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KosherHiveKicker ago

The userbase is voting. Sorry you don't enjoy the outcome.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah, well if two Nazis vote to kill one Jew that's voting, too. But I'm unsure it's what most have in mind in voting. Though here it probably is what they have in mind.

This deal at GoatMountain is obviously very preliminary and experimental - but it does give us a pretty good idea of what to expect if this referendum/banning procedure is applied to system subs. You get fascists voting to ban people they dislike. Pretty much going full Reddit at that point. Though the brigading and knocking into negative CCP has already installed something of a regime of censorship on Voat.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Listen Drama-Queen.

In reality you have only been banned from a single subverse on Voat, correct?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Just trying to draw attention to preventable evils before they become reality. I do think @PuttItOut is rational so I'm not that worried.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Just trying to draw attention to preventable evils before they become reality.

By /crying pinging our unpaid Admin about not being able to spam porn-porn lite anywhere you wish on

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, I know you aren't rational. And you're a radical Jew hater.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Aren't Jew on record for starting the entire codified system of Hate against Whites? (Yes.)

Joe_McCarthy ago

Downvoting in rote. You also fallacies. Irrelevancies like Paul Krugman. That is pretty much your SOP.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Or... It is the truth which you routinely deny simply because it exposes your pathetic false narrative.

Both the Jewish Torah, and Talmud contain the earliest know written record of bigotry codified into "law".

Joe_McCarthy ago

I object to anti-Semitism on the basis of a few things. It doesn't make sense. It is a distraction from real problems. You lot can't stop talking about Jews to the point of boredom. It's like my religious fanatic aunt speaking in tongues and trying to tell everyone they must be born again. Or Jehovah's Witness pamphleteers.

Specifically here though is the baldly authoritarian tendencies of radical anti-Semites. They already try to brigade people off the platform. With some success. Voat didn't get the way it is by accident. But now we see at GoatMountain what we are seeing. You lot are every bit as dangerous to the free exchange of ideas as SJWs.