AutoGrizz ago

Ministry of truth

bonghits4jeebus ago

Biden thinks he's doing honest graft. When Hunter graduated from college, MBNA, a big bank and Joe's biggest donor made Hunter a Senior VP or some shit. When asked if it was inappropriate, Biden just said the crackhead deserved the job because his father got him into Yale. He's not ashamed of it. It's not a conspiracy. It's just the way Biden does business.

capicua ago

oh great, I was beginning to wonder if it was false, then wikipedia claimed it was false, which confirms that it must be true

Derpfroot ago

deboonked. lol right-wingers btfo. lmao

These feggits believe all their own bullshit.

BlackJivesChatter ago

False... Just you wait. No one can dispute geo data and meta logs.

Nukeisrael ago

Maybe some normies and boomers will finally learn that Wikipedia is garbage.

ElectionPredictor ago

The "every single time" joke can be applied to (((Wikipedia))) articles too

PineCandle15 ago

How hard would it be to mass edit wikipedia lol

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Whatevahh ago

Fucking jews....


Zyklon_Bear ago

Have they started scrubbing the "Early Life" sections of kikes yet?

libman ago

I recently ranted about that article:

Re-posted this screenshot today:

This is not an encyclopedia! This is a propaganda weapon!

Countless Wikipedia contributors have been DUPED out of many millions of hours of their contribution efforts and many millions of dollars in donations UNDER FALSE PRETENSES!

Take multiple independent snapshots (ex archive.IS) of obviously biased Wikipedia articles and user histories - Wikipedia might deceptively alter their history after they are caught.

Just one little example of obvious deliberate fraud. It claims:

A Wall Street Journal reporter observed that the metadata of the PDFs indicated they had been created in the fall of 2019, though the emails were supposedly from 2014 and 2015.

This implies that a released unaltered PDF attachment file contained a stupid anachronism, proving that it's fraud.

They use this Business Insider as the "source" for the claim, and it merely mentions them releasing PDF exports of the emails, not the original attachment files.

Dave_ph ago

And people think Trump can win

Anomalia ago

We are witnessing rewriting of history in real time. Now imagine how much history that we take for granted was changed exactly in the same way.

kishind ago

"Although Biden did withhold government aid to pressure Ukraine into firing the prosecutor investigating his son's company, it was because they were afraid he would be too lenient." Holy crap I've seen 5-year-olds with better lies.

ketoll ago

Isn't it funny how diligent researchers find themselves believing in all conspiracy theories, yet people who just get spoonfed the monopolized news without doing any thinking for themselves apparently never believe in any conspiracy theories? What a miraculous dichotomy!

Typhoon8 ago

Are they serious?

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Do you know how the Overton window works?

Typhoon8 ago

Indeed I do

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Then you would understand that they do not care about whether they are serious or not. They are controlling the Overton window and that is all they want.

Typhoon8 ago

Oh I get it.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

that prosecutor was lenient on corruption but I think that is why he first got appointed to investigate Hunter, Hunter was corrupt, so how to ensure he gets away with it, have a corrupt prosecutor investigate him, then it looks like it was an unfair investigation.

paralentor ago

Imagine a 9.7 Earthquake in SF would solve the problem.

folgeyharry ago

If you are in the mood for drama, check out the “Talk” page,

Hard_Right_Jay ago

Just look at any of their articles about "White Pride" vs gay pride, black pride, asian pride, etc. Every "mainstream" website has been subverted beyond belief, can't have the goyim seeing things that might make them ask questions

mundanest ago

Too lenient? Do people believe these lies?

CuckleberryFinn ago

NPCs believe whatever the authority tells them.


Never forget they did the same thing to pizzagate in 2016, and it all got swept under the rug, just like this will as well.

Dave_ph ago

That's because pizzagate is just a bunch of crazy people

offender ago

If pizzagate isn't real, then what was up with that epstein guy and all of his rich friends? Go fuck yourself kike.

slumbermachine ago

You seemed to have walked into the wrong neighborhood, we don’t speak brainwashed here.

Dave_ph ago

So the QTards are in here

slumbermachine ago

Pizzagate came out well before Q dummy. Many of us here saw it unfold in real time and know it's all true.

Dave_ph ago

You're insane

edwardbernays ago

They've been getting a ton of mileage out of their "conspiracy theory" phrase for over 50 years now.

jackfraser ago

Well, it doesn’t help when idiots still post shit about chemtrails and the moon landing and all that, and tie up legitimate inquiry into shady activities with straight up denial of reality.

Dave_ph ago

Are you saying that the World Trade Center wasn't blown up with sparklers?


It basically says "this is a fake conspiracy theory. Even though the conspiracy theory lays out how this even happened step by step to the T, its fake because of intentions for doing it"

Fucking hell

shitstartercarter ago

If one thing I can agree with in school both primary and secondary is they both would fail you if you used wikipedia as a reference.

SearchVoatBot ago

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MossadInc ago

the references are articles saying "Biden never admitted to doing it, maybe the evidence is false?". Fake encyclopedia is using fake news to justify their lies.

Moonman_Alpha ago

So the left can claim something is "false" or "debunked" because they simply deny it, regardless of any and all evidence. Conversely, all of the left's unfounded, and outright bogus, claims are 100% true/fact without any evidence at all.

Clown World Supreme

lepersbell ago

"I can provide you with direct, sourced info."

"No. Only 3rd party observations. No facts."

It's the GamerGate entry all over again.

beece ago

Wow, such blatant lying. It's upside-down world

burl_pin ago

and wiki is its backstop

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Well of course, the whole thing has been dEbUnKed already, sweaty!

JJNova ago

This is the more important link, as it adds context. Have you submitted it to any subverses? It's the one that needs exposure.

Dave_ph ago

No, they're going to focus on the important work. Drawing frog memes

favoritecoloriswhite ago

This political theater doesn't need more exposure.