Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

If these stupid rioters had any brains at all, they would know that they are far better off to have actual law enforcement to arrest them and detain them than to be summarily shot and killed by armed vigilantes out to protect their own at all costs. Am I right?

FederalShill ago


It_was_the_juice ago

Don't worry, the second anyone forms an armed militia of four or more, the FBI will show up.

mudslime ago

This is very good sample of what to expect when the shit completely hits the fan.

Imagine now the day when these niggers, sand niggers or whatever human garbage roaches will outnumber the civilized whites in their own countries and decide that "White Lives DONT Matter Anymore".

Salty_Centurion ago

Hilarious. I’d like to see their investigatory abilities. Watch what happens when a female is raped, and they need a lab to run a rape kit. Imagine when a murder happens and they need to process a crime scene.

Imagine the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendment violations at the hands of these “community patrols” with zero education. You thought your rights were violated before? KEK.

Dark_Shroud ago

Yeah I will be waiting to see how long these community patrols last when people assault them or actually shoot at them.

TerryB ago

Right wing death squad time.

It_was_the_juice ago

Anyone smart enough to organize an armed resistance is smart enough to take their family and GTFO.

tokui ago

Great going dems! You've neutered law enforcement, so now we can have every ethnic group with their own militias!!

RM-Goetbbels ago

Minneapolis Police Dept. says 14 Officers quit today and 46 others are taking early retirement. Their words before they left were: "You're on your own." Let the Shit Show Begin.

You can actually hear the pitter patter of little faggotry in that post of ohhh noez! no mo' pohleece, ahahahaha what arr dey gunna do now? ahahahahah, the world will fall aparts wiffout muh policemanz ta protekks meh! aahhahahahahha

See? Here's an answer. Let the people who live in the community, AND HAVE TO ANSWER TO THE COMMUNITY for their actions, provide the security they need.

Enough! of this without cops what will we ever do faggotry and allowing them to "do" whatever they want because "their jobs are hard".

PaulNeriAustralia ago

America is returning to its roots - the Wild West.

RoundWheel ago

The wild west was anything but. Another historical revisionism.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

yeah, well, I've seen the film Tombstone and that had a citizen patrol.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

the time is coming when Hells Angels will be deputised.

Datagod ago

They can shoot looters, and nobody will call the cops on them.

Ocelot ago

Tim Pool is a faggot

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Of all the faggots at least there’s hope for Tim

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Niggers are about to realize that the cops were the ones actually keeping them safe from whites with a score to settle.

Dark_Shroud ago

Not just whites, nigger know deep down everyone else hate them. But they haven't realized that the police were protecting them because of some (((politicians & bankers))). So whites and Hispanics will be dealing with their asses soon enough.

Most of us do not go looking for trouble. But sadly dumb ass nogs will bring trouble to our door steps. So now we will have to rectify the situation.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

The nigs are gonna wonder why whites got so mad all of a sudden and are fighting back, and the nigs are too dumb to realize the cops were our only roadblock. Nigger season is about to be upon us. No limit!!

rndmvar ago

Flower fertilizer can't realize anything.

boekanier ago

Yeah, abolish the police and see what's going to happen...

BoyBlue ago

In Baltimore during the 1968 riots armed Italians stopped the riot form entering their neighborhood at East Pratt Street.

ManchesterT ago


BoyBlue ago

First hand from residents during the 68 riots. The neighborhood is known as "Little Italy" and you would have to know someone from there to validate.

Like_it_is ago

Why can't anyone talk about violent riots without having to mention muh white supremacists myth? This getting be exhausting.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Ex cops WILL be joining our ranks for the most part. We'll make an outing of it! NIGGER HUNT! The CURE for parasites! You ASKED for it niggers AND nigger lovers. NOW you're going to GET IT.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Tim pool is such a glowing fag.

BjornIronside ago

Doughy little faggot.

Can't stand him.

ALIENS2222 ago

Good... This guy is a big vagina though. Everyone should arm up as they should fucking have always been. Then things get safe in a motherfucking HURRY. No one will even consider getting up in someones face or being a fucking problem because they will get hot lead in the gut if they go to far in the other persons view. There is nothing wrong with this. Fight for a literal interpretation of the original Constitution. FULL 2A RIGHTS. We should be able to carry machine guns into liquor stores in airports... to be blunt

It_was_the_juice ago

Machine guns encourage civility.

ALIENS2222 ago

Fo sho...

Unreasonable ago

Great... The purge is here.

devnulll ago

Sharia patrols I guess, WTF.

Roughboy ago

Is this the part where tax payer dollars start putting massive fire power into the hands of Muslims?

PewterKey ago

As the police framework is dismantled everyone is going to become acutely aware of what that actually means. The militarization of the police wasn't just something done for authority, the war on drugs was escalating violence. And while I don't really consider the war on drugs to have been successful or even worthwhile overall, the fact is if the police are removed the gangs will rule. For the simple reason that they aren't afraid to be violent. Now without police fanning the flames it might cool down overtime, but the short-term is going to be dangerous.

Every little thing that the police did will be noticed in their absence. And the average person is not going to have the ability to deal with it without resorting to waving a firearm around. Even then waving a firearm around doesn't always get the correct results. Minor issues like illegal parking, vandalism and petty theft are going to escalate into violence, because of a lack of other options.

Criminals going a town over to commit crimes is going to cause major issues. There won't be any extradition from one county / neighborhood to the next for local militias. If 10 armed white men go into a black neighborhood and ask for Jamal Williams with photos of him stealing, the chance the black community turns him over is low. It's actually likely that kidnapping becomes more common.

RoundWheel ago

Tribal force is their natural state.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Implying that Minneapolians are normal people

subscribetopewdiepie ago

Just like how gang violence in South America cooled down after their respective governments/police became impotent/corrupt?

NakedWarrior ago

The Minneapolis PD has about 800 officers, I know about 60 left and it is being defunded, but they are still employed for now. However, it will be interesting to see where the liability falls for these "armed citizen patrols."

uvulectomy ago

Wonder how these patrols are going to handle things like murder. I seriously doubt they have the training, the resources, or the discipline to process a murder scene, analyze evidence, and make an informed arrest.

My money is on "Jamarius dun got shot & Tyrone be sayin' Dangdang be da one what did it" so a group of thugs gets together, guns down Dangdang in a drive-by, and considers justice to be served. Nevermind that Dangdang was slinging rocks across town when Jamarius got goodified and the killer is still on the loose, ready to kill again.

Basically, it will end up with killings being met with reprisals, and quickly escalating into open gang warfare. Meanwhile, those not involved in the violence will wonder "why won't somebody do something???"

SporadicX2 ago

Fuck that bald civnat.

SixTeaNine ago

These are the kinds of times where people start settling scores. Who's going to arrest them?

rndmvar ago

In other news.
Certain newly planted trees are going to be well fertilized for years to come.

BadBoyBubby ago

I'm getting "the purge" vibes

noob_tube ago

The only thing stopping whites from defending themselves were the police. Rioters are free and clear, but if you so much as shout at the niggers raping your wife its prison.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Don't worry the feds, will be sure to make Minneadishu their new hq.

Dark_Shroud ago

It's time to wear masks just like AntiFa and the rioters and start using suppressors.

noob_tube ago

I've been rolling around looking like a bank robber with my bandana, sunglasses, and ballcap. But suppressors are illegal a la Trump so...

Dark_Shroud ago

Suppressors are illegal because of Trump.

They're actually illegal in my state too. So order a solvent trap, fuel filter, or oil filter adapter just in case.

Mobilus ago

Suppressors are State laws, not Federal.

Dark_Shroud ago

My formatting messed up on that post.

Yeah I know this isn't Trump's fault. But some states do ban suppressors, my shit hole being one of them. I had this discussion with elderly family that will be moving out with me. That where we move to I will have to get involved with the local Republican party, something I never wanted to do. Because this bullshit can't keep happening to this country.

BiochemistryStudent ago

Federal Tax Stamp Items. Still Pissed the HUSH and the SHARE act died. fuckin liberals.

Dark_Shroud ago

This is why we all have to get involved in politics at least locally. And all those unemployed whites out there should consider security/law enforcement or elder care if they don't want to get into the medical field.

anticlutch ago

Great news.

The (((source))) though.

Either way laff.

mudbear ago

what the fuck is up with this guy? i keep seeing him spammed everywhere, pointless commentator, i can read an article myself.

anticlutch ago

(((Tim Pool))) is a hapa-spic of unknown kikery.

He's as anti-White as Tim Wise. But Pool hides it... sometimes.

canbot ago

The police didn't "collapse" they were dismantled.

Fruedroid ago


VoatIsRunByJews ago

Stop saying "Democrats" like an infantile retard. Just say Jews. Do you know what Syrians calls American soldiers? They don't call them dogs. They don't call them bastards. They don't call them "Americans". They call them Jews. Stop giving credence to the political dichotomy. I honestly don't give a flying fuck if my neighbor's a lefty as long as they're white. One day after a lot of hard work they can come around. A Jew will never come around. A nigger cannot be convinced. None of this shit was perpetrated by a fucking political party. It's Jews all the way down.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Better yet R29 (Revelation Chapter two verse nine) due to those Canaanites working for both sides. As they step back and watch the carnage.

AR47 ago

You know what I have witnessed a jew doing to me? I know what people tell you they do, however I haven't witnessed any of these things personally. I have witnessed niggers doing some fucked up shit, when I could I made sure to document it and hand it over to cops.

Had a murder happen at my door step one time.

I get you don't like Jews, and from what I have read, and been told I don't like them either, but I need to see it with my own eyes, and honestly I highly recommend you do as well in this day and age with everything (if you can).

So sick of always moving the goal posts with oh it's the political climate, it's niggers, it's antifa, it's Jews....let's pick a common enemy that you can video, and prove again and again or get others to witness it as well.

Go after that and not chase the boogie man.

I am not saying your wrong in your writing because I don't know for sure....when I do....I see it and witness it first hand instead of going off shit other people write down for me to consume...then I can jump on that bandwagon.

Humansized ago

so basically if you pull the sheets over your head, monsters cant get you.

AR47 ago

No I am saying I have yet to see it.

You seem to need that notion of "believe me or your against me"

Why? Don't you care to verify shit with your own eyes and senses? Or do you just think that text that fits within your scope of mind are all that matters?

Humansized ago

i havent been in any major cities lately, i havent seen any riots, i dont believe in them, i dont care for the accounts of those who have claim to have seen it.

this is your line of reasoning

AR47 ago

I have seen the riots and was in Baltimore, and even Long Island when Eric Garner was killed which is why I detest the riots and niggers

Humansized ago

my argument was hypothetical. i know there are riots despite myself not having personally seen them.

Fruedroid ago

Its ALWAYS THE JEWS!! est Every Single Time.

AR47 ago

Ok but have you witnessed any jew doing something as voat users suggest? Not a video, but actually seen it.

Fruedroid ago

I live in a jewish neighborhood in Israel. Have you taken a stupidity test. Go outside.

SirNiggsalot ago

The only Jews I've ever had dealings with were a notoriously cheap, low wage employer, and a fat fuck trying to sell me a bedroom set, and an owner of a deli. They were all pretty cringey.

AR47 ago

I have encountered one...I spoke.of it her and how disgusting they were, but the shit people accuse them of here I haven't witnessed. Again it isn't that I deny it happens, but anymore I have to see it happen to be on board.

It's why I focus on niggers....I see their bullshit all the time. Been a victim, and almost been a victim.

Family members even won't acknowledge my accounts because they didn't see I apply that same logic

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Have you ever lived in an area with a large amount of them, had to work amongst them? They despise us.

They're open about their hatred for Christianity. They work tirelessly to open the borders of their host nations. They talk about how they might have to "return to Israel" if their plans don't work out. Seriously dude, if you can't see this shit then go join them. We don't need somebody who either refuses to see this, literally out in the open, right in front of your eyes, or you're just another shill.

AR47 ago

I haven't lived around them, and for an argument I despise niggers and I have been around them....hell got some around me now, so by your logic what is to say that I shouldn't be gone from their area?

Far as joining them.....I don't want to pick a side. The pro whites are just as lazy as niggers in the manner that they will attack their own sooner than go after the ones they claim to despise.

What is funny to me is that you don't see Jews attacking other jews for not blindly supporting the status quo.

And here you are....with me not saying anything, but that I have to see it to be on board. Suddenly I am against you?

Multiple times I even admitted that it likely exists, yet I haven't seen it with my own eyes.....nope not good enough in that I have to take your word and consume your media, or fuck me right?

NoseSubversion ago

You haven’t seen it with your own eyes?? Yes you have. Jeffery Epstein, George Soros, ADL, SPLC, that’s just off the top of my head. You need to open your eyes.

AR47 ago

I have seen where people accuse this shit, but I didn't see epstien do anything....never saw Soros write a check, and as it is a terrorist group now maybe we can have proof worthy of court review.

ADL and SPLC I don't even know where those places are based out of.

Glipglup ago

Seriously what the fuck is that guy talking about, does he not see all the Jews in Hollywood and politics?

AR47 ago

I am saying that I haven't seen it with my own eyes....I see your narrative, and attempt to shame me for not being witness to what you say happens.

0rion ago

Every human being in the middle east calls us jews and not Americans. Honestly speaks volumes, Arabs know all about the jews and their sick games.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

They are also just as inbred and retarded as their semitic cousins.

LightestHour ago

Jews aren't Semitic.

Merlynn ago

Which is why they don't see the jews running their countries.

XSS1337 ago

Well this might be a interesting evening