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level_101 ago

  1. I have always had CSS disabled. Sub-CSS is just like the cancer that was myspace. Why the fuck do you allow it to be enabled.

  2. They are probably paid to do it for ad agencies or are using it to inflate their 'visitor' rate for their own websites to sell ad's on.

  3. Maybe they are trying to DOX you. Not much they can do with just an IP. They can get a general area from an IP but unless your home address has registered static IP's (or IP's tied to domains that have your information in them) they can guess at who you are at best.

ExpertShitposter ago

@SarMegahhikkitha is a JIDF shill and mentally ill. The IP scan thing was done in SdBH as a joke to scare users who know nothing about the internet. Wasn't even a secret, as your IP was shown to you in a bar at the bottom of the screen.

He is just scared because he lives in a faggot country where you can get fired for being a fascist.