Fateswebb ago

nah because trump would have more.

Basballdude ago

True that.

DeplorableSubhumanPi ago

40 million of Trump’s followers are bots that have been harassing his feed since the escalator. God Bless Him for putting up with their shit.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

Except the 20 million would have been “flipped” from originally Trump votes

Gitmo-or-Bust ago


Truther65 ago

Numbers don't lie. That's the real story.

amarQ144 ago

they do lie...that's why we are here

Truther65 ago

You are buying into the illusion, not the real numbers. We know the real numbers...they are written into the book of life.

amarQ144 ago

Crock of shit. See the vote tally?...See the EC vote?...See the CDC cov count?...Fuck off with your faggot "illusion" bullshit. Numbers are a prime tool of deception and that ain't exactly new.

"We know the real numbers"... do tell! Start with who "we" are. You, and assumedly the rest of "we", conflate fraudulent vote count with "book of life"...144,000 ?! Now that's some gallows hummer. If you can indicate you have even the slightest clue as to the significands of 144,000 I will retract half of the insults I cast your way.

Truther65 ago

You totally misunderstood. I was talking about the real Trump votes that were stolen...the illusion is what the MSM is pedalling. The fact that Trump won is written in the book of life. Why such anger when you clearly misunderstood?

amarQ144 ago

KeK...you avoid the challenge

Truther65 ago

Mirroring seems to be your strong quality born out of impetuous uncontrolled anger for invalid reasons. Do some INNER work son.

amarQ144 ago

You are waxing libtard on me now with the inner work bunk. FYI, I misunderstood nothing. You, on the other hand, failed to identify "we" as well as your repeated "book of life" assertion. Get the book out and post up your reference. No can do? Why?...So you are admitting you are full of shit? I will accept that, conditionally.

Remember the bay of pigs? I was at NAS, Key West,...Boca Chica...A4's with all markings grayed out and all that happy horse shit. Where were you, son**?

Truther65 ago

One more thing. Never assume you know about some one else's life until you know where they have been or what they have experienced...major mistake fren. For all you know, I might have been there with you but I have healed from major trauma. And no, no libtard here. Patriot since I was 4, deades later, still fighting for our constitution and DJT. Making enemies daily, apparently, while doing so. Good night. God bless.

amarQ144 ago

Too funny, fren. ":Never assume..." also..."You are buying into the illusion" (ooohh) "You totally misunderstood" (oooh) "you got decades of anger in you" (oooh!) lol...Damn you got me girl! I shoulda known. My f'n ex wife! What the hell are you doing here?

Truther65 ago

Fuck off moron. I tried to be decent.

Nobody can save you. 6% will be lost. You fit the bill.

amarQ144 ago

It's you alright. How the hell you been ya old whore?

Truther65 ago

Got ya all worked up, didn't I old hubby boy? Recognized you from hundreds 🤣 of miles away. You shine your black light everywhere.

amarQ144 ago

It will be Biblical ;)

Truther65 ago

@amarq144 you took the bait. I exposed you for who you are...a fake MAGA. I'm not even a woman and you are an infiltrater. Known it for a loooong time. Go have a beer with your libtard buddies and brag about your recent empty conquest. Pathetic. Hahahaha

amarQ144 ago

Not even a woman??? Dyk'n again? my oh my... lol I didn't mean to sent you into an identity crisis.

I know you ae a true maga dude, ...here is the issue. You are likely typical of at least a segment of "the white hats side". That's scary. You really are a presumptuous ree-ree projecting like a third grader caught tracking dog shit in. You expose yourself. No doubt much of it is innocent as you are likely as low IQ as you come off sounding. I hate to say it, but we really are in desperate straights.

Truther65 ago

Yes it will be. Wait for it in the court lobby. You won't even know what's happening. Even.

amarQ144 ago


Truther65 ago

Oh yeah, you got decades of anger in you. Do the healing work. You will thank me later.

TheTruthTheFacts ago

In all fairness, most dead people never heard of twitter.

RecceRat ago

Only the other day, China Joe was on the stump giving a lecture sorry "speech" in GA I believe, THREE PEOPLE TURNED UP!!

unchainedmind ago

deduct about 1 million bots from fraudster-elect at the least!

Zadim ago

And about 19 million ccp, iranian republican guards and the muslim brotherhood!

crownedfive ago

shhh, don't give them ideas!!

sheepdoggie ago

Might as well go all in. Take the #'s of Obama Biden, Clinton Kaine, Biden Harris, and then go the #'s for Trump & Pence followers. Then do the ratio with election votes. You'll see another OBVIOUS coorelation.

moderator99 ago

@Jack fucked up.

Basballdude ago
