Deplorablepoetry ago

Looks like a faggot found a new Dickson suck.

Voat is a shithole, you fucking goofs jerk each other off shamelessly.

The cringe are the old queer fucks.

RabbiPuttitout ago

Your poetry sucks.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Go suck a pig dick retard faggot

MrDarkWater ago

Meh, that's an improvement

ciaozuzu ago

Well I guess I'll have to go bake him some cookies and embroider his "jews did 9/11" pillow.

green_man ago

Actually by it's by Sven, he likes to make up funny band names, you can find more here.

Splooge ago

I hear Kyle's a pretty tall kid. About...


THIS tall.

Splooge ago

Personally, I'm happy to extend my warm welcomes to @SeigKyle, who is proof positive that simply being a newfag doesn't (as others have claimed in the past) immediately subject you to an avalanche of shit just because you're new.

The guy seems cool so far and I look forward to seeing his contributions. It's important for the Voat Immune SystemTM to keep out the riffraff whenever possible, but we should also be ready to extend a hand to goats when they've found their way back to pasture.