Were they all Jewish? What are the odds that such a low percentage of the population, were there is such high numbers?

Haywood ago

"Kill a Commie for Mommie!"

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

The Lord was guiding him, clearly

Burn_minorities ago

It wasnt a miracle. Did you honestly think uppstanding and clean citizens are there "protesting"? 90% of these people at BLM and anti-cop riots are all clearly fucking criminals. Only criminals have a hatred towards cops.

LanceUppercutt ago

Yea seriously...re-uping my middle-aged shit since seeing that 17 year-old fucking slay it.

No pun intended.

Shlarb123 ago

I want a t-shirt of Saint Kyle, if anyone finds anything online please send me a link.

Heartdisease ago

Make a line of clothing with American heroes like Killdozer, Sky King, and the Kenosha Kid.

NUProfessor ago

Find whatever picture you want. Then go to a craft store and buy iron on paper. Print it on your computer and simply iron it on to a t-shirt. I made my own St. Tarrant shirt that way.

Splooge ago

Based and nopurchaserecordspilled

CheeBooga ago

The kid was born with it! He is a great American. Kyle is person of the decade. QRV mods hate him. The jews do not want people defending themselves

satisfyinghump ago

Dude, he was so calm that the police THANKED HIM FOR DOING THEIR JOB!!!

OFFascist ago

He was just one man doing what he felt was right and he did a better job than the paid mercenaries of the state.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

You mean Wendy Rittenhouse Lewis alias Kyle?

MassiveManMammaries ago

The tranny cabal is the big club. They will downvote you for speaking truth.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

It's a red flag. The libtard optic failed this is their last hurrah. Sorry if they can't see it as it is.

HesComingInTheClouds ago

Kyle is an ftm transgender and its really obvious.

chrimony ago

Don't think so, dude. But even if he was, I'd give him a pass for his actions that night.

HesComingInTheClouds ago

Kyle is clearly a girl pretending to be a boy. And they are actors. Not heroes.

MarauderShields ago

Weak effort. Try harder.

KingOfTheCorpses ago

You've got to be retarded.

HesComingInTheClouds ago

Youve got to be a freemartin with little t rex arms

everef ago

Actual evidence all three rioters were kikes?

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

It is beyond me how a reasonable question like this is downvoated.

Voat is full of parroting assholes who spread lies and share false information just because they are to fucking dense to think one step ahead or are too fucking lazy.

This guy here is asking the right question, and I have seen no actual evidence, only suspicions.

It's fucking time you braindead clowns learn that difference.

Nukeisrael ago

(((Rosenbaum))) yeah, sounds white.

everef ago

Was Alfred Rosenberg Jewish too faggot? You know many kikes took German last names, right?

Nukeisrael ago


everef ago

Eat shit faggot. I'm not saying they're not kikes. I would like to think they are. But I'm not going to accept they all are because one has a really jewy name and the others have German sounding names.

Nukeisrael ago


deathsquad ago

Kikes took German sounding last names to try to fit in better. That means a lot of German surnames are going to sound jewish to your average 70IQ american larper.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

That's not the fucking point you obnoxious know it all, don't you realize that?

So I guess you're in the category 'dense', not in the category 'lazy'.

Now fuck off and bother someone else.

Nukeisrael ago


foltaisaprovenshill ago

Just look up their names. The kike who got headshot was named "Rosenbaum". I forget the others' names but they were also jewish.

everef ago

I know the names. Is there any other actual evidence?

steven_feelsperg ago

Start with the phenotype. Jews appropriate names to blend in. That's crypto-kike 101. Gay-G has the chink eye and beak, similar to the jewish actor Adrian Brody.

satisfyinghump ago

OP says so

murface ago

Wait, is that three miracles because it was three jews?

VAT ago

head kick boy was a 4th person he took a shot at (the second person he shot at), but no admitted trip to a US hospital (active police warrants)

could be 4 jews, or 3 of 4attackers, if one not a jew

observation1 ago

more kike tricks calling him saint to associate him with Tarant

Heil_Kyle ago

White guy walking at us slinging an AR? Let's drive past him and go look for the criminals.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Splooge.

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Splooge ago

Based newfag username, welcome to Voat you filthy niggerfaggotkike.

Heil_Kyle ago

Aww shucks, now I'm blushing.

Splooge ago

Finally, someone who gets it. The last three or four newfags I greeted didn't take kindly to the Standard Voat Welcome MessageTM. Of course, one was a literal jew, so.

ruck_feddit ago

That was a funny read. IDK how I missed it.

Heil_Kyle ago

Haha, you sure got that fucker worked up. Personally, as a straight, fit, educated, employed happily married with two kids American white guy, there's nothing anyone can say to me that hurts my feelings.

Splooge ago

I didn't even really do anything, but if you read that text wall closely, you'll see he was only part jew, "mixed," in his words. And also insecure as fuck about it.

It must be absolute hell living life as a kikemutt goblin la creatura. Regardless of wealth, comfort, whatever, he'll never have any real identity. When I first read his babbling, I could practically see him struggling to sound smart.

bonghits4jeebus ago

By all accounts they were like "good work, kid." The police chief is based, too. I saw his quotes. The prosecutor's office is Soros bought and paid for.

By the way, the MSM will actually tell you this. They express it in a different light, but the info is there.

ReAwakened ago

The prosecutor's office is Soros bought and paid for.

It's a shame there's not a list of those.

bonghits4jeebus ago

Maybe one can be compiled from opensecrets.org data? I couldn't find such a list

Heartdisease ago

And didn't he drive home afterwards? Do you think he got a nap in before the police came and arrested him? Maybe a nice snack after all the running and commie killing.

Heil_Kyle ago

Yep he went home and then turned himself in to local police the next day. Legend has it the snack was a chocolate volcano cake shared with the family.

Blork_Blorkinson ago

And like a saint, he's about to be unfairly persecuted.

LettItBurn ago

I don't think so.

St. Kyle will be treated reverently. ...or else.

RockmanRaiden ago

This. The shooting has started and the pedo commies are seething they couldn't control this. The plan was indeed to kill him and paint him as a mass shooter. They are furious. Things will only continue to escalate.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

If you kill your enemies, they die

Splooge ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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JoeBiten ago

And whatever happened to the others firing shots? Disappeared into the night, did they?

steven_feelsperg ago

Could have been suppressive fire from his team, but if it was, that will never be admitted for obvious reasons. Let's just say it was antifa going apeshit.

GasTheYikes ago

Honestly it was probably just niggers shooting in the air.. that would be a typical monkeyshine of their race.

CheeBooga ago

oy vey probably sent to israel like the dancing israelis.

ImmortalAdmixture ago

SO many gunshots, you gotta figure they were aiming at him. He was truly under divine protection that night.

Phantom42 ago

As a fellow Zoomer, I'd think Kyle would know a snapping sound of bullets getting awfully close.

fundie ago

My thoughts exactly. That kid had an Angel of the LORD watching him that night, there is no doubt in my mind. Not to mention that he clearly displayed a sober presence of mind and fled when threatened, and only used deadly force when his life was in imminent danger.

MassiveManMammaries ago

They were blanks

JastheMace ago

In the hands of an Antifag they might as well be.

VAT ago

HE WAS perhaps guided :



eatorganic_gasemetic ago

Some Devine intervention if I ever seen it!

Sympozium ago

Based & Blessed