Elcycs ago

Did they? I've only ever seem this it a tweet from some asshole. Got a real source?

1_Islander ago

They won't work if there is a threat of being arrested or being called out as a "violent thug" when arresting violent thugs. Policemen put their life on the line in tough situations and when you keep them from doing their duty then its not worth the risk. I guess we will see where police free streets will lead Minneapolis. I am sure it will quickly turn it into a third world shit hole.

SearchVoatBot ago

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MrTerry ago

Rioting for george soros, not george floyd. MNSA.

boekanier ago

I suppose this is where liberal insanity leads to... total chaos.

StankMouth ago

Wait til they hire 300 hood joggers as cops. This can’t possibly go well.


They should move away too before the real estate market collapses

Cat-hax ago

I can't wait to hear the niggers cry about the massive influx of crime.

0011000100100111101 ago

who is john galt.

magical_liopleurodon ago

on second thought, it's most likely real http://archive.ph/wip/2xjIZ

magical_liopleurodon ago

hmmm. i guess we'll see in the coming days then

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

The new "public safety" force will be full of unprofessional niggers and queers. They will get sued into oblivion.

Also without police protection the EMTs and firemen will quit in droves.

Smallest_Skil ago

whites need to move out of state. The police need to resign. Let mad max begin.

Shotinthedark ago

Is this true though?

aikibiru ago

Mayor Schlomo will hire some Israeli mercenaries to protect the (((local businesses))).

Paulsmith1958 ago

I totally agree with them however destruction and mayhem is what (((they))) are hoping for. A country in turmoil is one more easily controlled.

thebearfromstartrack ago

The THING is. Niggers think they are "hunted" NOW? Just WAIT until there are NO police. Niggers will LEARN (if possible) what HUNTING NIGGERS is LIKE.

Conspirologist ago

The police are finally waking out. They don't want to be puppets of kike government anymore.

Ddboomer ago

I don’t blame them one bit.

RM-Goetbbels ago

That's good, fuck those pieces of shit.

And when they're gone the void will have to be filled. We can then have a serious talk about police reform where we ONLY hire officers that have good records, provide their own malpractice insurance and can be held responsible for the crimes they commit while on duty(no more Qualified Immunity).


ItsYaNiggaPayon ago

Gtfo then. Police are always ruining my spots shaking down white folks

magical_liopleurodon ago

Is this verified?

getfuckingreal ago

Good maybe they need to face some actual adversity and they might stop being commies.

1Sorry_SOB ago

I think this is fake

Nicoladepierola ago

Great. No one to take a report three hours later and treat me like the criminal.

TestForScience ago

Let the niggers burn with their cities.
We'll do what whites have always done and rebuild something even better.

secretMEnsfw ago

Anyone have a link to an article? I can't find anything that corroborates this Twitter post.

51235521 ago

I call BS. I’ve searched as well.

Mutti ago

I thought l read somewhere that the Muslim population has their own police. Will they become the law in Minneapolis? Is that why this all happened there?


South Minneapolis and all the burbs are little somalia.

Aidan20 ago

Why are Whites so deluded? They seem in the constant stupor that any leftist victory will bring their downfall. Nah dude, these cops will only be replaced by leftist commissars that will hunt you down.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

They took the cowards way out again.

Smokybubbles ago

Their intent is to replace the police with directly politically controlled stasi, thugs that will disappear you if your social score is low.

Moln0014 ago

Well looks like the gates of hell is finally open for Minneapolis. I mean niggerapolis

Glipglup ago



Literally fuck off and kill yourselves, I have never been so absolutely and completely disgusted with Voat like I am. You people are all horrible evil bastards who love violence but pretend it's wrong until you have a chance to enact on others, but what can I expect from a cesspool of child molesters and Israeli boot lickers?

FellowMan ago

Is there a source for this other than that random tweet?

51235521 ago

I’m also calling BS. I can not verify this anywhere.

Wheatstone ago

All cover for the masons leaving the force!

The queen gave them up and they have committed crimes against humanity and treason. They are trying to escape the consequences of their crimes. They don't give a fuck about the chaos they helped create.

Dr_Tyrone_Watermelon ago

now to bring in the moslim police force of Peace. who shall cleanse the streets with holy lead. While the hard left turns the other way.

This wont be good for anyone.

Leveraction ago


Let the lefty loons destroy themselves. This will be delicious to watch little soy boys shit their pants when they look up the barrel of an ak, cuz the police won't be there, ha,ha,

bingo-bango-bongo ago

White flight, round 2.

Expect the Minni-St Paul area to look more like Somalia every day

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

These officers risk their lives dealing with niggers every day, and the cucked Mayor hates them for being white and police.

We'll see how long it takes for the niggers to "govern themselves" into mass graves

crazy_tactics ago

Good! Maybe they can protect their neighborhoods without being part of the force in the private sector. If police officers keep receiving so much hate and disdain for being public servants that maintain order then perhaps they don't need to be there within public capacity. Defend yourselves and stop calling the cops on people just because they "appear" threatening. The police don't need to be in a double bind for being of service.

That being said, get ready for the gangs, mobs or worse. The public needs to step up.

MrDarkWater ago

Minneapolis is about to be south Africa

SexMachine ago

The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'SAVE US!'...and I'll look down and whisper 'No.

AphexTim ago

Police quit. Mayor gets attacked. Mayor begs for new police. Somalians all sign up. Sharia law imposed. Rebuild as africa/middle east.

SearchVoatBot ago

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sivsta ago

I hope they have their own enclaves. It will red pill some more peeps

bobdole9 ago

So happy I moved out before COVID.

CheeBooga ago

Trump should send in the military with strict orders to restore peace and stop the domestic terrorists.

Locked_Account ago

He should just co-opt their little factions under one umbrella organization, spookily fill and fund it, do what you want with their complte and legally pwned phone data after they agree to the EULA for their little apps- tell them to all meet for big rally at the jail, save transport costs.

vastrightwing ago

Good for them. Last one out please turn the light off

tankingwrong ago

“I am leaving it as I found it.

Take over.

It’s yours.”

Sedatedinsomniac ago

Ellis Wyatt. Atlas Shrugged.

tankingwrong ago

Rand gave him some nuggets, for sure.

She smiled. "I know, this is a place where one employs nothing but aristocrats for the lousiest kind of jobs."

"They’re all aristocrats, that's true," said Wyatt, "because they know that there's no such thing as a lousy job—only lousy men who don't care to do it."

"What's wealth but the means of expanding one's life? There's two ways one can do it: either by producing more or by producing it faster. And that's what I'm doing: I'm manufacturing time."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm producing everything I need, I'm working to improve my methods, and every hour I save is an hour added to my life."

"Here, we trade achievements, not failures—values, not needs. We're free of one another, yet we all grow together. Wealth, Dagny? What greater wealth is there than to own your life and to spend it on growing? Every living thing must grow. It can't stand still. It must grow or perish."

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Rand was a fucking ugly subversive Kike (aren't they all) but this one is a gem -

"We can ignore reality but we can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. "

ratsmack ago

I'm popping pop corn as fast as I can, but I think I'll still be running short.

jiftyshew ago

Who needs cops anyway? Seriously, I have my 2A and can defend myself. All cops do is show up a day late and a dollar short to take a report. Either that or they hassle white people who are the only ones willing to comply.

Fuck them all. Would rather neighborhoods form their own security forces.

charliebrownau ago

If people have agency and authority over our own lifes

along with the community giving authority for males to

Defend the




wamans and the chillins and the old cunts

Why do we need :-

State Police

State Goverment

Federal agencies

Federal goverment




Time for the people to self govern their own ethnic communtiites without being slaves to "goverment" and "police"

Sierrastarship ago

New fed anti-lynching law in the works...better be careful

jiftyshew ago

Once you have a large enough cluster of whites who are armed and patrolling their own neighborhoods, they'll also be able to coordinate together and build networks of support operations.

The Feds will need to be more careful than willy-nilly attacking citizens they've left to fend for themselves and who are well within their constitutional rights to arm and defend themselves.

Losing the cops might just be the best thing for us.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Nothing in the original paperwork about cops

prairie ago

All cops do is show up a day late and a dollar short to take a report.

And shoot your dog.

M3atPuppet ago

Yeah, if you have a nigger dog. Never heard of a cop shooting a golden retriever or a german shorthair.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

So not true kid

M3atPuppet ago

Okay "kid," give me stats on dog breeds killed by police.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

They killed my Samoyed. Good enough

Shotinthedark ago

happens fairly often

LuciusAM ago

If by fairly often you mean 1 is killed each year out of every 6800 dogs, I would say the overall chance of a non-aggressive breed dog being killed by the police is pretty low. More dogs are killed in this country as a result of dog fighting than are killed by the police.

Part of the problem is that criminals like to get aggressive breed dogs to defend their property, and could give two shits if the police kill the dogs and make no effort to control the animals when law enforcement shows up. As a result, the police have no choice but to kill those dogs to do their job.

M3atPuppet ago

Id bet that 95+% of cop killed dogs are pitbulls, rotts, or other assorted nigger dogs. Also, if you dont behave like a nigger, the odds of cops coming to your place unannounced in such a way that will put them in a situation where they might shoot your dog is virtually zero.

BalfourYourFace ago

They are for calling on niggers that play music too loud or are in public acting stupid.

Do you want to wrestle a nigger everyday?

SaneandAware ago

The days of cops handling shit like that with niggers is gone. Unless the nigger is sawing the head of of a woman or child, and even then it might be iffy, the cop isn't dealing with black crime.

jiftyshew ago

No cops.. no one to hassle you for fire bombing a nigger who's getting to rowdy in your neighborhood.

Broc_Lia ago

Cops are highly necessary in cities where people are mostly disarmed and dependant. They don't stop most crimes, but they perform enough arrests to make theft and violent crime risky things to do.

HiJoker ago

Cops are highly needed wherever there are niggers.

Broc_Lia ago

*in large numbers

If they're in small numbers they're a lot less of a problem.

M3atPuppet ago

They do seem to behave in areas that are 98% white. Funny how that works.

jiftyshew ago

It's time to move from any city like that. Plenty of areas on the U.S. that support the 2A and we'd welcome more people who are interested in legally owning firearms.

Hand_of_Node ago

Plenty of areas on the U.S. that support the 2A

Fine, if that's your ONLY criteria for choosing a location. Unfortunately, most or all of those (depending on your standards) suck ass.

jiftyshew ago

Enjoy living in nigger and kike filth then

SubspaceDistortion ago

The problem is the same as voat's problem with reddit refugees. Those people are responsible for the shithole that evolved, and they will pollute whatever area they migrate to.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago


Shotinthedark ago

can confirm. People move north to my state because of the freedom we have and then they try to take those freedoms away

jiftyshew ago

It's true. That's why I emphasized "people who are interested in legally owning firearms". I'm hoping that's an attribute that shares other common interests to ours.

newfag322 ago

I was already leaning that way previous to all this crap. I had put myself on a 5 year plan to get out, but looks like that may not work. If shit goes sideways before I get out, I'll thin the commies as much as I can for your sake.

Bushtaco321 ago

Well that 14 black officers added to the roster

Belrick ago

14 BLM black cops added

ArielQflip ago

aaaaaand here begins the American Moaist Revolution!

Sad! I hope they get active in other ways to quell this bullshit.

bloodguard ago

Don't blame them. They'll probably be able to make way more money working for the private security forces that are going to start popping up soon.

Master_Foo ago

Private Security Forces? You think the people who can afford Private Security Forces are going to stay in Minneapolis?

bloodguard ago

Their options are:

  • Pay for protection to a legit security company.
  • Pay a criminal organization to "protect" them (see any old school mob movie).
  • Pay with their property and most likely lives if they do neither of the above.

Either way they're going to pay. It's a brave new world in Minneapolis.

Master_Foo ago

You forgot the most obvious option:

  • Leave Minneapolis

Anyone who can afford to pay a security company, or a criminal organization, isn't going to do it. It is going to be cheaper just to leave.

Everyone else who can't afford to pay will be stuck with your third option.

There will be no private security forces.

hang_em_high ago

Oh great, I didn't think of that. Now my HOA is going to have Blackwater on staff. The rich areas will be able to afford security and middle class and lower will get fucked (as usual).

inflatulation ago

Voulenteer patrol.

Neighborhood watch in full battle rattle.

Broc_Lia ago

The rich areas will be able to afford security and middle class and lower will get fucked (as usual).

That's already how it works. Everyone pays the cops, the cops protect the jews.

At least if private security becomes the new normal you can organise your own.

Atkho ago

As in militias. I don't think they'd like that.

Broc_Lia ago


CowWithBeef ago

It's true those who overthrew the American system of defense would not like a return to the American system of defense.

ScionOfZion ago

And of you don't have an HOA? You can arm yourself to the teeth, just like the White SA farmers!

hang_em_high ago

Those poor bastards are only "allowed" to have like 10 rounds of ammunition.

Ocelot ago

The Boers are entirely stripped of self-armament, meanwhile the bantu nigger invaders are given military-grade weaponry and equipment by """""""""""""""mysterious benefactors"""""""""""""""".

Bremertonbruiser ago

Take that millitary grade weaponry from them...Wolverines!

AlternateSelection ago

Let them all kill each other in peace. Just don't let anyone escape the city. Block all roads in or out. Waiting till the popping finally dies down, then slowly open it up again.

ScottMAGA ago

No need to block the roads even. Niggers are terrified of nature and the unknown. It is instinctive, back from their time in the jungle. They have the instinct to stay in man-made environments, such as their farms and villages. I realized this when I worked with a bunch of them.

AlternateSelection ago

Like Katt Williams said " Ain't a damn new species of anything ever discovered in all of Niggerdom." They hear anything that growls or hisses and they beat feet out of there. Terrified of anything that will chew on their asses.

prairie ago

Put a wall and stadium seating all the way around the city.

ChaoticNeutral ago

Could see to it that the bridges have engineering failures.

FuckRedditInTheAss ago

They already do thanks to diversity hires.

ChaoticNeutral ago

Fair enough, so would anybody notice an increase?

allahead ago

There will still be an official police force, even if they have to hire antifa or Israeli mercs.

Chuga ago

I can hear it now. Jewish supremacists gun down blacks in their neighborhood while allys watch.

LargePeter ago

Good! Let the libs and Dindus kill each other in their police free paradise.

abear ago


put the pigs out to pasture.

version7 ago

Actually i hope more quit. Let the cities eat themselves, when the animals go wild no one will be there to save it.

jogger_please ago

It's a cancer. You cannot let a cancer fester. It will metastasize. This is how cultural revolutions start and we'll be sittin' here holding our dicks like usual.

"Let the liberals force blacks into public schools."

"Let the liberal states pass gun control."

" Let the liberal states allow main in voting."

They're dismantling your society and your reaction is, "they can have it."

version7 ago

The city is not my culture.

jogger_please ago

And yet, here you are typing on a computer/phone that wasn't grown on a farm, communicating through a network that wasn't harvested, driving cars that didn't grow from seed. Your complacency is the problem.

version7 ago

Go cry for the city someplace else.

jogger_please ago

I'm not crying. I'm just pointing out why you're losing your country. Selfish narcissists are nothing new.


So long as we can not form RWDS and kill these niggers at will, why bother? I'm not going to stick my neck out so long as subhumans get to walk on my ancestral land. A city is literal jail cell who have voted for far left idiocy for decades and decades, and i'm suppose to interfere with their lunacy? The only time i will interfere is when it's death squad cleansing time.

What revolutionaries never understand is that there are people who are very willing to show them the meaning of brutality once their revolt has been completed. The only thing stopping people like me is the rule of law, but by their very act of destabilizing the rule of law you unleash people like me. It doesn't take long to organize and react to their newly created hegemony.

jogger_please ago

The problem is that social revolutions can happen without ever reaching the death squad stage. In fact, that's the communist jew agenda. They're anything but stupid. They know the right environment will trigger white violence like nothing they've ever seen, so they bring it all in without reaching that tipping point. The armed protests of lockdowns were exactly what they didn't want, which is why we switched gears so quickly. One day you wake up and there aren't enough of you to make a difference even if you all got together and started shooting.

I don't pretend to know the answer. I think about it a lot. Even if someone feels ready to take the lead and start, start where? People are SO afraid of the racist label. They'll take their rifle to the state capitol over being told to stay home for two months, but they won't dare even respond to ethnic cleansing of their race with so much as a Twitter post.

edgecrusher99 ago

The only reason these white urban liberals can virtue signal so much is because they know the white cops will come save them. I really wish the white cops would simply pull out of the cities and leave them to fend for themselves. But for some bizarre reason these white men keep going to work as cops in these urban shitholes.

doesntgetsarcasm ago

The problem is I don't think the animals will stay in their pens once they've destroyed them.


They tried that shit with Katrina and tried to walk into an overwhelmingly white suburb [the first ones were destroying fences, property, cars and a few even tried to burglarize a home]. Whites homeowners immediately united and went to that bridge and stood ground there and turned anyone back who came. They send them back over the bridge into the water. When the horde came, they started shooting rifles over head against the bridge posts so the bullet shrapnel would fall down onto them. They all ran back once they opened up fire after they refused to stop.

The FBI tried arresting most of them but most would not talk. They went with the whole muh hatecrime bullshit. I think they got 3 guys they got because they talked about it on Facebook or something but couldn't prove if they shot or not.

There were no cops in New Orleans, and the few that were lingering around were at the stadium that housed all he niggers, the majority of whites left on foot and never returned ever since.

PewterKey ago

I actually expect the opposite. I think the pens with close in on them and they won't be able to escape. Because when the metros breakdown, transportation is going to be the biggest issue, then considering mobility they will go to places that have "more". Which will mean other cities and city neighborhoods. A suburb looks empty to them. A farming community looks wild.

In addition the hostility of rural communities will be in full swing. As outsiders probe for potential they will put locals on edge and anything that can be met with force will be met with force.

Leveraction ago

Great! And i have 2a to protect my property and family. They wanna come visit, best think twice.

NakedWarrior ago

Here's the thing about living near large forests, the locals know the woods, outsiders just get lost.

Broc_Lia ago

The problem is I don't think the animals will stay in their pens once they've destroyed them.

They're only powerful in a denser urban environment with lots of corners to run around and hordes of orks to flashmob the moment there's a broken window.

If they spread out into the countryside they'll be picked off easily enough.

SaneandAware ago

They can barely manage to organise themselves long enough to break the windows. Some get hurt by trying to jump through the second it breaks and either get cut TFU or they get hit by thrown projectiles hitting them. It is hysterical to watch.

By the time they realize they need to GTFO of the city they will have burned and destroyed cars on roadways to the point of sealing themselves in and have to go on foot. across the bridges. Which is where you wait for them on the other side.

A week of fighting tops.

Broc_Lia ago

Plus, it's going to be hilarious seeing thousands of morbidly obese people trying to hack it as refugees and tramps.

Sierrastarship ago

Democrats trying to pass federal anti-lynching bill. So if you and a buddy chase a nig down for spray painting blm on your house, you"ll be getting a minimum 10 year sentence for slappin him around a little. Clown world.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Keep it on the dl. Take care of problems yourself

OogaBooga696969 ago

The people living outside those cities will probably kill the animals if they attack their families.

Solstiare ago

The fences will be electrified.

Moln0014 ago

Don't forget barbed wire

Solstiare ago

a 5kv primary will render the barbed wire redundant.

Moln0014 ago

True. Good to have back up.

flaxom ago

What am I going to do with all these [thousands of rounds of rifle ammunition] ?

rspix000 ago

City has paid out more than $2 Mill in recent misconduct lawsuits. Maybe they can contract with the county for services that doesn't cost them a literal arm and leg.

Minneapolis' Third Precinct served as 'playground' for renegade cops. Even before George Floyd was killed, the south Minneapolis precinct had a reputation for being home to police officers who played by their own rules.


ggolemg ago

We need to pipeline the whites out... An underground railroad if you will

pushthis ago

Just look on a map and see where higher amounts of whites live and move there.

subscribetopewdiepie ago

No, we need whites to wake the fuck up and stand up for them selves.

DemocratsAreAssholes ago

Fuck that - cut and run isn't the answer except for fucking cowards, the answer is 2 words: 'Second Amendment'.

Master_Foo ago

You don't want those whites. They are the ones who voted this mess into place.

test_pattern ago

what makes you think all those officers are white? lots of excellent officers are black, asian...

a police pipeline is a good idea - come to the sane counties that want to beef up our protection.

Shotinthedark ago

They're white no need to hide underground.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

They're supposed to stay there and eat the shit they helped create. Us rural folks don't want citifags fucking everything up in our areas with their jewish perspective on life. Fuck off; we're full!

0rion ago

FUCK THAT. As someone who lived in the cities for years, trust me when I say these liberal assholes need to reap what they sow. Why would you bring them back into society so they can vote for the same mistakes, and we are repeating this all over AGAIN? It does more harm to the white race to keep them alive ,as long as they are alive they will subvert wherever possible

sivsta ago

You do not want them to move elsewhere. Its the California effect

0rion ago

I want them out of the USA, I do not care where they go. Kick em out, build a northern and southern wall, and place predator drones on the border. Boom, problem solved.

ginx2666 ago

And what, keep running away from niggers and kikes? Letting them destroy what little's left?

God gave us minds and bodies to think and act, fellow men gave us guns to use, and satan gave us niggers and kikes to slaughter.

NakedWarrior ago

Fuck them, they voted for this, let them feel the consequences.

abwydyn ago

That's not how (((democracy))) works.

serfer0 ago

I will

canbot ago

Whites who grow up in black neighborhoods are ghettoized, you may be surprised what that pipeline brings.

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

the ghetto is why i know black people are the racist people in america.

Shotinthedark ago

I grew up in the hood. No nigger.lover here nor do I act or speak like one.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

I know a guy who was one of two whites in his neigborhood. He got the fuck out along with his dad. And even though he thinks blacks are the most racist motherfuckers on the planet he sees no problem with his dad living with a sheboon.

SexMachine ago

I grew up in the ghetto, and most of my family and I got the fuck out. Black people can't do that, even when given better opportunities to succeed.

Mind_Games ago

Niggers ARE the ghetto.

No other race glamorizes and glorifies "dat ghetto life nigga".

Everyone else wants out.

Only niggers want everyone else to realize "them KANGZ WE IS" inside it.

The war is eternal. The enemy is,was and will always be the Jews who create systems where these niggers

are kept as pets and unleashed against any society that stands up to the jew. The jew will always and forever

race back to this blueprint (Torah/Talmud) as they believe it's God's plan for them to rule the planet and those on it.

When the evil leaves, there will be peace. The problem is ...very few understand the problem and thus don't

understand who the enemy even is.

canbot ago

Were your parents immigrants? There is a huge difference between people who came here with nothing and people who live here with nothing.

SexMachine ago

Explain the difference

canbot ago

One is temporarily poor because of circumstance and the other is permanently poor because of personal traits that mostly get passed down generation to generation. As long as there is social mobility, and there is more in America than anywhere else, then families will fall into their class over time. 3 generations will remove any circumstantial discrepancies. For example, studies show that wealth is squandered within 3 generations. But obviously that is not true for old money, just a lucky break like winning the lotto or lucking out with a successful business. Similarly immigrants to the US have seen their offspring become professionals and their grandchildren enter the upper class having started from the middle class.

So if a person is born in America, with it's free education and ample opportunity, and ends up in the ghetto it is unlikely they are of high quality stock. Obviously there are some exceptions; but the exceptions do not disprove the rule.

SexMachine ago

My mother was 3rd generation immigrant, and my father's family was basically middle class going back to the great depression.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Yeah but where are the real Americans. Not the paper americans!!!

Bremertonbruiser ago

We're here. All over this land. If only the God haters would stand with the christcucks...

slwsnowman40 ago

At home, not taking the bait.

tomdogg ago

Naah I have relatives who live up there. They are Obama voters who hate trump. Let them lie in the bed they made.

ALIENS2222 ago


Fuckyounigger ago

No you fucking dickbag the shortest distance is outside your door fight for your land and where you live faggot

ALIENS2222 ago

2.5 years and you finally found the submit button.

gimpyoldman ago

Don't forget Rhodesia.

ALIENS2222 ago

Well, Its gone sadly. South African whites are still alive. They need the attention.

saxmaster ago

That statement could mean something else... We could move to Africa and repeat what we did with America 200 years ago. Good place to have America II.

ALIENS2222 ago

We need to build Electrogravitic craft and leave this nigger infested world. I literally want to do just this.

rebel_1812 ago

Was South Africa or Haiti armed? I think the time to fight back is now.

Pubiclouse ago

Don't forget Rhodesia or as it's known as Zimbabwe today.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

South Africa was armed. Guns don't matter until you know you're fighting a war, then suddenly guns matter a lot. They didn't know they were fighting a war.

Aidan20 ago

Whites are disunited and reacting to the mob will only get them killed. At most they can suck that gun.

ALIENS2222 ago

Za was but it was like 99-vs-1 and they brought in swarms of outsideniggers. What a tremendous loss.


The swarm wasn't a problem. A group of 12 Rhodesian SA killed tens of thousands of niggers with riffles from land out of cars and 3 men in a helicopter. Leading a shot is something most niggers don't understand with a moving target. The problem were the jew led boycotts that created supply issues including weak leadership thinking they could argue with them.

ALIENS2222 ago

That sounds pretty accurate actually. I am not from there but I follow their plight and try to bring it to th elight anyway. It really is horrible. I hope some day we can wake up and stand up and push back HARD.

robot7247 ago

South Africa pre-1980s was a small island of whites surrounded by a sea of blacks.

Overwhelming an entire culture only works if you have the numbers to do it.

Tyrodragon ago

The Dutch were the first to settle SA, They became known as the Africaneers or Boers. At this time, SA was a greatly uninhabited land. An occasional Khoi or San might of been seen. But, these were very nomadic people, who are not of the Negroid race at all, and very different racially than the Congolese Zulus, They have more in common with Pacific Melanesians than African Negroes. Originally, there were no Negroes that inhabited the region of South Africa, The Congolese Zulus made their way southward from Zaire in the 1860s and unsuccessfully attempted to invade Transvaal in the 1880s. Later, they were drawn to the region in search of work in the diamond and gold mines.

RoundWheel ago

They had the numbers. The international jew didn't like it and made the culture change because of aid and tariffs. They told them Jews and Chinese good. White man bad.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

They had the numbers. The international jew didn't like it and made the culture change because of aid and tariffs. They told them Jews and Chinese good. White man bad.


The Sanhedrin of the Frankfurt School ordered (((Meyer Lansky))) to execute JFK because JFK refused to allow (((Ben Gurion))) to have a nukular weapons program in Israel.



Then with JFK safely disposed of, and their shabbos goyische puppet Lyndon Baines Johnson on the throne of the world, the jews used their presence in South Africa [in the diamond bidness, of course] to play BFFs with the South Africans, and convince the South Africans to ship Uranium to Israel.


But, of course, once the Israelis got all the Uranium they needed out of South Africa, they immediately turned around and stabbed the South Africans in the back, and started the international boycott of South Africa.

The jews were so proud of their double cross that they used their great big semitic brains & their 1-Standard-Deviation advantage in verbal skillz to invent a new word for it: Divestment [the (((financial))) opposite of (((investment)))].


tl;dr == With jews, you ALWAYS lose.

If you doubt that, then just ask the ghost of JFK & the Whites of South Africa for their opinions on the matter.

robot7247 ago

South African and Rhodesia were templates for That Which Shall Not Be Permitted.

So they weren't.

Had friends years back from SA. "Endless waves" was how they described it. SA was holding its own prior to divestment fever & reconcilliation. Had never connected the end of their nuclear "partnership" with Israel before.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Had never connected the end of their nuclear "partnership" with Israel before.


TheAntiZealot ago

A sea of well-fed blacks. Well-fed by remedial whites.

englishwebster ago

oh the irony

HeebSlayer ago

More like Haiti. They won't stop until every single white is dead.

Sheisse ago

Good luck. Far more crazy whites with guns here than Haiti had.

godamn ago

Weak and fragile arguments do not make you strong.

NoseSubversion ago

Ignorant and stupid comments do not make you smart.

jthun2 ago


Have you ever studied critical thinking? Neither 'weak' nor 'fragile' are terms applied to arguments. Valid/invalid for deductive arguments, unsound/sound, etc etc.

godamn ago

Woah have you heard of thermodynamics? Strong and weak forces of attraction?

You are ugly, your argument is shit, thus, weak force and unattractive, you may take eternity to resolve.

truthbeloathed ago

so what's your excuse, where's your argument?

godamn ago

None. Because this is an echo chamber and you are being made weak by it. Clintons have ruled Haiti, plenty of white people in Little Rock, don’t act like the suffering of black people leads to much suffering for whites.

noob_tube ago

They're quitting because they're afraid, not because they care.

Solstiare ago

Or because they are just Done with the crap.

LibertarianForChrist ago

I said it would 10 years until Minneapolis, largely the cleanest major city in the US, would turn into Detroit. Is it even going to be 10 whole years?

Timur9000 ago

Kaczynski predicted all of this - he said back in 1995 It would take about 40-100 years for the current system to breakdown. Seems that he was right.

However, he states that the system has not yet fully achieved "control over human behavior" and "is currently engaged in a desperate struggle to overcome certain problems that threaten its survival." He predicts that "if the system succeeds in acquiring sufficient control over human behavior quickly enough, it will probably survive. Otherwise it will break down," and that "the issue will most likely be resolved within the next several decades, say 40 to 100 years."

tinfoil_hats ago

uncle ted is too good for us, this society doesn't deserve him

Wattersun ago

I haven't looked into him very closely. Why did he start murdering people?

Shotinthedark ago

Generally judges and people doing wrong in the name of right.

Hand_of_Node ago

He was one of the few who could both perceive the problem and do something about it.

Matthew1103 ago

Minneapolis is a Somali and homo queer mecca. It is already on the same level as Detroit

hang_em_high ago

How do those two things even co-exist? When do the goat fuckers start killing fags?

CowWithBeef ago

When do the goat fuckers start killing fags?

When the gibs stop.

newfag322 ago

In Seattle there were a few attempts where a Muhammad tried to burn down gay bars. Once the police are gone, except high mortality rates among fags.

M3atPuppet ago

Well, the fags all support the importation of these subhumans, so if rule of law fails and the goat fuckers start executing the fags, i wont lose a minute of sleep over it.

Ocelot ago

Strong segregation and thorough globohomo propagandistic saturation.

bobdole9 ago

After all the cops are gone. If nobody is around to enforce the law, is it really a crime?

51158 ago

What I've read is 57 cop resign from the ERT unit.. They're still cop they just won't be in the ERT unit...That's how I read it a few days ago..

AmericanBannedStand ago

I think that was in Buffalo

knightwarrior41 ago

i dont know what to say to this one

cactusairforce ago
