Bushtaco321 ago

They were just flowing "Protocols" of zion.

SuperToes845 ago

This writeup published on Wikileaks discuss this moving company's involvement quite well: https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/13/1332210_-analytical-and-intelligence-comments-mossad-ran-9-11-arab.html

Smokybubbles ago

All the sand niggers need to be kicked out of the US, doesn't matter what shape of stupid hat they wear or what magical sky god they mumble to.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

This is an oft-repeated Slavic lie. Slavs are shameless vermin and they try to make Americans mad at each other.

Leonidas4Q ago

I found this link which says the dancing israelis worked for urban moving systems incoporated.


No idea if they were so arrogant as to paint the plane crashing into a tower before or after 9/11....

Leonidas4Q ago

Curious that this post got a downvote. Wonder why. Wonder who.

steven_feelsperg ago

The Dancing Israeli story to trigger the (((seething shills))).

Derpfroot ago

also, taking the insurance company to court to make them pay double because he claimed two separate acts of terrorism. Lucky Larry, you ol' bastard.

Qfagsarehasbara ago

ALSO in the light of recent events. Especially those in Beirut. It is essential remind America that the steel on the towers was removed "very quickly" out of NYC and that many first responders suffered of "unknown radiation exposure, cancer etc" as per 911 report.

The nation that has every single major city, embassy filled wt Micro Nukes is : _ _ _ _ _ _

xobodox ago

The steel was removed by jews.. everywhere you look - jews!


Qfagsarehasbara ago

Nice vid. Thanks mate.

freedomite ago

Oooh are we playing hangman? I guess E, always guess E.

Qfagsarehasbara ago

Lol yu fucking nigger! Common get it right : AMISH PEOPLE FROM PERU.

Qfagsarehasbara ago

QANON kikes on suicide watch as they TRY TO PRETEND THAT THOSE GUYS WERE ARABS... my sides you fucking kikes at v/GreatAwakening

CrudOMatic ago

Qucumbers literally believe that the jewish media tried to protect Arabs by calling them jews? Holy fucking shit, talk about being confused.

Qfagsarehasbara ago

But those niggers do! They are such Mossad kikes it is gilarious. These niggers are still yelling : muh AAAAAArabbbz did it. Fucking lost is USA

Nukeisrael ago


africantisntreal ago

i would love to see a vid of that beaner with no teeth laughing while explaining that kikes were trying to say the 'dancing isrealies were arabs.

Qfagsarehasbara ago

MUUUH "we were observing the demolition"... for fuck sakes FBI you tuking useless cunts.

ChiCom ago

It was still you blacked jews that did it, but the jews were certainly involved.

You don't get a free pass just because the kikes helped you.

Qfagsarehasbara ago

WHO are you talked to retard? I am not a jew, never was.

ChiCom ago

Muslims are blacked jews

Qfagsarehasbara ago


InClownWorldSellPnut ago

At the very least the kikeberg country of Israel knew what was going to happen and did nothing but pull out their cameras to gawk.

JogandHammer ago

They admitted on Israeli TV that they were there to document the event. How could they document an event unless they knew it was going to happen. It's crazy how anybody is still in denial about this.

Qfagsarehasbara ago

The least is that they planted thermite, prepped all inner structure, CIA used mockinbird and Press control to kike, then the dancets planted 2 micro nukes in the basement of the towers and building 7. that they funeled from their embassy orcsafe houses in NYC. AXA was chosen to insure and get fucked to death in insurance costs. 127 fremch employees at least of the Credit Agricole died (Some were friends) and kikes keep telling me that we should love them? These people killed our friends, families, boycotted Germany, murdered 170 million whites in WW2 AND Communism power trip, destroyed America and we cintinue peacefully to post on shitty honeypot platforms?

The kikes at QANON are still posing as if the US military is not a jewed and kike controlled operation. I will take it further... Trump will fail to save America,as idiots believe and will end up moving his entire family to Israel. Watch.

Mattis the fag is turning. Is it bc he a,fag or bc Trump is a fucking kike. Go ahead jew talk to me about how much you know about Trump and the situation. Biden is a pedo, and Trump was for sure put there to appease so called White Christians after Obamas disasters. If Mossad did not ran uncle Epstein then who did? If Maxwell is not a all around agent then who is.

USA is getting decimated bc the people that need to save it are NOT IN AMERICA. They are in South America, and in Antartica. Period.

CrudOMatic ago

>mini nukes

>MUH Nazis in Antarctica

Meth is a hell of a drug.

Qfagsarehasbara ago

Miguel Serrano "last battallion" read a book nigger.

Qfagsarehasbara ago

Sure go to bed it is late in Tel Aviv. What Kibbutz did Avi put you in nigger?

Herpderpicus ago

All I've seen on 911 and I've never seen that moving truck before

steven_feelsperg ago

There are possibilities for inattentiveness, one of them being deliberately memory holed. Search "dancing Israelis" and watch the news interview of the NYPD officer that caught the 5 jews dancing from the freeway, taking photos of themselves with the burning towers in the BG. They were apprehended and the truck contained loads of cash, but were allowed to escape to Israel shortly thereafter. Two were MOSSAD.

Herpderpicus ago

The rest I remember. The interview with the cop and most of the rest of the WTC lore but I never remember seeing that truck and my memory is pretty good.

MFin_Looter_Kangs ago

There were reports of a white truck with such a mural painted on it driving around on that day. I’m fairly sure i) this truck wasn’t definitively publicly linked to Urban Moving Systems and ii) no such photo was ever released.

Derpfroot ago

It's just a shoop, not their real trucks. They wouldn't have a plane crashing into the twin towers as a logo...even if they are jewish.

steven_feelsperg ago

They shooped that truck real good in the news reel, kikefag.

Derpfroot ago

where is this "newsreel" you speak of?

Derpfroot ago

pls show newsreel

J_Dahl ago

Me too.

I've heard of the company but haven't seen the truck before...

Popad ago

Jews and muzzies dancing in the streets .