bulrush ago

  1. Free barrels. Go to a good-sized printer. Don't ask the front desk, they won't know, ask for the manager of the big 40" printers. Ask them if they have any big plastic barrels to give to you. We can't get rid of ours, they just sit in a back room. They used to contain alcohol for cleaning the ink off the big presses.

robot7247 ago

Talk disaster prep first & foremost w/ normies. A good start is discuss the JIT supply chain and how even a few days interruption of service can have staggering repercussions. Most no longer have any tether as to how things appear in stores. They just do, they always do.

Work backwards from there and engage them with questions. "If no water came from the faucet how would you drink?". "If ATM & credit offline how would you buy anything?". "If you lost power how would you cook?". Some won't want to engage though, you cannot help them.

jamesed ago

First of all instead of a modern Fire Arm (Ammunition will become unavailable very quickly and 10,000 rounds of stored ammo you cannot move.) think about a Model of 1873 Trapdoor Springfield or a Muzzle loading flint lock or cap lock. They are sufficiently accurate and deadly out to 500 yards. The lead and Black powder used in the weapons can be readily made from scrounged materials and animal fecal material.

Also think about making a firebrick or fired clay sealed oven for the destructive distillation of wood. The products of the destructive distillation of wood are Water, Methanol (wood alcohol) turpentine, creosote and other oils that can be used for preservatives and antiseptics. A manual oil press to extract vegetable oils from seeds. These oils can be used for cooking, preserving leather, (and your skin) and esterized to make bio-diesel for diesel engines. A small fire brick or fired clay forge is very useful. Use it to work scrap iron and steel to make tools and knives, axes etc. Lean to recognize low grade ores such as fools gold, bog iron (found in bogs and swampy areas) cinnabar, (Mercury Sulfide for both Mercury and Sulfur, making black gun powder and percussion powder for percussion caps)

Remember as in all things "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER".

robot7247 ago

How many of these thing have you mastered?

DammitMan ago

How you prepare will depend a lot on whether you will be staying in place or bugging out. We homestead pretty much in the middle of nowhere, and while we have some provisions cached, our focus has been on fortifying our property. Our biggest asset is the food we've put back. We've spent $5 a week in dry goods; rice, beans, sugar, salt, pastas, berries, etc. We use/ replace them on a regular basis. Something I found on another post in this sub, was using pool shock to disinfect water. The Life Straw is great and we have them, even used them when our water supply was temporarily unavailable. But in a bug in situation, pool shock would be the way to go.

Also for bug in, get a 50w solar panel, a good deep cycle battery, and a 750w inverter. You can charge your phones directly from the battery with a vehicle charge port and usb or convert to AC if you wish.

22trilionAsecond ago

Get away from cities and make sure you always have someone on lookout. I have heard that you need at least 6 trusted people for this.

first aid skills cant be underestimated.

Also some reliable tools will go a long way.

If you can keep chickens they should help a lot.

If the 2nd great depression or carrington event hit tomorrow I would be pretty fucked. I have a lot of work to do. I also have a feeling that nothing will happen.

DammitMan ago

Trump will declare martial law for a short time. People will freak. You need some preparations.

derram ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=84rUA-GN5ro :

LifeStraw Family 1.0 Demonstration/ Instructional Video - YouTube

https://files.catbox.moe/g14wgg.jpg :

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