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surfsup ago

Why is it "a difficult time until then" (when whites lose power and their country). How is this person oppressed while America is simply America?

GODiscoming ago

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."

kingE ago

Is there a compilation somewhere, of all these kikes saying things like this?

Just fragments, no talk, no conclusions. Let people come to their own conclusions.

Yuke ago

Anyone got the original version of this? The effects make it a little suspicious so it would be good to remove all elements of doubt.

universalENERGY ago

this weasely faggoty ass faggot derty JOO

PurpleGiant ago

That's why Donald Trump is so hated imho. He represents everything they aren't and it has become weaponized.

boekanier ago

So, in his own view he isn't 'white', what's his color then, he thinks it is?

Duivel_Anon ago

I want to exterminate this guy for sure.

stoicmanchild ago

meanwhile, he wants to diddy little kiddies

Tennis123 ago

Who woulda thought sheer cuckery and apathy would be the downfall of the greatest nation ever

killkillkill ago

He's a piece of shit. Also pro-Fed, pro-inflation, quantitative easing.

Scablifter ago

So where does he say that? If he wants that why is he on the side of Trump? They want to divide us, don't let some jewbot fool you.

Merlynn ago

They all want us exterminated.

PurpleGiant ago

Well that is the whole point of this current global turmoil isn't it? Straight White Man with family bad!

Xax ago

Time for this piece of shit to meet the Judge.

knowses ago

"The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in 'Metcalfe's law'–which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants–becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's."

  • Paul Krugman Nobel Prize winner in economics

Horrux ago

LOL what a clueless imbecile kike.

rapedbyanape ago

Get tha rope

crimsontaco ago

Good thing we are actually doing something about it, right? If we keep doing nothing it'll definitely go our way.

MrTerry ago

Fuck that dirty jew bastard.

PhilKDick ago

Paul Krugman's Jew York Times column is refuted every week on the excellent website,

dassaer ago

Hey thanks for that. It's very important imo morally, ethically and for society at large that parasites like this krug insect are soundly publicly and unashamedly dismissed and refuted ....

skullfuku ago

Tell him he should queue up with the rest of them.

Thin_White_Duke ago

How can race traitors exist?

How can a white person hear this and think, "YES! Destroy my ability to live as I wish! Overrun my home with people who will govern to hurt my well-being!"

I just don't fucking get it.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

White people vote 70% conservative. Libtard race traitors are a minority among whites.

letsgoallthewhey ago

The same way they march in the streets demanding that their rights are stripped from them. IOW gun control.

MaunaLoona ago

The enemy has been working at it for more than half a century by brainwashing the young.

killkillkill ago

White. GUILT

You are raised with it these days. Saying ANYTHING remotely stereotyping now makes you an outcast and a racist. I asked a kid "what kind of Asian" he was in Overwatch the other night and he and his faggot friend reported me and I was immediately warned and banned for a week.

Whites have been RAISED with WHITE GUILT, and those who haven't had frequent run-ins with nigger neighborhoods, violent spics, shifty Jews or Israelis who openly hate them, or traveled enough to realize that "racism" is a natural thing basically everywhere, buy into it. Why wouldn't they? They don't know any better. The mainstream media and educational system pushes it down their throats and they believe it.

kishind ago

Out of everyone, whites are the least racially prejudiced yet get the most flak for it. (((Sigh.)))

CaptnObvius ago

Let me help you out on this one.

voatuser1128 ago

A hispanic run America will look like Mexico or Brazil on a larger scale. A third world country with gated communities guarded by armed guards.

Texas and Florida are estimated to turn Blue within 15 years due to legal Hispanic births. After that no conservative or America first public figure will be in the white house.

Demographics is the most important thing right now but all mainstream Republicans can think of are tax cuts and how to help their wealth donors.

ardvarcus ago

How can a white person hear this and think, "YES! Destroy my ability to live as I wish! Overrun my home with people who will govern to hurt my well-being!"

The Jews in control of our media have brainwashed us for so long not to feel united, not to take pride in our history, not to see to perserve the heritage our forefathers fought and died for, that many people -- maybe most people -- just apathetically go along with the lies. They have no sense of unity as a people, no uniting faith, no real beliefs of any kind, no ability to think for themselves. All that has been stolen from them by the Jews.

skullfuku ago

Cultures and civilizations come and go. Perhaps cultures die of old age when their dna deteriorates and that is what is happening. Perhaps a symptom of old age is becoming susceptible to cucking in the literal sense: grooming an alien culture at one's own expense. When institutions established for keeping corruption, greed and exploitation in check can't anymore, because they themselves have become corrupt, greedy and abusive. Who is going to teach the next generation anything? Boomers were the last generation educated for a productive industrial base, literate, with honest role models, well-deserved wealth and real families. They squandered all that for consumerism on credit and a sexual revolution. And soon that generation will be interred, taking the memory of how it's done with them to the grave, leaving us fighting over the table scraps from the 20th century.

BrokenVoat ago

No actually mr Adolf believed a country like the USA couldn't exist for very long as blood is more important than ideology (see USA constitution). Mr Adolf Hitler basically predicted the modern problems.

The problem of Europe is the export of USAs ideas of how to run a country being implemented in Europe. Yugoslavia being one of the victims of USA politics (see USA support of muslims in that war).

KosherHiveKicker ago

It's a confirmed international ((( Conspiracy )))

tratakat ago

Man so much good links but many of them are deleted!

KosherHiveKicker ago

( Links Here Compiled By, And Credited To @The_Tinamou)

oldzeke ago

Thanks man. Great list.

kishind ago

The Muslims conquered Spain when the Jewish gatekeepers opened the gate (in exchange for priveleged status under the new government).

History sure does rhyme.

Gorillion ago

Based KHK.

PoliceICE ago

Oded yinon greater Israel video not available / down

KosherHiveKicker ago

TY for the heads up. I've found another and will edit it in.

  • [Greater Israel - The Jewish Plan for the Middle East, The Oded Yinon Plan](Greater Israel - The Jewish Plan for the Middle East, The Oded Yinon Plan)

JesusRules ago

Thanks Kosher for your service

Quicktor ago

the rabbi approves...well done...

369693936 ago

A civil war would solved the demographic problem within a week.

AnotherGrayman ago

No it wouldn't, most of you dipshits wouldn't even know what to do, where to go, or who to fight.

You'd be running around leaderless, killing any group or person who momentarily upset whatever your narrow interpretation of "right" is, you'd fight your own race, you'd be worried about supplies and safety, you'd die in the street pointlessly, all while the people who did this shit to you escape in planes and hold out in bunkers, waiting for "Purge Night" to be over.

Nothing would change, the fuckers running the game would just watch while you exterminate yourselves, thinking you're doing something noble.

Spend your time redpilling normies instead of clamoring for wars you won't survive.

SpaghettiJones ago


WhiteChickens ago

No it wouldn't, most of you dipshits wouldn't even know what to do, where to go, or who to fight.

Get rid of the 10 closest assholes. Problem solved within a month. lol

RandomFurryDude ago

Just shoot the niggers and jews, how fucking hard is that?

"Oh his skin is darker than a light coffee?" Bang

"Oh he has a hooked nose and keeps rubbing his hand?" Bang


SpaghettiJones ago

You know you wouldn't have a God mode cheat on right?

WhiteChickens ago

Just shoot the niggers and jews, how fucking hard is that?

That's all that needed to happen in the first one, they overthought it.

kishind ago

So we sort out the spics later?

Native Americans are the niggers of mongoloids (asian ancestries), and Spaniards are a mixed race to begin with (white+arab muslim). Expectedly, their progeny are not overachievers, except in breeding more of themselves.

But unlike niggers or Natives, you can hand a functioning society and they won't ruin it. They'll make the whole thing look half-assed, barely held together, but intact. Honestly if I could easily kill them or eject them, my choice, I'd just send them back to their cousins.

AnotherGrayman ago

If it's that easy then why are you on the internet talking about it instead of outside doing it?

Because you're a fucking pussy who hopes someone else will carry the burden for you.

Fuck you, don't suggest other people do something you aren't going to do, either.

RandomFurryDude ago

Because a single person running into the streets and shooting up some kikes accomplishes fuckall?

You some kinda faggot, kike?

AnotherGrayman ago

Bold words with a username like yours.

I bet your fetish is dudes dressed in My Little Pony costumes.

RandomFurryDude ago

Whatever you say, merchant.

itssomatic ago

Nuh uh, nuh uh.

You pussy, pussy, you pussy, faggot!

Here's the five W's of our plan:



killkillkill ago

Very true.

The only real wars in the streets can be fought against oppressive police or Antifa at this point. Somehow a "civil war" culling people would just fail and end up like you said, or getting a lot of the wrong people killed.

LettItBurn ago

Unfortunately, you're right.

We think we can win because there are so many people that are waking up to the JQ, but the truth is, any kind of civil conflict has already been planned for years ago by TPTB. They've ruled the world for centuries, if not millennia, and they ain't going away. They have tanks, ships, planes, orbital weapons and nukes. They already own the wealth of the world and there are no "elites" that are loyal to the White race. What chance do we have against that?

CaptnObvius ago

They need us more than we need them. You can't rule if you have no subjects. The technology they use to control us doesn't grow on trees, its made in factories, designed by engineers and produced by line workers. The oil they use to power the world doesn't pump itself out of the ground. The caviar they eat doesn't squirt itself out of Sturgeon. They may rule the world, but they can only do so from the shadows because WE do all the work. If WE refuse they are screwed, if civil war breaks out and it spins out of control, they are screwed. If we refuse to give up and stop fighting they are screwed. Its ALL up to us, not them.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

I sometime wonder how much they have in reserves for when SHTF. DUMBs, bunkers, bug out plans, food/water/energy stockpiled. They'll ride it out as the world burns and come back when 9/10 of the population have been killed. Then they'll make the 1/10 slaves and live like kings.

That or they really are stupid as fuck and think low IQ tards are going to maintain a high tech society.

CaptnObvius ago

Q has been blowing up DUMBs left and right if you follow the earthquakefags and I don't think they have control of near as much as they did, Q & Q+ have seen to that. They've gone from overconfident to pure panic, that's all I need to know.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

Q is my hero. Q+ is my savior. It's happening!

LettItBurn ago

That's why their goal is population reduction and race mixing.

"1) Maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature." - Georgia guide stones.

I honestly believe the only reason they provide food and medicine to sub-Saharan Africans and are breeding them beyond sustainability is because they WANT to enjoy the coming suffering, war, death and destruction that will quickly follow a collapse of civilization to appease some satanic deity.

CaptnObvius ago

Yep, that's the plan. But like I said, if we are awake, if we never give up, never give in, there is a point where they lose their ability to produce the items that allow them to maintain control over the populace. The tools they use to enslave us are made by us. I'm curious how they plan to maintain their lifestyle while everything else goes to hell in a hand basket. I'm not the brightest bulb, but when you rip off the thin veneer we call civilized society, when you destroy all the factories and the skills that are required to maintain it, then its all the way back to the 1800's, for everyone. Our society is like a clock with a million fragile gears, it doesn't take much to break it beyond repair.

LettItBurn ago

I've long said that the only way to get rid of the niggers, muzzies, spics and kikes is to destroy the whole fucking system that supports it and rebuild from 1776, but I think I've taken too many black pills. Even if we do start over with just people of White European descent (and explicitly forbid mud people from our lands), (((they'll))) just continue to grind away at our laws like they've done for centuries until we're right back to where we are now.

I'd still choose to be on the front lines fighting, though. That is our only hope at this point.

CaptnObvius ago

I'm with you. I feel we are in a fight against Nimrodism. What we are seeing is not the New World Order, its the Nimrod World Order. Its bibilical and its an abomination to God.

Comparison, then & now.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Imagine not being able to multi task you fucking nigger faggot.

369693936 ago

You're right man, you have nothing to fear from us ;-P

That's exactly what we want you to believe, why we've been the silent majority for so long. When it hits, it will be swift and since we're everywhere, we know exactly who the enemy is and just as importantly who the enemy is not.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

All warfare is based on deception

369693936 ago

Yeah, I should stop running my mouth from my armchair when I'm too old and weak to even lift my gun anymore.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

I lost all my arms and legs and personally the left are looking like they have valid opinions these days

369693936 ago

You're right, I've been contemplating my white privilege all week and I feel so repentant for simply existing, I'm just not sure where to go from here.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

To the voting booth, straight Democrat ticket!

369693936 ago

And let's be sure to don the mask when we go vote in person, whether or not it's legally required. Compliance = comfort and all we really want is comfort.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Want to get together and petition for mail in voting only?

369693936 ago

Absolutely! And once we re-register Dem now that we've finally woken up and become sane, we'll get 2 or 3 ballots - as it should be!

AnotherGrayman ago

Paging @MaroonSaint so he can watch you guys stroke each other's cocks in this thread.

Maroonsaint ago

I’d watch

imdrowning ago

Is voat a place for cucks to just cry and become victims?

If you believe this to be true you have a couple options.

Have babies, kill the people responsible or just shut the fuck up.

Endless threads about how you're a white victim are fucking pathetic.

Of course they want to kill whites, we're the best and they hate us for it... So no go be the best, dominate, build, achieve.

Sitting here posting this crap is really pathetic

somebody112 ago

Is voat a place for cucks to just cry and become victims?

No. Dispensing redpills is not crying. Nowhere in this post is there crying or bellyaching, just a video of Paul Krugman in his own words, the video flags him as a jew so that anybody watching doesn't get fooled by their (((fellow white people))) schtick.

Endless threads about how you're a white victim are fucking pathetic.

Again, this isn't a victim thread, this is just a straight up redpill video. A mostly unedited video of Paul Krugman in his own words, with the addition of the jude star, a red filter, and transcript text.

The hilarious thing is in THE SAME FUCKING SENTENCE Krugman says that whites are "crazy" to believe they're losing power, then goes on to say that they're correct, and it's implicit that he approves.

Whites aren't going anywhere, and we will never be powerless, this is why Jews keep trying to drill us into the ground with propaganda. Don't worry, their day will come, there will be much kvetching and gnashing of teeth, but they brought it on themselves.

My advice to Jews: go to Israel now while you still can.