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Posted automatically (#78761) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@user9713: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Deceneu)
Posted automatically (#78759) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@user9713: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Deceneu)
First law the Jewish commissars made in the aftermath of the murder of the zar, royal family and revolution was to make Jews a protected class.. this shit is playing out all over again. Please my brothers, for the sake of our children and their children, can we please act on what our most basic instincts are telling us... THIS IS NOT GOOD
JARED WROTE THIS, DIpSHIT, TRUMP JUST PUT HIS SIGNATURE ON IT((( Jares is not our friend)))... my opinion here, but now joos will be able subvert the 1st amendment, even more so now, by putting the financial squeeze on any institution that has a BDS faction or some similar group. This is a power grab, essentially cutting off any chance of Americas young minds being able to hear or experience any type of info (on campus, for now) that may be critical of Israel or joos.. what is really telling here, is that you believe that what happens on Twitter is proof of something being bad or good.. wow.. just wow...
While my short writing style here on voat may not win any writing contests.. there is nothing incoherent in what I wrote.. if you are having a hard time understanding, maybe it's because your a caved in head grug brain...
It will also make it pretty fucking obvious that they are FOREIGNERS in our nation. This will finally be progress in uncoupling the Europeans and the hideous parasite, the jew. Why would they need to live in OUR HOMELAND when they have their own, all slick with the blood of their genetic semitic brothers they stole it from?
I don't like Rump because he is a jew...but I kind of think he might have 'just blew the jew' here...LMAO
One implication at least is they are subject to racial quotas in college admission and gov jobs, like the rest of us. Not sure that's what they want though. You always get more than you ask:)
Dude. At first I was like "fuck Zion Don", then I was like, "Oh... wait... death camps when?" Now Jews can no longer be like "my fellow whites". He is outing them, whether he meant to or not and they're all kvetching, on Twitter.
Yeah the bit about it becoming illegal to be anti-Israel is an odd take. How would that be the case? Plenty of others campaign against other nations, and furthermore they’ve been pushing anti-Israel discrimination laws for a while.
This has zero negative ramifications. It's completely illegal, and will be shot down, and it names the Jew. I wonder if this was his revenge for the inbleaches.
If you were going to vote for him before this, even though there is no border wall, Clinton is walking free, and he's known as the "King of Israel", you're a retarded cuck.
Looks to my like there's a wall getting built, although it is slow and Mexico is not paying for it.
When Trump cannot even prevent Flynn from getting into trouble for being one of the few people who genuinely followed him, he sure as hell cannot go after Hillary. Things have constantly been heating up, though, and Trump has started topardon warriors that were getting shit on for what they are: hear the sweet sound of leftist screeching at . Why is he extending himself so? In what scenario do you need the elite in the military on your side?
WASHINGTON (JTA) — President Donald Trump will sign an executive order recognizing Jewish university students as a class protected from discrimination.
The order, to be signed Wednesday, according to The New York Times, leapfrogs bipartisan legislation in Congress that would do the same thing. The signing of the order will coincide with the White House Hanukkah parties.
According to The Times, the order will effectively interpret Judaism as a nationality, not just a religion, to trigger a federal law penalizing colleges and universities deemed to be shirking their responsibility to foster an open climate for minority students, according to the officials, who insisted on anonymity to discuss the matter before the announcement.
The Times reported that Republican, but not Democratic, sponsors of the order’s mirror legislation in Congress would be present at the signing.
Classifying Jews as a protected class under existing civil rights protections protecting other minorities has been vexed for years by church-state separation concerns. The legislation and Trump’s executive order would effectively recognize Jews as an ethnic minority and not exclusively a religious minority.
More recently, the concern among civil libertarians is that adding Jews as a class could inhibit Israel criticism on campuses, were the designation protecting Jewish students to include definitions that class some forms of Israel criticism as anti-Semitism.
The post Trump to sign order recognizing Jews as a protected class appeared first on Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
Damn near everyone calling for his impeachment is a jew, whether in government or in media. Not sure what the game here is, but it's impossible to make a case that jews are being discriminated against, anywhere, due to their race or religion. Their subversive actions, on the other hand, should have accountability applied to them.
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/funny comment by @Deceneu.
Posted automatically (#78780) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@user9713: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Deceneu)
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Deceneu.
Posted automatically (#78761) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@user9713: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Deceneu)
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Deceneu.
Posted automatically (#78759) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@user9713: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Deceneu)
jthepk ago
"this is not good for jews..."
"anything but the briar patch!"
mememeyou ago
This was "led by Jared Kushner"
speedisavirus ago
Kill yourself
Thereunto ago
Link to official document?
ErrorHasNoRights ago
Frankly, I can't take all this winning.
Never_Surrender_23 ago
First law the Jewish commissars made in the aftermath of the murder of the zar, royal family and revolution was to make Jews a protected class.. this shit is playing out all over again. Please my brothers, for the sake of our children and their children, can we please act on what our most basic instincts are telling us... THIS IS NOT GOOD
SpaceAgePimp ago
Jews are crying hard about this, that makes it very good dipshit
Never_Surrender_23 ago
JARED WROTE THIS, DIpSHIT, TRUMP JUST PUT HIS SIGNATURE ON IT((( Jares is not our friend)))... my opinion here, but now joos will be able subvert the 1st amendment, even more so now, by putting the financial squeeze on any institution that has a BDS faction or some similar group. This is a power grab, essentially cutting off any chance of Americas young minds being able to hear or experience any type of info (on campus, for now) that may be critical of Israel or joos.. what is really telling here, is that you believe that what happens on Twitter is proof of something being bad or good.. wow.. just wow...
SpaceAgePimp ago
Come back to us when you can actually put together a coherent sentence you illiterate fuck
Never_Surrender_23 ago
While my short writing style here on voat may not win any writing contests.. there is nothing incoherent in what I wrote.. if you are having a hard time understanding, maybe it's because your a caved in head grug brain...
Never_Surrender_23 ago
You have the word pimp in your name.. fuck off.. you sir are a degenerate..
Never_Surrender_23 ago
963189_137 ago
It will also make it pretty fucking obvious that they are FOREIGNERS in our nation. This will finally be progress in uncoupling the Europeans and the hideous parasite, the jew. Why would they need to live in OUR HOMELAND when they have their own, all slick with the blood of their genetic semitic brothers they stole it from?
I don't like Rump because he is a jew...but I kind of think he might have 'just blew the jew' here...LMAO
LettItBurn ago
This is a two edged sword. The implications are extremely subjective.
Classifying that group legally will have ramifications that we can't yet fathom.
LaRiver ago
One implication at least is they are subject to racial quotas in college admission and gov jobs, like the rest of us. Not sure that's what they want though. You always get more than you ask:)
DeadBeatNigger ago
Dude. At first I was like "fuck Zion Don", then I was like, "Oh... wait... death camps when?" Now Jews can no longer be like "my fellow whites". He is outing them, whether he meant to or not and they're all kvetching, on Twitter.
Anonfag ago
Yeah the bit about it becoming illegal to be anti-Israel is an odd take. How would that be the case? Plenty of others campaign against other nations, and furthermore they’ve been pushing anti-Israel discrimination laws for a while.
spaceman84 ago
Hence why many kikes are REEEEEEing at this
Phantom42 ago
Are they now?
Tandemlee ago
All trump’s grandkids are jews
SpaceAgePimp ago
Eric's wife isn't jewish retard
underground_lurker ago
He’s definitely hedging his bets and playing both sides. Business 101.
Dave_ph ago
Fuck it
Not voting for him in 2020 mow
LaRiver ago
He is brilliant, a reincarnation of Napoleon. I will vote for him this time.
DeadBeatNigger ago
This has zero negative ramifications. It's completely illegal, and will be shot down, and it names the Jew. I wonder if this was his revenge for the inbleaches.
Dave_ph ago
In an executive order
DeadBeatNigger ago
So? Doesn't override the first amendment... period.
Dark_Shroud ago
Of course you're not going to vote for him now, as if you ever were.
Dave_ph ago
If you think everyone who disagrees with you is lying you should toddle on off to one of "TheDonald" sites with the other paranoids
SpaceAgePimp ago
No we just think you're a dumb cunt
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
You should see his pandering to the jews from the other night.. 100% zog
Niggardly_Jew ago
If you were going to vote for him before this, even though there is no border wall, Clinton is walking free, and he's known as the "King of Israel", you're a retarded cuck.
lowlife-thew ago
Looks to my like there's a wall getting built, although it is slow and Mexico is not paying for it.
When Trump cannot even prevent Flynn from getting into trouble for being one of the few people who genuinely followed him, he sure as hell cannot go after Hillary. Things have constantly been heating up, though, and Trump has started topardon warriors that were getting shit on for what they are: hear the sweet sound of leftist screeching at . Why is he extending himself so? In what scenario do you need the elite in the military on your side?
mememeyou ago
So many shills on Voat pushing us to cuck....Trump was dead to me when he said the border wall was 'just a metaphor'
sidereal ago
what are you talking about? there is some pretty clear proof that the wall is being built
Niggardly_Jew ago
4 years. No wall, no vote.
TradMan ago
Such edge.
Niggardly_Jew ago
TradMan ago
dodgesbullets ago
If this is a bad thing then why are all the (((blue checkmarks))) on Twitter sperging out?
TradMan ago
Finally someone with sense.
BlackSheepBrouhaha ago
Flak over the target, amirite.
Memediana_Jones ago
They always cry out in pain as they strike you. Its all misdirection.
tokui ago
This is genius.
LaRiver ago
Dave_ph ago
Those who cannot be criticized
Yixdee ago
So now most of congress will be tri-citizens? Israeli, US, and Jew?
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
Don't worry guy, this is just another step in the super 4 dimensional chess move
Lets give jews everything they want on top of federal protection, that'll really show them!
GnosticPizza ago
WASHINGTON (JTA) — President Donald Trump will sign an executive order recognizing Jewish university students as a class protected from discrimination.
The order, to be signed Wednesday, according to The New York Times, leapfrogs bipartisan legislation in Congress that would do the same thing. The signing of the order will coincide with the White House Hanukkah parties.
According to The Times, the order will effectively interpret Judaism as a nationality, not just a religion, to trigger a federal law penalizing colleges and universities deemed to be shirking their responsibility to foster an open climate for minority students, according to the officials, who insisted on anonymity to discuss the matter before the announcement.
The Times reported that Republican, but not Democratic, sponsors of the order’s mirror legislation in Congress would be present at the signing.
Classifying Jews as a protected class under existing civil rights protections protecting other minorities has been vexed for years by church-state separation concerns. The legislation and Trump’s executive order would effectively recognize Jews as an ethnic minority and not exclusively a religious minority.
More recently, the concern among civil libertarians is that adding Jews as a class could inhibit Israel criticism on campuses, were the designation protecting Jewish students to include definitions that class some forms of Israel criticism as anti-Semitism.
The post Trump to sign order recognizing Jews as a protected class appeared first on Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
TradMan ago
This is classic Jewing Jews. The Qoomers are more based that you fags.
SpaceAgePimp ago
Pretty much.
TradMan ago
Sad really.
I think Q was a /pol/ op for normies and boomers.
Ag47 ago
Here is how discriminated against they are.
Dave_ph ago
Not just on campus
They're now a Superior Group everywhere. This applies to all Jews
Fuck Trump
Ag47 ago
Damn near everyone calling for his impeachment is a jew, whether in government or in media. Not sure what the game here is, but it's impossible to make a case that jews are being discriminated against, anywhere, due to their race or religion. Their subversive actions, on the other hand, should have accountability applied to them.
Dave_ph ago
He just gave the left all they need to implement AOCS battle against "White Supremacists.
He's done a lot for blacks and Jews but nothing for whites.
Whites are. being dehumanized and he's helping now. He doesn't even mention his own supporters being attacked outside of his rallies
He is The ZEOTUS.
And I've never said Zog before.
But he just proved it