0cto5quid ago

And men allowed it to happen. KYS cucks

karamazov57 ago

Geez, this is so disappointing. I think the feminist did fuck everything up between men and women and I pray to God that it can be fixed somehow. I think women and men are inherently different and each has a place in the order of life. I’m not a feminist and I think there is a natural order in everything in families, businesses, organizations, etc.. here we go again using gender as a bludgeon to our unity. We even talk about it by proclaiming the lefts use of identity politics is their main weapon against us and we let them use it on us so successfully. That’s all you see on all social media. Blame the boomers, the millennials, the women, the men... please make it stop! Let’s unite all!

yewotm8 ago

Nope. We are to blame for letting their vote count.

DrPhate ago

They sure did. Whose bright idea was it to grant them the right to vote? Women don't have the brains to vote. They'll look at some filthy murder monkey in a shithole country and say, "Aww, lets bring 'em here." They think elections are beauty contests. They vote for who gets them all drippy.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Oh, for the gentle hearts, compassionate thoughts and simple minds of women.

boekanier ago

They should have stayed in their kitchen. What a wonderful world that was.

ch3f4554551n ago

Estrogen votes for safety and collectivism. Testosterone votes for liberty and sovereignty.

AgentSakura ago

Jews - Women - Invasion - Genocide

obvious-throwaway- ago

It was designed to split up the family. Instead of the head of household man, working in the best interests of his entire family and the politicians trying to appease the family man, the politicians seek out the women voters and try to get them to vote against their husbands.

WereAllFucked ago

Imagine actually believing your vote did something😂

arniecuntingham ago

who could have ever predicted THAT would happen? women are usually so LOGICAL.

stealthninjataliban ago

Woodrow Wilson fucked this country. Learn history

fredhere ago

men are the ones in power... and you want to blame women??? hahahaha too funny. jews are the problem, not women.

Judasrope ago

The questions that should be asked is how did men loose control? who is behind it? and why?

mxcviel ago

awesome countries where women can't vote are certainly an example how relevant is men/women voting ratio for fucking up the country.., and they are:

Afghanistan, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Papa New Guinea, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Zanzibar.

SoOutraged ago

They shouldn't be able to run for office either

ardvarcus ago

To a large degree, women only stepped forward because men stepped back. As white men became more pussified, women began to assume the roles traditionally filled by men, such as managers, doctors, dentists, lawyers, political leaders. A power vacuum was created by the failure of men to assert their dominance over women. This also opened the door for niggers, who are naturally more aggressive, to move in on white women. The sixty-four thousand dollar question is, "What has made white men more passive and feminine?" Is it something in the food? The water? The air? Or was it caused by the relentless attack of the Jews upon traditional white Christian culture?

TechDumb ago

*Jews fucked up white countries, women are like animals or niggers and do what they are allowed to do. Take your balls back and stop blaming the gentler half of your race.

Titanbikes4ever ago

I will reiterate that jews pushed women's suffrage and women are easier to brainwash. To, with the same breath, say women are stupid and then blame them for what's been happening, well it's actually on you. You let jews tell you to just sit there and let your women run wild. It's on white men to protect women and you all fucked up.

Leveraction ago

Well said!

Psilocyber ago

It's great to see the later generations aren't falling for the same divisive tricks that fooled those stupid boomers.

JastheMace ago

In 397 B.C. a Greek playwrite wrote a play called "The Assemblywoman" where the women dressed up as men and took over the council of Athens....Boom....instantly total communism. Abolish private property and make any who keep criminals, men kicked out of the house so the kids don't know who their dad is, all men must pay a stipend to the general fund to support the homes, total hypergammy, any man can have sex with any woman...but he has to sleep with all the uglier women first. The minds of women haven't changed at all in all those thousands of years. The play is basically a parody of why women should not be allowed in politics because they only think of their needs.

Bravo1XRay ago

This Is more than my opinion, It's based on Aaron Russo' getting Red Pilled by The Rockefeller'. God Bless Russo, there will NEVER be another like him.


RakerKey ago

And 100 years since going to Universities - yet they still desperately fail in forging any real world achievements for the benefits of ALL Humans in general.

Everything they concentrate on is purely for the female of the species and usually pretty feeble

Libtardscum ago

It has been 100 years since men gave women the vote

1stResponder ago

Females follow different behavioral characteristics than males. One the surface, it sounds all too obvious, but it is the "why" that is always left unanswered. (1) Survival strategy for females are different than in males. Heuristically, they do not emphasize the "fight or flight" instinct as with males. Rather, studies show the survival strategy is "tend and befriend" (Myer-Levy). This explains female inclination to the welfare state. It also explains, the age-old harem and gynaeceum and its success even to this day. People may scoff at this, but no-fault divorce and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and the nationwide government funding of Battered Women Shelters has made the legal status of women to be that of children under the doctrine of Parens Patriae. Parens Patriae means literally, “parent of the country.” In Blair Adams' "Preface" he writes:

[A]ccording to the courts of this land, ... "A child is primarily" not his parents' offspring but "a ward of the [S]tate"; ... parents hold relationship he owes allegiance to the government"; ... parents serve as a mere "guardianship" which "the government places [the child] under"; ... parental authority must be "at all times exercised in subordination to the paramount and overruling direction of the [S]tate"; ... "the natural rights of a parent to the custody and control of... his child are subordinate to the power of the [S]tate";... in deciding whether parent or State will control a child's education, the child's academic progress under the parents - even as measured by State-approved tests - has been termed by State prosecutors as "irrelevant and immaterial"; and finally ... such legal principles and policies form the basis of all this nation's compulsory education laws. (pp. Xix-xx)


Parens Patriae refers traditionally to the role of STATE as sovereign and guardian of persons under legal disability. This essentially is the definition of a "Ward of the State." Under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), women have been placed under this legal doctrine that the courts follow to the letter. In placing women under this title, they have motioned the court to dissolve their marriage license (government permission), thus trading her husband's protection for that of the government's protection. This is a form of gynaecuem or harem, in which the king or sultan provides protection and a safe haven. Women show the same behavioral trait even after their country is over-run and conquered by a foreign enemy. Under stress, women will prefer the survival strategy of "tend-and-befriend" instead of "fight-or-flight".

Since medieval times and before, women have consistently shown the same thing over and over again. John Lott and Lawrence Kenny in - "Did Women’s Suffrage Change the Size and Scope of Government?" reveals that the size and scope of government dramatically increased immediately after women got the right to vote. If you look at the graph, it looks like an piper airplane taking off.

Macro-economic studies have shown - Women are inherently herd-like in nature.

Being herd-like is exhibiting behavioral linearity and therefore makes society more predictable mathematically. In macro-economics it makes forecasting all the more possible. Did you know women are the largest demographic for television? Did you know blacks are the second largest audience followed by Hispanics? White males are the smallest demographic. Have you noticed the vast majority of advertising is directed at women?

ratsmack ago

It's also women in government position making decisions based on the level of PMS they're experiencing.

rspix000 ago

Jan 21 is the ten year anniversary for Citizens United that turned corporate campaign money spigots full on. Ruins democracy without regard to whether you have a penis or not.

RakerKey ago


Pcpoet09 ago

I don't buy into this its about race or gender....if you want better voting don't allow anyone under 30 that is not married with kids to vote. also do not allow anyone who is getting public assistance... when some one has nothing they are responsible for other then themselves they don't look at things except for how will it benefit me....when some one gets on public assistance it indicates someone who can not plan ahead all reasons we don't want them having a vote in an election.

NoBS ago

Divide and Conquer is alive and well. So says the Hearts and Mind overlord.

Thank you for playing. Idiots.

kidcip16 ago

Women shouldn't be able to vote, but who gave them the ability to vote? Weak men. That is where the blame lies. Part of a man's job is to keep the women in line. It's ultimately the failure of men that women are what they are today

RakerKey ago

NOT TRUE - it was the men who were in POWER - and they most certainly did NOT represent the wishes of REAL MEN

In fact they were extremely weak specimens who were fearful of REAL MEN but also extremely Devious and Cunning and used the female Vote issue as a method to undermine REAL MEN knowing full well what its consequences would be thus leaving themselves relatively safer and unchallenged

dudelol ago

Repeal the 19th

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Women are easy to manipulate, dont understand sacrifice, and are too idealist to recognize that the world is more complex and dynamic than they try to make it out to be.

They assume people think like them, act like them, and I believe women avoid the truth - that some 2-5% of the population are actually totally psychotic and will do anything to obtain power.

spaceman84 ago

Who gave them the right to vote and why?

Broseefus_ ago

and we let em

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

We let them, there's a difference.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Look at Sweden. Something like almost a thousand years of happy, prosperous living...a generation or two of women voting and it's open borders and niggers and Muslims raping everyone.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Reminder: Despite dipshit threads like this, white women still vote majority conservative (70%). It's kikes and their shitskin invaders that vote against the Constitution, not white women.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Who fucking cares that women vote conservative? Regardless does that change that women don’t think pragmatically, diplomatically, entrepreneurially, etc

Women are not designed for social and political management/leadership. They can not comprehend basic principles like good care evil etc.

Women only see emotionally and reactionary. Women see a child starving and say “why is this child starving? What can we do to help?” Men will say “where are this kid’s parents? Why are they dipshits? How do we break this cycle? When I’m the future will this problem bite us in the ass?”


Women simply cannot see past the obvious and are too damn weak to allow a kid to starve just to prove a point that after a few days of being hungry, tired, thirsty, cold, uncomfortable, etc, that usually motivates humans to actually do something.

Women remove these “pains” and thus remove the underlying lessons learned from pain.

Women are also annoying as fuck and can not communicate and wonder why men don’t hire them.

edgecrusher99 ago

It's not headed in the right direction. Women are programmed starting from kindergarten to think and vote based on emotions and "empathy," which basically means feeling bad for everyone else and giving up your own self-interest and that of your family to the benefit of foreign actors. The natural altruism women are supposed to feel for their families has been perverted to further the interests of globalism. White women spend more time feeling bad for brown people in Honduras than they do about their own kid sitting in daycare for 12 hours a day.

Tandemlee ago

This statements is assuming voters actually have a say in the important things that go on in this country. And blaming the voters rather than blaming those with actual power.

Something this rather jewy about this..

voat4895 ago

feminism i think is more to blame for telling women and men that to want the traditional relationship gender roles is not respectable. men and women both bought into it.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Men only complied to attract a female mate, we never bought into shit, and still don’t buy this shit, we fucking despise reckless altruistic idealistic feminist bitches and always will. Anything else is appeasement to get some pussy.

NakedWarrior ago

If you think all the problems in this country boil down to only one thing - women voting, you're a special kind of stupid. Central Banking, Federal Reserve, hell almost every single corporation since the beginning of time has been developed and run by men. Let's look at history. it wasn't until around the 1960s that women even really began voting for their own choices, most voted for what their husbands/father's choices were. Up to the 1960s, most women had to quit their job when they got married or pregnant. It wasn't until the 1970s that women were even allowed to serve on juries in every US state. So, you could say the last 20 years have been women voting poorly, but certainly not 100 years. According to a Rutgers study, in all presidential elections prior to 1980, the voter turnout rate for women was lower than the rate for men. It is only after that time that more women are voting. So, you want to blame someone - blame all the men sitting on their ass and not going out to the polls to vote.

1stResponder ago

The point is that (((they))) have hi-jacked women's power to subvert Western society and offer exactly what women instinctively need; that is, Welfare and safety. Ex-KGB officer and Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov in an interview with G. Edward Griffin states in alarming clarity, this is the method for subverting American society.

Without women voting, by far the #1 viewing demographic for advertisements, the size and scope of government would be very different today. An indication of this can be seen by how White men vote versus women. IMO, without women suffrage, our society would look like it did back prior to 1965. The 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act would have never passed.

NoBS ago

Weaponized IRS subverting elections while protecting Clinton Global Bribery. With the US Marshals running interfearance because the FBI have got their cut. Right Comey? How's the Mueller payoff, err I mean book deal going Robert?

Plavonica ago

It's all about who puts in vs who takes out. Those who are a net positive aren't going to vote for taking away their contributions and sending their money to pay for retarded shit like welfare, section ape, etc etc. Those who are parasites on the system (women, blacks, mexicunts, etc) will always vote for the politician who promises more free shit.

HistoryQuest ago


Just because two things occur it doesn't mean they are related. Men have been running the country since it's inception, and also specifically since 1920. Are they not responsible for fucking things up?

noob_tube ago

Islam is right about women. Make women property again.

Smokybubbles ago

Islam is for gay sand nigger faggots who like cutting people's heads off and worshipping magic sky gods.

Tandemlee ago

Give men authority in their households again.

AdmiralEnchilada ago


They fucked up the world

veteran88 ago

These thots have jungle fever from watching too much kike tv. They want refugees because they thing they will get fucked by those monkeys.

If it was Asian and Ukrainian women coming here as refugees to get away from the sex slave trade, these thots would be against it.

Traditional roles worked for hundreds of thousands of years before Zog took over. It would be better for everyone if we went back to them and removed and replaced all of this kike propaganda.

Destination ago

I know a libshit who is fucking pissed about some illegal aliens masquerading as refugees. Why? An Asian mother who went through hell and back to ensure her daughters don't end up like some fuckers cock sock. The mad cunt hates Asian women. Lot of libs do which is funny as fuck.

kidcip16 ago


This is literally why. Most men prefer Asian women. Women are simple. They are jealous of any woman they perceive as more attractive than themselves. It's the same reason for "being single makes you unattractive" phenomenon. If a guy has a girlfriend, women find him more attractive. If not, they find him less attractive.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Not this one, tiny everything.

CaptnObvius ago

They weren't given that right for a damn good reason.

smokratez ago

Blame jews. Women are dumb and can't help it.

300_Black ago

No, blame us. Jews are gonna do jew things and can't help it.

smokratez ago

lol. Forgiving jews and blaming white people instead. What a faggot.

300_Black ago

Jews are such a small percentage of the population, they could have never controlled us unless we allowed them to. Which we did. They're not even armed, ffs. They didn't even force us to with violence, or bloodshed or anything. We became their slaves willingly.

Now do you understand why the call us goyim?

no-hurry-no-pause ago

White pussies voted for it. If it is so easy to subvert a foreign nation, why are only white countries subverted by jews? Why dont they take over japan if it is so easy?

smokratez ago

Japan is being pozzed as well. White people are the biggest threat, so jews focussed us first.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Japan is being pozzed as well.

Every country adopting democracy is pozzed to a degree. But Japan is by far not as pozzed as the west simply because they never have been infected by christianity.

White people are the biggest threat, so jews focussed us first.

White people are not the biggest threat, but the easiest target because of Christianity. "Worship us, cuz your Jesus was a jew" doesnt work with non-whites. White worship of jews is as retarded as streetshitter worship of cows. The streetshitters are lucky that cows are unable to exploit their retardation like jews are exploiting ours.

Alhambra ago

the concept of female equality is an "enlightenment" idea, which, while certainly poisoned and exploited by jews, is mostly a product of Europeans, specifically a product of the wealth and security European society created. as they say, "good times create weak men", and weak men created feminism.

smokratez ago

weak men created feminism

jews created feminism, so you are correct. The weakest of inbred faggot "men" created it.

JastheMace ago

Jews definitely created it, but I wouldn't call all Jews weak.

smokratez ago

Jews aren't a race or religion, they are a tribe of converts. Most are agnostic or atheist and don't give a rat's ass about world domination and have nothing to do with it. Jesuits and their oath are where it's at. All a big show.


JastheMace ago

Yes, think of two separate types. Most of what people think of, ie the classic hairy hook nose with glasses and a bald spot, those are the Khazarian converts. The ancient Phonecian Navy who have extreme ancient wealth mostly intermarried into the noble lines. Instead of the bump with the hook, they have a long slender nose with the hook. Look at paintings of European nobility. Not all, but a bunch. Jesuits are the later.

smokratez ago

but I wouldn't call all Jews weak

They are all inbred pedo faggots.

JastheMace ago

"All".....No...Only the ruling class....The Jews I have known in my life are regular class people who are mostly atheist or agnostic

smokratez ago

Enjoy that tiny jew dick up your ass buddy.

JastheMace ago

You seem like the "Jew" here

smokratez ago

Yeah, calling out jews for being behind white genocide makes me such a jew. You're a moron.

JastheMace ago

Fine, FBI faggot then

smokratez ago

Fbi are satanists. jews are leaders of satanism. Wrong again.

JastheMace ago

....and you are their mouthpiece....Faggot

Nosfewratsjews ago

Jews were smart enough to use Tavistock ideology to target women.

Men just want to get laid and follow the women like the meek estrogen-infuesed pupplies they are. Q is a great example of this, mostly a bunch of women falling for the Military PSYOP bullshit and men just nodding along so they have one less thing for the bitch to nag about.

Sure feels like we're fucked. Might as well go out with a bang.

smokratez ago

You are not we.

DrPlant ago

Q is lazy entrylevel, obviously controlled. But at least it introduces people to the idea of a backroom elite and different factions within our ruling-class (even if it's limited to good guys vs bad guys). The people stuck following Q forever were never going to get it anyway.

Sleuth222 ago

No, not at least it introduces people to the idea. Q corrals and stops people from getting all the way to the truth. It's electronic gatekeeping.

watitdew ago

It's the Russian hackers narrative for the right. And a larp and gay.

BearDolphin1488 ago

If anything, I'm somewhat thankful. Women voting in mass and taking parts in political discourse has shown how stupid the system is. They're so shortsighted that they are gonna get the whole thing to blow up. So, mozzletoff. I guess.

It's similar to how I view niggers... if white america didnt have the violent minority of pavement apes around, they might have been more apt to discard guns for overall safety. But since weve had them prowling around, whites have kept guns near and dear, at least more so than if the niggees hadn't been here.

Lord_Kristopf ago

I sometimes wonder if these types of quotes/sayings are put out by bad actors to alienate women and drive them from our political leanings/organizations. I then realize that even if so, they would still be doing us a kind service by alienating women and driving away from our political movements/organizations.

anticlutch ago

Eh yes, but it was more the (((federal reserve))) that had the most negative impact IMHO.

Additionally this is a jew approved thought process to get White males to fight against White females rather than being a strong alpha male which the female WILL follow and cherish above all kike propaganda.

edgecrusher99 ago

Why should a woman submit to the average 20-30 year old man today? These clowns are scared, whiny, and just want a new mommy. I don't place the blame solely with women for the state of the nation. Men need to break free of the programming, get on T supplements if needed to offset the hormones in the water, and reclaim their place. Women will naturally fall in line once that happens. But in the meantime, can you blame women for being neurotic and panicky if all the men around them show no ability or inclination to take care of them? Women get nervous and jumpy when they feel exposed and that they need to handle everything themselves. It's unnatural for them.


I don't think most of the people posting here understand this idea, but I agree with you.

Men are to lead women. If women have done astray (which they certainly have) then it was we men who allowed it to happen. All three parties can easily be blamed. Jews subverted the gender relationship intentionally. Women allowed themselves to be subverted due to their weak character development and their over depenadance on their emotions and we men... well, I think at some point we just stopped being men and stopped asserting our duties in the male/female dynamic.

edgecrusher99 ago

A lot of men here are just mad at women and don't know how to fix it, so they angrily lash out. If you handle yourself correctly, you'll find that many women naturally submit to you and then they even start "redpilling" themselves to make you happy, no silly techniques or tricks required. But why on earth would any decent woman submit herself to some under-educated man child who is barely employed and excitedly engages in infantile hobbies such as watching cartoons instead of striving to better himself and provide? Get a good job, make some money, and tell your woman you want to provide (and show that through your actions) and she will melt like butter. It's not that hard.


This is 100% true.

Feminism has no attraction to the woman that has a strong, powerful, protective and providing man. They do red pill themselves. They want to be what you need once you provide them what they need. And part of that is not putting up with the shit tests and bullshit. They WANT to be corrected. It makes them happier in their lives. Most just dont realize it becase they are so directed by their emotions.

edgecrusher99 ago

I've found that you sort of need to just break straight through it and then once you do it all clicks into place. I'm not afraid to admit it was an on/off struggle for me and also that I was not some natural 6'2" aryan god alpha male straight out of the womb; it took work to get comfortable with this. It's a learning experience and you have to work at it. But if you stay consistent on the path it seems to work out and get easier. It's definitely much more natural than trying to convince yourself it makes sense that your wife should be the breadwinner and you should stay home running the vacuum and changing diapers.


Once the relationship has been established for a while I don't think the appearance of the man has all that much to do with it (though of course, it does have something). It's the way the women FEEL around you. As long as (through our actions) we make our women feel safe and protected then they will have little desire to wander too far.

anticlutch ago

(((T supplements)))

Fuck off. Go to the gym or do manual labor or go to the natural gym: outdoors. That's it. Any (((testosterone supplement))) is a jewish lie, doesn't work at all, or is actual testosterone which destroys the bodies ability to make it's own testosterone which completely ruins you.

edgecrusher99 ago

Yeah bro, the average 11 year old in suburbia can "choose" to head into the woods to split logs and eat wild rabbit whenever the fuck he feels like it. Solid fantasy dude, bet you have some sweet chrome balls hanging from the hitch of your pavement princess too.

anticlutch ago

Continue having low T, small balls, ED, small cock, a weak jaw and bitch strength because (((you))) trust kike supplements.

watitdew ago

get on t supplements

You're only allowed to do that if you are a girl who wants to larp as a boy or a Hollywood actor or pro sportsball player.

edgecrusher99 ago

There is no shame in it. The natural environment has become pretty toxic to basic masculinity. Get checked by your doc and get fixed. You local city water is chock full of estrogen and your mom pumps you full of fried food full of even more estrogen from soy. There is a physical component here that will help the mental component fall into line.

watitdew ago

I agree 1488% the environment is against us and we should use our intelligence and tech to counteract that. However you go to the doc in your late 20s and tell them you want your levels tested and you're likely to get 'well you're in the normal range for a 65 year old man so we don't see any medical issue here'

edgecrusher99 ago

Maybe switch docs or tell them you want to be a professional weightlifter. Try a doctor associated with a christian hospital. They are more likely to understand the concern and not be some Harvard woke doc who thinks it's a good thing for men to be heavy on estrogen since it calms them and "prevents rape."

watitdew ago

I'm not trying to get an rx myself it's just a common story I hear. And the establishments idea of the quote unquote normal range is horseshit.

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FirstLine ago

Democracy was a mistake

DesertFox33 ago

I don't see how this situation is even close to democracy.

heretolearn ago

yes dont blame the cunts in power who created the FED reserve or the patriot act or more taxes...no no, blame women. how dumb.

crazy_eyes ago

muh feels

SpreeFeech ago

Women and shitskins are easier manipulate than White men. The people in power, aka: the jews, use them to dilute the vote and to be the front line in their fight for the jewish agenda.

heretolearn ago

yet the men were manipulated into everything I stated.

SpreeFeech ago

Ok yeah, the federal reserve was caused by White men who were manipulated by jews, but the Patriot Act and higher taxes? Things weren't great after the civil war but he was talking about the last 100 years of women voting in alignment with the jewish agenda.

heretolearn ago

how much of that agenda was caused by men....most if not all.

SpreeFeech ago

It was caused by jewish men but that's not the point of this post. They are talking about how America has gone to shit over the last 100 years and part of the reason for that is women voting in alignment with jewish propaganda.

heretolearn ago

the post is bullshit.

Brawndosaurus ago

Of course it's the fault of the men who created the FED , etc. But the means by which they utterly fucked us was to empower the dumbest gender.

heretolearn ago

nope. it's because we sit and do nothing.

Brawndosaurus ago

Ultimately, yes.

realmonster ago

this is the correct answer

YouFearMyWords ago

Christians ruled before women got the vote and after.

This is their SOE.

NavigatorFlight ago

Women vote for their own comfort at the expense of society as a whole.

chirogonemd ago

It was one of the pillars that was thermite cut from underneath this society, while we focus on windows getting blown out on the 40th floor.

Alhambra ago

more than their vote the real damage is the implication that women's opinions are equal to men's (which they are absolutely fucking not). that's not to say a female outlier can't exist, or that male idiots don't exist, but in general women should not be calling the shots any more than children or adolescents should.

Pcpoet09 ago

I think we found an outlier

favoritecoloriswhite ago

It's not even about intelligence, it's just that men and women approach problems and their solutions differently.

whatisbestinlife ago

women live in mud huts and men live in tree houses

zxcvzxcv ago

men and women approach problems and their solutions differently.

You are right. Men come up with real solutions that solve real problems. Women do whatever the jew tells them to do.

Alhambra ago

it's more about experiences. women don't experience the hunt or the battlefield, and if they do it's as victims (and that victim mentality permeates their politics). the expression "never trust a man who hasn't been punched in the face" pretty much applies to all women by default.

tastelessinvective ago

They can do complicated math problems in the abstract.

Now take a simple math problem like shit hole immigrants being economically unproductive and consuming more than they produce.

What happens to a system when you take out more than you put in? Eventually you hit zero and the system dies.

Women can't figure it out because emotionally they can't handle the implication that they can't just coddle and mother infinite amounts of brown people.

spaceman84 ago

The IQ gap is an issue, but there is an underlying flaw with their cognitive abilities regardless of intelligence. They all possess the same defect.

Trash_Panda ago

That's like your eye spiting your nose because it can't see. You're a moron.

spaceman84 ago

Married with kids. Try again projecting faggot.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

It's not a "defect". Their cognitive processes and their approach to problem solving has simply evolved to fill a different role in groups of humans.

spaceman84 ago

Ok civnat kumbaya cuck. We'll just pretend that they are not cognitively disabled and permanent adolescents. Different but equal, right fag?

favoritecoloriswhite ago

You sound like a cognitively disabled adolescent yourself to be honest.

spaceman84 ago

You're still romanticizing women. They are overgrown children and were kept as property for a reason. Go back 2000 years and the lesson was always that given a choice women will choose wrong and knowledge pollutes their minds. At best you can keep them as ignorant children.

edgecrusher99 ago

Are you gonna raise the kids and take care of the home, then? Being pissed at every woman because you can't get laid isn't our problem, dude.

spaceman84 ago

Have a wife and kids. Boys get taken away from their mother as soon as they are ready. Women cannot teach boys to be men.

Nosfewratsjews ago

+Boomers and you've got my vote.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Boomers are worse than jews now? Holy fuck, Boomer Derangement Syndrome must be a horrible affliction.

HeyJeorge ago

Boomers are worse than jews now?

Jew slaves are equally bad as Jews. Pander elsewhere.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Wow; those fucking boomers are the most omnipotent generation ever on Earth! Too bad their whiney-ass, spoiled, incompetent children didn't inherit some of that awesome power.

Oh well, at least they have their nigger music, game controllers, and other electronic pacifiers to keep them satiated. I mean, far be it for the largest generation to take some responsibility for any of the shit in the world.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Don't forget all the vaccines and fluoride you pumped into us!!

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Oh, that's another thing for which to blame boomers! Those fuckers had vaccines and fluoride pumped into them when they were little kids and then turned around and pumped that shit into their own children. Dirty rotten fucking boomers doing what their parents and grandparents did!

It’s not like they didn’t have ready access to information like we have in 2020! There were libraries, newspapers, books, and magazines published by jews. The information was right in front of them!

I mean, they invented the Internet and cell phones and shit; why didn't they also invent a time machine and go back to tell their parents and grandparents about the jews and their plots to undermine White nations and destroy the White races? This would have made life so much easier for the innocent millennial generation.

Now, one could say that the millennial generation has the greatest opportunity to change things, but that would get in the way of some really good starbucks coffee drinking, awesome video game playing, and egregious Internet porn fapping sessions. Moreover, it would preclude the millennial generation from engaging in its life’s goal of inventing new ways to play the perpetual victim as an excuse to take no responsibility and do nothing.

Goddamn fucking boomers are responsible for fucking up everything—even the shit that happened before they were born. Those bastards need to die. It’s a good thing gen-z is coming along to eradicate them. I mean, we can’t expect the millennials to do much more than whine and moan on Internet forums now can we?

BushChuck ago

Found the boomer.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Goddammit; where? You mean to tell me those fucking boomers are even here on Voat? Jesus Fucking Christ, you just can't get away from those bastards. Is there anywhere on this planet where millennials can simply hang out undeterred by boomers—just to cry and wail about how difficult their lives are?

I mean, it's bad enough that millennials have it the worst of any generation—ever, but now they can't even find a refuge on some small corner of the Interent. A place where they can call "home". A place where they can bitch and moan about how difficult their special lives are and how it's impossible for them do do anything about everything.

Fucking boomers ruined everything and continue to ruin everything. Even after they're dead—and the millennials run things—there will still be those goddamn boomers fucking things up from beyond the grave!

We really need to get rid of those fucking boomers, but then who will give us a place to live and an allowance for video games?

Life is so cruel and unfair ....

BushChuck ago

I'm GenX, retired and wealthy, despite your generation's bullshit.

Looking forward to watching you fuckers being put into nigger run nursing homes.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

What's my generation?

How the fuck did you get wealthy as a Genx'er unless you pulled the same shit that the boomers are accused of doing?

Looking forward to watching you fuckers being put into nigger run nursing homes.

So, like the typical millennial you're expecting to enjoy living off your ill-gotten wealth, not doing anything to change the world, and anticipating paying for the boomers retirements in nursing homes.

Interesting perspective you have on life and what you think the future holds.

BushChuck ago

OK, boomer.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Lolz. That's what my smartass genz'er kids say to me.

But hey, thanks for confirming my points about enjoying your ill-gotten, boomer-created, artificial financialization gains whilst pretending to be against the Jew World Order economic system.

In summation: You're pissed because despite having taken complete advantage of the JWO system facilitated by boomers and the previous generations, you now have to watch as the system comes apart at the seams. The terrible tragedy is that you won't get to enjoy the comfortable, mindless, consumerist retirement you anticipated while simultaneously passing the buck onto subsequent generations.

I think it's pretty obvious who's the "boomer" around here.

BushChuck ago

You couldn't be more wrong.

Go ahead and bankrupt everything, doesn't bother me at all.

I don't use government services, and I own so much land, I might as well be my own country.

Taken complete advantage? What does that entail?

You're just another Matrix dwelling NPC boomer, and apparently your children are shit heads.

Enjoy that.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Go ahead and bankrupt everything, doesn't bother me at all.

Why am I in charge of bankruptcy? I've paid for everything I've consumed in my life. Shouldn't somebody else—say a millennial pretending to be a genx'er—be put in charge of defaulting on borrowed money?

You're just another Matrix dwelling NPC boomer,

Interesting how you keep accusing me of being a boomer. I would think anybody intelligent enough to take advantage of a boomer-created economy would have put 2 & 2 together by now.

Of course, the more likely scenario is that you're a millennial who despite inheriting wealth from boomer parents, likes to go around shitposting about evil boomers without wanting to admit which generation you really belong to, or how you obtained your boomer wealth.

But, whatever, I'm sure you'll be safe from the shitstorm engulfing the world.

BushChuck ago

Ok, boomer.

Spiteful_Mutant ago


Ok, millennial.

BushChuck ago

How many medications are you on?

Spiteful_Mutant ago

None. I don't even drink alcohol or smoke anything.

Now the real question: How many mind-altering chemicals have you used in your life and how many are currently using?

I bet you can buy some good sheit with all that boomer money!

CantDentTheBrent ago

You have a lot of free time to type.

Is that because you're retired?

Spiteful_Mutant ago

It's Sunday, and it really doesn't take that long to write any of these posts.

Besides, how the fuck can I retire when the boomers ruined the economy, spent my inheritance on Harley's, private jets, and vacations in the Gulf of Mexico? Goddammit, do you know how much time I could be spending on video games if I didn't actually have to show up for my job?

Oh wait, I don't actually work because I am living off the money my boomer parent's give me every month.

Fucking boomers ....

Racial_Maddow ago


Alhambra ago

in the sense that at least jews put their own kind first, yes. a typical boomer is all too quick to throw their people under the bus, ancestors and progenitors alike.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Yep, those fucking boomers ruined everything—especially the generation they birthed. I mean, what the fuck, abortion was legalized—why didn't the boomers take some responsibility and abort the millennial generation?

Racial_Maddow ago

You seem angry?

CantDentTheBrent ago

He sounds stupid.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Sarcasm is a more apt description ....

badruns ago

Yeah but they got theirs and they'll be dead before the collapse, so why does any of that matter?

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Exactly; those motherfucking boomers and their yachts, private jets, and private islands in the Pacific. Why the fuck don't they leave something for their totally competent, and extraordinarily gifted children?

Nosfewratsjews ago

Are you a Boomer? Responsibility means you have to act once you know better. I bet you aren't. Most aren't.