R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Have you stopped and asked yourself why /POL/ is adept at finding things, and people?

Many will cite autism, but that's not it.

I have a theory that LE from all over the world visit /POL/ often, and not just the ones that are working.

They have access to resources your average autist does not. That's why they are so effective.

whitesrbetter ago

Na, 4chan has always been like that and use to be even better at finding people and more vigilante after they found them used to start destroying their lives, posting their SSN , stealing their social media then talking shit to their friends,harassing their family with thousands of death threats , getting them in to debt with ludicrous orders like 100 concrete pallets and vandalizing their property. The dox threads get deleted all the time now because jannies are fags. Old 4chan didn't fuck around.

You realize the intel agencies are filled with boomers with no tech saviness, cat ladies and shitskin affirmative action hires. US intel agencies have got very incompetent and rely on the public more than ever. They are called glowniggers for a reason they hire a lot of niggers.

See Fast and Furious case.

bdmthrfkr ago

It's also been kicked about that in this case it might have been an anonymous drop by PPD, they have facial recog cameras all over downtown but aren't allowed to use them during the riots.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I think you have both - many autists have unique special abilities, especial with numbers and visual pattern recognition - truly astounding really.

Combined with law enforcement, and intelligence agencies, in an atmosphere (anonymous) where autists are less socially restricted, it's a deadly combination.

Fried-Laptop ago

And truley, nothing will happen.

Stop contacting LEO.

Keep it to the chans.



Shut up.


bdmthrfkr ago

PPD has already been alerted; now go dilate.

Fried-Laptop ago

When you defend the thin blue line, but the thin blue line wont defend you, time to end the thin blue line

Chempergrill ago


offender ago


Xax ago

Looks like they got a lot of self employed handyman types. The shooter in Kenosha was a siding contractor if I recall.

offender ago

Drug addicts

Sgt_richard ago

That's what happens when your a shitbag in life. Nobody will hire you unless it's temporary and they won't have any strings attached to you.

MockySpock ago

That alone has a jewy vibe to it

downvoatmachine ago

I was going more with false flag attack on that one. Not that those things are mutually exclusive.

downvoatmachine ago

the company he claims to ride for doesn't have him listed as a pro but does refer to their pros as "deviants" and the first board I click on rocks their pentagram

Risen_In_3 ago

MemeDropAcct ago

Will GoFagMe allow a fundraiser for this asshole's defense?

CheeBooga ago

The terrorists names read like a bar mitzvah

Larrylegend ago

Fpbp in that thread lol

petevoat ago


The guy's face looks odd.

As if it is plastic over his real face.

MarauderShields ago

And the tattoo on the neck? Real? Or a fake to put off anyone hunting him?

RedBullTrooper ago

Looks like Max Headroom

drhitler ago

he looks like the soyboy meme

bdmthrfkr ago

They were enhanced images, the original video was not very clear.

petevoat ago

Hey FBI, there's his address there, too.

Yeah, I know you're reading.

Fried-Laptop ago

FBI here. Wrong Color, race & religion.

Only whites that fight back are targeted.

Carry on.

albatrosv15 ago

They don't care. All they care about is evil white supremacists.

Ocelot ago

Why, you want them to go buy him a beer?

DantesInf ago

Where's the evidence that it's him? I just saw the video today so I haven't seen any pics or anything.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

There's a video of the shooting.

Looks like him.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Since when do we need 'evidence'?

gazillions ago

This isn't low iq reddit.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Where is your evidence?

dassaer ago

Since when did you need evidence ??? ...

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Since I was a faggot on Faggit

bdmthrfkr ago

I put a link to an archive of the tread in the comments, the evidence is well laid out.

days_without_tricks ago

That doesn't look like him... there's no giant neck tattoo that's shown in the other photos.

Also, the linkedin page looks fake. Only 2 connections and full personal contact info/ address.

Helena73 ago

Theems that way to me!

PygmyGoat ago

Looks like Anderson Cooper

MemeDropAcct ago

He said he taught at "Big Mike University" on his Faceberg. No, srsly.



dundundunnnnn ago


Helena73 ago

Good eye. Plus the DUI when he was driving 111mph with the kid in the car? You dont drive like that on beer.

9C5F0DBCBA49 ago

Well he is from Oregon, so that's pretty much a given.

CognitiveDissident5 ago


raver9876 ago

Maybe he got the Tattoo 2 weeks ago. Duh.

Definitely did not get the tattoo until after George Floyd died.

Think next time dummy.

Helena73 ago

These jackasses are not smart. If they were they would not red flag themselves to LE and the internet in this way.

bdmthrfkr ago

Begone jidf.

Hammytime ago

That name has a jewy vibe to it.

Helena73 ago

He doesnt look very jewish. You never know, Rosenbaum didn’t. But he could be just a badly raised kraut. Check out the snub nose. Kinda goy looking IMO.

I mean it will be hilarious if he is.

Jiggggg ago

Yeah, it sucks that a lot of good German names got hijacked by jews.

GusStappo ago

Is every one of these commie shit starters a heeb?

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Dis nigga cain't even spell 'hebe'

rndmvar ago

Best link I can find for if the family name is jew subverted:
4th post down

gazillions ago

Just put in "name jewish" and you get lots of hits of jews with that last name.

Finding obituaries of your suspect's name are a good place to find out when you find dead relatives and info

BlowjaySimpson ago

Also check if Death and Funeral is < 3 days apart.

Only really applies to the orthodox though.

Diane_Abbott ago

Yep, that's jew number five. One more to go.

bdmthrfkr ago

He was in the army so probably not. It is being looked into though ATM.

Ocelot ago

There are definitely jews in the military.

jimibulgin ago

Helena73 ago

The israeli military maybe. Their participation rate in the american military is a full order of magnitude below goys.

fightknightHERO ago

Cushy positions, good pay and lotsa privledge...

lacrimamosa ago

oh, and "whistleblowers" don't forget them.

KoKansei ago


DoctorK ago

3604 SE Powell Valley Rd. # 317, Gresham, OR 97080

Target_Renegade ago

Is that his legit address?

DoctorK ago


Literally-Oppressed ago

Is this the septic tank emptying service? One of their drop-off locations?

DoctorK ago

puts on sunglasses to read this glownigger comment

Literally-Oppressed ago

Fellow goys one of us should do a big crime!

untiloppressionends ago

https:// www.linkedin.com/in/michael-reinoehl-b59090129/

bdmthrfkr ago

Thread archive https://archive.is/ujBq3

CowWithBeef ago

It's telling me I can't view it on Brave. This makes me worry we're too reliant on archive.is.

glassuser ago

all of the archive.xx sites are basically owned by google. If they can't track and identify you, they will keep you out. Think about that the next time you follow an archive.is link.

forgotmypassword-sad ago

Brave wont to js i heard thats the reason

lacrimamosa ago

The dispute centers on Brave's ability to overwrite ads. You can turn on a feature where, in place of, for example, CNN's ads on cnn.com, Brave will swap them out with ads that support Brave. You might turn that on to send a few bucks their way.

Brave advertises a feature where a website can send a special header that tells Brave not to do that - to just block the ads instead. Archive.is has turned that feature on, but Brave continues to replace their ads with Brave ads.

The Archive.is people say WTF is this bullshit? Either show our ads or block our ads, but we don't want you swapping them out for your ads. And until Brave agrees to abide by their own advertised features, archive.is has decided to block them.

spudsmcz ago

Thanks I've been wondering

MarauderShields ago

Thanks. This explains a lot of my recent browser related ball ache.

Where did you read about this, out of interest?

lacrimamosa ago

admittedly, on Reddit. /u/Rotteuxx says it's not true so, maybe I'm wrong. But that's what I had read.

Rotteuxx ago

That's not it at all, not sure where @lacrimamosa got that from.

The owner archive.today has a personal beef with Brave because one of his buddies or himself (i don't recall) tried to cash in their Brave rewarda but the registered email was in a blacklisted country.

So the owner of archive.today, being the faggity soyboy that he is, decided to take it out on the users because Brave wasn't budging about sending money to a country on their blacklist.

Retron ago

Just change the .is in the URL to one of the other archive domains, like .ph or .vn

bdmthrfkr ago

I'm on Brave as well and it works for me... but you are absolutely correct that .is comped.

TrueToPooh ago

Works fine on desktop. Brave mobile is blocked.

Maga.host archive works on either still