and photos with 1TB.

ChaoticNeutral ago

I’m a chemist have been doing this for years. Books on chemistry, math, physics, metal working, small scale farming, beekeeping, well digging, animal husbandry, and plenty of other topics.

i_scream_trucks ago

in a million years time, a future generation will find this amazing snapshot in time, and open it wondering what life was like a million years before....


Yuke ago

Hmmm, maybe my life's work should be engraving certain books into some kind of long lasting stone and then burying it deep into the earth to one day be uncovered again.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

whats with the fake space bullshit? storing my dank memes on the moon for billions of years? doesnt make sense. sketch

smokratez ago

Ok. Atheism is a jew cult. That's an important one, so we don't get more nihilistic useless faggots in the future.

smokenofire ago

Ok, refer to your precious bible when upgrading the computer you use to spread your nonsense, jewboy.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Lol sketchy af yo. Hahahaha.

WhiteJewishMale ago

Lol. Owner is Jewish suckers.

thebearfromstartrack ago

We need to start? Where have YOU been? That has been in the works for a long time.

In fact, today, I was musing over what sort of essential equipment (smelting, foundary, etc) should be stored on a starship to colonize a vacant alien planet, and accelerate the development to an comfortable level. Also, what types of technology (including plans/design on paper) should be left behind.

prairie ago

Maybe just paranoid, but what if some of these are (((fake))) and will just destroy the data in the future?

ardvarcus ago

The Dark Age is coming, no doubt about it. But we don't know how dark it is going to be. The key determining factor is literacy. The loss of the ability to read and write is what casts populations down into barbarism. During the last Dark Age, the priests of the Catholic Church kept literacy alive at a low level -- they were able to read and write a crude form of Latin, and a handful even knew some Greek. The average people, commoners and nobles alike, could not read or write.

This, in contrast to the Roman Empire, when all high-born men and most high-born women could read and write at least Latin and Greek. The knowledge of the Roman Empire was lost in the Dark Age that followed its gradual collapse. When our new Dark Age comes, digital information will all be lost almost overnight. That's a given. Whether we will still possess the technology and social cohesiveness to print books, and whether there will be any one to read those books, is unknown.

keksupreme ago

this is run by kikes i'm sure

NotAntifa ago

The time for that was when Napsternshut down, Usenet was on its last legs, BitTorrent was new, Half Price Booksnhad a huge $1 clearance rack, and OCR cradles were at every maker faire.

I'm sorry it's so late.

GoyimNose ago

What a load of bullshit, nothing is stored on the moon, nothing has ever gone to the moon. What is this, a honeypot or a scam?

BentAxel ago

Can't argue. Is there a way to save your own internet these days? I'm thinking personal, so a 5tb raid should be plenty.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

Storage is exceedingly cheap. All you have to do is save local copies and not trust online storage, which can and will disappear in an instant.

PoliceICE ago

Store this: Hitler was right. Jews are the devil. Niggers are a plague.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

This comment ha been archived by the NSA for posterity.

dragon_-_son ago

This seems like a shitty shill post for that company, but it's getting votes due to the title.

reason247 ago

... Based.

ThisUserUnknown187 ago

The Open Internet has been under attack for years.

"The Dark Net [IE..TOR]" has been under attack and silent attack for years.

ALOT of the exit nodes from TOR..... THEY ARE under the control of the US Intelligence Agencies...have been for years.

But alot of the people today that are staring to use TOR don't understand it.

Yes we need to start buying CD/DVD Discs and protecting the internet we know we can rebuild it after it gets divided

GrowUpNoDinoNoSpace ago

Outer space is fake and gay

ChiCom ago

They can store your data in space but they can't spell properly on their homepage copy.


You beat me to it...spelling errors from an entity that presents itself as the guardian of wisdom and knowledge leave one in a state of cognitive dissonance. But yeah, metaphorically, the advanced 1st world cannot afford another Alexandria 48BC, imagine what was lost in that fire, 1,000 years of temporal stagnation...this next round is going to be a little more expansive. The (((goblins))) combined the last 3,000 years of humanity's past and extrapolated a genocidal strategy perfected by past behavior...mind manipulation and thought control does more damage than bullets and bombs.

Oo88djrf ago

Bill nye on advisory board, what would you expect.

Nigsby_Noggin ago

Microsoft and wikimedia are partners.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Its cuz they stored the original document slready in space before the spellcheck haha.. They need a few months to lower the storage and to fix the mistake now. Hahaha

greydragon ago

That wasn't a grammar mistake. Maybe billions; maybe just years.

european ago

Surely or should be of

4f47c21a ago

Or you could stand up!

DankSniper ago

Finally aliens will be able to see pictures of what I had for breakfast yesterday!

devnulll ago

Bill Nye - CEO, The Planetary Society... is on the advisory board. This company is NOT what you think it is.

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

Bill Nye the faggot guy. Little fucking cuck

SearchVoatBot ago

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neogag ago

Aliens are gonna get the sex junk video, aren't they? The Earth had a good run.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Lol. Bill nye is a engineer though. So hes actually finally talking about shit that he learned now. Opposed to biology and his 65 + genders lol.

BjornIronside ago

He has a bachelors degree. Fuck off.

slickleg64 ago

Paid establishment actor. He is an experienced actor. His mechanical engineering degree isnt worth shit.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

good catch. do not trust them.

charliebrownau ago

Who is funding this storage place ?

Is it going to be guarded

Will they have full time staff

Is it going to be underground

and most of all, what ethnic group behind it and WHO is paying for it ?

charliebrownau ago

Maybe its finally time to self segerate

No blacks

No Jews

No Asians

No Feminists



No Zionists

No Feminists

No Commies

No Socialists

No Central banks

No fait currency

No debt used economy

No fake digital cash

Time to go back to local townships/district based living with ethnic native citizens only

Hold all citizens to the same standards/law/punishment

No more pussy pass and double standards for women

No alimony

No divorce "settlement"

No Child "support"

Marriage is only ONCE

No abortion

No female can marry above 35

Time to go back to




Rclark45 ago

And because we are the only race BRED on this soil, we deserve to be treated more than animals. We deserve to be treated the way we were supposed to from the start. We’re tired of you guys making it seem like we are such an issue. We are literally purposely oppressed.... make it make sense

Rclark45 ago

What did black people do wrong? They were literally brought here for a specific reason and when that didn’t go as planned, they were threw to the wolves, no guidance and forget education because they weren’t allowed at one point. Black people are apart of this country and have always been since they were brought here. So no separating blacks won’t help. We are the ONLY people BRED on American soil. Try again this is OUR COUNTRY TOO

charliebrownau ago

How many blacks have actually peacefully protested in the last 50 years and demanded to remove

Female Pussy Pass

Black diversity pass


child support

Divorce "settlement"

Holding blacks to the same standard as WHITES

Relocating to a black only town/district/city

Working as an ethnic group collectively to start farming away from cities ?

or here is an idea

put your identity as AMERICAN before black

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Go to your local goodwill goats. The heft of knowledge in many of those books are worth much more than the $3 price....

BalfourYourFace ago

I started this 3 years ago

wonderfuldonut ago

The new dark ages started in the sixties, add in the dumbed down population, its not coming its here.

Books that show skills, how to do practical things growing a food garden are all important resources, Books do not need a computer, they dont need an external power source and they dont get viruses. Yard sales can be a great source of older books A basic survival library can be had for very few dollars.

Moodog ago

Books can't be remotely edited or removed from your device either.

wonderfuldonut ago

So true, sadly less and less are getting published year on year.

charliebrownau ago

It seemed to start once we had

Females voting

Blacks no segerated

Non whites importing into the nation

Group rights


Pandering to women/children/non white/old people

Abortion + the pill

wonderfuldonut ago

Yes true, however some of us recognize what is at play

ardvarcus ago

Basically, when people drifted away from Christianity and became atheists, agnostics, and secular humanists. The loss of moral guidelines and a basic foundation of accepted absolute truths undermined Western societies. When people believe in nothing, they will believe anything.

Monstrum ago

Fuck you christcuck, Im an atheist since I was a child and I hate degenerates, niggers and jews. Not beleiving in a fairy in the sky doesnt mean I dont have morals and values.

RushYYZ ago

Go back to reddit. Being atheist is fine, being a whiny faggot isn’t.

Monstrum ago

Ethnically, if Christ existed he was a jew. Most of the legends and rituals associated with Christianity are either taken from Judaism, Hinduism and many different pagan religions. I know it hurts to try to form your own opinions and morals and not blindly follow what others tell you is right, but try it

RushYYZ ago

I’m an atheist too I’m just telling you to quit being a whiny little bitch

Monstrum ago

Ok rabbi

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

They have a new belief system it is just ass

Cucky_Sanders ago

1913 Federal Reserve Act was the disease

Timur9000 ago

Assume that the federal reserve act wasn’t passed. They still could do the immigration act.

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

If archive is expecting an inevitable shoah, what should we be grabbing up first? I already got all my favorite Dreamcast roms covered. Anything else?

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

Just have local copies of things. No online cloud storage can preserve things.

kaonashiii ago

Jet set raddiooooo

JustGuessing ago

Chu Chu Rocket

Empire_of_the_mind ago

There's a lot of truth in this idea. Buying physical books of important information is a great start. I highly recommend you all purchase a pre-1958ish Encyclopedia set. Old histories of the world and dictionaries are also good. Plus buy reference manual books, full of important equations. How to garden, basic things like that.

beefartist ago

Yeah but how do I get them into space?

observation1 ago

what happened in 1959?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

the answer is always jews

HeebSlayer ago

It's when jews updated the encyclopedias to include the (((holohoax))).

Tallest_Skil ago

So they’re going to launch tungsten-plated vaults into GEO containing paper documents transcribed with civilizational information and the history of humanity? Yeah, call me when they get the funds to afford that.

ChiCom ago

for up to billions or years

They can't afford to proof read their homepage copy.

usernameisnotthis ago

most definitely. I think the jews no 2 agenda right now is destroying all our writings and history. if successful, they will not have to fear an uprising in the future.

Dead-Hand ago

The Arch Mission Foundation provides long-term storage and backups of critical data, on Earth as well in non-terrestrial locations such as on the Moon, and in outer-space.

We use new storage technologies that are durable for up to billions or years and can withstand extreme disasters and environment