Joe_McCarthy ago

Though it is entirely possible I am misreading him. But in any case it is a plain call to ban me - based presumably on sedition grounds and the suggestion I'm not an American. He's probably right that some of what I say would have been illegal before 1969 and the implication I'm not an American but a foreign hostile actor fomenting destabilization propaganda is definitely the kind of thing US intelligence is preoccupied with.

Just seems like an unusual reason to request I be banned if he isn't a Fed.

Queerosexual ago

I think I just realized why most sites don't give users these kinds of voting powers.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yep. Though this sort of thing of course is not hard to foresee - only the form it will take. Forums tend to turn into circle jerks where a consensus forms. Anyone outside the consensus becomes a target. Here the circle jerk can brigade forum dissidents - so it is particularly toxic. If you ask me something needs to be done to curtail that - not so much give the mob even more power. It's so bad that it makes it a chore to post here at all - and I or others really shouldn't have to put up with that. Those with less fortitude just leave or get driven into negative CCP.

Arguably particularly bad on this site as for specific reasons this place got overrun by a militant Jew hating clique. These people are zealots - and in most cases quite crazy. Anything they dislike becomes Jewish. People that disagree with them. Porn. Anything bad. It is even fair to say that to them what is bad is Jewish and what is Jewish is bad. If Voat is to ever recover what it was in, say, early 2016 their ability to drive people off will have to be weakened, not strengthened.