TurdLord5000 ago

Thanks dude! This was the name I was looking for.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

This is a refutation of revisionism but it preserves the arguments and presents counter arguments.

CeasarSalud ago

You just have to know the Fable of Cookie monster and baking 6 million cookies in 4 years when we can barely bake a couple dozen a day now.

AgentSakura ago

What do you mean their is still all of it out there you just have to ask around and look deeper.

ForgottenMemes ago

They've been scrubbing evidence of the haox for decades.

The following information has been changed/removed in the last 10 years.

* All estimates of the number of jews in Europe showed there were more jews after WW2 than after WW1 despite only 20 years passing. The estimated jewish population doubled between 1917 and 1936 with no explanation or evidence supporting this unprecedented population explosion. New estimates have smoothed this to happen over a more realistic time period.

* All references to the fact that Typhus is a wasting disease have been scrubbed. People who died from it would be extremely emaciated.

* References to the fact that the prisoners at Nuremberg were tortured into confessing.

* References to the fact that the rules of evidence were suspended at Nuremberg.

* References to the fact that most prisoners at Auschwitz were not jewish.

* The originals of these doctored photos https://files.catbox.moe/c5gu0t.jpg

However if you want to redpill someone on the holohoax the underlined part of this image is the key. Science has proven the ubiquitous death shower narrative to be a lie. That domino topples the entire hoax.


Smokybubbles ago

Those in power write history. What do you think happened in the past? Odds are damn good that you have no idea.

POTUShasnoballs ago

After I shit I’ll repost my pasta , I have a few updates anyway that needed doing

Arnold_Toht ago

tHaT’s BeCaUsE tHe VaTiCaN aNd JeSuItS rUn ThE wOrLd......

I ne’er understood the disconnect with reality so many people have. There’s obviously coordinated efforts going on to shut down free speech, to remove guns, to demonize nationalism, to implement globalist anti liberty related policy, and every bit of it is sold to the Goy by the Jew.....but it’s the jesuits 😂

noob_tube ago

Jesuits aren't innocent, They're the primary means for infiltration of the catholic church.

gonnatoom ago



‘Remember the 11 million’? Why an inflated victims tally irks Holocaust historians


thebearfromstartrack ago

Funny how liberals HATE free speech.

PuttItinIsrael ago

their new excuse is "them bad notsees MADE US ENJOY THE POOL, to convince you goy that we were having good time."

i fucking hate christcucks who believe this fucking bullshit.

Animals9 ago

NOBODY except the jews even fucking care!!

The goyim know, fuck the greasy bastards and bitches!

superspathi ago


illuminalto2 ago

Youre a lazy ass bastard

voatergoateryoda ago

It’s just now getting creepy? Where the fuck have you been for the last 8 months

negrojohnny ago

Wooden Doors.....

OricaTonithos ago

jewish-owned platforms are not free speech platforms.

PriMerovingian ago

Please, if you have it, post ANY documentary evidence that the holocaust was a lie in this thread.

Do you want me to crash Voat???

Orangeel2112 ago

Go to bitchute. There's a TON of holohoax documentaries.

Jiggggg ago

I'm phonefagging but when I get on my laptop later I'll post stuff

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Nice you linked one of my QRV dumps and i was looking for those memes and you just saved me a bunch of time on uploading a new pasta

Jiggggg ago

Awesome. I just went through my saved posts. Thanks for posting it in the first place!

ploymroph ago

@TurdLord5000 has banned you from v/SoapboxBanhammer for the following reason: Rule Violation in v/SoapboxBanhammer: No phonographs of minors; Description: Banned for being literally retarded. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Oh Nein, wie schade.

TurdLord5000 ago

You didn't answer the question. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

ploymroph ago

I dont answer to the lord of turd. Especially not with a 5 in it's name.

TurdLord5000 ago

Why haven't you killed yourself again?

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

Simply refer to it as God's 20th century judgement against the Jews. They can't even deny that truth.

TurdLord5000 ago

Not helpful.

TrueGoy ago

Also dont use google for such things, use the russian yandex. Com, u get results that wont show on jewgle,

Drakgan ago

Well shit. Is there anything left that's ours?

noob_tube ago


I've been using https://searx.fmac.xyz/ with very good results.

NorthSeaPagan ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#147315) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@NorthSeaPagan: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

We’re not building you safety camps

Lol kikes

NorthSeaPagan ago

Did you seriously think they were going to let us stay online forever? It was only a matter of time before we lost the internet, at least the part of the internet which is accessible to normies. Not only will we never be able to wake up the masses because they can't be awakened because they are mostly NPCs but because our ability to wake them up is going to be severed in the next few years, you fuckers never listened to us "blackpillers" and our race is going to fucking die because of it, you spent the last 70 years trying to repeat what happened in Germany in the 20s and it's not fucking possible because the situation is very, very different, we should have fought back a long time ago but you didn't and because of it we are probably fucking doomed. Thanks boomers, you sent our jobs overseas for some extra money, you let the niggers and spics loose into our schools and neighborhoods, you did nothing to stop the kikes from destroying our civilization and broadcasting nigger race-mixing communist propaganda 24/7 into the minds of our children and because of your inaction our race is fucking dead. Worst generation is fucking history, literally responsible for the mass rape, murder and genocide of the White population of the Western world.

gonnatoom ago

Ok doomer

NorthSeaPagan ago

hahaha, I love how you people think that's an argument.

gonnatoom ago

Your shilling has no effect on those of sound mind.

NorthSeaPagan ago

You aren't of sound mind, "enjoy" being a retard for the rest of your life, waiting for a collapse which won't come and for the masses to just "wake up" and do all the work for you, "enjoy" watching me be proven right and our race dying.

gonnatoom ago



Babadookk ago

We need to compile everything here so everyone can put it on flash drives

NorthSeaPagan ago

For what? So you can keep the evidence for the holocaust being fake on your hard drive that will never see the light of day? You cannot wake up the normies like that, either we fight back and probably fucking die, we accept our genocide and enslavement or we run away and try and regroup and survive in Russia and East-Asia.

Shadowlight ago

Better than not having it at all

PriMerovingian ago

I guess you never read Fahrenheit 451

Babadookk ago

I mean yes we should fight back but it’s still a good idea for if you want to red pill your kids for instance

NorthSeaPagan ago

You shouldn't need to redpill your kids because they never should have been sent to public school or around normal society.

Shadowlight ago

What about redpilling others?

NorthSeaPagan ago

For what? You will never redpill enough normies to matter and you people don't seem to want to fight back so what is even the point? You will just wait around for a collapse which will never happen until we are round up, raped and executed.

Shadowlight ago

Bullshit you won't.

Millions have been redpilled on the fake MSM and you think they can't be redpilled elsewhere?

So your solution is not to ensure multiple copies of the evidence of the fake history?

ploymroph ago

nice try, ADL

TurdLord5000 ago

Okay retard. Die in Hell.

ploymroph ago


TurdLord5000 ago

Why did you even bother commenting if you're not going to help?

TrueGoy ago

Im not home atm but heres some stuff https://archive.org/details/holohoax101. Also show him this, the jews using the magik number 6 million so many times before the nuremberg trials, but fuck i will post it when i get home i cant find it in my phone. Basuically 256 referrences to 6 million jews before the nuremberg trials

areyoumygaffer ago

yeah. it started in the NY times before 1900 even.

also why post facts saying how it didn't happen when to make a claim you need evidence, and there's not 1 shred of evidence supporting the hall of cost actually happened.

israelmossadjewgold ago

yeah it's psychological tricks with numbers that jews are masters at. products will sell better when listed at a slightly higher price if it's a more attractive number than a slightly lower priced less attractive number.

Moon_Central ago

Revisionism online!

The most important addresses


WolfgangBlack ago

I hate that term, "revisionism".

It's the term jews use to gaslight people telling the truth.

She2002 ago

The "holocaust denier" is a good one too

TheNewOne ago

Yeah, I like “Holocaust fact-checking.”

ConanLibertatem ago

Look for any pre 1965 source you can find.

ie: old history book or encyclopedia.

You will find no mention of holocaust because it did not happen. search for Rommel's biography. In it, he speaks of Hitler's final solution. They were going to ship the jews to Madagascar.

TurdLord5000 ago

Please tell me how to find that source on the Internet, without spending a fortune on physical books,

ConanLibertatem ago

Library or yard sale to physically acquire it is best.

I found an old history book at an estate sale. From 1960. Not only does it not mention the holohoax, it actually laid out honestly what the jews were doing to Germany.


Special edition For Young Readers

by Winston S Churchill (and the Editors of Time) for Young Readers

The full two set version of Churchill's memoirs are available. No mention of Holohoax in it either.

Internet is vapor. Tough to find truth through the censorship.

TurdLord5000 ago

Zero links. Unhelpful. Fuck off.

POTUShasnoballs ago

Links take you to the Internet you dumb fucking idiot

ConanLibertatem ago

Every thing is not "linked" on the internet.

You are a dope.

TurdLord5000 ago

So you come from 20017 then? Right? That's when you achieved self-awareness? Oh, wait, no, you never did. If you don't have anything helpful to offer to this thread, please kill yourself. This is important.

POTUShasnoballs ago

The guy was actually very helpful and thoughtful he responded to you on Waze to obtain these books without using the Internet, stop being a fucking asshole you prick

ConanLibertatem ago

You are surprised that you can't find a link to solve all your problems.

You are such a stupid little faggot.

TurdLord5000 ago

You're on a list now.

ConanLibertatem ago

We all are. So go fuck yourself.