Varlet ago

Based on how dominion skewed votes, trump had well in excess of 100 million votes.

Aidan20 ago

Ten antifa with balls are stronger than 1000 guncucks who bunker at home lol

MetalThatMatters ago

We the people are aware and we are watching and waiting ... expecting the worst and prepared for it. Hope we're wrong. We love peace but freedom isn't free.

Groff ago

Yeah, like membership on a mainstream media outlet really means anything.

NotaQjackass ago

((( twitter )))

the_noticer ago

Working people don't use Twitter because they know it's filled with propaganda.

We_the-People ago

You realize twatter followers doesn’t translate to votes right?

Q20191776 ago

  1. Twitter is real for President Trump and his followers, because MSM is in the tank for Biden.
  2. POTUS uses Twitter effectively to communicate with his followers and provide messages directly to them.
  3. Twitter is less powerful than POTUS because of their own conduct. If Twitter tries to suppress POTUS, it will come back on them 10-fold. Twitter has chosen to prostitute itself, much like all of those like them.
  4. Biden doesn't use Twitter effectively because of his conduct and the conduct of the MSM. It is risky for Biden to use Twitter, because his true "popularity" will be masked (unable to be seen) because of the machine generated responses. This is likely to cause him to make choices based on false data.
  5. Biden doesn't need Twitter even though Twitter is in his camp (harem), because Biden has other media also in his camp (harem). All of them prostitutes.

asdf0987 ago

Hurrrrrr durrrrr! Twitter = legitimate source when us Voaters want it to!

wallofsilence ago

Most of those 20m are probably generated by twitter.

MongolianPaellaFish ago

I'm not a legal expert, but I'm pretty sure the electoral college vote is not determined by the number of followers you have on Twitter.

SoloPoloVision ago

Obama has 127 million followers. Guess which candidate he supported.

SearchVoatBot ago

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the_magic_man ago

Kanye has 30m, he beat Biden too

Anam ago

Biden stole Kanye's votes even though they were not viable ballots. Seriously! He's that petty.

the_magic_man ago

Biden didn't steal anyones votes

Anam ago

Of course not! That is literally true, I'll grant you that. Other people had to do the stealing for him.

kestrel9 ago

probably half of Biden's are fake/dead/multiple his voters. /s

CanIPlay2 ago

How many of Biden's 20 million followers are bots?

ostreet ago

the amount of copium needed for this one is too damn high

MongolianPaellaFish ago

We're approaching levels of copium that shouldn't even be possible!

basedmangod2015 ago

ill bet anyone in this thread $100 dollars biden is inaugurated on 1/20/21 as POTUS

DRQ ago

Biden goes to jail. Or at least, the actor/double currently playing Biden.

basedmangod2015 ago

you gonna put money on that?

ill bet you an extra 100 biden doesnt go to jail either

Duchozz ago

Dude we all saw the steal in real time here, nobody's gonna disagree trump won

basedmangod2015 ago

im gonna disagree cuz im not a fucking crybaby bitch.

Maroonsaint ago

I’m gonna miss trumps tweets. They were hilarious. The media always said Obama was funny he had an ok joke once or twice but trump had me genuinely laughing.

DaveofPC ago

I follow Biden and it’s only to see what stupid shit he’s saying now.

hammerstrabe ago

Cage match!

BordelonLoop ago

the left doesn't care about pedo joe. they don't care about kamel toe. they don't care who or what sort of character/Manchurian candidate is in that spot. they only care that it isn't a republican and especially one who holds more natural beliefs, like trannies in the military is a farce and that critical race theory is garbage.

and for that i want to shoot them all in the face. in minecraft of course.

Gaslov ago

I don't think his Twitter followers are supporters.

Basballdude ago

Even if it were half that, it's an indication of trends and probability.

FBIglowNig ago

Yeah. Bad way to gauge popularity imo.

Anam ago

Biden's supporters appear to have precious little interest in the doings of their hero.

basedmangod2015 ago

Thats becuz biden voters arent fucking loser dorks who go to campaign rallys in non election years wearing stupid election hats from 4 years ago

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

RockUs Dukakis

Youre a fucking child if you don't know people have doing that shit forever. Above it just one of many over the years.

Gumbatron ago

That's probably because most of them are already dead, or just entries in a database.

Mind_Games ago

Twitter is an indicator of political ....what exactly ?

Please. Stop. This is what pathetic desperation looks like.

Anam ago

Twitter is an indicator of political ....what exactly ?


Mind_Games ago

Except it isn't.

It's a tool for advertising and propoganda.

The accounts on there are at least 50% corporations and bots whose purpose is to

create "chatter" and "follows" in order to give the illusion that those accounts are "popular".

Which is why some have had hundreds of thousands of them purged...some have had millions.

The only thing we can say for sure , is that there is zero evidence that it's a measure of who is popular.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

That is some retarded logic.

punchingtrees ago

Well Trump is the President to be fair, but even without Twitter followers it’s already obvious one of them should be retired and the other is somehow at the top of his game.

Babadookk ago

it doesnt matter if youre right, it matters if youre influential

i guess trumps 5d chess didnt work

lets stop being placated

Maat4u ago

Because dead people don’t have twitter and it’s banned in China

the_magic_man1 ago

It's impossible to have more than one account and there's no bots on twitter

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Did you say that in jest or with full certainty?

the_magic_man ago

Jest. As if twitter followers means anything

SubspaceDistortion ago

Actually there are probably a ot of dead people with social media accounts.

Nothareabror ago

●▬▬▬▬PART TIME JOBS▬▬▬▬▬●My companion is making $77 hourly at the PC . He has been laid off from work 5 months prior, yet a month ago he rounded up $10258 by simply telecommuting with program he discovered on the web. This is the thing that he does... Give it a shot yourself...Copy AND PASTE IN URL FOR MORE DETAIL══════►►

ardvarcus ago

Every indicator proves that Trump has many times more support than Biden. But it's the rallies ther are definitive. Compare Trump's rallies with Biden's pathetic attempt to hold rallies. Nobody could fake those people who showed up in the stadiums and at the airports for Trump. Biden's audiences were in the hundreds, at most -- and most of those were either Biden's own people, the press, or Trump supporters who showed up to heckle Biden. No amount of bluster and bullshit in the media can counter the facts of the rallies.

the_magic_man1 ago

Every indicator proves that Trump has many times more support than Biden.

Except votes.

SoloPoloVision ago

Humans have self control. Animals do not. So while Trump's supporters were wallowing in covid at his filthy infection rallies like the pig wallows in excrement, Biden's supporters were using their human self control to stay in so they could come out on the only night that mattered; Election night.

ChaosCrusader ago

Was it hard to type that with a syphilitic cock lodged firmly in your semen chamber? You degenerate faggot.

the_magic_man1 ago

Even without covid, Biden voters have lives and jobs and are educated. They're not dumb enough to go to a stadium to listen to a politician lie for 2 hours. Anyone who ever goes to a political rally is a complete retard. Bar none

DickbiterShekelstein ago

They're educated and not dumb enough to listen to a politician lie for 2 hours?

I've never met more braindead people in my entire life. They protest and riot with no logical thought as to why. They listen to all of the bullshit they see on TV, in movies, pop culture, etc. They soak in whatever propaganda is spewing from the mainstream news outlets without ever questioning anything.

Yet, you actually think that these retards, people who have no capacity to think critically for themselves, decided not to go to a rally because they know all politicians are liars?

You are fucking clueless.

What a joke.

the_magic_man ago

The right do the exact same. They think the election is rigged because daddy trump told them. They believe whatever they see on fox news/facebook/oann. They believe in Qanon. They defend tax cuts for billionaires because they think anything else is "communism".

Anyone on any side, left or right, that goes to a political rally is retarded. Going to a stadium to listen to trump speak, you're a retard. Go to a town hall to listen to Biden speak, you're a retard. You're going to be part of a political photoshoot. You're a fucking idiot.

DickbiterShekelstein ago

Y'know, for people that have jobs they sure do have a lot of time to burn shit down because some nigger overdosed.

They can show up to protests all of the time, why can't they show up to a rally?

the_magic_man ago

Where's the evidence of voter fraud? Have you collected your $1m yet?

DickbiterShekelstein ago

Well, for starters, here's a great compilation that you should check out. You can verify this list for yourself.

Not to mention the election results violate Benford's law, which has been used to prove voter fraud in other countries. One being Venezuela.

Let's also bring up the 202% voter turnout in Wisconsin.

Someone ran the math on this, too.

Notice the media quickly stopped claiming that there isn't evidence of voter fraud? Then quickly changed the wording to, "No evidence of WIDESPREAD voter fraud?"

Let's be real. Most liberals didn't even like Biden and we're supposed to sit back and believe that he got more votes than any president in U.S. history?

Thanks fucking hilarious.

Cum_control ago

How’s your 3 months on voat been Nigger ?

the_magic_man ago

Stop being such a retard.

ShineShooter ago

Lol wellfare kiddys

the_magic_man1 ago

Democrat counties pay for republican ones. Money for the country isn't generated in rural farming counties who live off subsidies.

MrCubble ago


You'll never convince these fuckin' retards that Trump flags and boat flotillas don't equal votes, but huge props for trying.

Doglegwarrior ago

An idiot brainwashed sheeple when I said did you see the 20k millitsry fighting age men at the navy army game roar to life in support of the president?

RonBennington ago

Why can't people proof read before posting? You make a good point but just come off like a stupid nigger with your boomer tier itapping

Doglegwarrior ago

I've explained this numerous times but you kinda sound like a normal human being an actual goat.

I am typing from my note 20... 2 thumb typing with out auto correct. I have plenty of spelling mistakes and grammar errors. I do not care because it shows me who the grammerkikes are and shills and trolls they ignore the content and go strait to personal attacks and spelling and grammar are the easiest way to dismiss someone's valid points it is strait out of the jew playbook... personal attacks, Muddy the waters change topics screech and on and on...

So my shifty spelling and grammar is a good filter

nemastic ago

The arbiter of class here wants to tell someone to shape up while calling them a Nigger. Wow

Leveraction ago

Hello scotus,....ARE YOU LISTENING, you fucking cowards!!!!!

80 million to 20 million, get off your asses and quit hiding behind your black robes!!!!!!

MrCubble ago

LOL. yeah... they're listening to a cousin-fucking Trumptard on Voat.

Leveraction ago

Crawl back under your cnn rock trolly.

Basballdude ago

To be fair, have you seen their cousin? Super hot!

the_magic_man1 ago

I think he's being ironic. As in twitter followers is possibly the dumbest way of deciding who wins an election, it would be laughed out of any courtroom, never mind make it to SCOTUS

voaty_voatface ago


by your logic why even vote

PhilKDick ago

I think Kim Kardashian won the election. Look at how many followers that woman has!

Sleuth222 ago

She would have if she was running. Elections are literal popularity contests.

Tallest_Skil ago

No one gives a shit. You won’t do a single goddamn thing about it, so stop with the jew hoaxes already.

cantaloupe6 ago

Trumps followers get banned a lot too.

Anam ago

I know. I'm banned for lampooning Biden.

oldblo ago

Meanwhile Bidens tend to congregate on twitter in particular.

cantaloupe6 ago

A lot of those are bots.

oldblo ago

Twitter users that disdain the use of their brains or twitter bots that never had one. The elusive mystery.


If Joe followed more people, he could gain a few more back.

Anam ago

It is likely that Joe has never directly used twitter, but instead had his account managed by handlers like 0bama. His posts look more like mini press releases rather than the spontaneous, honest, reactions of someone tapping furiously on their phone.

SocialCredit_Nil ago

PedoJoe has never honestly, or legally, tapped anything.

Basballdude ago

Except his daughter in law and granddaughters...

negrojohnny ago

But muh team, sports ball n muh dick.

DukeOfRaul ago

They didnt follow him because of covid!!@

anticlutch ago

t minus 4 months

Goy you must stay off unapproved social websites as jewflu has evolved to spread over the internet!

t minus 8 months

goy you must not sleep in a room with an internet connection as jewflu can randomly jump from outlet to outlet