AdaptOrDie ago

Fred Leuchter

500five ago

Swimming pools, soccer teams, dental clinics, and housing.

grandmacaesar ago

It boils down to this: there is no proof of three main claims---(a) six million jews were killed, (b) many by gas chamber, (c) by order of Hitler.

hytreap ago

The best arguments depend on the person's personality type and how they process information.

Before debunking the holocaust narrative, it's worth asking what the other person understands the holocaust narrative to be.

Hollywood and kike lies through the years has made it impossible for anyone to really be aware of what the actually "OFFICIAL" narrative of the Holocaust even is anymore.

The definition of what the Holocaust is has changed A LOT throughout the years.

Science/Reason/Logic sorts of people love in depth math proofs of the ovens, gas chamber debunking

Emotional types take longer, but exposing holocaust survivor stories as being fiction I believe is a better route. Downside of this route is that debunking one narrative doesn't debunk the whole holocaust narrative. Talking about how the story of Anne Frank was impossible because it was written with ball-point pen, or any of the other narratives being inaccurate is large.

Debunking the lampshades and soap myth is a good one for older boomers, because most boomers are familiar with this myth. It also helps that the official holocaust narrative actually agrees that the lampshades and soap narratives are likely myths or exaggerations as opposed to truth.

There's also noting how the significance of the 6 million is more important than the significance of the 55 million who died.

Asking why the 6 million lives are valued more than any other lives who died at any other time in history.

With someone who supports Palestine, ask, "if the holocaust is the ultimate evil, why is the Nakba which HAS NEVER ENDED not considered the same. Never again only means never again for the kikes"

When with a nigger, ask, "what the fuck did niggers have to do with a holocaust. kikes owned the black man, but ain't no nigger put hymie in a concentration camp."

I think there's a lot of routes to go about educating people about holocaust myths, but ultimately it depends on who the person is, and what their background is.

We have to understand the kike parasite has infected ALL PEOPLES around the world, and this is ONE STRUGGLE to liberate ALL PEOPLE from the oppression of the eternal kike. The indigenous peoples of the world will win back their homelands from the neo-colonialist ZOG empire run from Israel with the military of the United States.

KillKillary ago

6 million divided by 20 camps over X years = the biggest extortion racket in history

TurdLord5000 ago

Also, try this thread. I basically asked the same question last week:

But what's not in that thread is the video that started redpilling me four years ago, the David Cole documentary where he visits Auschwitz and points out all the flaws in the story:

If you can get someone to sit through that hour-long documentary, they'll start questioning everything. Be sure to point out that David Cole is Jewish himself

TFS ago

It's a pretty decent documentary he did. Unfortunately the jewish terrorist organization JDL got to him and he has backtracked, disavowed and begged forgiveness from his tribe members. They are the same assholes who burned down Ernst Zundel's house where he kept most of his research and documentation which is now lost to the world. Jews can't be trusted.

Doglegwarrior ago

If you hear David Coles voice for 5 seconds you know he is a jew

fuck2020 ago

"They sterilized me, but despite that, I had my first child by 18. A sterilized baby cannot have a baby!"

And people believe this shit?

Steinmacher ago

Show them all the ridiculous survivor storys....

ndrsrd ago

like the '800 million'...

TFS ago

How DARE you question the HOLY HOAX!!? I'll have you know that little Moshe Peer was gasses SIX TIMES by the SUPEREVIL NAZIS!

GhostWriter17 ago

If the Germans wanted to kill 6 Gorillion Jews do you think their most effective means of accomplishing this would be to masturbate them to death???

If you’re a newbie you will need to research “Jewish masturbation machines”

If you are a Mossad Clown you will need to kill yourself instead


TurdLord5000 ago

Simplest and best argument: Review the official story of how many Jews were gassed and cremated in Auschwitz. Point out the number of cremation ovens that camp actually had. Do the math for them.

hytreap ago

This red pill only works if the other person values math and scientific arguments. It probably worked for you because of similar reasons.

6 million cookies is a great red pill for STEM personality types, but most 'murikan boomers over 60 don't get it.

Most women also won't get this either.

Lurkan ago

Perhaps also mention that the "death total" at Auschwitz has been revised down significantly, more than once.

Mareksman ago

Red Cross actually checks in with these "death camps" up until '44. Written reports about the care of the camps patrons

TurdLord5000 ago

Those are good too. But have links or printouts on hand. The ovens method doesn't require any separate sauce to be available.


Once upon a time....... The Holocaust is a Fucking lie just like almost everything you think you know, Can you Please Pass the Turkey!

ploymroph ago

sounds like you need a red pill first