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anticlutch ago

Eh yes, but it was more the (((federal reserve))) that had the most negative impact IMHO.

Additionally this is a jew approved thought process to get White males to fight against White females rather than being a strong alpha male which the female WILL follow and cherish above all kike propaganda.

edgecrusher99 ago

Why should a woman submit to the average 20-30 year old man today? These clowns are scared, whiny, and just want a new mommy. I don't place the blame solely with women for the state of the nation. Men need to break free of the programming, get on T supplements if needed to offset the hormones in the water, and reclaim their place. Women will naturally fall in line once that happens. But in the meantime, can you blame women for being neurotic and panicky if all the men around them show no ability or inclination to take care of them? Women get nervous and jumpy when they feel exposed and that they need to handle everything themselves. It's unnatural for them.


I don't think most of the people posting here understand this idea, but I agree with you.

Men are to lead women. If women have done astray (which they certainly have) then it was we men who allowed it to happen. All three parties can easily be blamed. Jews subverted the gender relationship intentionally. Women allowed themselves to be subverted due to their weak character development and their over depenadance on their emotions and we men... well, I think at some point we just stopped being men and stopped asserting our duties in the male/female dynamic.

edgecrusher99 ago

A lot of men here are just mad at women and don't know how to fix it, so they angrily lash out. If you handle yourself correctly, you'll find that many women naturally submit to you and then they even start "redpilling" themselves to make you happy, no silly techniques or tricks required. But why on earth would any decent woman submit herself to some under-educated man child who is barely employed and excitedly engages in infantile hobbies such as watching cartoons instead of striving to better himself and provide? Get a good job, make some money, and tell your woman you want to provide (and show that through your actions) and she will melt like butter. It's not that hard.


This is 100% true.

Feminism has no attraction to the woman that has a strong, powerful, protective and providing man. They do red pill themselves. They want to be what you need once you provide them what they need. And part of that is not putting up with the shit tests and bullshit. They WANT to be corrected. It makes them happier in their lives. Most just dont realize it becase they are so directed by their emotions.

edgecrusher99 ago

I've found that you sort of need to just break straight through it and then once you do it all clicks into place. I'm not afraid to admit it was an on/off struggle for me and also that I was not some natural 6'2" aryan god alpha male straight out of the womb; it took work to get comfortable with this. It's a learning experience and you have to work at it. But if you stay consistent on the path it seems to work out and get easier. It's definitely much more natural than trying to convince yourself it makes sense that your wife should be the breadwinner and you should stay home running the vacuum and changing diapers.


Once the relationship has been established for a while I don't think the appearance of the man has all that much to do with it (though of course, it does have something). It's the way the women FEEL around you. As long as (through our actions) we make our women feel safe and protected then they will have little desire to wander too far.

anticlutch ago

(((T supplements)))

Fuck off. Go to the gym or do manual labor or go to the natural gym: outdoors. That's it. Any (((testosterone supplement))) is a jewish lie, doesn't work at all, or is actual testosterone which destroys the bodies ability to make it's own testosterone which completely ruins you.

edgecrusher99 ago

Yeah bro, the average 11 year old in suburbia can "choose" to head into the woods to split logs and eat wild rabbit whenever the fuck he feels like it. Solid fantasy dude, bet you have some sweet chrome balls hanging from the hitch of your pavement princess too.

anticlutch ago

Continue having low T, small balls, ED, small cock, a weak jaw and bitch strength because (((you))) trust kike supplements.

watitdew ago

get on t supplements

You're only allowed to do that if you are a girl who wants to larp as a boy or a Hollywood actor or pro sportsball player.

edgecrusher99 ago

There is no shame in it. The natural environment has become pretty toxic to basic masculinity. Get checked by your doc and get fixed. You local city water is chock full of estrogen and your mom pumps you full of fried food full of even more estrogen from soy. There is a physical component here that will help the mental component fall into line.

watitdew ago

I agree 1488% the environment is against us and we should use our intelligence and tech to counteract that. However you go to the doc in your late 20s and tell them you want your levels tested and you're likely to get 'well you're in the normal range for a 65 year old man so we don't see any medical issue here'

edgecrusher99 ago

Maybe switch docs or tell them you want to be a professional weightlifter. Try a doctor associated with a christian hospital. They are more likely to understand the concern and not be some Harvard woke doc who thinks it's a good thing for men to be heavy on estrogen since it calms them and "prevents rape."

watitdew ago

I'm not trying to get an rx myself it's just a common story I hear. And the establishments idea of the quote unquote normal range is horseshit.

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