samuel999 ago

Lol can't wait to check this. I love to check different travel news sites, how come I missed this event. I am ready to watch every episode in real time.

stiaerospace ago

On which tv channel it will broadcast.

iDontShift ago

expain why neil degrasse tyson won't debate eric dubay..

flat earth society is NOT flat earth friendly. among others.

here is his blog on steemit. one of the few places free speech is assured, it isn't assured here, as we can't see the backend.

smokratez ago

Not only do you have to be a gullible retard for believing what the jews made up about space. You then have to have no clue about science to accept all of this superstitious fairy tale nonsense. Well done atheists. You are the dumbest fucking white people out of all of them.

chuckletrousers ago

You've sure done a great job on appropriating trash talk. Now if you start using logic and reason to back up your views then somebody might believe you. Oh, wait, you're far too stupid to do that...

smokratez ago

Imagine being such a fucking retard you believe the jew globe lie. I can´t even. lol.

chuckletrousers ago

I can´t even.

We know. Hoo boy do we know!

Intheknow2 ago

I'm not a scholar or a scientist and I'm not claiming flat or globe earth. All I'm going to say is read the book of Enoch. If the earth were round and rotating it could not be set up on foundations. If the earth was round the winds could not come from the four corners. If the earth is round there could be no ends. Yes, the book of Enoch was not included in the scriptures. Was it because it was written by a lunitic or because it's true? If it's true then the earth is not what we've been led to believe. Why? Because we would know there is a God and a plan. If we go by the earth is globe theory, we are to believe we are just floating in space around a sun with no more purpose that ants. No meaning no purpose, therefore no Higher power. "Do as you will", no accounting. I don't know if one or the other is true, I do know I question everything that is said, written or even seen. And just because someone smarter than me says something or writes a paper or shows me a picture stating it as fact, doesn't make it true. The veil is being lifted, we probably won't like what's behind it because it goes against what we've be taught, what we've been fed. There is a battle between good and evil and at this time in history we have to choose what side of the fence we're on. Are we just ants with no meaning? Or are we the most important thing in the universe.

WhiteJewishMale ago

Good. Take them to a cliff and then push them off the edge and go home.

DanijelStark ago

Ah , the first intelligent thing these dumbfucks actually made so far ... an effort to make a solid proof .

Just hope they wont "mysteriously dissapear" ( get stuck somewhere in absolutely harsh arctic climate ) , but return back to witness they found that Earth is not flat .

praump ago

Belief and fear are the legos of the matrix.

mudslime ago

flat earthers are not different from moslems believing light came from aisha vagina: critical thinking and facts immediately void their fairy tales.I m surprised there is no Flat Marsers...

Shep61 ago

The finer points: We know ahead of time it will be on for years to come, and since these people actually believe the earth is flat it will most likely be far more entertaining then the Kardashians.

dirt_reynolds ago

I hope they fall off when they get there.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Those who set out to deny reality frequently know which evidence they need to discount. No doubt these people have already decided their navigational aids will be lying to them.

budhahead ago I don’t consider Owen Benjamin. Here’s his opinion.

boekanier ago

I'm afraid they'll never find the 'edge of earth'. And the reason is simple...

LowBrowsing ago

i hope they fall off the edge when they get there

EatThePoor ago

Flat earth is just disinformation and distraction, straight out the kike playbook.

Eighty percent of flat earth advocates have to be paid agents of the kikes, the remaining twenty percent the mentally ill or terminally gullible.

There's a dude on here - I just read his post - that says gravity doesn't exist FFS. Responding to these people is what they ant, it's just wasting your time.

iunno ago

Exactly. The mental gymnastics are endless, and it's a pointless argument anyway.

mudbear ago

Isnt the concept that antarctica is a giant ice wall around the world? So in order to prove the flat earth theory they would need to travel to the center of antarctica. I doubt (((reality TV))) would commision that, they would likely just get the biggest kooks and get them chasing stupid things "IF WE CAN PROVE BIG FOOT EXISTS, WE CAN PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT".

If nothing else a trip to the center of antarctica would be worth watching

prairie ago

Prediction: lots and lots of CGI.

Deadleftist ago

Jewish distraction from reality, gas them all.

Doglegwarrior ago

Flat earthers a massive cia psyop

smokratez ago

If you believe the Earth is a spinning ball you are a good little jew slave. The information proving otherwise is publicly available. Meaning you are too lazy to have even looked for the truth.

chuckletrousers ago

you are too lazy to have even looked for the truth.

You're too stupid to see that your jew book of lies is bullshit.

smokratez ago

Nasa literally means to deceive in hebrew. Why do you choose to be deceived by jews?

chuckletrousers ago

As the little tranny you worship says, it's Nasha, not NASA.

"The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—’tis the difference between the lightening and the lightning bug." -- Mark Twain

smokratez ago

I have already told you, unlike you, I don´t follow any jew religion. You are pretending nasa isn´t ran by satanic jews because of spelling? What a dumb faggot.

mudslime ago

Jackass, did you know even China has a Space program proving wih scientific facts flat earther is fairy tale fantasy bullshit?

smokratez ago

Faggot, there are satanists in China too.

DFW ago

This is ridiculous. The only people who believe in a flat Earth are those who tried to de-bunk the idea. Go ahead, be the first to prove "the globe". No CGI photos from NASA will be accepted.

smokratez ago

Spinning globe is scientifically impossible. Imagine still believing what satanic pedos made up hundreds of years ago in 2019 and thinking that makes you smart. That's why jews are controlling us. Most white people are dumb as fuck.

chuckletrousers ago

still believing what satanic pedos made up hundreds of years ago

You're talking about those stone age ragheads who dreamed up the bible, are you not?

smokratez ago

Yeah, jews dreamed up the bible. Same jews who run atheism. I don't follow any organised religion, unlike you.

Hey faggot, you never answered this one. Is Michelle Obama a man or a woman?

chuckletrousers ago

Same jews who run atheism

So they say there is no god? Find one and tell him that so he can punch your scrawny little lights out. Damn you're dumb.

smokratez ago

Jews think they are God. You want a jew to punch me? What? lol. Still don't want to stop worshiping jews or admit that Michelle Obama is a dude huh. What a weak faggot.

chuckletrousers ago

Stifle, Edith, pappa spank!

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Well fuck yeah, rather than spending tens of thousands on gay meetups they can get on a boat and find the edge.

wedsa5 ago

Is it just me or did they not mention the name of the tv show? I wanna watch it

newoldwave ago

Careful, don't fall off the planet.

RicardoBronson ago

I assume none of you are Christians, since the Bible is a flat earth book?

Octoclops ago

He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.-Job 26:7

NosebergShekelman ago

A jewish show with jewish actors. Yes, the goyim will totally trust this!! haha shaloms

Turn_Coat ago

oh my god yes, this will be hilarious.

Durm ago

Have fun stormin' the castle...

knightwarrior41 ago

lmfao what could go wrong

Pointyball ago

What a great scam. Get a production company to pay for your vacations because you say the world is flat. Josh Gates from Expedition Unknown would be proud.

smokratez ago

How about getting billions to make better looking tranny pussies for porn, because you told the goyim you can go to space and they believe you.

Survival_gluten ago

Do people not have a natural instinct of what the world looks like from a "birds eye view" ??

BentAxel ago

Please, please, please take them to the edge of a really tall cliff. Show them the edge of the world, Push them off. Rinse, repeat.

smokratez ago

Yeah, lets kill the only free thinkers left. What a good little jew puppet you are.

BentAxel ago

Flat earthers are Free thinkers? Open a fucking book. Start with Galileo Galilei, or try Hans Lippershey. Fuck off until you can speak for yourself and not like a stupid parrott.

smokratez ago

Lol. So because I don't parrot jew lies like you, I am the parrot? How sad it must be to be an anti science atheist cultist.

BentAxel ago

What's that noise? Oh it's a squawking parrot ironically complaining about being a parrot. Calling one of the most famous Catholic scientist and Vatican discovery "Jewish." You do realize that information is concealed in things called BOOKS. Pick one up. Read it, you would be surprised what's in them.

smokratez ago

Vatican has been rules by satanits for ages. Another thing a braindead faggot atheist like you doesn't know.

theoldguy ago

If the Vatican has been leading the flat earth bullshit, why didn't the church apologize for being stupid morons until 1992?

BentAxel ago

Where exactly do you get this bullshit? Do you even know what an atheist is? What about an agnostic?

AND WHAT THE FUCK IS: "Vatican has been" What level of fucking retard are you? Do you wear a helmet when your mommy takes you to the playground? Please chime in on another post that is no longer relevant.

smokratez ago

Lol. I get all my info from jew tv. Oh wait, that´s you guys.

BentAxel ago

It all comes clear. You're an uneducated moron. Turn off the TV and READ a book as I told you above.

smokratez ago

I own more than 400 book you clueless faggot. You worship a jew fairy tale.

BentAxel ago

That's highly doubtful. You can't spell, can't conjugate a sentence. You have zero comprehension. You're a moron. What's worse, you appear to be from Europe, most likely England, where the fucking language was created.

So, having 400 copies of picture books that consist of Juggs, Penthouse and Hustler just don't count as books.

I own your pasty white ass. Accept that you pleb.

smokratez ago

Lol. You sound like an incel.

BentAxel ago

Wow, that's super relevant. Over three years ago. Suck my cock harder. I OWN you bitch. Be sure to suck all my cum.

chuckletrousers ago

Well, 66 of those books are in your copy of the bible, Mother Goose brings it up to 67, the entire Hardy Boys series is 125, and the rest are Marvel and Archie comic books, amirite?

Cat-hax ago

Lol should be entertaining


Someone beat me to it, I had this planned out last year D: Fucking Jews.

Whiteflourguy ago

I always found it funny that NASA and the Government were always willing to spend $$ trying to show the earth is not flat. Why would they even care? It seems like they don't want people looking in to it. NASA was formed in 1958 and the only reason it was formed was to help show Russia we were winning the space race. The Moon landing was fake simply because the Van Allen belts as far as the Earth being flat I don't really care either way

shrink ago

I always found it funny that NASA and the Government were always willing to spend $$ trying to show the earth is not flat

They weren't. "We're doing this to show the Earth is a ball" was never a justification, you're projecting a motivation onto them.

The Moon landing was fake simply because the Van Allen belts

The Van Allen belts aren't lethal unless you're very stupid about your trip.

Whiteflourguy ago

NASA has produced many "shows" showing their ball and the earth is not flat, again they spent millions. WHY? Anybody who really believes we put a Man on the moon needs to be locked up. The so called moon rocks they sent to be on display was petrified fucking wood. Again the Jews in the media are behind what they want you to believe.

shrink ago

I'm not making a comment on the shape of the Earth here. You're claiming NASA's goal was to show people the Earth is a ball and I'm telling you no, you're fabricating that claim because you want to believe that's their goal. They've never stated it anywhere, I haven't seen any reasonable evidence that it points to their motivation, and you don't get to just answer any open-ended question with whatever answer you deem fit. This is the same kind of open ended justification someone uses when they say "Do you know for certain what created the universe? You don't? Okay, therefore God did it." You don't get to accuse others of believing something when you're willfully believing something.

again they spent millions. WHY?

Nature documentaries and shows make a good bit of profit.

Whiteflourguy ago

so when NASA said they would go to the moon in a nano second if they could get past the van Allen belts they were kidding? They were able to do it in 1969 but since lost it? um ok sure. Something funny happened on the way to the moon you see them hanging from fucking wires. wake up

shrink ago

When did they say this?

Zoldam ago

I'm a big conspiracy nut and like to always listen to people to hear what they have to say. It's probably why I am a conspiracy nut in the first place, I am inclined to believe it when evidence presented is considerably more reliable and compelling than the official report.

That said, I have actually watched many videos arguing in favor of a flat Earth, and none of them have presented compelling evidence. A few had interesting hypothesises, but that's all they were, not any sort of concrete proof that undoes over a millennium of a-political science (I say that as in events that drive politics, there is always shenanigans).

smokratez ago

Show me what convinced you the Earth is a spinning ball then please.

CarthOSassy ago

Driving long distances and watching things popup over the horizon, then do it in the reverse direction on the way back.

There's literally a hill between all distant places. That's how you build a sphere, buddy.

smokratez ago

Lol. I hate how dumb you faggots are.

CarthOSassy ago

Dawww. Poor little tike ran out of arguments?

smokratez ago

I have better things to do than waste my time on inbred atheist faggots. Do take it personally. lol.

Goering ago

Look at how many comments you've downvoated...are you a Reddit Mod? For fuck's sake.

smokratez ago

I´ve been here a while, and I used to be a redditor. Takes a while to get back to normal after being brainwashed.

theoldguy ago

Takes a while to get back to normal after being brainwashed.

We eagerly await that day!

Goering ago

20,000 downvoats

Twenty fucking thousand.

Almost as if...dare I say it?'re being paid for your downvoats?

CarthOSassy ago

We both know you don't. Nor the ability to do anything important, would your caregivers allow.

smokratez ago


Pattern_Blind ago

Look at every other planet spinning around on it’s axis in the solar system through a telescope and then tell me why Earth is the only flat one?

smokratez ago

The Earth is not a planet.

Native ago

The only proof you need for a Globe earth is to ask for non-CGI photos of earth in space. Those photos don't exist. We didn't land on the moon and the ISS station is a hoax.

Dominus_Stercae ago

In the 70s, before CGI was a thing, I held actual paper photo prints of this.

Native ago

The moon landing was a hoax and that's not a real photo unfortunately. And yes, photo editing was alive and well before 1969 and photos were routinely doctored.

Dominus_Stercae ago

Even with the moon landings individuals were able to gather decent evidence of the events, from amateur astronomers observing the debris cloud of Apollo 13's SM explosion to hams receiving communications from the spacecraft in flight. And that photo I held was a print from a medium format negative exposed in orbit about the moon.

You'll have to do better than just make assertions.

Native ago

I've shown how you can gather evidence for a global Earth.

Your evidence is known liars telling you what to believe. There is overwhelming evidence we didn't land on the moon. It's not debatable anymore. LIterally nobody but boomers believes we landed. Simply by virtue of Russia having a space monopoly and never going to the moon proves that its impossible

iunno ago

Evidence like what? Everything I've heard is clearly nonsense if you look into it past watching idiotic conspiracy videos.

DFW ago

But globesters believe in the magic Kennedy bullet and that a muzlum on dialysis in a cave in Afghanistan orchestrated 9/11. Imposing intellects that group.

LunaNova ago

No other conspiracy would garner enough momentum to have its own TV show. TPTB would never allow it. Further proof to me this is a great big psyop

httbmc ago

Trip around the world planned to find the edge of Flat Earth. kek

Smokybubbles ago

When they get to the edge, someone will hand them Kepler's laws of planetary motion and the Newtonian gravitation laws.

smokratez ago

There are no planets and gravity was made up by a satanic pedo as well.

NiggadermCQ ago

If you take relativity into account, earth is flat.

I can prove it, but I need a few billion shekels. Surely my fellow flat earthers can fund this.

smokratez ago

Relativity doesn't exist either. Was also made up by that jew fraud Einstain. Why do you guys choose to believe jew nonsense?

Nadakai ago

Isnt it cool that Antarctica has the highest average elevation of any continent?

98034570948753409857 ago

Why do people even talk about this?

Is there anything you went respond to

Master_Foo ago

Sometimes I wish the Earth were flat so I could push the Flat Earth tards off the edge.

smokratez ago

Imagine still sucking jew dick in 2019 and thinking that makes you smart. lol.

TheSeer ago

Dude, you would just push them up against the ICE WALL. Haven't you heard?

Master_Foo ago

Wait, are you telling me there is a schism of disagreement in the Flat-Earth circles? Now, THAT would make for great reality TV.

Find a bunch of Flat-Earthers who have fundamental disagreements about the nature of the Flat-Earth and set them against each other like a bunch of Pokemon.

We don't have to prove the Earth is round. You just put them in a position where they have to prove if there is a cliff or a wall. And for added entertainment, give each of them a knife.

CarthOSassy ago

Someone did that with a bunch of crazy people who all thought they were Jesus.

It didn't end well.

Master_Foo ago

Please tell me there is video.

iDontShift ago

no, there is flat earth schills like the 'flat earth society' that are plastered all over while real 'flat earth science' website is ignored and hardly anyone has heard of it.

VillaLopez ago

I really want to see this.

toav ago

They get a tv show, get paid, and get to travel for free.

This is what it takes to make it.

Clown earth instead of flat earth.

iunno ago

Flat Earth, Round Earth, all bullshit. There's no evidence.

Open your eyes. It's Clown Earth.

NinjaNipples ago

and only retards will watch it

ReadyToRide ago

Love it! Will tune in.

Bottled_Tears ago

The fact that (((they))) are letting it be a TV show, just proves its a bunch of psychos believing in a psyop.

smokratez ago

Yeah, all the jew tv shows and movies about space prove it's real right?

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

To be fair, they let doomsday peppers be a show and deliberately chose complete wackjobs to make prepping look insane.

i_did_nothing_wrong ago

  • mocks flat earthers
  • believes that gender is a social construct

Anon1492 ago

I'm sure it will be the exact same "big reveal" as Geraldo Rivera's was when he did the Al Capone vault thing.

Dominus_Stercae ago

There's much direct evidence individuals can gather proving the Earth is a sphere. It's discounted by the FE believers. IMO, nothing will convince them, for they use their a priori theological interpretations as a foundation for their flat Earth belief.

iunno ago

I talked with a believer for a few hours once. Literally endless mental gymnastics. He refused to talk to me after a while, even when we changed the subject.


Please enlighten us on direct evidence. Not a photo.

Dominus_Stercae ago

A few examples of experiments individuals can try are in this comment.

smokratez ago

There is no scientific evidence for the globe.

Dominus_Stercae ago

Here's evidence individuals can gather - no government or NASA required. I've personally done all these:

  • Watch the southern hemisphere constellations slip below the southern horizon while traveling north. Meanwhile northern constellations rise over the northern hemisphere as the journey progresses (I did this on ships).

  • Through small telescopes watch as ships dip below the horizon.

  • With a ham radio license, see first hand how high frequency radio beams cannot be received over the horizon. If you know someone with a license, you don't even need to get one yourself to try this.

  • Go to Lake Pontchartrain, and through a small telescope, see this with your own eyes.

And there are many more experiments, albeit requiring a bit more setup. So not only is the body of evidence for a globe vast, some can be gathered by you, personally.

smokratez ago

That's amazing. I've never met a retard who doesn't know how perspective works before.

iunno ago

You've met yourself. The "law of perspective" you idiots believe in pertains to drawing perspective. "Intersecting lines" aren't what creates the horizon, dipshit.

smokratez ago

Yeah, I am not an anti science atheist retard. I study things for myself. Unlike every one of you. You prefer to believe in religious fairy tales.

iunno ago

Round Earth is supported by evidence, flat Earth is supported by fervent belief.

Watching idiotic youtube videos isn't study.

theoldguy ago

smokratez ago

The other way around. You believe religious fairy tales told to you by jews, and you choose to believe it, because you like the stories. You want to be able to go to space and see other worlds and shit. You are lying to yourself. That's why it's such strong brainwashing. It's also why only you can free yourself. Good luck faggot.

iunno ago

The projection is strong with you. Personally I don't have much interest in going into space. It would be neat, but I really don't care if I ever do, or if it's possible for me. Anyone with have a brain can see that FE theory is absolutely retarded, especially when people like you are the ones promoting it. The fact that you think Jews "invented" the "idea" of round Earth shows how little you know about anything.

You believe moronic stories told by people with no evidence, and refuse any evidence given to you if it doesn't fit in with your wild imaginings of infinite acceleration and giant spotlight in the sky.

And no, I'm not a "Jew run" atheist.(The fact you think someone "runs" atheism is another indicator of your lack of intelligence) the shape of the Earth has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not God exists, and has no bearing on peoples belief on the matter.

Say you saw absolutely undeniable proof the Earth was round.(if thats even possible. You idiotis could probably see it with your own eyes and still come up with a way to delude yourselves) Would you stop believing in God?

smokratez ago

It's not projection. I used to be a braindead atheist myself. I am showing you a way out. Take it if you want. Or keep being a retarded faggot. I don't care.

theoldguy ago

I used to be a braindead atheist myself

And now you're a braindead flat earther.

iunno ago

As I said, I'm not an atheist. If the Earth has to be flat for you to believe in God, clearly it's you who are the retarded faggot.

smokratez ago

Sure thing retard.

chuckletrousers ago

Do you not know atheism is ran by satanic pedos aka jews?

Babies are born atheist. Until local customs brainwash them into believing in ishtar or something. Do the jews sue them if they don't pay dues or something?

Dominus_Stercae ago

Having deep experience with optical instrument design, I have a decent understanding of perspective.

It's obvious now you're a well-poisoning troll. You have a nice day.

smokratez ago

You don't know how it works if you thinks ships dipping under the horizen is because of the globe lie. lol. I am having a nice day. Don't tell what to do faggot.

MaunaLoona ago

Measure the length of shadows in different parts of the world. The Greeks did it in BC.

decapod ago

The Greek estimate for the size of the Earth was pretty decent given their method I thought.

Zacchaeus ago

Doesnt prove anything. The sun is local.

chuckletrousers ago

The sun is local.

And yet it's the same angular size for both places. Shut up when adults are talking, little tranny.

Native ago

The whole angles shadow that the Greek did has been disproved long ago. It would take 3 wells to be accurate not 2. The math works perfectly for a Flat Earth and can't be disproved, if it was so simple there wouldn't be such a big movement.

iunno ago

Hahahaha, as if you troglodytes even understand math. Just be the dumb little worker bee you are, thinking ain't your strong suit.

chuckletrousers ago

The math works perfectly for a Flat Earth and can't be disproved

There have been hundreds of thousands if not millions of measurements done with sextants over the last couple hundreds of years at all latitudes. Stop being a superstitious dumbass.

CRKT_M16Z ago

I was at a friend's house and he wanted to watch Beyond the Curve. These idiots literally paid nearly $30k for this sophisticated gyroscope that could track the rotation of the earth. They knew that if the earth was round, the gyroscope would delineate 15 degrees. So they used this device to prove it was flat, expecting there to be no change. The gyroscope deviated 15 degrees. So they just assumed the shit was wrong or that there was some other flaw in their research they hadn't accounted for.

Towards the end, these other idiots buy this expensive laser to also prove there is no curvature. So they do some calculations and lo and behold, based on their own calculations, there's a deviation in the laser beam, indicating there is some curvature. The guy at the end is like, "Hmmmm....there must be some sort of problem..."

The_Cat ago

The interesting thing is that they came up with several actually clever experiments to measure the curvature. And because they performed them well, they actually measured the curvature. And then promptly rejected the results.

CRKT_M16Z ago

That was probably the best part of that whole documentary. I didn't care for the rest of it and wish I could get that 90 minutes or so back.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Go to a beach at sunset. Wait until the moment the sun has gone down and immediately jump up onto the hood of your car. You'll see the tail end of the sunset again. Round earth proved for the cost of a trip to the beach.

The_Cat ago

The funny thing is that they handwave all of that away with "perspective". If you ask them to explain how perspective can cause that effect, they'll just start demanding you explain some arbotrary thing that males no sense, dodging the question.

moirai11 ago

Wow, that is actually scary how large sum of people are like this. It is good to see what kind of people exist here.

Witsend ago

Oh good, I hope they will explain seasons to me.


Sun goes round like a may pole.

Witsend ago

Interesting. Appreciate your thoughts.

KoKansei ago

Classic artificially-pushed "conspiracy theory" designed to discredit actual legitimate skepticism regarding government malfeasance and official lies.

I wonder who is behind the documentary?

smokratez ago

Yeah, jew controlled education tells young kids about the globe and gravity. Jew controlled tv and movies show non stop movies about space and even the spinning globe at the start of every movie for decades. YET IT'S THE FLAT EARTH THAT IS THE JEW DECEPTION. lol.

LarryBagelstein ago

You're either excruciatingly dumb or a below average troll....

smokratez ago

I am trying to show how you atheist cultists all believe the same jew lies.

LarryBagelstein ago

Immaculate conception is the ultimate jewish lie.

smokratez ago

Jews run all organised religion including atheism. Stop being a jew slave.

chuckletrousers ago

So ghod came to you and told you of his existence his own self? You couldn't fib your way out of a wet paper bag, kid.

smokratez ago

No, life itself shows you that someone or something created us. Unless you are a jew puppet atheist. Then you have been told you are only meaningless stardust and everything was created when nothing exploded. Which is more anti science nonsense. Which you all believe willingly.

chuckletrousers ago

someone or something created us.

Who created the someone or something?

Reverse-Flash ago

I hope they fall off.

LarryBagelstein ago

Flat Earth is just a Jewish tool used to ridicule people who speak about other, real conspiracies (not theories). For example, the Zionist Occupied Government.

elitch2 ago

Okay. I suppose you can provide me evidence of the motion of the Earth, or perhaps you have an experiment that proves the attraction of two masses?

Seriously. I am not joking.

You are taking the heliocentric model on pure faith.

There are no photos of the Earth.

If satellites are real, what's up with all the fibre optic cables, and point to point microwave?

iunno ago

There are photos of the Earth, but seeing as you don't believe in space, you'll immediately dismiss them.

elitch2 ago

Please link an actual photo, then.

Should be easy.

Just like it should be easy to prove the motion of the Earth.

iunno ago

There you go. Yeah yeah, "NASA is all fake and lies, blah blah blah" Like I said, I know you'll dismiss anything that doesn't "prove" your theory.

Bonus non-NASA/ISS source:

elitch2 ago

  1. Seriously? Was this "photo" taken with a potato?

  2. 100% CGI. Not real.

  3. Taken with a fish-eye lens. The fucking areoplane is curved.

So. That's the best you can do?

I have no theories. I am 100% agnostic on this subject.

I can tell you this, though. There is a whole lot more scientific evidence for a flat, motionless plane, than there is for the heliocentric bullshit.

There is no experiment that proves either the motion of the Earth, or the attraction of tow masses.

None. Zero. Doesn't exist.

You are taking everything on faith.

I don't play the faith game.

shrink ago

The argument against the curvature of the Earth in high altitude videos is that the lens are all curved and therefore create an illusion of curvature where there is none. Lenses that do this will also make the Earth "curve upward" in the shape of a bowl when the center of the lens is pointing below the horizon. The solution to this is to attach a rectilinear lens (which doesn't distort lines; straight lines remain straight) to a camera and take high altitude shots or video. If a rectilinear lens captures the horizon of the Earth when it is pointing below the center, and the Earth's curve points "downwards," then it isn't being distorted by the lens and the downward curve is actually there.

That has been done here

The lens used with 4.35mm, which can be found here which is explicitly sold as "no fisheye/distortion." Height achieved was 115,000 feet. If you check the description, the man who launched it also collected a good deal of atmospheric data.

elitch2 ago

Okay. Nobody claims that the actual curvature is visible. The math is such as to require a height of at least 120,000' in order for curvature to be perceptable.

Since the aircraft in question here is only capable of achieving elevations f around 59K', you are looking at a curved lens.

shrink ago

....what? Aircraft? It's a balloon. It goes up to 115k and comes back down again, and it's raw, uncut footage with a rectilinear lens. The lens points below the horizon, the downward curve is visible, erego the curve is there.

Please read before you reply to something, you called some other guy for being an idiot for not watching a video you linked and yet you clearly did the exact same thing yourself with this.

elitch2 ago

I'm commenting on the picture from the MiG-29, a couple posts up. I did not watch your video.

I have now watched it, skipping around. I'm seeing a dead level horizon, so not sure what you're on about. The only "curve" I see is distortion from the camera angle swaying side to side.

Dominus_Stercae ago

Taking a snapshot from the balloon video where the image was momentarily stationary (no swaying), then overlaying a straight line as a reference, the curvature is clear.

elitch2 ago

Yeah. Such science.

iunno ago

  1. Yes. You asked for a picture of Earth from space, you made no stipulation about image quality.

  2. Now it looks too good so it's CGI. Whatever.

  3. That's not a fish eye lens. Yes, there is a bit of barrel distortion, but not enough to make a diagonal line into that much of a curve. Also, it's a MIG-29, not an F-18. F-18s don't even look like that. It even says MIG-29 right on the link.

I can tell you this, though. There is a whole lot more scientific evidence for a flat, motionless plane, than there is for the heliocentric bullshit. Like what? Actually nevermind, I've looked into FE enough to know you have jack shit.

You guys deserve gold medals for your mental gymnastics.

elitch2 ago

That is CGI. There's no doubt at all. NASA will even tell you so.

Okay, it's a mig-29. Ceiling on that aircraft is 59,00'. Still not high enough to see curvature, should it exists. So that is a fish eye lens.

What mental gymnastics am I performing? That "photo" is pure bullshit. Where did they even find a camera that takes such shitty pictures? Here's a picture taken in the 1800's.

iunno ago

It's a picture from the ISS, they even have video. But yeah yeah, round-off onto the board, back handspring onto the horse, and flip off.

I've seen the curvature from the ground, it's definitely high enough to see it better.

This is the camera that took that picture. That image was scanned and sent back to the Earth with 1960s technology. Scanners and bandwidth weren't the greatest back then. Also, fucking hilarious that you link to a daguerreotype as if any camera that came out subsequent to that should be able to produce a higher quality image.

Anyway, what does your "145 IQ" have to say about this?

elitch2 ago

Wow. They caught a night where half the planet had zero cloud cover.

If you are claiming to have seen curvature from the ground, you are suffering from a mental disorder. Full stop.

Bandwidth? Are you high? Okay. Can't send pictures from the Moon, but we have these nifty "photos" of Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus...

That "debunking" is horseshit, and if you need it explained, you should find whomever taught you geometry, and kick their ass.

shrink ago

That "debunking" is horseshit

Which should be easy to debunk itself, if we can just run through some simple math together. All you need to do is either claim that those flights don't actually exist, or do the simple calculations. If the flat Earth model was correct, how far would it be from the start to the end of that flight? Now find out what the fastest passenger liner in the world is, and calculate how long it would take to get there. Then compare that length of time to the time of the actual flight, or alternatively, take the time of the actual flight and compare it to the distance on the flat Earth model, and see how fast the average speed would need to be and if that's even possible.

elitch2 ago

Or you could go take a remedial geometry course. Up to you.

shrink ago

Oh no you don't. You don't get to run away when something comes along to challenge your view after you keep acting like everyone around you are brainwashed idiots. Go ahead, treat me like I'm a 60 IQ individual who doesn't know geometry. FE argues against a global Earth by using extremely simplistic arguments, so this shouldn't be difficult to do. If you refuse to explain how such a flight can exist, I'll assume you cannot, thereby invalidating the FE model.

elitch2 ago

Geometry. Get some.

shrink ago

That's fine, but one of the lynchpins of actual science is that if something isn't true or a hypothesis doesn't hold up, it's because it can be invalidated some way. This direct flight from South America to Australia would not be possible to fly in the time it actually takes, if the Flat Earth model were true. If the FE model were true, the shortest path would be flying practically straight north, which it doesn't follow; alternatively, it could follow the exact same path as described, but on the FE model it would be several times the distance, and it would not be possible to 1) fly it so quickly and 2) contain enough fuel.

So all we need to do is look at the maximum average speed of the fastest passenger jet available and compare it to this. We can also compare the maximum amount of fuel available to a passenger jet and the longest amount of time it can remain in the air, and also compare that to this. If these discrepancies cannot be rectified, then it invalidates the FE model, while also supporting the global model, considering the straight path taken would make the most sense if the Earth were actually a globe.

elitch2 ago

Okay. I'll let you in on why I am not taking your "experiment" seriously.

There are too many variables that you are assuming, or taking on faith.

Modern aeroplane fuel consumption, and airspeed are also contended subjects. Do you know how a modern aircraft operates?

Likely, you assume they burn massive amounts of petrochemicals in order to achieve thrust, lift, flight.

You completely misunderstand how a modern transport aircraft functions. Look into it.

You also keep using the term "FE model". I don't know if you are being stupid, or shilling on this one. But I never give the benefit of the doubt. What the holy fuck is the FE model? If you are going to reference it, fucking define it.

Now I could go on critiquing, but you're not paying me to do so, and I'm bored with this.

When you have a serious argument to propose, you will get serious consideration of that theory.

Your "experiment" here is so laughably unscientific it deserves no consideration.

shrink ago

Modern aeroplane fuel consumption, and airspeed are also contended subjects

All you need to do is look up the upper limits and, to be safe, with the most conservative variables, assume they remain at maximum for the duration of the flight. That gives the best possible outcome in favor of the FE's concept of how the planet looks.

Likely, you assume they burn massive amounts of petrochemicals in order to achieve thrust, lift, flight.

This only matters if you care about attempting to address the fuel issue. If you don't, then it's irrelevant, because the only variable that makes any difference is the maximum speed achievable by a passenger jet. It doesn't matter ultimately what's making it move or the mechanics by which it does so, the upper limit of average speed is whatever it is. If I look up the maximum speed of X class of airliner, yes, I'm taking that value on faith, because it'd be perverse to think that the value is incorrect, especially if I find the same value from multiple aviation sources. You assume that your feet will touch the floor every morning when you get out of bed, that doesn't make the assumption invalid. This is such a basic "experiment" it's difficult to imagine you couldn't easily do this yourself to invalidate the AEP, especially with your purported expertise on the flight of transports.

You also keep using the term "FE model". I don't know if you are being stupid, or shilling on this one

Sorry, I'm going off of what some FE person said in this thread. Apparently it's the azimuth equidistant projection that FE adherents believe is how the Earth actually looks, that'd what I'm talking about. I suppose I should change it to AEP instead.

Your "experiment" here is so laughably unscientific it deserves no consideration.

You're deflecting and running away again. All you're doing is saying "there are variables and you're making assumptions!" as an excuse to not give a solid explanation for how it'd be possible on the AEP. I've noticed this is a pattern with you, you get quite emotional and condescending, fling insults left and right, and ultimately your arguments boil down to "I reject this, everything is a lie." If I looked up all the specifications and data required to make such a trip on both a global and AEP Earth and compared them with basic calculations, you'd claim the specs and data can't be trusted. That the flight doesn't exist, or that it's flight time is wrong, etc. Ultimately you reject anything you want to reject, not on the basis of open-minded intellectual honesty as you no doubt convince yourself you do.

elitch2 ago

So, I have to accept your unscientific notions as science because you ascribe emotional content to words you read on a screen?


You might as well be talking astrology, you have so much bullshit in your "experiment".

iunno ago

Damn it, you're right, I am an idiot. I forgot what day it is.

smokratez ago

Yeah, jew controlled education tells young kids about the globe and gravity. Jew controlled tv and movies show non stop movies about space and even the spinning globe at the start of every movie for decades. YET IT'S THE FLAT EARTH THAT IS THE JEW DECEPTION. lol. Imagine being as dumb as this guy and the 32 other that upvoted him.

LarryBagelstein ago

I meant jews popularize the Flat Earth conspiracy theory (that would otherwise have basically no real following), so that when people start talking about other, real conspiracies, (((they))) say "NEXT YOU'LL BE TELLING US THE EARTH IS FLAT -- YOU CONSPIRACY GUYS ARE NUTS". People who are on the fence or just low IQ NPCs will then steer clear of anything they label "conspiracy theory". It's just capitalizing on people's fear of rocking the boat or being associated with "undesirable groups".

They've been doing shit like this for a long time. Many of the most visible right-wing nationalist movements were started as honey pots, to steer people away from actual right-wing nationalism -- including the EDL, which was formerly led by (((Tommy Robinson))). The fake white nationalist groups get publicly mocked and allowed to exist for the sole purpose of mocking by example, whereas the real groups get shut down faster than you can say "Heil Hitler".

smokratez ago

I meant jews popularize the Flat Earth conspiracy theory

Based on what? They put the flat Earth all over their tv and movies? Have their sex slave musicians make songs about how there is no space or gravity? Or is the opposite what happens? lol. Please for once in your life think.

LarryBagelstein ago

I'm not saying they encourage people to follow it. I'm saying they popularize the notion that it exists and has an actual following.

Are you denying the fact that it's been talked about in the media a LOT recently? The (((media))) don't need to make a single, solitary person actually believe in Flat Earth -- they only need to make you think that someone else believes it and that they are retarded and worthy of scorn and derision. It's forcefully placing a fabricated story into the category of "conspiracy theory" in order to make the category itself look like the domain of idiots.

smokratez ago

Yeah, we are making them talk about the truth for a change. It shows we still have power.

LarryBagelstein ago

If I were your care giver, I'd be pretty worried about the state of your mental ability right now. You have demonstrable signs of of profound mental retardation.

smokratez ago

That's how jews get new atheist cultists. They tell you that you are smart for believing their anti science non sense. See how you are alienating yourself?

LarryBagelstein ago

I'm guessing you think you're trolling me, but you're actually trolling yourself.

smokratez ago

I am not trolling. I am showing you the truth. Jews made up the globe.

chuckletrousers ago

I am not trolling.

Yep, too dumb.

smokratez ago

I am not dumb like you. I don't suck jew dick.

chuckletrousers ago

don't suck jew dick.

Michelle's not a jew?

chuckletrousers ago


By George, I think he's got it!

smokratez ago

Is Michelle Obama a man or a woman you old faggot?

chuckletrousers ago

She's a dumbass nigger who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground. Which puts her way ahead of you.

smokratez ago

Wrong you mongloid. He is a nigger. Not she. Stop calling men women, and thinking Earth is a spinning ball. Stop being such a clueless jew slave. lol.

albatrosv15 ago

Or that nasa is bullshit.

decapod ago

NASA never existed. It was only invented as part of a much bigger lie about the existence of land between Canada and Mexico.

albatrosv15 ago

So... what did you before crumbling here 2 hours ago?

CameraCode ago

Exactly, the flat Earth thing is totally manufactured and no real people actually believe it (besides legitimate schizos). How many people have you met in real life that believe the earth is flat?

It's also big because Reddit is obsessed with making fun of low hanging fruit because they need to feel superior about something.

decapod ago

I live with a flat Earther. He is severely mentally ill, is unemployable, and spends his day doing "research" by watching conspiracy videos on Youtube. He believes EVERY conspiracy theory.

Non-crazy flat Earthers have always existed, it used to be more of a harmless eccentricity and I'm sure half of them didn't believe it. That was a hundred years ago though. It seems to have boomed in the last decade, which is worrying. I wonder if it might be similar to the War On Science, some kind of Putinesque operation to discredit objective reality and make the world of plebs into a morass of competing opinions with few hard facts or authoritive sources. I don't have any direct indication where it is coming from though there is now a strong association between the world of conspiracy theories and extreme right wing politics. I don't remember that from the good old days of flying saucers and tinfoil hats.

Pattern_Blind ago

I met one person who believes. He was the dumbest motherfucker in school. D- average, barely graduated. His whole life sucked and he is ending up poor living in a fucking trailor because his wife and him ripped people off when ever they got the chance and no one cares to help him or be around him or his ugly cunt wife.

Bonus retard points, he recently found God when he turned mid 60’s and decided the Bible is literal and holy gospel scripture not to be questioned, only memorized and worshipped unquestionably. Apoarently he’s scared to die after living a near worthless life.

This guy was a life long drug addict, bar patron, now goes around judging others based on faith and flat Earth beliefs he watches on Jewtube.

Whiteflourguy ago

There are more flat earthers than you think, I was shocked when I covered a gathering in Michigan many years back, gave many interviews, I never argued with any or even really asked the why and the how only name and location, some were there because they met some hot girl or guy that brainwashed them and they hung on every word but some seemed like decent people who were educated and well spoken, not some nigger trash

dellip_der_ ago

Go locate some ancient maps, are ancestors were incredible navigators and mapmakers. Not suprising that people support this theory, when you consider the globe model is a recent masonic creation.

Native ago

Why wouldn’t you ask them why they believe it? Aren’t you curious? Perhaps you simply don’t want to conclude that you are a Globalist only because you’ve been told the world is a Globe as a child and never once had a critical thought as an adult

CameraCode ago

A lot of "schizophrenic" people are well educated and do seem like decent people (and probably are). I really doubt there are more flat earthers than I think, I mean of course there are going to be a lot of flat earthers at a flat earthers convention. I've never met one in real life, and I don't know anyone personally who has either.

GhostCow ago

Can confirm. I dated a flat earther and she was full on schizophrenic

undertheshills ago

No it's a real thing. In high school some kids would have to argue for flat earth in debate club. I think it evolved from that and YouTube spread it.

TheSeer ago

Youtube PROMOTES flat earth AND veganism.

Native ago

NO IT DOESN"T! Youtube just changed it's algorithym to hide Flat Earth and 911 research. Geezus you don't know shit do you.

smokratez ago

Globe heads accept whatever they are told by jews.

chuckletrousers ago

Superstitious tards accept whatever they are told by jews.


smokratez ago

Atheism is the anti science religious cult ran by jews. You are the supersticious tard who is the braindead jew slave.

chuckletrousers ago

Archived for the lulz, you dumb little tranny!

LarryBagelstein ago

No it's a real thing

Any time jews get something started, of course there will be low IQ NPCs who jump on the band wagon. Take communism for example.

TheSeer ago

It literally separates people from their loved ones, sons from their fathers, brother from brother. It is the ultimate divide and conquer strategy.

smokratez ago

You are talking about atheism, which is the anti science cult ran by jews.

DFW ago

That's because globesters are hard line conformists and feel threatened by alternate thoughts. FE people have no problem with what you believe, either way.

The only people who buy into flat Earth and those who tried to de-bunk it. Go ahead, try, the rabbit hole is deep. Or, prove the globe. You will be the first one.

iunno ago

No one "feels threatened" by FE theory. Your beliefs are just ridiculous to the point of frustration.

Something none of you seem to be able to answer is why. The closest I got was something like "it makes people not believe in God", but I really don't see how that has anything to do with it. What difference does the shape of the Earth make to you?

I've looked into FE plenty, I'm willing to accept any actual evidence of the Earth being flat, but I've seen nothing but mental gymnastics to dodge observable phenomena. There's plenty of proof that the Earth is round, but I'm sure you wouldn't accept any of it. Hell, find a big enough body of water and you can see the curvature for yourself. There are more than enough of you to launch a small rocket with a rectilinear lens and you can get a high altitude shot without distortion. In Russia(I believe) you can get a ride on a MIG-29 high enough to see it with you own eyes. You guys really have no excuse for having no picture or video evidence whatsoever.

All this being said, it's a stupid bullshit argument that is a complete waste of time. If you want to believe the Earth is flat, go ahead. Really doesn't make a difference anyway.

DFW ago

Thanks for your opinion, but I don't buy that you've "looked into FE plenty". I honestly doubt that a person with an open mind can look into it and come away dead solid against FE like you have. But that's my opinion and it doesn't change a single thing in your life.

elitch2 ago

I have an IQ of 145.

I mocked "flat Earthers" mercilessly. Until I made a serious attempt to debunk it.

Now I'm agnostic. I genuinely have no fucking idea what the shape of our reality is.

I can tell you this. There are no photos of the Earth from "space".

DFW ago

Thanks, I understand your position entirely. My IQ is just inside 130, but I'm smart enough to recognize when all the facts that I can gather cause cognitive dissonance. And then I go with the position of unconventional wisdom, just because.

allogonist ago

SOUNDS like something everyone can enjoy!

IM2abcd ago

Contestants arrived from all over the globe to assemble the Flat Earth expedition.

satisfyinghump ago

Although a trip like this WOULD prove more or less, if the flat earth theory is true, these people will NEVER be allowed to actually venture to the edge of the earth. Very few people have that ability, as it requires permission from multiple countries (something to think about...).

What would be far more interesting, since it's not something that at the moment the government of any country can actively deny... is a trip by boat along the edge.

A properly staffed and equipped (provisions and mapping/charting equipment as well as all the high definition cameras and storage modes available (film and digital)) boat, which wither it itself is an icebreaker or is large enough and tough enough to swim the route with support from an icebreaker when ans if needed, and have the boat do a simple trip along the minds of ocean pioneers. Chart the edge of the north pole.

The North pole is claimed to be the outer edge of the flat earth. Everyone else says it's the top of the globe we live on.

Even better of an idea would be, if money existed, a 2nd boat, equipped and staff identically but their journey would be opposite of the other boat. They would both go to the same starting point by the coast of the north pole/flatearth edge, and one would spin to the left and the other to the right and they'd just... move forward. That's all. They would identify and record what they saw and interacted with as well as where their positions were to one another. Quite simply, if the boats go on a more or less straight line, since if the earth is a globe, the top of this sphere to a boat would be a straight line it could traverse. But... if the boats found themselves arching downwards and then again and meeting where the ice is SOUTH of then instead of NORTH of them as it was when the adventure first began... we would have a problem.

These boats, due to having a sheet of unbreakable ice, with an icewall a hundred feet in the air... would be forced to start their journey up/north.

And instead of docking at some port that's south of the north pole, let's say they instead docked at some port which was the southern tip of south-america... then the TV show would be truly popular. And... we would finally have an answer.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Please list the countries that need to be asked and cite the laws that say you will be stopped.

ScreaminMime ago

Ya forget about da government's ability to teleport the boats to MAKE IT APPEAR like dey traveled farder dan they done deeeeed!!!

MrPim ago

Get in boat on one ofAmericas coasts. Let's say NY. From NY head east. Keep heading east. There are a couple of landmasses in the way, but there are routes around them. Keep heading east. Eventually you'll end up on the west coast of America. You have just proven the earth is a globe. Done.

Zacchaeus ago

No you havent.... youve just proven you can travel in a big circle.

MrPim ago

A circle around a globe. Something which is impossible on your retarded flat earth.

Zacchaeus ago

Draw a big circle. Now draw a smaller circle within that larger circle. Get it?

MrPim ago

That's some bullshit handwaving woohoo. On your flat earth if I travel in one direction continuously, eventually I will reach the edge, or the Ice Wall. Unless your flat earth acts like an old video game where I warp from one side of the screen to the other.

There really is no other way around this. If the earth is flat and I get in an East bound airplane eventually I reach the edge.

On a sphere I continue around until I end where I began.

You can not woohoo your way around this.

And it's Very easy to prove. You can do it yourself.

Except the earth is an oblate sphere and you'll never find that edge.

So, explain that to me. Do we magically warp from one side to the other like in the old Asteroids game? Or how would you explain such?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Earth is a torus.

Zacchaeus ago

Compases change as you move around the earth.

MrPim ago

Utter twaddle. You've been forced into a corner and now you're making up absolute bullshit

And you should be able to prove this. It should be Very easy for some flat earth retard to get in a plane and prove everything you believe. Why has this not been done?

Because you can't, because the earth is a globe

And you're either a glownigger or so retarded you can't tie your own shoes.

Zacchaeus ago

Why so many personal attacks? You seem mad... airplanes dont go straight they curve. They even tell us that. They say theyre following 'great circles'.

MrPim ago

Because I find this retardation stupidly offensive and the only people who promote it are either dumb as a rock or glow in the dark niggers.

Why can't you answer a direct question w a direct answer? Because what you believe is absolute bullshit.

Airplanes absolutely follow a straight path if you desire. I know a great deal about aircraft. More than you ever will. I could build one from scratch w/o plans. And I could pilot that craft.

The earth is a globe. It should be easy for you to prove this wrong. But you can't, because it's not.

Zacchaeus ago

Youre a full of yourself ftm tranny

MrPim ago

Oh lord you're one of those retards.

So, you admit that you're completely unable to logically hash the out in a discussion. Your belief in the flat earth is indefensible. And not a single flat earther is able to fly an airplane or pilot a boat in a single direction long enough to find the Ice Wall or go around the globe whichever happens first.

You fail in every way.

Native ago

Moron the Flat Earth IS Round it’s not a sphere that’s the difference. The Flat Earth is based on Navigational charts used for a thousand years called the Azymuthal Map

MrPim ago

But on your flat earth if I continually head in one direction I will eventually reach the ice wall. Only on a globe will I return where I began. Moron.

Native ago

No. You fundamentally misunderstand navigation. Atleast look into it without sounding like a retard. FEarthers aren’t stupid. Navigation is based on the FE map

MrPim ago

The only retard here is you. You have a basic misunderstanding of geography. What I believe has been proven over and over and over for several hundred years. The completely idiotic thing you believe you yourself are unwilling to prove.

Prove it. Get in an airplane or boat and head unwaveringly east(or west) eventually you'll return where you began. This is only possible on a globe.

Only a complete and utter retard believes the world is flat. You are stupid beyond belief.

Native ago

Get in an airplane or boat and head unwaveringly east(or west) eventually you'll return where you began. This is only possible on a globe.

No it's not!.

This is how people navaigate on the world

MrPim ago

That's a drawing of the globe from the top. It's nothing more than that. I have hundreds of years of records of people actually navigating around the world that prove it such.

And still I challenge you to a simple experiment. Get in an airplane. Fly in Any direction N,S,E,W pick one, and keep going in that direction. And You WILL return where you began.

This is IMPOSSIBLE on a flat plane. It is only possible on a globe. This Very easy to prove/disprove. It's not even that expensive really. There certainly must be a wealthy flat earther who has the time and money to spend a few months doing this. It's the easiest thing in the world. Get in an airplane, pick a direction and go. When you reach the Ice Wall post pics here.

But that won't happen. What will happen is eventually you'll end up where you began. Because it's a fucking globe.

You are stupid beyond belief. AND YOU DONT HAVE THE GUTS TO PROVE ME WRONG. Because YOU are wrong.

Jesus wept

Or. Fuck off glow in the dark nigger.

Native ago

No it's not, my dad was a merchant Mariner and he circumnavigated the world multiple times and all the navigation charts from airplanes to ships is based on the map that I showed. As for your pick a direction. It's ILLEGAL to fly over ANTARCTICA and NOBODY HAS DONE IT. So as far as i'm concerned based on your OWN hypothesis, we live on a fucking Flat Earth, because your exact experiment has NEVER BEEN DONE.

MrPim ago

So don't fly over Antarctica. America is (curiously) in the middle of your map. So, starting in America fly east or west. You should by your own map eventually reach that ice wall.

I don't believe your dad was even a shrimp boat sailor. Or he was the dumbest god damned sailor on the Planet and was never a captain or navigator.

You're seriously either mongolid stupid or glownigger.

I think you're just a mong.

Native ago

Again, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of navigation, if you pick East or West you will continue to go around the Flat Earth Navigational Map that I showed you. You would not hit the ice wall unless you head South. It's not that difficult to understand. Clearly you havent done any bit of research and this is all new to you. Start with navigation and going East to West you will realize that i'm right.

Thanks for the convo though.

MrPim ago

You're south American aren't you?

MrPim ago

if you pick East or West you will continue to go around the Flat Earth Navigational Map

Go around? That is very vague and doesn't make any real sense. If I go east I 'go around' the map? What does that even mean? Where do I end up if I 'go around' that map?

You would not hit the ice wall unless you head South.

So if I head north there is no ice wall? Then what is there? An edge I sail off of? What?

You're giving up and calli g yourself Winner because you cannot answer my very logical questions.

Your belief is wrong. If your dad the sailor put these ideas in your head he was an idiot amd the shittiest sailor to ever live

You are unable to defend what you believe. Because it is incorrect.

You are a deluded moron.

Native ago

Geezus yes of you always go north you would also eventually hit the wall. You won’t hit anything if you go east or west you’ll just keep going around in circles just like you go in circles today.

Again, by your own experiment we live on on a Flat Earth because it’s never been done so stop changing the subject.

MrPim ago

If I go east west I don't hit the ice wall? Then how is the earth flat? Is it a cylinder? I'm not changing the subject at all and I'm not the ne who keeps changing blades the shape of the earth. You do.

So there's an ice wall to the north and south but none east and west. So if the earth is flat I Can't fly around the world in a direct line circle. It's supposed to be flat. Your logic is becoming as twisted as this supposed earth. We live on a cylinder?

And are you saying that no one has ever circled the globe?

Your logic isnt logic.

Again, you're south American aren't you?

Native ago

@MrPim and @Shrink and @chuckletrousers

With all peace and love I want to clear something up,

  1. Every Flat Earther believed that the world was a Globe, that’s what EVERYONE is taught.

  2. Every Flat Earther became a Flat Earther after trying to debunk other “Flat Tards”

You keep posing questions to me and yet you don’t even know why you believe the world is a Globe other than you were taught this as a child and took it as an act of faith. Yet, I’m the moron because I’ve started to challenge the Globalist narrative (see point 2).

If I go east west I don't hit the ice wall? Then how is the earth flat?

How, you aren’t understanding navigation is beyond me right now and if you can’t comprehend how it works then stop trying to debate this because you fundamentally don’t understand the Flat Earth Map. I’ll give it one last shot:

Here is the Flat Earth Map

Notice that it is Round and NOT a Globe. BUT it is Round. In the center is the North Pole, so on a compass it would be pointing north and if you go East you would be moving around the North Pole in a circle AND NEVER HITTING THE EDGE. Just like the sun and moon in the gif are simply rotating East to West. This is how navigation works and that map is a thousand+ year old Navigational chart called the Azimuthal equidistant projection this is the Map that the UN has on their flag (remember symbols in plane sight)

So the Flat Earth is a Plane (aka it’s flat) with the edge surrounded by an Ice wall aka Antarctica that keeps the Ocean in place. Remember that Water always finds it’s own level. How is it possible for Oceans to bend around a spinning ball and not fly off? You ever spin a wet basketball or tennis ball? The water spins off.

You're hopeless. Buy a weather balloon and a GoPro, or whatever camera with a wireless connectivity. It doesn't cost much. Send it up into the sky.

This has been done and the Earth is Flat. NASA uses Fish eye lenses to make it seem like the earth has a curve yet Neil Degrass Tyson himself said that you can’t see the curve from an airplane and then changed it even further when the Red Bull jump showed that the earth was also flat from that altitude. I digress. Notice in the video at 4:30 the Hot Spot from the sun, explain to me gentlemen how that’s possible if the sun is 93 million mlies away?

When you look into modern science, it’s a religion because EVERYTHING and I mean nearly everything you’ve been taught is bullshit and can’t be proven. Remember when Eggs and Butter was bad for you? I remember. For me this all started with the moon landing hoax. If you believe we landed on the Moon despite overwhelming evidence that we didn’t then there is no hope for you because you aren’t able to look at things objectively, hell you don’t even understand how going East to West and West to East just makes giant circles.

Gravity doesn’t exist and is the lynch pin for a Globalist Earth, if you were objective you would look into it and realize that Einsteins Gravity has been dismissed decades ago as a serious theory. there’s lots of in depth papers that I won’t bore you with

“Gravity” is explained by Bouancy and Density, the reason why objects fall or rise is based on how dense they are in relation to medium they are in.

Again mathematically and physically the Flat Earth model works with our perceptions of the world and universe around us, it’s just different calculations. Both the Sun being 93 million miles away and the Sun only 3000 miles away works with what we notice, with one major exception, remember that video at 4:30, sun hot spots don’t work with a sun that’s 93 million miles away. I could go on, just know that I believed exactly like you do right now only two years ago and got in these massive debates with Flat Tards/CIA shills just like you and when I OBJECTIVELY tried to prove them wrong, I couldn’t.

For example Antarctica which started this whole thing, nobody has ever FLOWN OVER IT. We’ve only ever flown around the edges or peninsulas which fit the flat earth model. For me though, it’s simple to prove a Globalist Earth, just show a picture from space.

You can’t

shrink ago

How is it possible for Oceans to bend around a spinning ball and not fly off? You ever spin a wet basketball or tennis ball? The water spins off.

The basketball doesn't have it's own gravity, enough to hold water anyway, and you're accelerating it from a dead stop. The Earth has been rotating billions of years, there's no acceleration. This idea that water is kept in place by mountains / ice sheet is all fine and dandy, but it doesn't explain how the atmosphere remains where it is. You don't believe in gravity, and we know for certain that the atmosphere extends far above any physical object (as per your dogcam video). Why doesn't the gas just brush off of the "plate" Earth? If your model were correct, that's what would happen.

This has been done and the Earth is Flat.

I grabbed a snapshot of the camera at its highest point. I pulled it into an image editor and adjusted color thresholds. Note that I did not alter any of the pixels in any way, all I did was change how their colors were calculated and bumped up the contrast a bit. You can replicate what I've done using Paint.NET in about ten seconds.

This is the result

Note a few things: 1) the curvature of the Earth. The clouds parallax away, and the horizon is clearly curved. Unless someone is launching a camera from the North Pole, the horizon would NOT have a uniform curve in every direction, because you'd be seeing a lopsided circle from your perspective. Yet every direction in that video is uniform. 2) the shadows. See the darkness on the right side? That wouldn't exist like that if it were not a ball, and before you try to claim "local sun" you'll notice that dogcam is being illuminated by the same exact sun. Unless you're going to go full psycho and claim the sun is casting light on only part of the flat Earth, not casting light on the dark part, but somehow also casting light on the camera that's tens of thousands of feet in the air, this should be proof enough.

Degrass Tyson himself said that you can’t see the curve from an airplane and then changed it even further when the Red Bull jump showed that the earth was also flat from that altitude.

You can see the curvature from a plane, you simply need to be high enough. Keep in mind that you're claiming the dogcam video doesn't show any curve either when it's plainly visible, so your credibility on this is pretty much zilch.

“Gravity” is explained by Bouancy and Density

...fucking hell. Do you know how buoyancy works? A metal ship that's heavier than water floats on water because of the volume it displaces. Something only rises in a medium because that medium is being pulled down by gravity. You know that, right? If gravity didn't exist and you put a balloon in the bottom of a swimming pool, it would stay there. Buoyancy only exists BECAUSE of gravity. If you understood what buoyancy is you wouldn't claim this. In fact, I don't think you have a solid explanation for why a balloon floats up into the air that doesn't involve gravity. Acceleration won't cut it.

Also, I came up with my own idea to debunk your flat Earth model. What if I could prove that the fastest trip from South America to Australia (complete opposites on your equidistant projection) took less time than is possible by any of the fastest jet liners on the planet? If I could prove that a jet takes far less time for that trip than is possible on a flat Earth, and it doesn't go anywhere near the North Pole, then you'd have no good answer for it. Fortunately for me, when I started googling for such a thing, I found out that someone beat me to it. According to your model those flight plans would be flying directly at and past the ice wall, and on a Flat Earth model they'd need to fly directly over the North Pole in a straight line which would take far, far longer than the actual flight time of a flight you could purchase tickets for right now.

Nothing you've provided has convinced me, and in fact done the opposite. Also, none of the links you put in your post are working.

chuckletrousers ago

Show me a picture of your magic sky pixie. Oh wait, you can't. Dumbass

chuckletrousers ago

You keep posing questions to me and yet you don’t even know why you believe the world is a Globe other than you were taught this as a child and took it as an act of faith.

We've all explained it time and again, but you're so stupid your eyes glaze over and you don't remember it.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

This would also prove that people don't change their beliefs when presented with Incontrovertible evidence. Flat Earth is a religious belief.

markrod420 ago

We have an answer. We have so many fucking answers. Flat earthers prove themselves wrong with far simpler tests on a daily basis. This shit is ridiculous.

thebearfromstartrack ago

You SURE you want to go there? I will give you $100 dollars if you make it there and send back EVIDENCE. I'll also finance any future discovery of the fabled Europe.

chuckletrousers ago

I will give you $100 dollars if you make it there

A lousy hundred bucks wouldn't motivate me to go to the state border.

thebearfromstartrack ago

heh heh. it was a TRICK question.

New_goat ago

Best flat earth jokes collection find flat EARTH So funny

wtfrpplthinking ago

Are we almost there...yeah...its just over the horizon.

iDontShift ago

interesting that every picture, no matter the height, by amateur balloon folks and such.. all show a perfectly flat horizon.

CameraCode ago

This will actually be interesting because apparently the US military does not like citizens approaching or walking on Antarctica. I don't think the earth is flat obviously, but there must be something there that they don't want people going to Antarctica.

decapod ago

The US military has no legal authority on the Antarctic. Read the Antarctic Treaty.
The US military has rather a lot of practical influence in the portion of the Antarctic near its base since they do such a great job of air support, ferrying supplies for NZ and I imagine other countries via Operation Deep Freeze, based at Christchurch airport. US military are very likely to be involved in rescue missions for everybody including wayward tourists, which is one reason they discourage unequipped visitors to the ice. Contamination is another reason. Tourists are filthy beasts.

There are tourist flights though, and tourist boats go nearby.

elitch2 ago

Longest lasting treaty ever. Never been broken, even though signatories are often at war with one another.

It would be great if we could do actual research. However, try to approach Antarctica and be met with this

There's something going on.

Also, could you provide a link to actual proof of the heliocentric model?

I will accept any physical experiment that proves either the motion of the Earth or demonstrates that two masses are attracted to each other.

iunno ago

Be met with what? An inability to make territorial claims? I don't see anything about restricted territory in there.

elitch2 ago

Too stupid to watch a video?

Okay, then.

iunno ago

I don't see a video on the site you linked to.

elitch2 ago

That's a confirmed, "too stupid to watch a video".

iunno ago

Too stupid to post a video?

elitch2 ago

Jesus wept.

There's a jewtube video linked in my fucking post.

You are a legitimate idiot.

iunno ago


Longest lasting treaty ever. Never been broken, even though signatories are often at war with one another.

It would be great if we could do actual research. However, try to approach Antarctica and be met with this There's something going on.

Also, could you provide a link to actual proof of the heliocentric model?

I will accept any physical experiment that proves either the motion of the Earth or demonstrates that two masses are attracted to each other.

Where's the jewtube link, genius? Also, the fact you feel the need to insult me for asking what you're talking about says a lot more about your level of intelligence than mine. Not that the fact you believe this nonsense doesn't tell you everything you need to know. If you had half a brain you'd realize that slinging shit doesn't constitute an argument.

elitch2 ago


cthulian_axioms ago

It's either aliens or Nazis. Possibly both.

i_scream_trucks ago

this is entirely false.

you can do touristy stuff down there and there are scientific expeditions going on down there all year round.

where you heard that ridiculous crap is beyond me, and they would have no say in who goes there and who doesnt anyway.

NeoGoat ago

The earth IS flat. I've gone over the edge.

Drakgan ago

Nukes. Has to be.

Turn_Coat ago

The ruins of atlantis, obviously.

Adarcer ago

Could tell you what I believe is there but doubt you would believe me, I have my doubts as well. It is not a good sign that government officials are going there. Read book of Enoch 18: 5-16 and think hybrids, as in the days of Noah.

CameraCode ago

Some shit is going on, and it's certainly more than just military secrets or normal scientific experiments.

Adarcer ago

Well the extreme weather stops most exploration except for along coast. Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica called “Operation Highjump”, and at least one follow-up expedition. What is not told ... is what they faced.

budhahead ago

It’s called the Antarctic treaty. Look it up, then ask yourself again why Flat earthers don’t pool resources and go there....apparently some famous yachters from up north went down there and disappeared. Remember the Cold War? Muh Russia? Notice how still today tptb are still pushing the Russian collusion narrative? Well apparently ever since the inception of the Antarctic treaty the Russians and Americans have been working peacefully along side each other with their Antarctic research stations not the far apart from each other. How in the hell are so many (((rival))) countries peaceful allies as soon as they hit the southern ice?

CameraCode ago

It’s called the Antarctic treaty.

What about it? There's an area of land called Marie Byrd land unclaimed by any nation. And the treaty only affects nations who have signed it, not individuals.

DavidHogg ago

It’s because they cannot rescue the morons when they get stuck.

HillBoulder ago

Nobody gave a shit about Sam McGee when he got stuck.

CameraCode ago

It's not US land though. They wouldn't be expected to rescue them.

Whiteflourguy ago

EXACTLY yet the US still guards it as taboo land

shrink ago

I've always thought about why flat earthers don't pool their resources and appoint someone to find out the truth. This show would be an entertaining start, but the problem is that it's a catch-22. If it reinforces their beliefs somehow, they'll claim it's legit. If it doesn't, they'll just use the defense "it's a reality TV show! Of COURSE you can't believe it, it's fake as fuck!" which a lot of them are already saying.

Which raises the question of how you'd ever, as a flat earther, prove to yourself and everyone else who thinks like you, what the real shape of the world is. You'd think much cheaper would just be a super high-altitude jet flight that goes from hemisphere to hemisphere, but I guess that wouldn't make for good TV.

Ken_bingo2 ago

There is not law against being a moron. And there is no impetus for the rest of us to try and explain stuff to them.

iDontShift ago

super simple answer. antarctica is not a free travel zone. you are only able to get a very highly controlled visit.

why did the ae map (ae is flat earth map) get removed from (what is nullschool? a visualization of weather patterns on a map of earth, with options to select the different projections)

not only did he remove it, but he broke his open source project (i found a fork only 2 commits behind... and it worked!)

why can't we find the curve? we have people shooting lasers over 9 miles of ocean at a height of 2.4 feet.. and received it at the same height.

there is suppose to be 80 ft of drop per mile. or something like that. try and find a definitive curve of the earth per mile... good luck! and check many places... they all differ... but you won't find curvature of the earth on wikipedia... wonder why?

7e62ce85 ago

Which raises the question of how you'd ever, as a flat earther, prove to yourself and everyone else

Launch them into the sun. On the way there they will see that the Earth is indeed round.

smokratez ago

We know the truth. That pedo jews made up the spinning ball Earth. The information that proves this is publicly available. Meaning if you still believe the jew lie ball Earth you haven't even looked for the truth.

random128dsf321 ago

Alex Jones offered to spend his own money to sail a flat earther around the world to prove its round.

ixaxxar ago

Not that I buy into this flat earth stuff but the reason they dont is that you cant just go to Antarctica or even the true North Pole. It's not a money thing its that "they" wont let anyone get near these places. Yes you can take a cruise ship to Antarctica but you can not just go freely explore it.

shrink ago

You can. I've been looking at this subject and I haven't found anything that indicates legal issues or even implications that anyone would stop you. The limiting factor seems to be only 1) flights there are quite limited and vacant seats aren't always readily available and 2) prepping for the environment with deathly cold temps and no food or fuel.

As an example, you can see here that someone posted images of the south pole meant to be used for photo ops for anyone who makes it there, and a response in that thread is from a guy who posted an image of himself there claiming he made it there. Naturally I'm not saying that's proof, it's just one of many things I'm finding that all line up with it.

Saulspergmin ago

If humans ever colonize the whole galaxy there will still be flat earthers. Probably flat other planets too. Also people who never visited Earth but are still flat earthers.

cantaloupe6 ago

Lol, probably.

theoldones ago

i would honestly donate to a flat earther space program just to see them put rockets up there.

Saulspergmin ago

This brings up the interesting possibility that a good portion of them just want someone to give them a free trip to outer space.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Weather balloon + GoPro = problem solved. Cheaper than a rocket. It's already been done! Free to watch!

Saulspergmin ago

You don't even need that. I grew up on a small island in the Atlantic ocean. From just a thousand feet above sea level you can clearly see the curvature. The first time someone told us it was because the Earth was a big ball it became the most obvious thing in the world. It's just like standing on top of a giant blue dome.

DishingShitLikeA ago

It is readily apparent the entire thing is a psyop to discredit those who question. Same way the glow in the dark niggers coined "Conspiracy Theorist".

Saulspergmin ago

It wouldn't surprise me. That's certainly how it functions. Any cause that has these people in it or associated with it is tainted by them. They're part of the reason I lurked here for so long before finally making an account. The idea of drawing swords on the same team as people like that made just want to give up.

That said, I don't think the powers that be have to do very much to convince stupid/unhinged people to be stupid and unhinged.

shrink ago

It's the Conspiracy Theory Fallacy: you find out that one or two conspiracies are actually true (kikes in power, the anti-white agenda), therefore all conspiracy theories are true. The people who think like this buy into pretty much every "mainstream" conspiracy idea there is.

DishingShitLikeA ago

True that. Just nudge the right place. Presto. More BS to deal with.

Unfortunately I had to purposely drive up a mountain and force a close to me woman to accept the curvature of the Earth with her own eyes. "Seriously? Are you fucking kidding me? LOOK!" She's smart, into the "conspiracies"(truth) and what not. But a bit gullible. I had to rip the Q band-aid off her.

For fucks sake woman. You have a doctorate! Act like it!

Saulspergmin ago

I think the fairest thing you can say is that once someone begins to question any mainstream/deeply held belief they can't help wonder what else might be a lie. I think for some people it just seems like the safe bet to assume that the opposite of whatever they were taught must be the truth. Which is... understandable, really. There are a lot of big lies out there and it's tempting to just assume it's all lies. Less of a headache, I imagine.

TheSeer ago

The problem is, Flat Earthers think they are being suppressed, when really, Youtube is PROMOTING their views! I downvote every video, every single one, that mentions Flat Earth (or 'questioning heliocentrism' as they like to phrase it lately) and STILL Youtube will recommend Flat Earth videos to me.

immatureusername ago

This is true. Cannot stand listening to morons speak about things they know nothing of. Cannot tell you how many times i have removed anything flat earth from my recommend on youtube yet still they try to peddle (((their))) nonsense onto me.

DishingShitLikeA ago

I hear you on that one. My default position is to believe the opposite of the narrative. It's the end result of being lied to about everything, all the time, everytime. "Prove it"

I listen to NPR in my car for this reason alone. National Propoganda Radio. Listen and decode, shake my head, get a little angry.

DavidHogg ago

I’ve wondered the same thing. I used to think these people were larping but they 100% believe it. I’ve wondered why they don’t charter a leer jet and fly south and keep flying south and never changing directions and eventually get back to the same spot. I’ve seen their “theory on the east to west. While it’s bull shit, this would need to be done north to south.

iDontShift ago

e r i c d u b a y . c o m

fuck censorship. it is here. s t e e m i t . c o m... true uncensored, blockchained, traceable

h t t p s : //s t e e m i t . c o m/@e r i c d u b a y

otherwise everyone here is a fucking pussy for not engaging me in a debate, which i don't believe.

Maroonsaint ago

Yea I met one in real life. Dead serious. Still waiting on your nudes btw

cantaloupe6 ago

Are they just crazy or really stupid?

Maroonsaint ago

I only know one and he’s stupid.

Mumbleberry ago

Both. But most of them are just stupid

smokratez ago

Ball Earth believers aren't stupid. They don't have to be at least. They are simply deceived and not interested in finding out the truth.

Native ago

Because it’s illegal to fly across Antarctica. It’s clear you’ve never researched this. It’s a Militarized zone.

shrink ago

In fact, here.

Buy a fucking ticket.

Native ago

Notice that they don't show what part of the continent they fly over (they fly around the edge) nobody has ever flown across it from one end to another (because it's impossible) even that faggot who 'crossed Antarctica' a few months back didn't actually cross over the middle of the continent just from one corner to another. I'm not as stupid as this theory is. You are in cognitive dissonance and never looked anything up nor ever had the curiosity to question your existance. You are the type who believes we landed on the moon.

shrink ago

You're hopeless. Buy a weather balloon and a GoPro, or whatever camera with a wireless connectivity. It doesn't cost much. Send it up into the sky.

You won't ever do that, even though you absolutely could and it is very within the realm of possibility, because you want to hold onto your belief no matter what. And you have zero excuse for not doing it, because this is a huge deal that has to do with the truth of reality. What could possibly be your excuse for not doing something so feasible, to prove to all the stupid "ball Earthers" that they're wrong? Why hasn't any flat earther done this?

smokratez ago

You have never done anything to disprove the ball Earth, because if you did you would be a flat Earther.

shrink ago

You have never done anything to disprove the ball Earth

And you've never done anything to disprove the existence of wind. That's not how it works.

smokratez ago

What made you believe Earth is a spinning ball? You saw it on tv? You at least know jews control all media right?

chuckletrousers ago

What made you believe Earth is a spinning ball?

You dumbass

smokratez ago

Go suck Michellle Obama's dick you superstituous faggot. Grown man believing in the space fairy tale. What a retard.

chuckletrousers ago

When you grow up you're really going to be sorry you were such a brat and troll. Future employers will see them and decide you're not a good fit for that dishwashing job, which will really be hard on you when your mom finally gets tired of your shit and throws you out.

smokratez ago

What made you believe the Earth is a spinning ball?

chuckletrousers ago

You have never done anything to disprove the ball Earth

We have, dozens of times, but neither of your brain cells is smart enough to accept it.

shrink ago

It's not illegal. Also, the Arctic is not the same as the Antarctic. Taking polar routes is generally not ideal for various reasons, however, mainly magnetic issues with instruments and lack of any landing areas in case of emergency.

Native ago

The story is about Antarctica it’s illegal to go there without military approval and. Nobody has ever flown over it

ixaxxar ago

Admiral Bird flew over Antarctica, flat earthers use his interviews on a lot of their material.

Native ago

No he didn't. Admiral Bird did however go on a massive Naval Expedition and lose a bunch of ships, planes and men. Shortly after he was killed 'died' and the Antarctica Treaty was signed, which is the single strongest international treaty ever made that has not been broken.

ixaxxar ago

He did fly. Go watch his interviews. He did lead two naval/flight expeditions.

Native ago

I did, I watched the interviews no where does he say that he flew from one end of Antarctica to another, he did suggest though that Antarctica is much bigger than we are told.

shrink ago

How do you know it's illegal? For whom? Where is the law that states this? For which country? Because there are tours that go there on a yearly basis, and it's the Antarctic. If you take a sailboat there won't be anyone to stop you, there aren't military cordons surrounding the entire continent.

They even have helpful guide lists for figuring out what to do for a trip to the Antarctic. If it's illegal for someone to go down there, then I could only imagine it applying to just random people striking out on their own, but where is your source stating this as fact? Also, scientists go there for research all the time without any military escort or detachment.

Nobody has ever flown over it

That doesn't mean they can't fly over it, flights go over or close to the North pole on a few select flights. There's a huge difference between not doing something and the inability to do something. Back up your assertions, you're doing a very poor job of that in this thread.

Native ago

How do you know it's illegal?

The antarctica treaty

As for tourists going to "Antarctica" no no they don't. They go to a few outlying islands that is NOT antarctica.

Again, nobody has ever flown over Antarctica

shrink ago

First, you explicitly claimed that going to Antarctica isn't allowed unless the military goes with you or permits yet. Yet the very link you just gave states

The treaty sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, establishes freedom of scientific investigation, and bans military activity on the continent

Secondly, nowhere does this back up your claim that going there is illegal. You have yet to provide anything that proves what you said is true. This treaty doesn't prohibit people from going there, nor can you literally cite an actual law on the books for any Western country that disallows it. All this treaty does is act as an agreement between all the nations who say "yes, we all agree that nobody owns Antarctica, it's international no man's land, military activity isn't allowed." It's a hands-off treaty that also states research of all kinds is more than welcome.

Again, nowhere on that page is there any clause that supports your claim.

As for tourists going to "Antarctica" no no they don't. They go to a few outlying islands that is NOT antarctica.

You're pulling this totally out of your ass. There are reams of photos from tourists going there, and a number of shots from the south pole (where the photo op building is located). You're just going to claim that they're all fake, which is you bending everything to fit your view. Here's a tourist in Antarctica. You're either going to claim that's not Antarctica, or that it's a research scientist. You try to fit things to your conclusion, not vice versa.

knightwarrior41 ago

however, mainly magnetic issues with instruments and lack of any landing areas in case of emergency.

let me ask you a question if the magnetic pole (north pole) is moving towards siberia then why in the world the north pole still have magnetic issues? shouldnt the magnetic issues fade away as the the magnetic poles shifts???

Octoclops ago

Yes but it moves very slowly. It's still much closer to where it was than to Siberia.

shrink ago

I don't know, you'd have to ask a geologist, that's outside my realm of expertise. I know the poles swap polarities every few dozen millenia (if I remember right), but I don't know what happens to the magnetosphere during the peak of the shift.

Goys-R-Us ago

Where do they land when over the Atlantic or Pacific?

shrink ago

Most flights take a path that allows them to reach what are called "diversionary airports" in the case of an emergency, like for example a freak storm cell just popped up and the flight needs to land somewhere else to refuel. Obviously a drastic engine failure sort of emergency doesn't factor in to this kind of thing because then it rarely matters what's below you. I forget the rule of thumb but flights usually try to remain within X amount of time distance to an airport that can receive their size of jet. Most transpacific flights will zip relatively close to Hawaii, for example.

NotAnOctopus ago

The water, which, if you've ever flown on a commercial airplane, I'm pretty sure you already know. Every airliner that flies across an ocean is more than capable of an emergency water landing. It won't be pretty, and some people will probably get hurt, but that's why it's an emergency landing. The aircraft will stay afloat for some time and there are floatation devices for all passenger and crew as well as rafts at the exits.

Native ago

NO, no they fucking don’t

would overfly Antarctica, but no airline has scheduled such flights.

Read your own sources. I would just say that no flights go over Antarctica if I was certain it doesn’t happen. It DOESNT happen

smokratez ago

You are dealing with people who accepted a world view that was told to them when they were children. They are not deep thinkers. They never even wondered if something was true. They were like I see shit on tv. That's good enough for me.

TheSeer ago

I say we just strap em all, every single one, to a Saturn V rocket. If it blows up on the launch pad...

smokratez ago

Then all the smart people would be gone. All that is left would be the idiots who believe whatever jews make up.

novictim ago

It won't work. Yes, the earth that was programmed in is flat. Sure. But the programmers that created out hologram existence just keep expanding the grid back on itself when you try to reach the very edge.

Those cunning bastards have to sympathy for their program. NONE!

TheSeer ago

Almost like it is a globe, or something!

novictim ago


clever shit, no doubt!