mendelbot ago

They call it the red-green alliance. Carlos the Jackal pointed out the way to take down America was a combination of marxism and Islam.

StAnthonythegreat ago

Ita nor fucking islam its the fucking jews. Islam would be exterminated already if not for the fucking jews who have brainwashed and subverted our societys. Cast everyone of them out and quarantine them and all this ends the day after.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Remember the good Admiral Robertson: "Islam is a political movement disguised as a religion". It is Communism. The two are one in the same.

xExekut3x ago

Europe, besides places like Poland, is already fucked. There's no coming back from what they've allowed to happen.

Revic95 ago

There was an interesting novel by france's best writer of the moment; michel houellebecq. This novel, called soumission, is about Le Pen etc hypothetically losing to a muslim man who becomes president. Very intelligent conservative main character is initially against this, until his kike girlfriend ditches him and he sees the western world offers him very little satisfaction. At the end, it is clear to him that in islamic society he'd be much more esteemed and respected, easily getting 3 traditional housewives. His friends tell him he doesnt even really need to be a practicing muslim to reap all those benefits. He had always supported women being banned from any serious higher education (only to then find out they dont enjoy the workplace and cant maintain a household).

I don't believe Houellebecqs prediction is accurate enough, but at least under islamic rule our extremely conservative views would be openly acceptable. If u dont want a brown wife or 4 you would have more of a chance with re-traditionalized white girls who are now done with their cuck boyfriends who can't provide for a household in single-income. Your daughters wouldn't whore out based on societal factors you can't control.

Yea, I'd take it over the commie cuck rule every day.

Talc ago

It's the same people manipulating both places, and they aren't communists, and they aren't islamists. Islam and communism are merely some of the tools the zio-fascists use to try and fracture society.

patriot2008 ago

Same puppet masters different tactics. End goal is the same. NWO.

DanaNordic ago

Not much difference between communism and islam.

keksupreme ago

it's the same shit, the reason the muslims are in europe is because of the globalist jews.

mass third world immigration means a muslim invasion of europe

vastrightwing ago

You don't need to choose. It's jews.

basedmangod2015 ago




Neverendingpissstory ago

Same snake different head.


Hitler partnered with muslims and Japanese. The ruling class uses anyone. There are no sides.

Uncle_Tractor ago

Communism is worse. They are the assholes who invited the barbarians into Europe, and they are the ones who protect them from the consequences of their actions. Remove the commies, and Europe would sweep the islamists out within a few years.

Vc83 ago

jews, jews are worse and the cause of both of those issues

thestreetnaught ago

Jews became the Synegogue of Satan when they rejected Jesus as the Savior. Every other Jew who didn't reject him is now just a normal Christian. Theres an important distinction. Kikes literally worship Lucifer while everyone else is just normal because Jesus's sacrifice eliminated the concept of Jews and Gentiles.

Vc83 ago


Infearmal ago

"Oy vey! We ain't all as bad as the Pharisees and Soros!"

NiggadermCQ ago

Cat box is down or something

oneinchterror ago

"Islam" is a red herring. It's about race.

xolotltlaloc ago

both agenda are pushed by the zionist jews, primarily.

/now you know which is worse ;)

Merchant_Menace ago

Jews are worse. All of these other problems are a consequence of jews.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Boy are you stupid.

buckhorn ago

Have there really been thousands of cathedrals burnt down? Were there even thousands to begin with or is he calling every village church that ever experienced some level of burning a 'cathedral'? Some of those probably did burn before 2000.

I agree we need to expel the durkhas but we don't need hyperbole to justify it, either.

metricisokay ago

875 of France’s 42,258 churches were vandalised [in 2018]

I dunno I was looking for a figure I saw once of a weekly or monthly tally of church fires but this is what I could find now. Not being able to find things you used to find on the internet is becoming more and more common.

Hadriansbattlecoin ago

Both are hellbent on the destruction of free people

MongolianPaellaFish ago

Is this like the socialism everyone said Obama would introduce, and then he didn't? Asking for a friend.

Arnold_Toht ago

I trust Muslims more than I trust Jewish Bolshevism

Doglegwarrior ago

thousands? that seems like a massivd exaggeration

mendelbot ago

5,999 thousand to be precise.

ngrlvr ago

I dunno, a bunch burned in the 1943-45 bombing campaign.

Kinda sad, we should have let the Germans win.

RockmanRaiden ago

Both groups engage in this activity.

KillDaSpooks ago


GhostBalls ago

I don't care what becomes of Britain or Europe, tbh.

Paranoiaattack ago

We should care. The same race is fighting the same struggles and they are the roots of our society.

GhostBalls ago

They abandoned us more than a century ago and treat us like shit today. Check out the "Shit Americans Say" sub on Faggit for a pretty accurate example of what your average bong or euro thinks of us.

If you want to keep beating your head against a wall supporting them, do your thing. As for me- hell with them.

Paranoiaattack ago

Going to faggit is your first mistake

Secondly, we weren't abandoned, we kicked them out.

LettItBurn ago

Guess who's behind both?



AndWhitesLetItHappen ago

Always take care of yourself first.

ClubofRome ago

ISIS sleeper cells in America.

veteran88 ago

Same thing.

Commies and terrorists are on the same time.

Look up the red green alliance

Zortron123 ago

Red Green Alliance? That's the fan club for the Canadian version of Home Improvement, isn't it?

veteran88 ago

Communist red

Muslim green

Zortron123 ago

Yea I got that buddy, it's what is known as a joke amusement. Is tradition in my country.

Red Green was a tv personality from the 90s.

BjornIronside ago

How about the fact that you have a stronghold of both in your nation.

Been to Michigan, or Minnesota recently?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Doglegwarrior ago

i really need to go to minnisota and check out the no go zones. inwas in new york a couple years ago to seenthe new freedom tower.. I didnt feel like i was in america at all. so many brown people so many people not speaking english it was surreal.

0rion ago

As someone who lives in MN, I can confirm that we do not have no go zones. A few rough spots, but nothing at all compared to big cities like Chicago or LA.

Doglegwarrior ago

i saw the video of the state fair where the somalian attacked the christians. i would describe what i saw as a no go zone and if that had happene in 1950 about 20k somalians or ethiopiana what ever those sand aliens where would have been killed and their ghetto burned to the ground. i know it was the good old days but what i saw was terrible

voat4895 ago

all nationalist patriots must fight for their own countries right now.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

It is impossible at thia rate.

fusir ago

Communism is worse. They have functioning markets in the middle east. They just suck.

People can manage to feed themselves in the middle east even though it's a mostly barren desert. Millions couldn't feed themselves in Ukraine even though it's the bread basket of Europe.

Islam is going back to the stone ages. Communism is the holocaust, but instead of it being in a few camps, it's everywhere, and for everybody, because equality.

Swo1ested ago

Kind of hard to feed yourself when communism comes knocking on your door and kills you if you don't meet the food quota.

thislionsheart ago

Equality is a lie, you work for what you get. If you don't work, you fucking die.

antiliberalsociety ago

So is OP's post, he supports communism


thislionsheart ago

Oh god that's fucking gay texas is so gay right now , the deepstate obviously pegged them and used them as an example

Intrixina ago

Not in today's society - if you're a fat, worthless, useless shithead, you can just screech and get free shit handed to you.

thislionsheart ago

It all comes back around, it is all worked from somewhere some way, we have just lost touch with where our products , goods, and wealth comes from. We are so disconnected from it that we're retarded.

Intrixina ago

If it were up to me, I'd say "Work for your shit or fuck off".

If you've contributed in some way into the system in adulthood, and something happens to you through no fault of your own and you can't work, that's the only kind of welfare I can accept. If you're a fat useless parasite who has done a gender studies degree and you start bitching, the response would be "Get a fucking job."

thislionsheart ago

The reason we are in this situation is because our economy is fucked up and has been since the beginning of the stock market and the rise of the big bankers, the rothschilds, and the jewish deepstate

It screwed up the balance because so much money has been extorted and replaced and reinvested that it created falsehoods and programs which were from criminal assets to begin with

Insert communism here as the final agenda, with programs created by blood money basically

Captain_Atlas666 ago

At least their is equality under communism. Unlike Islam, which is backwards, misogynist, and superstitious.

thestreetnaught ago

If the United States descendes into full on Marxist collectivism, I am going to find and take the life of every single person I encounter that helped usher that in.

noob_tube ago

Islam is right about women.

freedomite ago

virtually all middle east and muslim countries are net food importers.

the arab is nothing more than an eater up of other mens labors, just like his cousin the jew.

noob_tube ago

At least they produce something (oil) unlike kikes who just lend you imaginary numbers in their banks.

freedomite ago

Ok Mohammad.

JoesLegHair ago

Plus you can actually be fairly free in a Muslim country, in a communist country everyone is a slave to the state.

deathsquad ago

You aren't really free in a muslim country, not in the slightest. Not unless you want to break the law which is the norm somewhere like Iran where everyone has illegal satellite TV and illegal music. They have to drive out into the desert to act like normal people.

JoesLegHair ago

I should have better qualified my statement, Muslim countries can be oppressive but they still don't come close to as oppressive as a communist country.

BeerNinja727 ago

There are no free Muslim countries

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Yeah i love goat fucking, anyways the wlites dont want a muslim country. They want a communist globalist world.

tony2shirts ago

We fought a war for a reason... I get whites need to stick together but we gotta fix America first.

antiracistMetal ago

I bet it was Varg and company.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Let's find out!

nonanonanon ago

Red vs black fascism

Toroidal ago

At least Islam hates women.

voatuser1128 ago

At least Islam knows the degenerate nature of women and knows men need to control them.

Dan_McGlashan ago

Top incelposting boys

AnotherGrayman ago

You're a simple faggot if you assume all criticism of women is based on lack of access to vagina.

Dan_McGlashan ago

Criticism of women is one thing, but hating them so much that you'd team up with sandniggers against them is race treason.

Ralemlol ago

Pure coincidence goy.