captainstrange ago

They have unsanitized SERVER_ADDR input in their header image.php.

I wonder what could go wrong.

Nothing a friendly spoofed header couldn't help them fix.

inthetimeofmick ago

Finally a real Protect Voat subverse! What can we do about all the anon spam?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

laughing my fuckin ass off komrades

@whiteronin @katharzso @nadesh

WhiteRonin ago


11352957? ago

I thought i was paranoid...

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago


so what was on your mind that kept u awake?

11353010? ago

My last text to ya is pretty much why.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i aint seen it yet

on another subject i am off work so will probably go buy that thing today! shhh!

11353044? ago

Oooh I want pics.

Without the penis this time!

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago


11353029? ago

Nigga unless one of our cellphones is shit - you got it. :P

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

im sitting outside in truck smoking marijuana and chopping lines of yay with da boss

11353082? ago

I'm thinking of coffee. Is all.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

do it

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Night mode?

dooob ago

Archive for evidence, if true. @Puttitout can you check this out?

Mark_Dice ago

@freshmeat you forgot /v/paddyspub and the other gimmick music verses that are out there

goatsandbros ago

>custom CSS

Never seen the stuff.

Cheesebooger ago

All your shekels are belong to me

Cheesebooger ago

See ya at the SRS meeting Tomorrow. We'll come up with a plan to subvert this goyish sub

Antiracist10 ago

@SarMegahhikkitha is Voat's most important user.

@eagleshigh @bojangles

ExpertShitposter ago

He is a kike and you are a nigger.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

protectvoat vs. counterprotectvoat

can't you all just try to make OC or contribute discussion or something? this is getting really retarded

Antiracist10 ago

Shut up faggot.

Mr_Wolf ago

Might be time to have another awareness campaign. This was a big problem a year or so ago.

Gowdy ago

Well that stinks. On a side note if anyone wants to see the /v/paddyspub css I post it semi regularly in the sub or whenever there's the littlest change to help people out working on their own. If you can't find it in the sub and want it just let me know and I'll repost it. It's still a work in progress though I've been admittedly lazy about it lately. It's base is /v/typogra because that css already had the light and dark settings built in. I'm gonna get working on restoring the background on the dark side and making the light side a little easier on the eyes. Anyways we just try to be good voat citizens at the pub. If we get to spammy w/ the music sometimes just go ahead and block us. It won't hurt our feelings. We mainly post b/c we like to see what each other is listening to and check out new music.

ExpertShitposter ago

They are full of shit, dont fall for it. See here:

Toroidal ago

A while ago I tried to get the default subverse mods to use data uris to avoid offsite content. At least /v/programming kept it, hah.

LisasDentalPlan ago

One group contributes and protects, the other divides and sows discontent. Which are you?

HarveyKlinger ago

Who has the better logo? I'm a sucker for a good logo and a catchy slogan.

freshmeat ago

That's very subjective.

One group contributes and protects (what do they contribute and who do they protect?), the other divides and sows discontent.(who are they dividing and what discontent are they sowing?)

This sub was made to be the honest version of PV due to inconsistencies and outright site rule-breaking on behalf of them. There will be no witch hunts here or speculative arguments. Just links to evidence.

ExpertShitposter ago

How is a sub made and run by jews gonna be honest. This whole thread is based on lies. All of what SarMegaKike said is a planted lie.

SocksOnCats ago

Would someone please post an example of what's going on here? And please cover some basics like:

1) Are they only able to dox you if you go to one of their subs?

2) Is 'pinging you', as one user here noted, the SRS subs messaging you?

3) I have a static IP for my home. How big of a danger is that in general?

4) What will they do with whatever information they collect?

5) What's stopping anyone here from doing the same thing to them?

MrPim ago

since noone else covered it, pinging you is this- @SocksOnCats which just sends a msg to your inbox notifying you that your name has been mentioned. Its used to call people to a thread mostly. That and pingbombing @HenryCorp cause hes a cunt.

HarveyKlinger ago

I have to agree with the above statement 100%. @HenryCorp is a giant cunt.

albatrosv14 ago

3) I have a static IP for my home. How big of a danger is that in general?

That's already too much information.

'4) What will they do with whatever information they collect? ''

Anything can be done, once attacker has enough skill. They, on the other hand, are stupid and can only delete electronic information.

MrKequc ago

You can do some reading about what information is revealed by http request headers. Basically in order to load an image the browser needs to make a request to the server hosting the image. Along with that request are a set of headers telling the server things like what type of browser it's for and the IP address and so on. A lot of that is not really necessary but it's held over from an older internet, since this stuff has been around for a little while now.

So the attacker is gathering information about people who visit pages which use whatever image is being loaded. They read and collect that header information. Who knows that they'll do with the information. In the case of Torrenting illegal movies for example the government has the power generally to gather IP addresses and investigate. In Germany it's immediate guilt as you are legally tied to your IP address there. In America and just about any other country on the planet it is understood that many people might be using an IP address and legally it is not enough information to do anything with.

Also, without your internet provider rolling over on you an IP address isn't enough information to gather your name or any other info. So Doxxing is a bit of a heavy word. More like just general data collection.

Butt_Trumpet ago

this post doesnt show up in /v/all shady shit

Womb_Raider ago

SBBH are friends with Putt.

Arrvee ago

I'm pretty sure that computer intrusion is a crime. Log their IPs when they portscan you.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Let's get their domains blocked in adblockers like Ublock Origin.

voats4goats ago

Always disable CSS. I don't need that shit slowing down my phone

albatrosv14 ago

Phone... huh?

voats4goats ago

Sorry smartphone. Better? /s

I thought 90% of voat users shitpost and comment from the shitter at least in part ;)

GrandNagus ago

I fucking hate custom CSS on voat and reddit, it's fucking cancer that makes my experience less streamlined.

i-light-fires ago

you notice @freshmeat voat motto is no longer "have your say"

coopzy ago

Where did you find this? My tabs still say it

LawOfTheSeas ago

I better get a VPN or everyone will know I'm DB Cooper, the zodiac killer, and Madeline McCann.

Susan-Sanders ago

found sbbh

LawOfTheSeas ago

No, that's bigfoot. We had to stop inviting that guy over. He can't take a hint.

tanukihat ago

People actually enable CSS? That's almost as bad as using Day Mode.

Womb_Raider ago

I think it's enabled by default, isn't it? I remember having to turn it off ages ago

i-light-fires ago

alot are naive, i dont blame for leaving any more.

the assault on free speech and more importantly, the freedom of :"having your say" has been long long.\\ gone

greasyspoon ago

this has always been a concern of mine, i often juggle through accounts because of safety.

often i would see suspicious posts, that just seem off..

regardless, the css bullshit i turn right away

jizzswizzler ago

If youve got CSS enabled you deserve what you get.

MrKequc ago

Hahaha that is ridiculous.

go1dfish ago

Yeah IMO Voat should disable CSS by default until external references can be sanitized or whitelisted somehow.

gringo ago

I'd only allow a fixed catalogue of predefined CSS templates, where you can define some of the colors, fonts and background images through a form when selecting the CSS for the sub. Of course downloadable fonts are a no-no and images must come from a trusted image host.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Everyone has their own ideas about which image hosts can be trusted. Just never come here without VPN.

level_101 ago

  1. I have always had CSS disabled. Sub-CSS is just like the cancer that was myspace. Why the fuck do you allow it to be enabled.

  2. They are probably paid to do it for ad agencies or are using it to inflate their 'visitor' rate for their own websites to sell ad's on.

  3. Maybe they are trying to DOX you. Not much they can do with just an IP. They can get a general area from an IP but unless your home address has registered static IP's (or IP's tied to domains that have your information in them) they can guess at who you are at best.

ExpertShitposter ago

@SarMegahhikkitha is a JIDF shill and mentally ill. The IP scan thing was done in SdBH as a joke to scare users who know nothing about the internet. Wasn't even a secret, as your IP was shown to you in a bar at the bottom of the screen.

He is just scared because he lives in a faggot country where you can get fired for being a fascist.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

  1. Where did I advise people to enable subverse CSS?

  2. Hotlinking to images on your own domain (e.g. pembo's wastes bandwidth. No traffic is being driven to the site itself, and you can see for yourself whether the site has ads.

  3. SRS are on the SoRoS payroll. If you remember, Clinton got access to three-letter agency spying tools given by her friends on the inside. Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc. all work with Clinton Foundation. They always leave backdoors and undisclosed zerodays for the three-letter agencies to exploit. Your computer and/or router running linux isn't going to save you.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

wanna send me pelfies

level_101 ago

Ok, ok. Lets clear it up a little bit ;)

I was not implying that you suggest that any verse should have CSS enabled. That was more of a statement to all rather than to you. Sorry that I was not more clear.

Addressing #2. Advertisers are dumb. No, really. They are very, very, dumb. You can sell them "impressions" without specifying what/how/etc.. If your contract is clever you can get them to believe that the 1x1 pixel is only being shown on your website so every time its used it is an impression that they might buy content for (Seriously, most do not check for this, even if they say they do).

Number 3. We can debate that for ages. I was not calling you out, just agreeing that it is possible and with enough resources you could indeed dox someone. It would take connections, cash or both to do so. Nearly no solo operator has enough time/money to dox every single 1x1 image impression. This will bring up the "unique" image impression stuff I know.. buy you understand what I am getting at.

I am more than aware of how the security of the systems I design and build is impacted by outside tampering. You do not need to sell me on the idea, ive been trying to sell it to everyone else for over a decade.

However. With all of that said. You make good points. Thank you for the thought out response.

1764_sugar_act ago

Some of the doxxing targets could be very valuable. There was that politician who they found on voat thanks to his poor infosec.

Targets such as these could seem worth the resources. Who knows. Most of us are just regular folks but not all.

Womb_Raider ago

Just imagine if Q were a voater and they doxxed him? That would cost a man his life.

1764_sugar_act ago

I imagine Q would use proper security, but idk, then again I don't even believe Q, he could just be some troll. I've seen no proof whatsoever.

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah, I don't think he would make such mistakes.

I'm kind of a skeptic too, but I want to believe. If he's real, it gives me hope the government is actually cleaning up their act.

1764_sugar_act ago

it gives me hope the government is actually cleaning up their act.

Just don't allow this to interfere with our mindset to ensure that they do. That is what I worry about. Like with Trump talking all this good game, now he gets into office and says maybe we should let all the mexicans in that were brought here "through no fault of their own." I think he could be (((their))) guy, some actor to ruin the reputation of all white males, the final blow delivered in an elaborate ruse. It is totally feasible, whether we realize it or not, he represents us all now.

I like stefan molyneux's analogy for Trump cucking up to DACA. If a child's parents rob a bank, and give that money to the child, "through no fault of their own," are you just going to let them have it after apprehending them? After all, the child is without fault! ...

Cantilever ago

they wiped his phone as a warning shot.


SarMegahhikkitha ago

He used to be prolific, now his profile's wiped.

Ask @Womb_Raider for a screenshot of the PMs if you want proof, I just have some of the text.


[8:08 PM] inthetimeofnick: Told them I wasn’t combating them anymore wonder why they’re still attacking

[8:11 PM] inthetimeofnick: I’m not annoyed. I cut my teeth on /b/ back in the day. I’m hard to mad. I’m just curious why because I rarely respond anymore.


inthetimeofnick - Today at 7:37 AM

Got doxxed. Deleting everything today. Keep fighting the good fight.

[12:44 PM] Womb Raider: He had a lot of data saved... he had dirt on all of SBBH... he had it all

[12:44 PM] Womb Raider: a bigger collection than any I'd seen before

[12:44 PM] Womb Raider: but nobody but me should have known that

Womb_Raider ago

Hey man, I told you this stuff in confidence. Nick valued his privacy. This isn't very cool, you know.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Like I told you, Nick came into chat himself and said this stuff. The only reason I didn't post his own words is I can't seem to search his name (or search that far back, not sure which).

freshmeat ago

That is very true dude. But, I would say that nick being gone, this piece of info won't hurt anyone. I honestly didn't know he was archiving stuff so it kind of sucks to hear they got to him.

Did he ever mention how it happened because he took a lot more precautions than I do.

Womb_Raider ago

He was archiving your bullshit, too, mighty. I wasn't the only one that realized you lie.

What nick said to me about that isn't voat's business, this is his private life we're talking about here. We lost a good one.

WeMustRemainPure ago

You’re a good goat womb. Thanks.

freshmeat ago

He was archiving your bullshit, too, mighty. I wasn't the only one that realized you lie.

I figured a lot of people were that's why I tried my best ot be honest. As far as I know there isn't anything I lied about but I'm also an alcoholic and do some dumb shit sometimes.

What nick said to me about that isn't voat's business, this is his private life we're talking about here. We lost a good one.

I know, it's fucked up. I'm wondering what he did to even get the focus on him. He never really brought SRS to attention, just casually Voated. I didn't realize it was as serious as this comment thread made me realize and this reminds me vivdly of my experience before finding Voat. I had my phone hacked by SRS about 4 years ago and they did a lot of shit that damaged my business in a small way. Not significant enough to cause financial harm, but enough to make me need to explain this shit to normies and customers.

Did he browse on mobile?

Inara__Serra ago

I used to think you needed help to get over your anger issues so that you could stop drinking.

Now? Not so much. I hope there is no one at all in your life who will mourn your passing.

freshmeat ago


Womb_Raider ago

but I'm also an alcoholic

Yeah having principles and completely ignoring them is fine because substance abuse

I had my phone hacked by SRS about 4 years ago and they did a lot of shit that damaged my business in a small way. Not significant enough to cause financial harm, but enough to make me need to explain this shit to normies and customers.

You have a history of lying. I do not believe you.

Did he browse on mobile?

Yes. Phone-based screenshots made up the majority of his archived evidence. His screenshots from PC were never meddled with, only the data on his cellphone.

I'm wondering what he did to even get the focus on him. He never really brought SRS to attention, just casually Voated.

I don't know. He barely said anything about them, nothing explicit anyway. Nothing to hint at the vast amount of data he had on them and voat in general.

freshmeat ago

Yeah having principles and completely ignoring them is fine because substance abuse

I might have gotten emotional and acted like a faggot once or twice but i can't remember anything I lied about, and if there is some archive of that I definitely want to see it so I can own up to it. I still don't know if I fucked up or not.

You have a history of lying. I do not believe you.

That's cool no animosity for that. It is true though, I still have all the texts and phonecalls they made saved on a hard drive, and paper evidence from my phone provider. I actually had to deal with detectives and that bullshit. They even tried to swat me saying I kidnapped my two younger siblings (who i had a lot of pictures of on my phone and sent to the cops) but I had already got an investigation started prior to that, so when the call came in, I got notified immediately by phone by the detective working with me at the time and it was obviously alerted as fictitious and nothing ever came of it. No idea who attempted it. SRS is no fuckin joke, that's why I have put myself out there in a way they can't hurt me anymore. This goes way back before Voat existed for me and them.

Yes. Phone-based screenshots made up the majority of his archived evidence. His screenshots from PC were never meddled with, only the data on his cellphone.

Was he using a Voat app?

I don't know. He barely said anything about them, nothing explicit anyway. Nothing to hint at the vast amount of data he had on them and voat in general.

This is super fuckin sketch.

Womb_Raider ago

Don't know if he used an app, and I don't know much more than what I've told you.

freshmeat ago

wish i would have known the deets before he left, he did come to say goodbye in the discord but I wasn't sure how serious it was. Now I'm assuming they had all the details of his phone, sounds like an app.

Womb_Raider ago

Many of SBBH members write code. Wouldn't be unrealistic to assume one of them could have written the code for a voat app.

Even still, the photos were deleted from his phone. An app can't really go in and delete your stuff, afaik.

Mark_Dice ago

An app can't really go in and delete your stuff, afaik.

depends on the permissions you give the app

Womb_Raider ago

No shit? I need to find a way to contact nick and ask how he browsed.

Mark_Dice ago

can you make me janitor in mights sub? i'll clear out the spam. i dont know if hes up yet

Mark_Dice ago

yeah, i just picked up a virus from voat, scan your shit

freshmeat ago

Even still, the photos were deleted from his phone. An app can't really go in and delete your stuff, afaik.

I'm living proof that is possible, on an iphone 4 1st generation. I used an off-brand reddit app and got fucked hard. They altered my contacts (lots of customers and business contacts), deleted photos, and sent photos through my phone via text to people in my contact list. They even made phone calls to people under my phone number even though my phone wasn't being used. They got some sort of shit up their sleeve and they are able to hide behind anonymized internet.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm living proof that is possible

Again, you have a history of lying, so literally everything you say is impossible for me to believe without proof. I'm not apologetic, you caused this.

You keep making claims that cannot be verified and expect me to believe you blindly.

freshmeat ago

can you tell me what i lied about

Womb_Raider ago

No. I don't owe you a thing.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago


freshmeat ago

I'm not implying you did, I just don't know why you claim im lying but won't tell me what I lied about.

Womb_Raider ago

Your denying is makes it sweeter for me. More so every time you double down

freshmeat ago

im not denying anything, i just want to know what it is im supposedly denying.

Womb_Raider ago

My favorite one: "I don't even play videogames, these past 2 years I just log in and look at the menu"

You actually said that nonsense

freshmeat ago

That's pretty accurate actually. I spend most of my time on my 2nd monitor doing other stuffs

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah, except for the hours upon hours you put into PoE just a few months ago? Dude, you are an impulsive liar.

Mark_Dice ago

hes not lying womb, he used to be always sitting in the lobby on paladins... why who knows.

and it doesnt take long to get far in poe with the right build.

Womb_Raider ago

Are you the damned Iron fist?

Mark_Dice ago

comon, you should know better by now. lets forgive. we have a common enemy work together, settle differences later

Womb_Raider ago

I have nothing to gain from your friendship. You betrayed my trust, you're volatile. I can't even decide for certain which mental illness you suffer from. You've attacked my character publicly countless times. You're an asshole, and you're not even an effective warrior against the enemy you describe.

Mark_Dice ago

so spiteful, regardless if you took my drunken antics seriously i apologize. really tho, im about to leave this site for good. I've already deleted 40 some accounts total of 10k+ ccp. I helped the real /v/identitarian and will continue. I think this will be my path from now on. I will watch over you as well. I will watch over realprotectvoat the same, the iron fist defends... it is my duty.

I am dead serious about the virus shit tho, scan.

freshmeat ago

dude i got to level 90 in 3 months of occasionally playing. Last friday the league reset and someone hit 90 that night. I don't play that much. We shouldn't have beef, I agree with pretty much everything you say (except the other day you were a little defeatist, i still upvoted you tho)


And yes, use a VPN with a virtual machine and multiple proxies depending on what you do here lol.

I use 12ga3in high brass and aim for the balls, in case any faggots wanted to pay me an unpleasant visit.

greycloud ago

why would you have css enabled????

ExpertShitposter ago

Because its cool. Only pedos disable CSS.

CujoQuarrel ago

Damn. I never knew my lust for kids until you told me. I must go hang my head in shame then.


ExpertShitposter ago


fusir ago

VPN to be on the safe side. You can't know about these things ahead of time on every site you go to.

greasyspoon ago

vpn is short side solution, but really it falls upon @puttitout and what is allowed.

does he let this happen, who knows

holofractal ago

Use whonix .