millennial_vulcan ago

Great post. I didn’t even make that connection.

Thank you.

TheSeer ago

Yeah, no shit. I have said for years that South Africa is the front line and that was why it was so stupid to just tell white people there to leave/retreat.

They were called racists by the entire civilized world, and what do you know, it was so effective that just a few years later ALL WHITE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE were told they are RACIST by default. By birth. No matter what.

MyCountryTheShithole ago

No one expected the decline of the US to accelerate to South African levels so fast.

LadyGlitterSparkles ago

I think you meant to say like Rhodesia.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

And then all the kikes flee to Israel. There's like 1/4 as many in SA as there was during Aparathied.

boekanier ago

In SA whites were and are a minority, in the US it's the other way around. I don't see a minority seizing political power in the US.

MyCountryTheShithole ago

Exactly who were whites a minority to for hundreds of years after they arrived in SA? There were no black Bantu invaders... they came from central Africa later. The situation is not all that different from the US, except that the Bantu in South Africa were never enslaved by whites.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

For how long? There are already more beaners than whites in US elementary schools.

CR302 ago

This is why we I doctrine our school children with a pro US Constitution they used to teach before the commies took over the education system. That is what really needs repaired! Immigrants are fine, as long as we don't brainwash the children with wrong think (marxism).

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Immigrants are fine

White immigrants are. Non-white immigration will inevitably destroy social cohesion in every white nation, and lead to the mess we're seeing right now.

CR302 ago

If they come legally filtered and are required to take civics lessons and pass a citizenship test to become citizens, they are welcome IMO.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

No. Stop believing this bullshit. It doesn't work, it never has, anywhere. "Integration" of non-whites in white societies only works as long as they're such a tiny minority that it literally doesn't matter whether they integrate or not. Everything else is doomed to fail and leads to the power struggles and the ultimate destruction of white societies we're seeing now.

jthun2 ago

And as in south africa, Jews are magically exempt from criticism.

They ran the diamond mines, but not a peep about them. instead, the blacks go after poor white farmers.

That's the future. Jewish crime families and corporate elite hiding in gated communities, while minorities are whipped up to hate working class white people.

Maroonsaint ago

This is why I love guns. It doesn’t matter what they say. It doesn’t matter how many times they lie. It doesn’t matter how many riots they kick off. It doesn’t matter cauze we outnumber millions to one and we’re all armed so they can’t do a fucking thing

noob_tube ago

They've been confiscating guns with red flags for a while now. No one is stopping them.

DrYiddingston ago

But you aren’t going to actually do anything, keyboard commando.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Oh @Maroonsaint that is very true. The libtards want to disarm us first. Otherwise it's game over for them. This is why they are playing the Floyd protest game until we cave in, and counter protest. They have been sending in their agent provocateurs to goad us. We won't play and they are not liking it. P.S. took a pic but the image file is too large to send to you. I tried.

Tallest_Skil ago

Whatever. Oh well.

IsaacJan ago

GAYEST_SHILL here wants to kill himself. No joke, he cries about it all the time. But he’s so weak he can’t. So what does he do? Comes onto Voat and hopes other people are as weak and shitty as he is.

You should do it, kike.

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s not that IsaacJan, the jewish retard who believes in flat earth, supports Q-LARP, and admits to having multiple sockpuppets, isn’t reading; it’s that he can’t read. Moreover, it’s that he’s so pants-shittingly terrified of–not me, but rather what I represent–that he refuses to so much as state a single thing he himself believes, much less prove any of his claims. Leftists such as him have reached the point where they realize that even their “most tame” ideological precepts are completely indefensible in any setting where opposition to them is allowed to exist, and therefore they can’t even risk STATING what they believe, due to the backlash that the lies will inevitably receive.

He will prove me correct in every reply from now until the day he dies.

dummythicc ago

I thought you got blown the fuck out in that spotting a shill thread yesterday yet you still write this dumb generic bullshit. Christfag brainlet in action folks.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol you’re a shill because everything you said is cited and sourced and I refuse to prove any of my claims

but you hurt my feelings so you’re wrong because i say so you lose because i say so you’re a shill because i say so lol

watch as I say things only jews have ever said

you are the shill not me

Why would anyone care what you have to say, sockpuppet?

dummythicc ago

You are legit retarded. It must suck to be on the wrong end of the autism scale. You must look at the autists on the chans who have managed to weaponized their 'tism and here you are sitting crosslegged on the floor, a mouth full of lego, a sluggish brain full of useless bible quotes calling everyone a jewish shill for pointing out the painfully obvious.

How you keep the gun out of your mouth I'll never know.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re dumb i say so ha ha i win

you autist i say so ha ha i win

wew lad, cry harder

dummythicc ago

Your so low effort. Are you even capable?

Tallest_Skil ago

Cute irony, sockpuppet. Cry more.

dummythicc ago

Oh look, you downvoted everything I said again.

Go back to reddit.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cute irony, sockpuppet. Cry more.

AntiMason ago

We are probably fucked.

mememeyou ago

are you still breathing faggot?

AntiMason ago

I cant breathe

Mollvir ago

No you are not. You whether stay silent and scared of them, or you fight back like a man. Take a look at Russia. Jews still can't figured out from which side to come to Russky in order to destroy us. They still trying tho, but we have a different mentally.


ALIENS2222 ago

Exactly correct. Good post. We fight back or we die.

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