Jihads, Africans and Antifa go Apeshit run around Attacking, Looting, Killing people in France while French debate the apocalypse, scaredy cats & girly men hide & run. (hooktube.com)
submitted 4.6 years ago by 3878797?
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24324874? 4.6 years ago
How far to fall?? Some fag Bill Nye now giving a vault of knowledge but is obsessed On Tranny Sexuality and Shemale Gender Spectrum? https://voat.co/v/science/3876877/24307811
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24324874? ago
How far to fall?? Some fag Bill Nye now giving a vault of knowledge but is obsessed On Tranny Sexuality and Shemale Gender Spectrum? https://voat.co/v/science/3876877/24307811