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fusir ago

Communism is worse. They have functioning markets in the middle east. They just suck.

People can manage to feed themselves in the middle east even though it's a mostly barren desert. Millions couldn't feed themselves in Ukraine even though it's the bread basket of Europe.

Islam is going back to the stone ages. Communism is the holocaust, but instead of it being in a few camps, it's everywhere, and for everybody, because equality.

JoesLegHair ago

Plus you can actually be fairly free in a Muslim country, in a communist country everyone is a slave to the state.

deathsquad ago

You aren't really free in a muslim country, not in the slightest. Not unless you want to break the law which is the norm somewhere like Iran where everyone has illegal satellite TV and illegal music. They have to drive out into the desert to act like normal people.

JoesLegHair ago

I should have better qualified my statement, Muslim countries can be oppressive but they still don't come close to as oppressive as a communist country.