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satisfyinghump ago

Although a trip like this WOULD prove more or less, if the flat earth theory is true, these people will NEVER be allowed to actually venture to the edge of the earth. Very few people have that ability, as it requires permission from multiple countries (something to think about...).

What would be far more interesting, since it's not something that at the moment the government of any country can actively deny... is a trip by boat along the edge.

A properly staffed and equipped (provisions and mapping/charting equipment as well as all the high definition cameras and storage modes available (film and digital)) boat, which wither it itself is an icebreaker or is large enough and tough enough to swim the route with support from an icebreaker when ans if needed, and have the boat do a simple trip along the minds of ocean pioneers. Chart the edge of the north pole.

The North pole is claimed to be the outer edge of the flat earth. Everyone else says it's the top of the globe we live on.

Even better of an idea would be, if money existed, a 2nd boat, equipped and staff identically but their journey would be opposite of the other boat. They would both go to the same starting point by the coast of the north pole/flatearth edge, and one would spin to the left and the other to the right and they'd just... move forward. That's all. They would identify and record what they saw and interacted with as well as where their positions were to one another. Quite simply, if the boats go on a more or less straight line, since if the earth is a globe, the top of this sphere to a boat would be a straight line it could traverse. But... if the boats found themselves arching downwards and then again and meeting where the ice is SOUTH of then instead of NORTH of them as it was when the adventure first began... we would have a problem.

These boats, due to having a sheet of unbreakable ice, with an icewall a hundred feet in the air... would be forced to start their journey up/north.

And instead of docking at some port that's south of the north pole, let's say they instead docked at some port which was the southern tip of south-america... then the TV show would be truly popular. And... we would finally have an answer.

MrPim ago

Get in boat on one ofAmericas coasts. Let's say NY. From NY head east. Keep heading east. There are a couple of landmasses in the way, but there are routes around them. Keep heading east. Eventually you'll end up on the west coast of America. You have just proven the earth is a globe. Done.

Native ago

Moron the Flat Earth IS Round it’s not a sphere that’s the difference. The Flat Earth is based on Navigational charts used for a thousand years called the Azymuthal Map

MrPim ago

But on your flat earth if I continually head in one direction I will eventually reach the ice wall. Only on a globe will I return where I began. Moron.

Native ago

No. You fundamentally misunderstand navigation. Atleast look into it without sounding like a retard. FEarthers aren’t stupid. Navigation is based on the FE map

MrPim ago

The only retard here is you. You have a basic misunderstanding of geography. What I believe has been proven over and over and over for several hundred years. The completely idiotic thing you believe you yourself are unwilling to prove.

Prove it. Get in an airplane or boat and head unwaveringly east(or west) eventually you'll return where you began. This is only possible on a globe.

Only a complete and utter retard believes the world is flat. You are stupid beyond belief.

Native ago

Get in an airplane or boat and head unwaveringly east(or west) eventually you'll return where you began. This is only possible on a globe.

No it's not!.

This is how people navaigate on the world

MrPim ago

That's a drawing of the globe from the top. It's nothing more than that. I have hundreds of years of records of people actually navigating around the world that prove it such.

And still I challenge you to a simple experiment. Get in an airplane. Fly in Any direction N,S,E,W pick one, and keep going in that direction. And You WILL return where you began.

This is IMPOSSIBLE on a flat plane. It is only possible on a globe. This Very easy to prove/disprove. It's not even that expensive really. There certainly must be a wealthy flat earther who has the time and money to spend a few months doing this. It's the easiest thing in the world. Get in an airplane, pick a direction and go. When you reach the Ice Wall post pics here.

But that won't happen. What will happen is eventually you'll end up where you began. Because it's a fucking globe.

You are stupid beyond belief. AND YOU DONT HAVE THE GUTS TO PROVE ME WRONG. Because YOU are wrong.

Jesus wept

Or. Fuck off glow in the dark nigger.

Native ago

No it's not, my dad was a merchant Mariner and he circumnavigated the world multiple times and all the navigation charts from airplanes to ships is based on the map that I showed. As for your pick a direction. It's ILLEGAL to fly over ANTARCTICA and NOBODY HAS DONE IT. So as far as i'm concerned based on your OWN hypothesis, we live on a fucking Flat Earth, because your exact experiment has NEVER BEEN DONE.

MrPim ago

So don't fly over Antarctica. America is (curiously) in the middle of your map. So, starting in America fly east or west. You should by your own map eventually reach that ice wall.

I don't believe your dad was even a shrimp boat sailor. Or he was the dumbest god damned sailor on the Planet and was never a captain or navigator.

You're seriously either mongolid stupid or glownigger.

I think you're just a mong.

Native ago

Again, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of navigation, if you pick East or West you will continue to go around the Flat Earth Navigational Map that I showed you. You would not hit the ice wall unless you head South. It's not that difficult to understand. Clearly you havent done any bit of research and this is all new to you. Start with navigation and going East to West you will realize that i'm right.

Thanks for the convo though.

MrPim ago

if you pick East or West you will continue to go around the Flat Earth Navigational Map

Go around? That is very vague and doesn't make any real sense. If I go east I 'go around' the map? What does that even mean? Where do I end up if I 'go around' that map?

You would not hit the ice wall unless you head South.

So if I head north there is no ice wall? Then what is there? An edge I sail off of? What?

You're giving up and calli g yourself Winner because you cannot answer my very logical questions.

Your belief is wrong. If your dad the sailor put these ideas in your head he was an idiot amd the shittiest sailor to ever live

You are unable to defend what you believe. Because it is incorrect.

You are a deluded moron.

Native ago

Geezus yes of you always go north you would also eventually hit the wall. You won’t hit anything if you go east or west you’ll just keep going around in circles just like you go in circles today.

Again, by your own experiment we live on on a Flat Earth because it’s never been done so stop changing the subject.

MrPim ago

If I go east west I don't hit the ice wall? Then how is the earth flat? Is it a cylinder? I'm not changing the subject at all and I'm not the ne who keeps changing blades the shape of the earth. You do.

So there's an ice wall to the north and south but none east and west. So if the earth is flat I Can't fly around the world in a direct line circle. It's supposed to be flat. Your logic is becoming as twisted as this supposed earth. We live on a cylinder?

And are you saying that no one has ever circled the globe?

Your logic isnt logic.

Again, you're south American aren't you?

Native ago

@MrPim and @Shrink and @chuckletrousers

With all peace and love I want to clear something up,

  1. Every Flat Earther believed that the world was a Globe, that’s what EVERYONE is taught.

  2. Every Flat Earther became a Flat Earther after trying to debunk other “Flat Tards”

You keep posing questions to me and yet you don’t even know why you believe the world is a Globe other than you were taught this as a child and took it as an act of faith. Yet, I’m the moron because I’ve started to challenge the Globalist narrative (see point 2).

If I go east west I don't hit the ice wall? Then how is the earth flat?

How, you aren’t understanding navigation is beyond me right now and if you can’t comprehend how it works then stop trying to debate this because you fundamentally don’t understand the Flat Earth Map. I’ll give it one last shot:

Here is the Flat Earth Map

Notice that it is Round and NOT a Globe. BUT it is Round. In the center is the North Pole, so on a compass it would be pointing north and if you go East you would be moving around the North Pole in a circle AND NEVER HITTING THE EDGE. Just like the sun and moon in the gif are simply rotating East to West. This is how navigation works and that map is a thousand+ year old Navigational chart called the Azimuthal equidistant projection this is the Map that the UN has on their flag (remember symbols in plane sight)

So the Flat Earth is a Plane (aka it’s flat) with the edge surrounded by an Ice wall aka Antarctica that keeps the Ocean in place. Remember that Water always finds it’s own level. How is it possible for Oceans to bend around a spinning ball and not fly off? You ever spin a wet basketball or tennis ball? The water spins off.

You're hopeless. Buy a weather balloon and a GoPro, or whatever camera with a wireless connectivity. It doesn't cost much. Send it up into the sky.

This has been done and the Earth is Flat. NASA uses Fish eye lenses to make it seem like the earth has a curve yet Neil Degrass Tyson himself said that you can’t see the curve from an airplane and then changed it even further when the Red Bull jump showed that the earth was also flat from that altitude. I digress. Notice in the video at 4:30 the Hot Spot from the sun, explain to me gentlemen how that’s possible if the sun is 93 million mlies away?

When you look into modern science, it’s a religion because EVERYTHING and I mean nearly everything you’ve been taught is bullshit and can’t be proven. Remember when Eggs and Butter was bad for you? I remember. For me this all started with the moon landing hoax. If you believe we landed on the Moon despite overwhelming evidence that we didn’t then there is no hope for you because you aren’t able to look at things objectively, hell you don’t even understand how going East to West and West to East just makes giant circles.

Gravity doesn’t exist and is the lynch pin for a Globalist Earth, if you were objective you would look into it and realize that Einsteins Gravity has been dismissed decades ago as a serious theory. there’s lots of in depth papers that I won’t bore you with

“Gravity” is explained by Bouancy and Density, the reason why objects fall or rise is based on how dense they are in relation to medium they are in.

Again mathematically and physically the Flat Earth model works with our perceptions of the world and universe around us, it’s just different calculations. Both the Sun being 93 million miles away and the Sun only 3000 miles away works with what we notice, with one major exception, remember that video at 4:30, sun hot spots don’t work with a sun that’s 93 million miles away. I could go on, just know that I believed exactly like you do right now only two years ago and got in these massive debates with Flat Tards/CIA shills just like you and when I OBJECTIVELY tried to prove them wrong, I couldn’t.

For example Antarctica which started this whole thing, nobody has ever FLOWN OVER IT. We’ve only ever flown around the edges or peninsulas which fit the flat earth model. For me though, it’s simple to prove a Globalist Earth, just show a picture from space.

You can’t

shrink ago

How is it possible for Oceans to bend around a spinning ball and not fly off? You ever spin a wet basketball or tennis ball? The water spins off.

The basketball doesn't have it's own gravity, enough to hold water anyway, and you're accelerating it from a dead stop. The Earth has been rotating billions of years, there's no acceleration. This idea that water is kept in place by mountains / ice sheet is all fine and dandy, but it doesn't explain how the atmosphere remains where it is. You don't believe in gravity, and we know for certain that the atmosphere extends far above any physical object (as per your dogcam video). Why doesn't the gas just brush off of the "plate" Earth? If your model were correct, that's what would happen.

This has been done and the Earth is Flat.

I grabbed a snapshot of the camera at its highest point. I pulled it into an image editor and adjusted color thresholds. Note that I did not alter any of the pixels in any way, all I did was change how their colors were calculated and bumped up the contrast a bit. You can replicate what I've done using Paint.NET in about ten seconds.

This is the result

Note a few things: 1) the curvature of the Earth. The clouds parallax away, and the horizon is clearly curved. Unless someone is launching a camera from the North Pole, the horizon would NOT have a uniform curve in every direction, because you'd be seeing a lopsided circle from your perspective. Yet every direction in that video is uniform. 2) the shadows. See the darkness on the right side? That wouldn't exist like that if it were not a ball, and before you try to claim "local sun" you'll notice that dogcam is being illuminated by the same exact sun. Unless you're going to go full psycho and claim the sun is casting light on only part of the flat Earth, not casting light on the dark part, but somehow also casting light on the camera that's tens of thousands of feet in the air, this should be proof enough.

Degrass Tyson himself said that you can’t see the curve from an airplane and then changed it even further when the Red Bull jump showed that the earth was also flat from that altitude.

You can see the curvature from a plane, you simply need to be high enough. Keep in mind that you're claiming the dogcam video doesn't show any curve either when it's plainly visible, so your credibility on this is pretty much zilch.

“Gravity” is explained by Bouancy and Density

...fucking hell. Do you know how buoyancy works? A metal ship that's heavier than water floats on water because of the volume it displaces. Something only rises in a medium because that medium is being pulled down by gravity. You know that, right? If gravity didn't exist and you put a balloon in the bottom of a swimming pool, it would stay there. Buoyancy only exists BECAUSE of gravity. If you understood what buoyancy is you wouldn't claim this. In fact, I don't think you have a solid explanation for why a balloon floats up into the air that doesn't involve gravity. Acceleration won't cut it.

Also, I came up with my own idea to debunk your flat Earth model. What if I could prove that the fastest trip from South America to Australia (complete opposites on your equidistant projection) took less time than is possible by any of the fastest jet liners on the planet? If I could prove that a jet takes far less time for that trip than is possible on a flat Earth, and it doesn't go anywhere near the North Pole, then you'd have no good answer for it. Fortunately for me, when I started googling for such a thing, I found out that someone beat me to it. According to your model those flight plans would be flying directly at and past the ice wall, and on a Flat Earth model they'd need to fly directly over the North Pole in a straight line which would take far, far longer than the actual flight time of a flight you could purchase tickets for right now.

Nothing you've provided has convinced me, and in fact done the opposite. Also, none of the links you put in your post are working.

chuckletrousers ago

Show me a picture of your magic sky pixie. Oh wait, you can't. Dumbass

chuckletrousers ago

You keep posing questions to me and yet you don’t even know why you believe the world is a Globe other than you were taught this as a child and took it as an act of faith.

We've all explained it time and again, but you're so stupid your eyes glaze over and you don't remember it.