GasInTheTankYo ago

/pol/ Intelligence Agency, the world's premier open source, Hive Mind powered Intel Agency

bdmthrfkr ago

It gets even better.

freedomite ago

We CIA Now.



geovoat ago

Summary of how they did it?

2-loot-the-boot ago

This guy is as good at shooting as he is at roofing

selpai ago

Parking lot shooter?

Haywood ago

This Guy was definitely not a Roofer and had no idea of how to correctly use the "Fall Protection" he was wearing. If he would have backed off that roof he would have hit the ground long before his lanyard could have helped break the fall.

Just glad he was just as proficient as a fighter...

ForgottenMemes ago

tear drop tattoos

Are gangs still enforcing the idea that you have to have murdered someone to get one of these?

Literally-Oppressed ago

Nah you just get them if you want to look like a faggot and be instantly distrusted by everyone you will ever encounter

CheeBooga ago

I'm surprised to see a jew working. Who in their right mind would hire freaks who look like this? I vet every contractor I use.

Fetalpig ago

Maybe he thinks hes on a kibbutz, with a goyim shiksa.

Drainpipe ago

OK so, I'm no roofing genius but shouldn't he be tied up to the top of the roof? It appears like he's tied up to the bottom of the roof. So if he fell, I mean... I don't think him being tied up the way he is would help whatsoever.

Steinmacher ago

I'm a roofer and can tell you those rigs are all wrong. Staged pic...

Xax ago

When’s this thug going to be charged with attempted murder?

Xax ago

Masterfully done!!!


Well done!

PeeNutButtHair ago

Well, then the fbi know who he is now too.

threesevens ago

I have no idea what's going on, where can I be caught up on this. Kyle didn't shoot the pedo?

Gumbatron ago

If the reports about the corners report are accurate, it would appear that roofer commie got the first kill. The shot in the back definitely sounds fatal.

Kyle did shoot pedo guy at least 3 times though. The graze to the head was a red herring. The pelvis shoot might have been fatal too depending on whether it severed the femeral artery.

threesevens ago

So the commie and Kyle both shot the pedo?

Gumbatron ago

Looks like it.

Commie shot at Kyle, but got his buddy in the back. Pedo guy was trying to grab the gun, so Kyle fired in self defence.

threesevens ago

Why didn't commie keep shooting if he was trying to hit Kyle and Kyle started shooting back?

Granite_Pill ago

I was taught the fastest way to end an active shooter scenario is to shoot back. Wielding a firearm gives one a sense of power and invulnerability, but the moment they're fired upon themselves is akin to a reality check and will shut down the active shooter in the majority of situations. Similarly in combat arms tactics, when you recieve contact from the enemy, your first priority aside from seeking cover, is to return fire immediately to potentially disrupt the enemy's intentions and course of action. It's rather challenging to send rounds down range while simultaneously having rounds come back at you.

MaxineWaters ago

Why didn't commie keep shooting if he was trying to hit Kyle and Kyle started shooting back?

Because 2-way ranges are scary.

Gumbatron ago

Not sure. Now that he's been id'd, you'd think the police would want to have a word with him though.

Perhaps when he saw pedo guy get shot he suddenly decided that this LARPing stuff was getting too real, or maybe he realised he shot his own man and freaked out? Maybe other unseen defenders scared him off? Just speculation on my part though, perhaps more info will come out soon though.

threesevens ago

Thanks for filling me in

SurfinMindWaves ago

Kyle was in front of him. They're saying other bullets hit him from the back.

TheSeer ago

That is the allegation. If shots were fired at Kyle by ANYONE or even warning shots fired in the air (how the leftist media has tried to spin it) it changes the left's narrative so utterly and completely, they refuse to even consider it.

lacrimamosa ago

I wonder how this guy got so pozzed. He's a blue collar, working man. He must have first-hand experience with black people. Why does he support BLM?

the other people at these riots - I have theories to explain all of them. The soyboys hate masculinity because they have none. The white women want attention. WTF is this guy doing there?

CheeBooga ago

Many jew needle junkies/meth junkies end up doing this out in cali and Seattle to get money. I wouldn't let them build a fuckin doghouse.

dassaer ago

But would you let them roof it??. That seems to be the predicament...

CheeBooga ago

No I would not. I wouldn't even let them bathe the dog.

Drainpipe ago

Ok so, this is obviously anecdotal. I had a best friend who worked roofing for a few years. He said every last one of them, including the bosses, were all high on drugs nearly 24/7 and coming from the friend who told me that-- it wasn't like oh smoking pot or whatever, he smoked pot and did ketamine and other light drugs, he was talking about shit like meth. He worked for three of the biggest roofing companies in a fairly large city and he said it was the same everywhere.

As Goetbbels said, it's a shit job and most people avoid it. Working on a roof in the summer is brutal.

tankingwrong ago

I wonder how this guy got so pozzed. He's a blue collar, working man.

The felony probably messed him up. Altered his politics, made him political to where he wants the "sympathetic" party in power to take the burden off of his status with the state.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Blue haired assistant?

DankSniper ago

Iv’e thought about this kind of thing with my old boss. The only thing I could come up with is that they are so depressed about how shitty their life is that virtue signaling and acting morally superior are the only things that make them feel good about themselves.

TheSeer ago

There is an element of wanting to be 'on the right side' (of history, current political trends, etc). Band wagon jumpers.

And I find people that don't believe in God have no connection to conservatism. Whereas leftism caters to them.

AnotherGrayman ago

I don't believe in higher powers beyond physics and nature, and yet I share most of the same values Christians hold.

Praying to the Sky Daddy isn't a prerequisite for having common fucking sense.

bloodguard ago

I'm blaming poor social skills and the blurple haired lady.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Roofing is a skill that can be learned to do adequately fairly easy. Not all, but many, roofers end up being roofers because they have no other options if they want to be able to afford their dope. It's a hot, itchy, scary, low skill job that not many want to do.

Usually there are no drug tests.........because most roofers can't pass them.

So to answer your question, some people have needs that government aid can't fill but are smart enough to not engage in illegal activity so they have to have a job.

Solstiare ago

Ding! The correct answer.

Source: 30+ years in mid to high-end residential/commercial construction. Independent roofers are all tweaked-out losers with no other options.

clymer ago

Spent many years on a framing crew in greater Boston area (wealthy burbs out on Rt 2). This is what I can tell you about the life, as a (former) self-employed roofer. It's Grunt work. You are sweating like a mule and dodging thunder storms with tarps ready every job. But it's fucking simple. Simple doesn't mean easy. But this fucking tool bag staggered architects like three-tabs, and, well that just pisses me off

Solstiare ago

It should.

neuro2b ago

Bingo, worst raquetteers ever second in scum rating only to lawyers who will ALWAYS hose ya and screw ya, you can find an honest roofer

moissie ago

hahaha, they did the commies roof in my neighborhood last month!

TheSeer ago

Roofing is an industry notoriously filled with druggies and the least reliable members of society. I.E. people you wouldn't allow inside your house, are the ones allowed on your roof.

Literally-Oppressed ago

I had a roofing job for a while. These dudes were doing coke and smoking joints constantly. Up on the roof... You're untouchable.

Heartdisease ago

They should have Koreans work on roofs.

Solstiare ago

Does it leak?

dampkitty ago

/pol/ autists are fucking amazing, I hope I never get on their bad side.

Maroonsaint ago

Hey. Cats are stupid.

RM-Goetbbels ago

STFU! They are not. You're stupid.

Rotteuxx ago

Cats are the niggers of pet world.

dampkitty ago

Dogs are the niggers of pet world,

they destroy stuff out of boredom, they need constant access to White people just to enable basic stuff like walking, they attack people for no reason.

AND NUMBER ONE, they spend their entire lives shitting on the grass and expecting White people to pick it up, while dragging their shitty ass up and down your carpet while looking at you.

Rotteuxx ago

they destroy stuff out of boredom,

Bad owner who doesn't meet the dog's needs.

they need constant access to White people just to enable basic stuff like walking

Unless they're tied up or confined, dogs don't need help walking around.

they attack people for no reason.

No, there's always a reason. Defense of territory, establishment of the pecking order or PTSD from a nigger owner.

AND NUMBER ONE, they spend their entire lives shitting on the grass and expecting White people to pick it up, while dragging their shitty ass up and down your carpet while looking at you.

Feed your dog properly & care for it respectably & he won't have digestive issues.

On the other hand, cats expect gibs all the time and will act like little bitches if they don't get their way. Their affection depend on gibs 100%.

Cats destroy furniture because they don't give a shit about the cat post you bought them, not because they're under stimulated by a shitty owner.

Cats will shit & piss besides the litter box just to spite you, they won't wait to be outside.

Cats kill for fun, dogs kill with a purpose. Defense or food.

Cats are niggers, dogs are a man's best friend.

dampkitty ago

That's like saying niggers destroy stuff because we don't meet the niggers needs? They have mud, sticks and clean water, what else do they need to be a happy nigger?

We've had three dogs, none of which would go for a walk by themselves

Niggers attack people "with a reason", but it's still something stupid like he had a TV, he "disrespected me", he had a banana. Dog's reasons are no less stupid or violent.

Are you saying dogs don't shit on the grass? because I assure you that is ALL they do.

Everyone's affection depends on food, I'm a nice person until I'm hungry.

Play with a cat and it will leave your sofa alone.

A cats will always use a clean litter box, if it's not clean then that's how you know. Dogs are like niggers because they will eat cat shit and call it KFC.

You are inventing a difference between a cat's hunting instinct and a dogs, there is none, it's the same hunting instinct. A cat is a solitary hunter, a dog is a pack hunter. Niggers always attack in packs.

RM-Goetbbels ago



Excuse me while I go peacefully protest dog lovers..........

Maroonsaint ago

You’re stupid

RM-Goetbbels ago

No you!

chesterlives ago

I'm no roofing expert, but shouldn't the rows of shingles be staggered? They've got five rows all lined up. Water's going to get into that seam.

CheeBooga ago

roofers in the hizhouse heh heh

tankingwrong ago

"Seems a bunch of guys on the internet hunted you down."

"Ha, like that'll do anything."

"They're not too impressed with your roofing skills, either."


Witsend ago

I think that's a repair, not a total reroof. I was wondering that too. That was the conclusion that made sense to me. Could be wrong.

MemeDropAcct ago

He left a weave at the place where he stopped before the cut portion. Not sure why he did that, I only do that where it is necessary to have access or such. It's better to just run them wild over the hip corner, snap a line, and then hook blade them off. It's a lot quicker and neater that way.

clymer ago

he staggers architectural style shingles like three-tab's. That's because he doesn't know how to roof with architectural style shingles. (even though there is a picture showing exactly how to do it on every bundle)

SurfinMindWaves ago

Construction jargon makes me hot.

LettItBurn ago

They are staggered. Look closer.

analyticalalligator ago

They are not staggered on the right. Look closer.

LettItBurn ago

Yes they are. The top part of the shingle is a lighter shade than the shingle tabs. You can see alternating lighter shade shingle tops all the way up what looks to be a straight line. Look closer.

HelpAcct123 ago

Holy shot these guys are something else

Maroonsaint ago


CheeBooga ago

Holy mother of Kyle. There there. I saved it. Can Crensch see your dick?

SparklingWiggle ago

It is secret code that he took a dick pic and want to show it you.

ChickenDeath ago

What kind of pussy ass roofer ties off on a one story house?

Witsend ago

osha. Prolly just for the pic

Stubbabubba ago

Always tie off. I've seen those things save lives in the most unexpected places.

mama_shoe_maunda ago

Might as well not be tied off at all the way he is rigged. If he had fallen he'd hit the ground like he wasnt even wearing it.

Stubbabubba ago

Yeah some guys set it up for looks and just start working. I have seen guys with the harness but no line attached haha

ChickenDeath ago

While I agree with you all the roofers I know drink on the job and are more or less crazy fuckers. I dont think I've ever seen a roofer tie off around here.

Stubbabubba ago

I see lots of guys that don't haha

HelpAcct123 ago

People have been paralyzed falling off 8 ft ladders. Once you reach a certain age you cant take falls or recover as easily.

SuperToes845 ago

A neighbor fell off a ladder trying to remove a Swallow's nest in April. Bastard only started walking without a cane around a week ago (was using a walker previously).

Stubbabubba ago

Exactly, it doesn't take much. Hell, Superman fell off a horse and became a paraplegic.

Fried-Laptop ago

Only cause there was kryptonite hidden in the cantle

Dave_ph ago

I fucken hate auto correct

Patranon1 ago

And leaves enough slack it wouldn't matter anyway

pnwpatriot97 ago

Anyone that doesn't want to be fined by OSHA. It's now OSHA law that you need to be tied off above 6'. You heard me correct, 6 fucking feet. Used to be 10', but now it is 6'. I used to work in restoration and do emergency roof tarp jobs for people allot. It was so stupid putting a harness on when patching a manufactured house... Better than being fired/and or fined by OSHA imo.

letsgoallthewhey ago

What's the extent of OSHA's authority? If I'm on my own roof doing repairs can they try to order me around?

pnwpatriot97 ago

Nope. OSHA is there for businesses. No way can they tell you about your own roof repairs. Just stupid how if you work for someone this type of thing even exists.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

it's a liability issue, insurance companies don't like to pay out, so they lobby for new regulations like this

nosejobsforequality ago

if it's personal construction on personal property they really can't tell you shit. but the moment you employ someone else to do any of the work OSHA gets involved.

Granite_Pill ago

No. It's only for businesses that have employees. If you hire someone to do it, then OSHA probably has jurisdiction.

Chimaira92 ago

This guy shot his friend in the back, it was impossible for Kyle to shoot pedo guy in the back but this guy had the right angle and fired a shot towards that direction shortly before Kyle shoots, hitting him in the hand, thigh and grazing his head.

KokoMoko ago

The back shot is a different calibre and why they never included it in the autopsy.

Are the results now published and that detail was omitted? Crap!

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Can you link the autopsy? This shit is moving so fast I can't keep up with all the new developments. I didn't realize he was shot multiple times.

glassuser ago

Dr. P. Douglas Kelley of the Milwaukee Medical Examiner’s office determined that Rosenbaum suffered one gunshot to the groin that fractured his pelvis, another to the back which perforated his right lung and liver, another to the left hand, a superficial gunshot wound to his lateral left thigh, and a graze wound to the right side his forehead.

PRSanon ago

An autopsy found that Rosenbaum was shot five times -- in the right groin, back, left hand, left thigh and right side of his forehead, according to the complaint.

mmabouncer ago


Can ya'll believe this guy?.... Wanting sources and shit.... get the fuck outta here.

Chimaira92 ago

I wrote that up as I went to bed and have woken up to many links and sources

altident ago

He wasn’t shot multiple times. There’s a photo of SMN being carried after the shooting where you can see blood dripping down his back, and people here have reached the conclusion that a gunshot wound to the head would never allow for blood to drip down someone’s back so there must have been a second shot, but it was omitted from all reports

Granite_Pill ago

Bullshit. Ever seen somebody get shot before with a rifle before? They can bleed a lot. Blood can pour out of the wound and run down your body and drip off from an area you're not shot in. Also head wounds bleed a lot. Even a small head wound produces a lot of blood.

altident ago

Um, that’s what I’m saying

Granite_Pill ago

I'm saying I agree with you and what they said was bullshit.

SuperToes845 ago

I don't know if she's a reliable source but according to her the autopsy report says otherwise.

Maroonsaint ago

Does the news even matter anymore. I’m so disillusioned with this whole country now. It seems like the news is whatever the fuck they want it to be. When something actually happens like Epstein not a goddamn will be done. No justice anywhere. Raping of the america I used to think existed

Literally-Oppressed ago

Show us YOUR dick

Maroonsaint ago

Iv posted it a few times already. I can pm you if you want

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

I cant believe they had sex with 14 year old girls. Monsters

Lin_Ching_Yu ago

Tactical Autism does what police can't or won't.

shillaccount3344 ago

Left out all the pornhub links!

Merchant_Menace ago

Literal cuck. Literally a fucking cuck. Our memes are TRUTH.

Merchant_Menace ago

Bring that tourettes bubble overtop of it too.

paybythepound ago

Forget Q if you want the deep state gone give the autist army all the same tools that the alphabet agencies have. The whole power structure would be gone in a month.

Enok-Stroth ago

Power goes to GOD, God is the people. That is who is getting their power back. But we must never fall asleep again. Government is not GOD, Corporations are not God. Though they act as such and dictate how people live. Install wrong fear based programming to control the masses. A fearless masses means a fearful COMPANY, A fearful GOVERNMENT. Then we install the fear of GOD into them. THEY WILL OBEY US. Serve US. Serve GOD. But GOD can never fall sleep Or else we see what happens. LET me be clear All people are God. There are no CHOSEN Ones, only those that believe they are such, and convinced the others they are not. That is all. Psychology of the mind is unfolding. Those that understood the psychology. Used it against the sleeping GOD. The sleeping GOD in his dream was called to wake. Now we will live in the waking dream. Not the sleeping nightmare.

dummythicc ago

Shut the fuck up brainlet, this isn't /v/tastyglue

Enok-Stroth ago

No. Don't like what I have to say ignore it. Like you felt the need to reply. I too felt the need to share. See look at us being free individuals. Kudos to you for exercising your blessed rights. Being the GOD I KNOW YOU CAN BE.

dummythicc ago

This site is going to shit because of people like you. If you and your ilk think you can post muh jesus bullshit to any and all topics with impunity think again.

Enok-Stroth ago

People like you doing things ugh I mean like that is your free will and all. OMG YOU speaking ewww. I just can not tolerate the words coming out of your mouth, and I don't have the knowledge to just ignore what I don't like so I have to say you can't say that. YOu think you can speak your mind wiht impunity. THat is like hate speech. I'm screech and reee

Enok-Stroth ago

this just in.. YOu are not allowed to speak your mind unless DUMMYTHICC SAYS. He is now the arbiter of words. You can only say what he approves. DONKEY TITS

Enok-Stroth ago

Umm then block me dude that is the only thing you can do. or down voat. Man and I didn't say anything about Muh Jesus but even if I did. What do you object to. I called you GOD? do you object to this? do You have will to live your life as you see fit? Do you or are you able to make choices in your life? What is wrong with me saying PEOPLE are GOD. NOT corporations or GOVERNMENT? HMM empowering people ?

What is wrong with it? what is so scary. IF Government actually answered to GOD, which IS PEOPLE. Then what would happen? If corporations didn't treat themselves like GOD, but understand GOD is people. what then?

Omg society might be shaped differently... HMMM Are you scared of being like that?

dummythicc ago

WOW I really HATE your style of WRITING. And you did mention your precious SKYGOD, it's RIGHT THERE in the very FIRST SENTENCE I replied to. WHY is it that you CHRISTFAGS LIE so fucking much?

Enok-Stroth ago

I said GOD you assume sky god but you can't comprehend words can you. I said GOD is the people DID I say sky daddy? When people are very much real and tangible. I said power goes to GOD. GOD is the people. Read better please.

I didn't lie you miss understood please understand the difference. You know the second sentence explains my stance on who or what GOD is. I never say anything about a sky daddy.

dummythicc ago

Your PLAYING with WORDS you COMPLETE FAGGOT. We BOTH know what you ACTUALLY MEANT. THREE replies to my ONE comment, it looks like your TRIGGERED little SNOWFLAKE.

Enok-Stroth ago

No. I told you clearly what I meant in the WRITTING. You my friend are not understanding it. Snowflake. No I merely expressing my mind. You are the one that got triggered by something you assumed was talking about SKY DADDY? YOu don't even like my writing but think it is going to annoy me WRITING LIKE THIS. You are so silly. I write like that without intention. IT happens. BUT HEY THIS IS WITH INTENTION.

I am as I am. just like you. I love you big dummythicc. I like to argue. You want to keep going? anything else you want to discuss. Omg I'm so triggered. UGH.

Day_of_the_rope ago

Do you have the power to shut up?

Well then for " God's Sake " do.

Enok-Stroth ago

Hear me not, Hear me so, If I will reap what I sow. If I reap a rotten crop that is my lot. But let me tend to my mind as I see fit. You tend to yours as you see fit. If you wish to silence your thought. then silence it, if you wish for your thought to be know then share it.

Enok-Stroth ago

So speaking my mind is a basic need that often times requires me to met that need. Since I don't do it vocally. I write. Who I speak to doesn't matter more so than I speak to myself rather outside of the mind. because if I just hold in my thoughts I become overwhelmed with all the thoughts. SO to speak one's mind is important is it not. Wonder why the founding fathers deemed it such an importance? maybe because no matter how absurd or irratating the words they need to be able to be spoken. It matters not if any listen. But the ability to speak one's mind whether that be by word or write or type. It is highly important. For God's sake do I speak. For God's sake do I speak.

Day_of_the_rope ago

where is he?

Enok-Stroth ago

In you at this very moment my friend. in me. But I don't follow a religion. I don't follow a book. I've never felt the need to read a bible. Why would I? I am that I am. I need not read a book to know myself. and By observation alone and experience of life I know WHO I AM. and IT is so. Meow. Meow.

Enok-Stroth ago

Why. Did my words offend you? God gave you the power to ignore my words. Why not practice what you preach.

You didn't need to open your mouth no more than I unless of course you felt the need to do so. Which since you apparently did. Then the need was met. And God gives us what we need huh.

Day_of_the_rope ago

Where is your magic carpenter now?

In Portland?

In Kenosha?

The people are not feeling much hope.

Enok-Stroth ago

You are not feeling much hope. You speak for more than anyone other than yourself. Seems odd. You don't know. What it is they feel do you?

skeetles ago

They prefer slavery instead.

J_Dahl ago

not even that much. Remember when they found the Isis camps from Google earth and twatter?

nouseforaname ago

Remember when 4chan gave the Russian air force some targets lol

black_trash ago

Better yet, finding the Shia flag from airplane trails

geovoat ago

That really was a stroke of exceptional genius.

cantaloupe6 ago


KinkRaven ago

And called in an arty strike for the Russians.

The best day. Love those kids

paybythepound ago

Yeah, just imagine what they could do with all the same tools big brother has. Of course it's a double edged sword. They'd get rid of the deep state, but then shit would probably get weird.

Phantom42 ago

They'd use it to then find an ideal girlfriend using voice samples.

Nukeisrael ago

Part of the reason we are so strong is because we are decentralized and don’t have any red tape.

watts2db ago

Shits already gotten weird

J_Dahl ago

the problem is its thoroughly infested with faggots, kikes and glowniggers

Nukeisrael ago

And Qboomers/the donald migrants who ruined the board.

KokoMoko ago

You learned that it 5 days?

Nukeisrael ago

I’ve been on 4chan for 12 years, /pol/ since the very beginning.

KokoMoko ago

No, that was OK.

Niggertoes ago

As apposed to...

Dave_ph ago

If only we could forget Q Tards

Maroonsaint ago

Hey can I see a picture of your dick

dummythicc ago

Turn your bot off.

Dave_ph ago

I don't have a wide enough angle lens

CaesarisAstrum ago

Q predicted they’d be insufferable spergs & they are! Omg u guiz!!

cueanon2 ago

Hell yes. Can't stand to look at that useless FBI hack Chris Wray who allows all these rioters to get away w shit. If Trump gets back in in Nov that turd's gotta be fired day one.

TheSeer ago

Ah, I see, one of these 'Trump'll fix it in his 2nd term' types.

No. It will be us that fix it. The best we can hope is that the feds give conservatives the same leeway to clean up the mess that they gave leftists to create it.

Elderberries ago

I think Trump in office increases the chances of the feds allowing us to go in there.

Although I see your point and I doubt you disagree.

bdmthrfkr ago

They got the hobo!

Thread archive:

CheeBooga ago

THAT is the terrorist jew holding a pistol in the black taboggin!!! Yes.

Diane_Abbott ago

Jew number 4 enters the frame

lanre ago

Who needs detectives when you have /pol/?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Maroonsaint ago

Hey can I see your cock

TheSeer ago

Maroon is on drugs again. It is very predictable. As soon as he starts asking to see ppl's junk, you know he is on a bender.

Maroonsaint ago

I’m always on drugs. I got home from work. Hit the gym. Ate a salad. Now I’m ready to see your dick

Fried-Laptop ago

Tossed salad?

TheSeer ago

Hey maroon, you got blood in your drug system. Get that sorted out.

Maroonsaint ago

Fight me. I need somebody to beat me to sleep

TheSeer ago

Beat yourself. Worked for Tyler Durden.

Maroonsaint ago

I’m gonna order some steroids or something. I got progress to make up. I’m gonna find you. Hold you down. Suck your dick

HiJoker ago

No, the alliance of neighborhood cats is going to get you first.

TheSeer ago

Why not get a rib removed? Then you could suck your own, no?

SurfinMindWaves ago

This bender has lasted years then. Someone needs to do an intervention.

TheSeer ago

Yep. He pays lip service to wanting to get off drugs every time he uses his entire stash (and probably his entire bank account).

rumorhazard ago

You can see the hobos cock in the video

Maroonsaint ago

Can I see your cock though. I wanna see my fellow goats genitals.