WickedVocalist ago

I would be careful what you tube links you use also.. The reposts are getting fucking looney.

donotreply2 ago

NEVER download anything from a website unless you went to that website to actually download a program/pic/etc.... even then run it thru an anti-virus program like Eset.

From an IT guy


Why would I not trust a pdf reader?

fuckinghell ago

Did you hear about that new cross weave? It's the shit, man.

LurkedForever ago

Anyone here 'member voltrondicks? That piece of shit was singularly responsible for me being wary of clicking links. Asshole made a bunch of alts to submit that damned "women math" or whatever pdf and would spam it everywhere.

Reddit_traitor ago

then he'd get pissed off for you calling him out on it.. he'd make sure the link to .pdf looked like normal link.

fuck that guy.

LurkedForever ago

I know, right? That's why he made the alts, because people started recognizing his name and not clicking on anything he posted.

glassuser ago

Could have just left off the "from voat".

lord_nougat ago

Looks safe to me!

albatrosv15 ago

Strings strings strings.

Synxsynxsynx ago

Voat's DB taking a shit. Said i submitted it already. Refreshed like 6 times and said fuck it then changed up the wording a bit.

IlyaEhrenberg ago

you download and execute a file,

That's not how that works. A PDF is a glorified PostScript file. It doesn't carry any executable code.

ShinyVoater ago

It's not really the format's fault, but it does somewhat deserve the bad rap as long as so many people have Adobe Reader.

IlyaEhrenberg ago

Xpdf. yeah Adobe is straight up embedded in evil.

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

I thought it was a Mongolian throat singing board

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

From what I've read most vulnerabilities stem from the reader itself moreso than the PDF. The PDF is just the payload delivery method.

If you're using something atypical it's probably not curtailed to you PDF viewer.

Jimmycrackerson ago


Jimmycrackerson ago


AnarchicAlpaca ago

don't be wimps.

johnmclean ago

Is that why I had to factory reset my phone?

WickedVocalist ago

Get a blackberry

ex-redd ago

DO NOT pay attention to Voat

totallynotFBI ago

PDF is a universal document format. Just use an open source PDF reader and you'll be fine.

HiJoker ago


mehwah ago

1) DOwnload virtual box

2)Download Iso for Raspberian x86

3)run virtual box with ISO installed... enjoy surfing on 'virtual machine' in a 'live session'

4)Turn off virtual box... all viruses on virtual machine vanish since you are using live CD

Alternatively run an old POS PC with Raspberian as a live CD



Foxxo_Deluxo ago

Why not something like lubuntu instead of shit made for different hardware?

mehwah ago

Raspberrian x86 is for regular processors.....the ARM version works for the raspberry PI but they made a look alike for x86 processors off debian (i think).....reason I suggest x86 raspberrian is that it runs my old software way cooler then lubuntu does, and is snappier in my personal experiance.

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

Oh cool I didn't know it was on x64. The more you know.

mehwah ago


I think they have a link on this page... it makes my old POS computer built for XP in the early 2000's FLY.

KLDB ago

full version of malwarebytes has caught a few here.

Jimmycrackerson ago

I have a whole sub of 1000+ free pdfs and another 2000 epub. v/arcave. Never had a problem with a pdf file.

dirtydyno ago

Run BSD here. I open stuff up ... throw it at me! Then I'll capture it, and show it to others.

zxcvzxcv ago

I download every pdf I see and have never had any problems (as far as I know). I've also made some great pdfs and uploaded them here, and so I'm calling you a shill. You probably live in tel aviv.

ShinyVoater ago

This is good advice if you use Adobe Reader. Just about every other PDF reader is a lot more secure(mostly on account of not being published by Adobe).

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/politics comment by @Atkho.

Posted automatically (#86253) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Opposed-Forces: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Atkho)

pissedoffhonkey ago

well no shit

bezzy ago

Scan files with VirusTotal.

A nice feature would be automatic hashing and lookup on VT of files such as PDFs which are commonly used to spread malware.

cyber_dum_runner3 ago

I'm on linux baby you can't doodle my noddle no sir ha ha ha free software is the white man's weapon.

OutragedForNoReason ago

Also, keep your mouth closed when you're cleaning a toilet.

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

And riding a motorcycle, and while looking up inside a bat filled cave.

cantaloupe6 ago

Couldn't have shared that little tidbit earlier!?!?

OutragedForNoReason ago

Mea culpa.

lord_nougat ago

Also don't tug on superman's cape, don't spit in the wind, don't pull the mask off the old lone ranger. But messing with Slim is probably okay.

OutragedForNoReason ago

I'll have to check my copy of In Libro Croce, but I'm pretty sure it's been stated that, messing around with Slim was not to be done.

Herbert666Marcuse ago


PS: Jim Croce was a JEW.

OutragedForNoReason ago

So was Sammy Davis Jr.

Checkmate vocalists.

WickedVocalist ago

Dude come the fuck on..

OutragedForNoReason ago

Where are we going?

lord_nougat ago

It depends entirely upon where in the song you are. Since the protagonist royally fucks slim... or maybe Jim up. I gotta listen again, it has been years!

LightestHour ago

Jim gets fucked up by Slim, so I wouldn't encourage it

OutragedForNoReason ago

I would think it best to just stay on the sidelines and not get involved. Let them settle their differences like men.

Splooge ago

Also, never look straight up at a bird, never drink downstream from a cow, never order steak at a seafood place or seafood at a steakhouse.

GenderPronoun ago

Don't eat yellow snow is another important one to remember.

Splooge ago

Ah! Classic!

OutragedForNoReason ago

We need to get a list going.

GenderPronoun ago

That's probably a thread of it's own! :)

I know a guy once did a song about it.

areyoumygaffer ago


generate ago

so what is the software that I can trust?

stradian ago

Do not trust a viewer that supports javascript and Adobe features. The dumber, the better.

Software that is based on



*mupdf (Compiled without javascript support)

can mitigate issues.

Also, do not trust operating systems that permit applications to act this way in the first place.

zxcvzxcv ago

Acrobat reader is a no. Just open them in a web browser and that should cure about 90% of pdf problems.

lord_nougat ago


Rellik88 ago

Fuck your rules




ExpertShitposter ago

Based and turnerpiled.

Synxsynxsynx ago

God damn right. If these fucking pussys don't know how to sandbox their applications while being a political dissonant they deserve to be digitally fucked up the ass.

The moral of the story is not to click PDF's. It's to learn how your computer and operating system works before you use it you fucking boomers.

WickedVocalist ago

Fuck this I'm going back to Naked and Afraid reruns.. At least some of the kids know how to use negative publicity well.

IHateNiggersAndKikes ago

Haven't used an anti-virus in years because I don't need retard proofing.

bezzy ago

We aren’t political dissidents retard this is a Japanese pottery forum

HiJoker ago

He's probably talking about here on voat, not your pot forum.

Synxsynxsynx ago

God damn right. If these fucking pussys don't know how to sandbox their applications it serves them fucking right.

The moral of the story is not to click PDF's. It's to learn how your computer and operating system works before you use it you fucking boomers.

WickedVocalist ago

Only we're actually the more mature half of millenials, and your parents paid us a lot of money to snitch on you.

Synxsynxsynx ago

Yeah you're totally right. We need you to fucking retire, allow us to advance our career. We need you to sell your fucking house below your hyper inflated made up equity so we can own property.

We need you to get off your high horse of thinking you did anything good in the world and to stop taking the credit of The Greatest Generation.

Your generation is the largest group of complacent sheep that have ever existed. Your bobbleheaded acceptance of war after war, fear mongered policy after social destructive policy has destroyed every single one of our countries.

All because of what? That you wouldn't be called racist? Nazi? Wouldn't make waves?

Your generation sat the fuck down during the McCarthy era while the last vestiges of the Greatest Generation called bullshit. You sat down as your rights were systematically removed, fat and happy as inflation exploded under you and every entry level position and manufacturing company sent it's work over seas.

You couldn't even get us out of Vietnam. You protested more when some nigger was beat in California than when the only good President our country has had in 70 years was assassinates by the CIA.

The worst part.. the absolute worst part about this all is that you think we should be grateful.

Ok Boomer. Fucking O.K.

MaunaLoona ago

For the most computer illiterate, Windows 10 now comes with a sandbox. No excuse to not sandbox your applications.

dragon_-_son ago

Would be cool if voat had a feature that displayed a little PDF icon next to PDF links so users would be less inclined to be tricked.

I'm not sure the overhead with code and time to code and server processing time wouldn't be worth it though.

awildbanannaphone ago

it kindof does.. check the bottom left of your screen when you hover over a link...

dragon_-_son ago

Late reply. That works for desktop, but I mostly use mobile.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Also catbox links without an image tag URL are not openable images. Some times catbox turns an image into a compressed zip.. how why I dont know.

MaFishTacosDaBombBro ago

Ah, so wherever that logo/icon is, it should go next to post text instead of @ the bottom.

jetrock11 ago

How do I fix e0001 error on Qmap,pub?

awildbanannaphone ago

Never encountered that so I wouldnt know and that doesnt sound like a standard server error.

MicroFaggot ago

Shit, i could code that in a day.

hang_em_high ago

That's because you aren't a CIA/gov employee

lord_nougat ago