BigFatDaddy ago

Fuck 'em.

realmonster ago

dont get your feelings all bent out of vagina. unless he one of those fuckheads that set up a bot to make a new thread every time some no name "news" site posts a new story.

fuck those guys.

also, fix this stupid shit where you have to do 2 spaces and 2 new lines just to get a single new line.

heygeorge ago

fix this stupid shit where you have to do 2 spaces and 2 new lines just to get a single new line.

You must be new around here.
That is fixed.

Otherwise, how would you make a single line break? PS it’s only two spaces and a single line break, I believe.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/OccidentalEnclave submission by @Joe_McCarthy.

Posted automatically (#111771) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Joe_McCarthy)

RM-Goetbbels ago

@Joe_McCarthy sucks jew dick.

con77 ago

is a. ftfy

Glory_Beckons ago

So that's why he acts like he's missing bits in the head.

Questionable_1 ago

Sorry I have to say no, this fucking guy doesn't respect the others that are here. I don't care that he post porn, what I care about is the fact that he doesn't have the respect for others and tag it NSFW! I will be scrolling voat sometimes with my wife and damn check that out it's some slut grabbing her snatch. I shouldn't nor will I block v/whatever yet this dick face will post porn, ban him from fucking v/whatever while your here. Anyway sorry about the rant.

Talc ago

agreed, disgusting porn pedaller absolutely refuses to use NSFW because he seeks to drive people off the site. Wants banned completely.

I have a script that automatically downvotes everything he posts outside his own subs and optionally posts a picture of poop to his shitty sub for every picture he puts in whatever, will be distributing it soon, shall I put you on the list?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OccidentalEnclave submission by @Joe_McCarthy.

Posted automatically (#111829) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Talc: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Joe_McCarthy)

BigTrucker ago

Seems like there are some folks who post on this site for no other reason than to cause problems. Just don't understand that.

Talc ago

some folks have that attitude to life. I don't believe he is one of them, I think he's actually on a mission to harm this website, he's working on ensuring porn filters block voat by default.

BigTrucker ago

Seems like there's a better cause in life a person like that could take up.

ToFat2Fish ago

Unban let freedom ring

DillHoleBagHands ago

Unban a fag or leave a fag banned. Not a hard decision there.

ggolemg ago

Ban him harderer than last time.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Isn't he a dummy? What's the harm? Have you been harmed?

MaxineWaters ago


CarpenterforChrist ago

I'm just tired of him posting pornographic material in the image alongside the post title. There should be NSFW tag in the image instead.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Maybe it’s just me but I would prefer no porn on this site. There’s like a ka-jillion other sites for it.

TurdLord5000 ago

I object to this. Voat is the only site with a furniture porn section! /v/furnitureporn

toobaditworks ago


Glory_Beckons ago

You're not alone. I tried pushing for that years ago.

People appeared to be suffering from post-traumatic stress over being banned from Reddit, and could no longer tell the difference between removing out-of-place obscenity and censoring political discourse.

But the times, they are a-changin'. People seems to have gotten over their PTSD somewhat. And the Jews couldn't help themselves and publicly declared that being anti-porn is anti-semitic, which instantly made opposing porn cool again in these parts.

I imagine the same suggestion would go over very differently today.

Maybe @puttitout could be convinced to make a global vote sticky to ask the question. Might be a good way to have a large scale test of the voting system.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Maybe @puttitout could be convinced to make a global vote sticky to ask the question. Might be a good way to have a large scale test of the voting system.

Hey @puttitout, I second this idea. Wanna make it happen?

heygeorge ago

Fuck that, ‘obscenity’ is a slippery slope and subjective and that’s why you can’t ban porn. It’s unfortunate but that’s all there is to it. @glory_beckons

@joe_mccarthy is being an ass for continued spamming of v/whatever with it, just tag it NSFW, it’s a small bit of courtesy.

Glory_Beckons ago

Fuck that, ‘obscenity’ is a slippery slope and subjective and that’s why you can’t ban porn.

That is exactly the kike argument that was used to push porn into every facet of our culture, down to elementary schools and libraries.

If you believe that is a reasonable position to hold, then you must also support tranny story time and bringing strippers to pole dance for children in school. After all, preventing those things would be a slippery slope, right? It's all subjective anyway, right? Who are we to inhibit their freedom of expression, right?

Go on. Let's see you defend this and this. Or are you a hypocrite?

Animals pass no judgment. They merely exist and seek to satisfy their immediate needs. Having the agency to draw a line between right and wrong, and the will to enforce it, the courage to sacrifice in order to see it through... that is uniquely human. To surrender that is to abandon your humanity.

You're no better than an animal, if you can't tell right from wrong. And that's all there is to it.

heygeorge ago

Children aren’t supposed to be on Voat. It’s in the user agreement. The entire premise of your argument is invalid.

Glory_Beckons ago

That wasn't the premise of my argument at all. It was the inevitable consequence of yours.

If banning porn on a single website on the entire internet is "a slippery slope and subjective", then so is barring trannies from reading "the drag queen's skirt goes swish, swish, swish" to little children.

If we cannot draw a line here, why would we draw a line there?

If we can draw a line there, why shouldn't we consider drawing a line here?

heygeorge ago

You are making a point about something else entirely.

The issue with the slope has to do with the reality and subjectivity of applied moderation, and would create gatekeeper positions.

Voat does allow people to post

trannies reading "the drag queen's skirt goes swish, swish, swish" to little children

So this further invalidates the analogy.
Unless you are saying that should not be allowed? Is that the line you think should be drawn?

Glory_Beckons ago

Voat does allow people to post

trannies reading "the drag queen's skirt goes swish, swish, swish" to little children

Unless you are saying that should not be allowed?

To clarify, my position is this:

  1. All meaningful discourse should be permitted and protected.
  2. Trannies reading stories with blatant sexual innuendo to five year olds is not meaningful discourse. It is obviously predatory behavior.
  3. Posting porn on a website like Voat is not meaningful discourse. It is obviously subversive behavior.
  4. Talking about these things happening, and what to do about it, is meaningful discourse.
  5. Taking action to prevent 2 and 3 is the only reasonable reaction.
  6. Tolerating or defending those behaviors is tantamount to being complicit.

I'm curious which points, if any, you disagree with and why.

I'm also challenging you, again, to clarify your position:

Do you think this behavior should be tolerated, yes or no?

The issue with the slope has to do with the reality and subjectivity of applied moderation, and would create gatekeeper positions.

All judgment calls are subjective by nature. So what?

Pointing this out is a vapid truism. It is used to convince the audience to abandon their values, abdicate that ability to pass judgment, and undermine their will to have any kind of agency in the world. Those who buy into it are nothing but complacent chattel, and allow themselves to be herded by those who reserve the right to pass judgment and enforce their will.

heygeorge ago

The issue is with enforcement. Enforcement of a ‘no porn’ policy is the slippery slope. I think a more reasonably enforceable stance is porn and gore should be tagged NSFW. If there are repeat or stubborn offenders not doing so, then enforcement becomes objective. Removing subjectivity from moderation is paramount.

Voat also provides tools to control your experience. I blocked just about every porn subverse on here years ago.

Glory_Beckons ago

You didn't answer the challenge. Again. It's a simple yes/no question.

At this point I can only assume this means you're not opposed to it, but too dishonest to admit that. Though, credit where it is due: At least you're not dishonest enough to lie about it directly either. Still, this deception by omission renders every other thing you have to say on this subject irrelevant.

I care nothing for the opinions of those who won't even speak out against that kind of blatant child abuse. As far as I'm concerned, you deserve the same fate as the perpetrators.

heygeorge ago

I admit I don’t really know what your challenge is. Something about drag queen story hour, which I think you are linking to what people choose to post on Voat.

This is changing the topic and attempting to (which you are doubling down on) paint me as something I am not. I am not interested in engaging. Maybe there is something I am missing, but I am also not seeing you address what I’m saying so it seems pointless to continue further.

Glory_Beckons ago

Do you support eliminating and forbidding the practice of "drag queen story hour"?

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe

The reason this is relevant is this:

  • If you agree with eliminating such behavior, then we have found common ground and can work from there. Starting by examining why you think that moderation of that behavior is viable and doesn't pose problems with enforcement, slippery slopes, or subjectivity.

  • If you disagree with eliminating such behavior, then we have no common ground and further discussion is pointless. Of course someone who thinks trannies should be allowed to do that would also defend spamming porn on one of the few places where people can openly discuss opposing such things. That would be entirely unsurprising.

heygeorge ago

I don’t think the public library should be hosting drag queen story hour for children.

Glory_Beckons ago

Common ground, at last.

Will you also agree that, if they do not stop peacefully, it would be appropriate to put an end to it by force? And that ignoring it only enables it to continue?

If so, are you not concerned with issues like slippery slopes or subjective enforcement in this context? Or do you think that this is something worth enforcing, in spite of such potential issues? Perhaps because those potential issues are a lesser evil, and we can deal with them separately as and if they crop up?

If you're still with me, so far, can I also get you to concede that the same reasoning can be applied to banning porn on Voat, as to banning tranny time in libraries? That, therefore, it is not reasonable to simply dismiss the question, out of hand, saying things like "you can’t ban porn" and "that’s all there is to it". That, instead, there is room for discussing whether the benefits of banning it are worth the potential issues, and how those potential issues could be mitigated and dealt with?

CarpenterforChrist ago

Likewise. But it would be pretty hard to enforce on voat.

PuttItOut ago

Oh damn, that voting restriction might make all of our votes uncertified. Welp, let the testing begin.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#111830) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah, 100 in this sub is pretty hardcore.

I'm uncertified.

PuttItOut ago

I'm uncertified also. I thought I set up the vote for simply 100 CCP (for all of Voat) but the default is the subverse I suppose.

BigTrucker ago

What is certified mean?

SilentByAssociation ago

As far as I understand it, an uncertified vote can be from any user. Whereas certified votes are from users who meet specific requirements. It allows the polling-user to see results from a particular audience, as well as from everyone (hence the categories: certified, uncertified, and all votes). For example:

This poll's "certified" audience must have the 'Putt Putt's Favorite' badge.

See badge here. Any user with this badge who votes is counted as a certified vote. All other votes from users without this badge are uncertified votes.

This poll has no "certification requirements," so it just shows all votes received, rather than breaking it down into certified, uncertified, and all.

I hope that made enough sense and was comprehensive yet understandable enough.

BigTrucker ago

Now how do we go about making a poll here?

SilentByAssociation ago

On mobile: tap the three bars at the top [left].

On desktop: the options should be to the right.

The polling options will be with "Share a link," "Discuss," and the subverse subscribe/block options.

BigTrucker ago

I think I'm too damn dumb to figure this out because I'm not seeing it. I appreciate you trying to explain it to me though.

HulkJizz ago

You and @AR47 should hang out. You both pretend to have jobs that travel. Just sayin.

AR47 ago

You sound jealous.

HulkJizz ago

I could pretend if I wanted to.

BigTrucker ago

I ain't traveling for Jack right now. I'm stuck at home.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


who designed this damn thing

PuttItOut ago

I working on figuring out what Indian to blame.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/anon comment.

Posted automatically (#112002) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@PuttItOut: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

B3bomber ago

Personally, I'd love to see the site ban revisited after vote manipulation rules are certified. A lot of his posts are propaganda which actually used to be illegal in the USA (that whole free speech country stuff) should he be a US citizen. If not a US citizen, I'm sure there's some sedition law he's breaking.

There's another issue where some comments are showing up with appears to be the text version of child porn/rape. That has to be addressed (laws that apply or don't? Shits disgusting to read.).

SumerBreeze ago

you talking about the jewish religion?

Sanhedrin 54b and 55b

B3bomber ago

Khazarians are not jews.

SumerBreeze ago

the jews are the synagogue of satan - the jews were a mixed race of many peoples, they can include khazars as well if they want to be pedophilic kike faggots

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OccidentalEnclave submission by @Joe_McCarthy.

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clamhurt_legbeard ago

Ooh! Ooh!

Blame u/native!

heygeorge ago

We pretty much have u/native, u/AR47, and u/LakotaPride to choose from. Puttsy you have to pick one

Native ago

Lol, I agree blame @AR47 or if you have to scrape the barrell then condone @Le_squish pretty sure she's also a savage. @clamhurt_legbeard.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

shes half nigger

niggers cant code and nobody thinks they can

something something indian giving that bad advice

Native ago

Well, Since when have Indians given good advice heh

Bad advice is a switch and bait trick we use to make hwite man look silly

AR47 ago

Blame me....I don't give a fuck some white faggot that looks like a hipster and plays a guitar on YouTube blames me for his problems......just means he can't reflect on the train wreck that is his life.

Come at me bruh

heygeorge ago

I don’t follow but you do you.

AR47 ago

Being a goat is all...seeing if I could get him to reply.

Maybe say something funny.

argosciv ago

Seems to not be showing as certified/uncertified at all.

Or does that only show when the voting closes?

PuttItOut ago

It will break down the un/certified counts at some point in the vote timeline. Perhaps it is half way through.

argosciv ago

Ah yep, it's showing now after the 12 hours remaining mark.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Shows when you voat