zxcvzxcv ago

the jewish response to the french assistance was the french revolution...heads rolled.

Hammer82 ago

France is dying, and it is very good. Fuck these people.

Groff ago

This kind of shit pretty much explains a lot of the "limp dick" actions that occur in Germany and elsewhere. Real Germans (Aryan) are rare and mostly encountered outside of Germany. Consider the waves of mass rape that occurred in Germany after the war - not just by Soviets but by everyone - Germany is now a nation populated by a mongrel race.

HiJoker ago

I think that was more about fucking over Britain than it was helping us.

RandomFurryDude ago

IIRC the Nazis found that the negros did the worst crimes of war.

Imagine that, fucking NAZI'S admitting the niggers were pure evil.

zxcvzxcv ago

Based on the fact that you call the NatSocs by the jewish term "nazi", you probably need to read this: https://files.catbox.moe/41ug4v.pdf

RandomFurryDude ago

Based on the fact that you're reacting to 'Nazi' like its a no-no word, maybe you should toughen up, retard. Take back the retarded labels they use to insult you.

Bumbino ago

Kill yourself

RandomFurryDude ago

After you, faggot.

boekanier ago

Go and rape!

HumanScholar ago

Gross. How American of those German women to have sex with Niggers.

Also Google this and check images "die wacht am rhein münze schwarze schande."

otmutawa ago

What the hell am i looking at?

HumanScholar ago

A commemorative coin that was minted for all the coal burning whores (rape victims too) that had sex with niggers and became Americans.

doubleanalbypass ago


PanaVoat ago

(((The French)))

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TheKnightOfGod ago

They have been invaded for centuries and are just a host for (((parasites))).

hillbilly_guy ago

If it wasn't rape, those had to be some superwhores to bang a nigger buck back then.

HighEnergyLife ago

They weren't far off weimar times so who knows

Maroonsaint ago

This is what happens in every war. Kill the men rape the women. Same shit everywhere any war any century

yewotm8 ago

They didn't even have the decency to rape them with French dicks. Had to bring in dicks from Africa to do it. That's pure kikery.

Babar333 ago

The French couldn't get their hard enough for rape

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

But I'm le tired

Maroonsaint ago

I wish you would rape me with your dick

Herbert666Marcuse ago

What is this JIDF fag which calls itself "Maroonsaint"?

Does VOAT ban the JIDF?

Phantom42 ago


No man, that's his own special way of fucking with you. You'll see him around making actually intelligent comments. You're a new guy, so he's just giving you a little hazing ritual.

Maroonsaint ago

I’m not a Jew shill. I just wanna see your dick

mf1776 ago

Most armies don't bring along packs of niggers to do the raping

AgentSakura ago

Not really for white people though, that's kind of a kike nigger thing.

Maroonsaint ago

no it’s everyone. After a long day a murder you just want some pussy and after killing what’s supposed to bother you about rape

AgentSakura ago

shut up savage faggot

standing armies and colonial forces had laws governing their conduct and I'm sure any respectable soldier wouldn't be caught raping the enemy population

whites have morals, niggers and kikes don't

Maroonsaint ago

I bet you won’t call me a faggot while your Cock is in my mouth

AgentSakura ago

wtf lol stfu faggot

Maroonsaint ago

Lemme see your dick

Communism4Israel ago

You wouldn't be saying that while my boot is down your throat, sodomite filth.

Maroonsaint ago

Yea well it would probably be hard with a shoe in my mouth

bezzy ago

Murder is less of a crime than rape and killing enemies in war is not murder nor is it immoral. It is noble, honourable, and just.

Soyboy69 ago

Don't act like you'd be above some free pussy after a few years without so much as the sight of a woman.

vladthehampaler ago

"free pussy"

literally violent assault

the absolute state of males

bezzy ago

Not trying to moral fag about what I would or wouldn’t do after a world war but I think we can all agree that slaying your enemies is moral and just whereas raping women and children is not moral.

areyoumygaffer ago

oy vey you're being anti semitic

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

I believe it, but source please.

SpottyMatt ago

I don't know if you consider Hitler a valid source, but he writes about this towards the end of Mein Kampf, the context of figuring out who the new Germany should choose as political allies (not France).

France's occupation The Ruhr is a well-known, undisputed historical fact... they basically got tired of not getting enough stuff from the Treaty of Versailles, and decided to just invade Germany (with troops!) and take some more.

zxcvzxcv ago

Sauce: 'March of the Titans', by Arthur Kemp, pg 480

Here is a link to the 1,500+ page pdf: https://files.catbox.moe/au0bil.pdf

philmchawk ago

Kemp is a known lie btw.

zxcvzxcv ago

source or gtfo

philmchawk ago

I tried finding it, couldn't I probably mixed him up with someone my bad.

zxcvzxcv ago

No problem. Kemp does make some claims which a reader can tell are "interpretive" and biased according to his own personal beliefs (and so I understand how he could easily be attacked, especially by the jewish-run academia), but March of the Titans is filled with vital information which is intentionally left out of basically every other (((history book))), and well-worth the read and a great supplement to the additional information which has been more recently uncovered.

I like to think of Kemp as I think of GL Rockwel. Rockwel didn't have all of the information about the NatSocs. Some of the information he had about them was wrong (he still thought Hitler burned books, and that Hitler called himself a nazi, without realizing that these things were jewish propaganda), but the information Rockwel did have was on-point and incredibly valuable for his time. Kemp was no different.

philmchawk ago

Hitler did burn books though, they just happened to be porn and tranny shit. Ya ill have to look more into kemp.

zxcvzxcv ago

You are right, but the point was that GLR didn't know it was porn.

philmchawk ago


TheFinalKalki ago

What do you mean he’s a known lie? I have his book, it’s fairly knowledge filled.

zxcvzxcv ago

hello fellow white person. We needs tah maken sure us whites don't download anys dangerous info that might cause whites to unite. shaloms!

Atkho ago

Just copy and paste or screenshot. PDFs are the stone tablets of the internet.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Thank you

AshesAshes ago

Look into the French government at the time. Our special friends! Fuck the French they've been doing this shit for centuries.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

people don't realize how much the 1st revolution ruined french society.

The spirit of the french people was broken during the revolution, what was left was a husk filled by decadent consumption and marxism.

Compare 19th-20th century France vs Germany, its unbelievable. Just the birth rates alone in Natsoc germany vs French republic is insane.

AshesAshes ago

The French nation has always been jealous of the Germans.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Well France is pretty much done, so the native French at least won’t be an issue.

SparklingWiggle ago


Sosacms ago

Explains why Germany used shit skin migrants to overburden the French prior to invasion. Buyback is a bitch.

369693936 ago

It's all about raping, degrading and humiliating the Saxon. Why is that?

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shillaccount3344 ago


calfag ago


FederalShill ago

They were most likely raped.

Broseefus_ ago

what decent woman would continue to live and then raise a mutt-child born from rape by a nig?

FederalShill ago

You would like that


I would SIDS that nigglet. Day 1